Ari is initially a bit dazed, but soon shakes out of it when he hears another thud of a bolt. At once, he begins fleeing for the ladder, pushing past Osirio and soon breaking to the surface.
Ava withdrew her hammer from the cubbyhole. She hadn't swung it so much as thrust it like a spear, crushing the kobold against the wall. Now for the sword... She slung her small shield over her back and pulled out the mighty tower shield, using it for total cover as she moved to the swors and picked it up, still holding her breath.
Osirio waits for you to make your way up the ladder, still holding his breath. You take out your tower shield, and march forward under its protection. Soon, you're at the lizardman's corpse, and you pick up the sword. It seems like it was once fairly ornate, with what might have once been a jewel in the hilt and the remnants of an etching on the blade, but it's since fallen prey to rust and damage. However, it still holds a shard edge.
The top right 'bold has finally made up his mind, it would seem; abandoning his ally, he runs deeper into the caverns. The top left, being amazingly brave and loyal for a kobold, continues raining bolts on the party, landing a solid hit on Osirio, despite his defenses [6 DAMAGE].
Ithy sheaths her rapier, draws her sap and sprints for the Kobold (40ft movespeed go!).
You chase the kobold down successfully, and with a movement faster than the eye can follow, you bring the sap down on his head. Hard. He instantly falls unconscious, and frankly, from the sound of that crack, you suspect you might have done a bit of lethal damage as well.
Culpa is caught off guard when his companion rushes off into the crowd "We should wait here for the captain!!" after a second or two he also rushes after the kobold having a bad feeling about this. He knew he likely couldn't keep up, but that wouldn't stop him from trying.
Though you aren't so fast as to keep up with Ithy, you do manage to stay in the general area, and see her beat the 'bold senseless.
The crowd is still a but unnerved, but with the 'bold dealt with, many begin moving on about their day.
Osirio: 15
Ava: 14
Kobolds: 14
>Ari: 4