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Author Topic: City of Aretrian - IC Thread  (Read 58807 times)


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Re: City of Aretrian - IC Thread
« Reply #360 on: December 29, 2014, 04:08:38 pm »

The Ways of Maat and Maug-Understanding our Tallbrothers, An Excerpt~

...When one considers the race of giants, some images spring to my mind-towering, bestial warriors marching down upon tiny, insignificant warriors with the roar of an avalanche. Small swords and spears seem like toothpicks to the hammers of the giants, as large as horsecarts.

And yet somehow, in our stories, the small warriors always win.

What do the Giant's stories say?

In truth, most of them resemble our own-Giantkind is in many ways similar to humankind. There own stories indicate trials and victories over large, imposing enemies such as Dragons, or the sacking of cities, and the Glory for and pining of the old times in which they ruled the base of giantkin culture lies a feeling of superiority-called "the Ordning"-which is a word for the laws they once enforced, and stands for a era of their enlightened rule-a true relic of the ancient times when Giants of all types were much more prevalent and powerful, often ruling large groups of primitive elves, men, and dwarves as Kings-some wisely, some not so, much as men ruled afterwards. Over the centuries, however, the "Stommven" (Man-Tribes) became more advanced through technology, and more numerous. The Giants found themselves overthrown by sheer attrition, their Ancient Gods banished to the Endtimes, and were scattered to the points of the compass. Nearly all ancient Giant cities-amazingly advanced and prosperous in those times-are only desolate ruins today, showing a glimpse into the majesty and reach they once held control over-in many cases, their people created their own cities around them, and remnants of Giant architecture can still be seen in some of our own modern day cities, such as Aretrian, Ferryborn, Dialelund, Sweetsling Rift, and Lychyard. In these times, the Giants themselves are usually a dwindling, bestial people-the Ordning is often used to justify the crimes and atrocities they commit upon other folks, when once it united Empires and kept them safe and prosperous...

...In short, most Giantkind feel the world should still belong to them-even as the kingdoms of men have pushed them further and further into extinction. Not only through war, but a dwindling. Giants breed slowly-and those who breed with humans produce weak half-breeds, often unable to achieve a tenth of the strength of their magnificent forebears, and few of those ever reach maturity, often falling to congenital disease, such as insanity, or heart attacks*. Those who do survive, produce even thinner and weaker blood in the ensuing generations. The blood of true Giants is believed to be long extinct-one need only look to some Giantkinds defacement of their own ancient murals of Heroes and Kings, a symbolic denial of the evidence that once they were of much greater stature than the Giants we know today...

...Most Giantkind still follow the ways of "Slaag uft Liv", or the "Life of Battle"...believing purity of spirit earned through endless conflict, and upholding the ancient law of Ordning may yet be their final redemption...


*Surprisingly, Heart disease is a usual fatality among the Giantkind of today, likely related to their weakened blood and larger, stronger bodies-it often strikes newborns, but nearly every Giant and the various half-Giants species are vulnerable to it, especially as they grow older. Their own term for this is "Syd Sorga", which merely translates to "Sudden Sorrow"-an uncommonly morose term for an usually unsympathetic and taciturn race. The irony that their hearts cannot support their bodies is one of brutal derision among their foes, and unending misery to them.

((Go filler RP!))
« Last Edit: December 29, 2014, 04:20:57 pm by Dwarmin »
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Re: City of Aretrian - IC Thread
« Reply #361 on: December 29, 2014, 05:06:09 pm »

Until the night approached, Ava merely waited, patiently reclining with eyes shut. It was a relic from her bandit days - she was out raiding, eating, or sleeping, and the notion of leisure time was alien to her. Indeed, she'd never done anything that wasn't related to survival. She could see Osirio often read, but she'd never read a book herself. Well, that wasn't quite true. She'd looked at a book before - some tale about a woman being unable to choose between two potential lovers. Ava had wondered why the paramours hadn't simply fought each other for it. The whole thing would have been improved with combat, but there was hardly any violence at all. After she had read it, she had felt a certain strange satisfaction watching it burn as kindling, and decided books were not for her.
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Re: City of Aretrian - IC Thread
« Reply #362 on: December 29, 2014, 05:23:08 pm »

Osirio had read something in his giant-book that disquieted him. He hoped it was merely a literary flourish, added for the sake of drama. It's likely the book would make even minor things seem like terrible tragedies, he thought.

He glanced over at Ava, resting in the chair across from him, and smiled. Well, in a certain light, she could look quite...quite...

...not much to do but wait, now. He knew she wasn't asleep. No snoring-it would likely rattle the windows and scare all the patrons away.

Osirio spoke hesitantly.

"...Ava, can I ask you something? Have you ever heard of the Giantkine Phrase "Syd Sorga"? Of course, he mangled the pronunciation, making it sound more like "Slide Sorghum".

He wasn't sure exactly why this thing he had read bothered him so much.
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Re: City of Aretrian - IC Thread
« Reply #363 on: December 29, 2014, 06:53:29 pm »

One of Ava's eyes flicked open.
"Zlide...? Ah, Syd Sorga."
The other eye opened, and she looked at him.
"Yes, I have heard of it. A pitiful death, to be murdered by your own heart. It is not zomething I vorry about. I do not doubt I vill die a good death in battle."
Ava's voice seemd almost optimistic at the prospect. She considered a second whether to speak more.
"It is the veakness and the strength of Giantkind. None vant to die in zheir bed. It keeps us on the path of battle, so ve may find a glorious death, or at least not vaste zhe time ve do have with idle deeds. The ztrong devour the veak, and syd sorga enzures ve do not ztray. No vun remembers zlaves, but dragonzlayers are zung of for generations.

And vhen ve are in battle..."

Her tone changed, becoming something with almost relish.
"And you can hear your heart roar as it beats. Your blood zings to you. Az a great fire soons burns to ash, zo do ve. Ve do not mourn zhat ve die, Ozirio. Ve mourn zhat ve cannot fight any more. Half-bloods cannot ztand the fire, and zhey melt avay. And ze true giants are tainted zhings, now. Not liek zhey vere before. But I have the favour of Kostchtchie. I vield zhe hammer vith the ztrength I ziezed from him vhen I killed my varther. I vill not melt avay zo easily."
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Re: City of Aretrian - IC Thread
« Reply #364 on: December 29, 2014, 07:13:03 pm »

Osirio cocked an eyebrow. Ava killed her father?

He supposes the two of them have that in common, at least...Osirio hadn't been lying when he said he never saw his father again after his fifteenth birthday.
"This one has never heard you speak this way before. It intrigues him." He says, honestly. "It seems speaking the common tongue for the time subdues your temper, somewhat." He notes.
« Last Edit: December 29, 2014, 07:24:22 pm by Dwarmin »
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Re: City of Aretrian - IC Thread
« Reply #365 on: December 29, 2014, 08:29:07 pm »

Ava leaned back, closing her eyes again. "Common is a poor zubzitute for Giante. It is easier to remain zilent vhen not speaking zhe varther-tongue."
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Re: City of Aretrian - IC Thread
« Reply #366 on: December 30, 2014, 09:25:05 am »

"I will endeavor to learn more of your Giant-words then, Ava. I enjoy speaking with you..." He says.
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Re: City of Aretrian - IC Thread
« Reply #367 on: December 30, 2014, 10:10:45 pm »

Ava nodded, her eyes still shut.
"It is good to speak zhe varther-tongue. If nothing else, ve can speak vithout being understood by enemies. It may be uzeful in zhis den of volves. Zhe gnome can help you, zhough he giant is poor. I could try to teach you, but I am no teacher."
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Re: City of Aretrian - IC Thread
« Reply #368 on: December 30, 2014, 10:13:18 pm »

Culpa chose this moment to interject "And there is no cure for this um... Disease? Divine or otherwise?"
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Re: City of Aretrian - IC Thread
« Reply #369 on: December 30, 2014, 10:35:48 pm »

"Zhere could be. But our god has not merzy for veakness, and few ozer gods are villing to deal vith giantkind. Zhey fear us, not heal us." Her tone suggested she hadn't thought about it - it was true it had never concerned her. What use was a death not in battle? Better to die choking a dire wolf with your corpse than to fade away an old, withered thing.
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Re: City of Aretrian - IC Thread
« Reply #370 on: December 30, 2014, 10:57:58 pm »

"Wouldn't you be able to enjoy battle into a much more advanced age if this disease were cured?" Culpa inquired. The sentiment that one should die young and in battle was a strange one for him. Though his god was one of battle there was little use in a warrior who threw his life away. Long lived warriors were succesful warriors.
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Is the admiral of the SS Lapidot.


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Re: City of Aretrian - IC Thread
« Reply #371 on: December 30, 2014, 11:22:09 pm »

"If zhere is a long life, zhe veak will try to avoid battle or great challenges. Too much to loze. Zhis means you are never zure. Best to vight as much as you can and bring glory upon yourzelf, lest you die as a coward tomorrow."
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Re: City of Aretrian - IC Thread
« Reply #372 on: December 30, 2014, 11:27:01 pm »

"Maybe... Being Half-giant you would suffer less from it I think... Uh, you said your father was a giant yes? How old was he? Out of curiousity."
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Re: City of Aretrian - IC Thread
« Reply #373 on: December 31, 2014, 12:17:08 am »

Ava shrugged. "I don't know."
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Re: City of Aretrian - IC Thread
« Reply #374 on: December 31, 2014, 12:19:48 am »

Culpa stroked his chin for a moment in thought. The light shadow of a beard that stood there felt strange to his fingers. "Hm... Strange. I wonder if he was a victim of this disease when you fought him."
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Is the admiral of the SS Lapidot.
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