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Author Topic: Tick 111: SGame Over (not the epilogue)  (Read 644028 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Ye Gods [19+/999 players] IC: T109: GleeJoy!
« Reply #6975 on: February 11, 2015, 05:45:45 pm »

"Perhaps we should do some research on the concept of godly councils before we destroy ours? For all we know destroying the Council means destroying the gods."

Lord Malakath checks the Divine Library for books about god councils, specifically related to what happens if they're destroyed.

I'd have thought you'd be against this outright, Malakath.
Look, we need to raise a psychopath who will murder God, we have no time to be spending on cooking.

the way your fingertips plant meaningless soliloquies makes me think you are the true evil among us.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Ye Gods [19+/999 players] IC: T109: GleeJoy!
« Reply #6976 on: February 11, 2015, 05:46:57 pm »

"Perhaps we should do some research on the concept of godly councils before we destroy ours? For all we know destroying the Council means destroying the gods."

Lord Malakath checks the Divine Library for books about god councils, specifically related to what happens if they're destroyed.

I'd have thought you'd be against this outright, Malakath.
"I am."
I wish that we choose once for all it's fate by proposing that we put an end to this council's existence.
All fanfics are heresy, each and every one, especially the shipping ones. Those are by far the worst.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Ye Gods [19+/999 players] IC: T109: GleeJoy!
« Reply #6977 on: February 11, 2015, 06:05:23 pm »

M̡o͡ut̨h, ͘but ̵n̵ót th̛e ͠ęars.̡ ̷I ̸h̨ate͜ sending̸ m͟e͜ss͝e͏n͞gęrs w͞ith wha̶t ͜a͠m͞m͘ounts͏ to̧ ͏ins̡u͏ļt͠s̶.̛ Call͡ ̶A͏z͜em ͘b̶ác̛k͞, I͢ am tir͜e͞d͘ o̷f his̡ ̢çomp̨la̸i̸nt̨s͏, ̵a̸nd̕ ͟wo͡ul͠d ̸li͝k̵e͡ ͢t҉o ̶v̀oic͢e ͢a ̀few o̡f ̕m̀y ̸o̷wn͏.̕

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Counci͘l has҉ ͢po͢w͞er҉,̛ b҉ut̶ ̕n͡ot spe̴ed.͏ God͜s ͡hav͟e̸ ͜s҉pe͏e̴d͞, ̴buţ the͝i̵r͞ ̕powe͜r̀ ͢i̶s̸ none̛ ͝c̢o͢m͝par̨e҉d t̛o̷ t͘h҉e c͠o̸un͏c̛i͜l͝. That͟'s̵ ҉h͘ow i̢t h̀as̴ aļwa̧y̷s been̢,͡ ̀a̛nd͢ i̢t͢ ̴h̵as͡ b̕e͠en̛ so for ̢a ̀re̢a͏so̵n. ̷C̀oùnc̴il͘ ͟is͞ the͠r̷e̕ t̶o ͞b̶é used t́o̡ ̷c̷r̢e̛át͜e ͢sub̧st҉anc҉e ̀t͠o ̵be s̷ḩa̧p̕ȩd͜ by̶ ̨g̢od͢s̀,҉ f͏or̕ p̕r̵o͠ject͜s̕ of̸ greate̶s͢t͟ ́s҉c̵ope̕,̨ ̧for̨ ̸l̵a̸w̶s th̶at͞ ar͢e ͡a̕b҉ov̴e ̨a̶ll ̡and͝ ̸f͞or̡ ̵pu͞n҉ishemn͝t͟ o͟f t͟ḩo̡s͝e̕ ͡thaţ brea̸k͘ ͞t̢h͝em̀.͜ To ҉u̧se i͞t f͝or̡ ͝an͟y̸thing̀ ̸el̵s̸e̶ ̷i̸s á ̵w҉ąst̡e ̧of ti̧me,̶ ͠so͢meţhìn̡g ̸I ̢had͢ hop͟ed ̷ẃa̵s ͝ob̛ivìo͞us.͜ M̨a͏lk̨ath̢,̕ y̴o͞u̡r ̵abs̡ur͡d͜l͡y ͜t̷err̷ible̵ ̸decis͞i̶on͏s ͢hàve҉ bro̧ųght͜ ͘d͘eit͠ìes in̶ c̡o̕nf͢lict ͟o҉ve͜r͠ ͢r͡eas̡ơns ̀that t̵hey ẁo̵u̶ld̶ ̀had̴ con̴s͡idèr҉èd ͡be̛n͡e̛a͟th t̕ḩem̸ h͝ad y̷òu ̸n͢o͞t fo̸rce̕d the͘ ̷is̡su͢e.͢ ̀Fortųn͠a, ̧y͢o͞ur a̕ng͜er ̕i͠s ̛u͡n̛d̵e͢rstaǹda̕bl҉e̶, b̡ut ͡yo̶u͟r ͞act͟iơns ąŗe͜ ͜s͜illy̕.͘ Ghis̶gher,͞ I w͠oul̢d̸ ̶a̴p̶r̸e̕c̶i̕a͞t͡e i̢f y̷o͘u̡ ̡s͏top͢pèd͢ tryi͏ng ́t̴o m͝a̕ke th̨i̡s͜ me͢ss bi͞g̕ger̴ ̶a̢n̸d m̀o̧r͝e͜ ͟s͏tupid.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

F̛usil c͝an͡ b̕u͝rn u̡n҉t̡il ̢tr͠òuble̛ of̕ ̧m̀i͡ss͢ing̶ ́g͢ods͜ ͠i̢ş r̀e̶sol̀v̸ed.͞ Ìt may̛ ͜moti͟vat͏e ̷ḩi͟ś ̛sęrvants ͘to ͡sw̶a̷l̵o̡w͟ t͝h̢ei̧r pŕi̛d͢e̕ an͘d̡ ̀c̨om̛ùn͝ica͝te̡.͏

Spoiler (click to show/hide)
The point of keeping the golems on fire isn't for the value of fire as a weapon. It's more to keep the golems functioning at a reasonable speed.
It was never a promise. It was a dirty lie, and you all knew that. You should all know by now that you can't trust a word I say.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Ye Gods [19+/999 players] IC: T109: GleeJoy!
« Reply #6978 on: February 11, 2015, 06:08:44 pm »

I feel my auto-oppose action will stop Malakath using the Council for science experiments.

If you want some balls, I'm sure there are whorehouses that cater to that sort of need.
Look, we need to raise a psychopath who will murder God, we have no time to be spending on cooking.

the way your fingertips plant meaningless soliloquies makes me think you are the true evil among us.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Ye Gods [19+/999 players] IC: T109: GleeJoy!
« Reply #6979 on: February 11, 2015, 06:19:10 pm »

"As you wish."

Amathet vanishes and Azem returns.



  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Ye Gods [19+/999 players] IC: T109: GleeJoy!
« Reply #6980 on: February 11, 2015, 06:30:03 pm »

Ţh͡an̸k̶ ͡yo͠ư ͡Am̡at̛h͏et̡.̡ ̨Az͏ém, ͜y̶óu ҉s͢e̸èm to be̛ ̧a̵nn̵o̷y͡ęd͠ by͞ ͢apathy o̴f ҉gods̴,͏ ͞p̨e̢t̷tyn̛ȩs ̧o͜f̴ t҉he c̢oun͠çi̴l̡ ҉a͡ņd͏ ͡m͟ost ҉o͘f̸ al͝l,̵ ̵ņơb̨ódy̢ ͟t̨ellin̵g̢ Fu͏s͞il͏ to͏ sh͢u͝t̴ i͟t.͟ ҉So I̢ a̸s͝ḱ,͏ ͘w̵h́o ͡ar̀e̡ y̷òu to͠ ͏call̡ out ͢go͢d̛s͠ ͜on ́a͝pa̢thy͡ w̕h̴e͟n͢ ̡you ̀co͘ul͜dn̛'t̵ b̀e ̸b̨o͡th̛er͞ed̢ ̷tǫ e̶ve̢n try tó r͟ecov͠e̵r S̨a̵ph͡ira,͝ ͜w̕h͘o ͢a̢re͞ y̨o̕u̶ ͏to̡ ̕s̡pea̧k͟ o̷f ́p̴e͞t̴t͏ynès ẁh͟n ̕y̡o̧u ́o͠n̷ļy act͜ion in ̴l͜aśt̸ t̢ic͝k͠s wa͟s̷ ͝t̸o ͠r͜uin e͘c͝on̶om͞íe̡s͘ o͠f͡ t҉he̛ ͏wor͘l̸d ͠f͝or ҉no ͢re͠ason̴ ąt̸ all,͜ ͡and ̡why do͢ ̨you̶ r̀i̵dic͘ul͝e ̕w͏e̵áķeŕ ͡go̡ḑs ̵fo͡r̕ ͝ign̵o̷rin͏g͝ F̕u͜sil͢s̴ ̵th͡rea͏ts̀ ẁhe̢n͝ ́y̨o̡u̵ ̧do ex͜ac͘tl͠y ͘th̢e̸ sa̕me̴ ́wh͡il̨e ̷wi͝e͢l̛d̶in̶g ́p̧ów͝er͘ to ҉o̕p̕ose ̷hi̛m͡ ͡u̷nsu̧p̴or͠t̸èd̴? W͜h̕en҉ ̢yo͠u cļa͞im͞ som͝et͝h́ing to ̀be ͞w̵roņg͟,̨ ͢f̧ar ̵t̢oơ o͝f̨t̵e̶n ͢y̨o͢u̵ ar͠ȩ th͞e ̷w͢orst͝ ͞e̛xa̸m̢pl̕e҉ ͏of suc͘h. Y҉ou ͢clai͏m t̡o ̷be ti͜r̀e͜d. ͝Ưse th͜a̧t͡ ęss҉e͞ns̴ȩ ̢you ̴h͘a͟ve̢ ͏ac̀u͢m͞ul͜a̕te͝d ̀d̨oin͏g̶ fu͏ck͡ ̕a͠ļl ͜t̶o ̛c̵r͟e̢at̛e a guard͢ia͟n͠ ͞and ̨se͜a̸l ̕yo͟urs̀elf̸ un͜tìl͘ ͡su҉ch ͟ti͜meş ̨tha͢t̀ yoưr pe̡op͡le w̵oul̕d c̢a͏ll̕ ou͝t̨ t̕o y̛ou̷ ̵íf̧ ̶thìs͞ li͞fe ͜has b͏ècam͝e ̡to̡o ̢much for҉ y̢ou to b̕ea̛r̡.͝ ͘E̴ls̷e, get o̕f̢f̷ yo҉u̸r̨ ̕g̕o҉l͟de̢n ass͢ ͜a̸n̶d s͜tar͏t d̶oin͝g̨ s̢o͢m̢et̴h̛įng to҉ fi̶x ͢i̵ţ.̸

Spoiler (click to show/hide)
The point of keeping the golems on fire isn't for the value of fire as a weapon. It's more to keep the golems functioning at a reasonable speed.
It was never a promise. It was a dirty lie, and you all knew that. You should all know by now that you can't trust a word I say.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Ye Gods [19+/999 players] IC: T109: GleeJoy!
« Reply #6981 on: February 11, 2015, 06:32:20 pm »

(I guess I'll stay out of politics for a while.)

I add another plane to my dimension.
All fanfics are heresy, each and every one, especially the shipping ones. Those are by far the worst.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Ye Gods [19+/999 players] IC: T109: GleeJoy!
« Reply #6982 on: February 11, 2015, 06:34:12 pm »

Ţh͡an̸k̶ ͡yo͠ư ͡Am̡at̛h͏et̡.̡ ̨Az͏ém, ͜y̶óu ҉s͢e̸èm to be̛ ̧a̵nn̵o̷y͡ęd͠ by͞ ͢apathy o̴f ҉gods̴,͏ ͞p̨e̢t̷tyn̛ȩs ̧o͜f̴ t҉he c̢oun͠çi̴l̡ ҉a͡ņd͏ ͡m͟ost ҉o͘f̸ al͝l,̵ ̵ņơb̨ódy̢ ͟t̨ellin̵g̢ Fu͏s͞il͏ to͏ sh͢u͝t̴ i͟t.͟ ҉So I̢ a̸s͝ḱ,͏ ͘w̵h́o ͡ar̀e̡ y̷òu to͠ ͏call̡ out ͢go͢d̛s͠ ͜on ́a͝pa̢thy͡ w̕h̴e͟n͢ ̡you ̀co͘ul͜dn̛'t̵ b̀e ̸b̨o͡th̛er͞ed̢ ̷tǫ e̶ve̢n try tó r͟ecov͠e̵r S̨a̵ph͡ira,͝ ͜w̕h͘o ͢a̢re͞ y̨o̕u̶ ͏to̡ ̕s̡pea̧k͟ o̷f ́p̴e͞t̴t͏ynès ẁh͟n ̕y̡o̧u ́o͠n̷ļy act͜ion in ̴l͜aśt̸ t̢ic͝k͠s wa͟s̷ ͝t̸o ͠r͜uin e͘c͝on̶om͞íe̡s͘ o͠f͡ t҉he̛ ͏wor͘l̸d ͠f͝or ҉no ͢re͠ason̴ ąt̸ all,͜ ͡and ̡why do͢ ̨you̶ r̀i̵dic͘ul͝e ̕w͏e̵áķeŕ ͡go̡ḑs ̵fo͡r̕ ͝ign̵o̷rin͏g͝ F̕u͜sil͢s̴ ̵th͡rea͏ts̀ ẁhe̢n͝ ́y̨o̡u̵ ̧do ex͜ac͘tl͠y ͘th̢e̸ sa̕me̴ ́wh͡il̨e ̷wi͝e͢l̛d̶in̶g ́p̧ów͝er͘ to ҉o̕p̕ose ̷hi̛m͡ ͡u̷nsu̧p̴or͠t̸èd̴? W͜h̕en҉ ̢yo͠u cļa͞im͞ som͝et͝h́ing to ̀be ͞w̵roņg͟,̨ ͢f̧ar ̵t̢oơ o͝f̨t̵e̶n ͢y̨o͢u̵ ar͠ȩ th͞e ̷w͢orst͝ ͞e̛xa̸m̢pl̕e҉ ͏of suc͘h. Y҉ou ͢clai͏m t̡o ̷be ti͜r̀e͜d. ͝Ưse th͜a̧t͡ ęss҉e͞ns̴ȩ ̢you ̴h͘a͟ve̢ ͏ac̀u͢m͞ul͜a̕te͝d ̀d̨oin͏g̶ fu͏ck͡ ̕a͠ļl ͜t̶o ̛c̵r͟e̢at̛e a guard͢ia͟n͠ ͞and ̨se͜a̸l ̕yo͟urs̀elf̸ un͜tìl͘ ͡su҉ch ͟ti͜meş ̨tha͢t̀ yoưr pe̡op͡le w̵oul̕d c̢a͏ll̕ ou͝t̨ t̕o y̛ou̷ ̵íf̧ ̶thìs͞ li͞fe ͜has b͏ècam͝e ̡to̡o ̢much for҉ y̢ou to b̕ea̛r̡.͝ ͘E̴ls̷e, get o̕f̢f̷ yo҉u̸r̨ ̕g̕o҉l͟de̢n ass͢ ͜a̸n̶d s͜tar͏t d̶oin͝g̨ s̢o͢m̢et̴h̛įng to҉ fi̶x ͢i̵ţ.̸

Fight, fight, fight, fight.

Or not, since no-one probably cares enough to want it.

(I guess I'll stay out of politics for a while.)

((You've said that before, and the very next tick got involved again :P))
Look, we need to raise a psychopath who will murder God, we have no time to be spending on cooking.

the way your fingertips plant meaningless soliloquies makes me think you are the true evil among us.


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Re: Ye Gods [19+/999 players] IC: T109: GleeJoy!
« Reply #6983 on: February 11, 2015, 06:54:33 pm »

"Your words are all true. Do you know what I fear above all? What prevents me from simply running away, but causes me to stew in inaction? That one day, my children will lose their Goldfather."


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Re: Ye Gods [19+/999 players] IC: T109: GleeJoy!
« Reply #6984 on: February 11, 2015, 06:57:18 pm »

"Does every conversation have to be a fight?"
Welcome, newcomer, to this place of madness, also referred to as the forums of the Twelfth Bay. I hope you enjoy your stay.
Quartz Mace cancels living: demons embedded in everything.
Ass möde is a way of life
Retired/Extended Sigs


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Re: Ye Gods [19+/999 players] IC: T109: GleeJoy!
« Reply #6985 on: February 11, 2015, 06:59:05 pm »

« Last Edit: February 17, 2015, 03:56:15 am by Quartz_Mace »
Welcome, newcomer, to this place of madness, also referred to as the forums of the Twelfth Bay. I hope you enjoy your stay.
Quartz Mace cancels living: demons embedded in everything.
Ass möde is a way of life
Retired/Extended Sigs


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Re: Ye Gods [19+/999 players] IC: T109: GleeJoy!
« Reply #6986 on: February 11, 2015, 07:01:50 pm »

So there we see the truth. A call for help masked by distrust. Lack of dust does not mean that road is untraveled. I took precautions, mabye they will help you calm a bit.
The point of keeping the golems on fire isn't for the value of fire as a weapon. It's more to keep the golems functioning at a reasonable speed.
It was never a promise. It was a dirty lie, and you all knew that. You should all know by now that you can't trust a word I say.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Ye Gods [19+/999 players] IC: T109: GleeJoy!
« Reply #6987 on: February 11, 2015, 07:04:41 pm »

The goal of this proposal was not to literally end the council. I would be quite surprised if it were to happen. What I wished was to force everyone into action, and end this pathetic waste of time you call "conflict" (petty fight would be a more appropriate name) once for all so that we may concentrate on more important matters. I do believe that my action was justified.

Consider this proposition as a wake-up call for everybody, as our situation has become unacceptable. How can we hope to face bigger threats if we cannot even have a mature discussion?
FArgHalfnr for the #1 eldrich monstrocity.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Ye Gods [19+/999 players] IC: T109: GleeJoy!
« Reply #6988 on: February 11, 2015, 07:14:53 pm »

The goal of this proposal was not to literally end the council. I would be quite surprised if it were to happen. What I wished was to force everyone into action, and end this pathetic waste of time you call "conflict" (petty fight would be a more appropriate name) once for all so that we may concentrate on more important matters. I do believe that my action was justified.

Consider this proposition as a wake-up call for everybody, as our situation has become unacceptable. How can we hope to face bigger threats if we cannot even have a mature discussion?

You... I like you.

Ever since I've been manifest, the Council hasn't really done anything. I believe I first came to being during a time in which the Void was taking hold, and nothing was really done.

The next major crisis was a parasite infestation, caused by another god. The Council never really took action, but the individual gods helped in their own inimitable way.

Then the Merman crisis. It seems we let him take a grand chunk of land, argued over what to do and eventually did nothing. Things calmed down for a while, and then he conquered more land, though not through martial means. We argued further, and settled on doing... nothing!

Perhaps we can actually be useful to the Bubble at some point in the near future, if we can think of working together. I remain hopeful, but doubtful.

My auto-oppose remains until people stop using the Council for their own fallacious needs, or actually start using it to help the inhabitants of the Bubble that are not divine in nature.
Look, we need to raise a psychopath who will murder God, we have no time to be spending on cooking.

the way your fingertips plant meaningless soliloquies makes me think you are the true evil among us.


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Re: Ye Gods [19+/999 players] IC: T109: GleeJoy!
« Reply #6989 on: February 11, 2015, 07:18:02 pm »

Azem stares off into the lower-case v void.
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