Ladies and gentlemen. I am pleased to announce that YG has given birth.
Soul strengths: It's not an exposed mechanic and is derived from other attributes, i.e. cannot be specified.
Blessing of the Luminants: Assuming you did as requested and received it, you may not want to reveal it too openly as the others said. There's nothing keeping you from doing so, but it's a bad idea diplomatically given the general attitude toward Void stuff.
Malacath, Malakath: And now you see where an initial misspelling came from!
Changing spheres: If it's minor and you haven't really done much to exhibit it, it's fine.
Page 100, first post: I see a question from KI'Tork about suns.
Paying for essentially OOC stuff: It's allowed but probably not the best thing to do (diplomatically (I need a new adverb)) based on several interactions I've observed.
TGOE: Toe Goo On Eggs, most likely
Corporeal planes in incorporeal dimensions: GameplayAndStorySegregation along with a helping of slow mechanics drift (Remember when no proposal could pass because of simple math and general inactivity? It's like that but gradual)
Sealing cutting off income: It does, but proposal results tend to be resolved last.
Can't talk while sealed: It can be changed by proposal, lawmode, lawmode next-tick, or otherwise.
Increasing max. Essence; I'm considering changing it to reward activity. As it is right now, it's rolled only for overflows and this tends to reward inactivity.
Tossing into the sun: It's not a standard punishment (at least not yet)
Quartz_Mace: Intention noted. Would you like a link from tickly updates?
There's a recurring problem/source of confusion in which effectiveness of spheres differs from perceived effectiveness. For those who like TVTropes, GameplayAndStorySegregation is at play here to prevent such unilateral actions resulting in immediate disaster as, say, Neron and Cim freezing up the Bubble, Fortuna and Atropos stealing all the luck, or Malakath and Fusil detonating every single soul including the may-exist-or-may-not gods' souls.
(None of these pairings are intended as a shipping guide. Please try not to send a crack fic again.)$$$Response
Ixen x1M: 16E
Flower: I think it was somewhere between 1E and 3E
Personal corporeal dimension: 3-4E
Private corporeal pocket dimension with a library on mortals: 2-3E
+Interdictions: +3E+, higher investment provides higher protection
Asteroid belt described: 5E