02.01.a.1: Create 300 sapients to seed the world (2-4/13) <2-3 (2-3)> [IMMINENT FAILURE]
+2 from Serac, The Light,
0 from Cim, Kli, Johac
-4 from Varee, Grauel (#), Artisanii, Yaos
02.01.a.2.1: Support graded free will (i.e. progressively increased) (4-4/13) <1-2?> [OBSOLETE]
+4 from Cim, The Light, Khaziraad, Johac
0 from Kli
-4 from Varee, Grauel, Artisanii, Yaos
02.03: Create up to ~30 total immortal, godinalized servants (7-3/13) <13-14 (3-4)> [IMMINENT PASS]
+7 from Valkiss, Azem, Fusil, Cim, The Light, Khaziraad, Anath
0 from Kli, Artisanii, Johac
-3 from Serac, Grauel, Varee
Warning: Servants will be deployed only for supporting gods.
02.04.2: Support creation of a corporeal realm for every god or every pair of gods (2-6/13) <?> [IMMINENT FAILURE]
+2 from Anath, The Light
0 from Kli, Johac
-6 from Cim, Serac, Varee, Grauel (@), Artisanii, Yaos
02.04.3: Support further amendment to
Valkiss' proposal (5-1/13) <?> [IMMINENT PASS]
+5 from Fusil, Cim, The Light, Khaziraad, Grauel
0 from Kli, Artisanii, Yaos, Johac
-1 from Varee
02.04.4: Support
Serac's world model (aligned) (2-5/13) <8-10 (8-10)> [IMMINENT FAILURE]
+2 from Serac, Artisanii
0 from Cim, Kli, Johac
-5 from , Fusil, Varee, The Light, Grauel (@), Yaos Support adding life bringers to Serac's world model (1-5/13) <2-3 (2-3)> [IMMINENT FAILURE]
+1 from Serac
0 from Kli, Johac
-5 from Varee, Cim, The Light, Artisanii, Yaos Support adding wisps to Serac's world model (1-7/13) <1-2 (1-2)> [IMMINENT FAILURE]
+1 from Serac
0 from Kli, Johac
-7 from Fusil, Varee, Cim, The Light, Grauel (@), Artisanii, Yaos
02.04.5: Support focusing on getting a world now and details later (8-1/13) <?> [OBSOLETE]
+8 from Anath, Kli, Fusil, The Light, Khaziraad, Grauel, Artisanii, Yaos
0 from Cim, Johac
-1 from Varee
02.04.6: Support toroidal corporeal worlds (3-1/13) <0 (0)> [OBSOLETE]
+3 from Varee, The Light, Artisanii
0 from Cim, Kli, Johac
-1 Grauel
02.05: Support creating godinalized primary races (3-3/13) <2-3 (2-3)>
+3 from Kli, The Light, Serac
0 from Cim, Kli, Artisanii, Johac
-3 from Varee, Grauel, Yaos
Warning: Assumed up to 300 individuals total
02.06: Support making world ready for construction (aligned) (5-1/13) <0 (0)> [OBSOLETE]
+5 from Khaziraad, Cim, The Light, Artisanii, Yaos
0 from Kli, Grauel, Johac
-1 from Varee
02.07: Name world "Pat the Bob" (1-7/13) <0 (0)> [IMMINENT FAILURE]
+1 from Varee
0 from Kli
-7 from Cim, Anath, The Light, Grauel, Artisanii, Yaos, Johac
03.01: Only deities supporting a proposal enter the Essence pool (6-3/13) [IMMINENT PASS]
+6 from Varee, The Light, Khaziraad, Artisanii, Yaos, Johac
0 from Kli, Grauel
-3 from Fusil, Anoth, Cim
03.02: Leveled reincarnation and multiple afterlife (dimensions?/partitions?) (2-7/13) [IMMINENT FAILURE]
+2 from The Light, Anath
0 from Kli, Artisanii
-7 from Fusil, Cim, Serac(@), Grauel, Varee, Yaos, Johac
03.02.1:Focus on weapons (2-4/13)
+2 from The Light, Anath
0 from Kli, Grauel
-4 from Varee, Artisanii, Yaos, Johac
03.03 Serac's world plan: Planeworlds, magic and mundane (3-4/13) [OBSOLETE]
+3 from Serac, The Light, Artisanii
0 from Azem, Kli, Grauel, Johac
-4 from Fusil, Varee, Cim, Yaos
03.04: Regular sun, spherical planets ((8-9)-1/13) [OBSOLETE]
+8-7 from Grauel, Anoth, Fusil?, Azem, Khaziraad, Kli, The Light, Artisanii, Yaos
0 from Cim, Grauel, Johac
-1 from Varee
03.05: Focus on creatures and then planets (2-6/13) [OBSOLETE]
+2 from Fusil, The Light
0 from Kli, Johac
-6 from Varee, Cim, Serac, Grauel, Artisanii, Yaos
03.06.1: Make magical constellations that influence magic on the worlds (8-2/13) [IMMINENT PASS]
+8 from Anoth, Azem, Serac, Kli, The Light, Khaziraad, Artisanii, Yaos
0 from Johac
-2 from Cim, Varee
03.08: Offensive magic requires a weapon as a component (2-6/13)
+2 from Fusil, The Light
0 from Cim, Kli, Johac
-6 from Anath, Serac, Grauel (#), Varee, Artisanii, Yaos
03.09: Name the two partitions Keshan and Slytha (4-2/13)
+4 from Serac, The Light, Artisanii, Johac
0from Cim, Kli, Grauel
-2 from Varee, Yaos
03.10: Arrest propositions until 02.01.a.1 – 03.07 are resolved (3-6/13)
+3 from The Light, Azem, Grauel
-5 from Anath, Cim, Varee, Artisanii, Yaos, Johac
03.11: Delegate beast and landmark creation to gods in accordance with a currently un-created code of conduct (1-6/13)
+1 from The Light
0 from Johac
-6 from Anath, Azem, Cim (#), Varee, Artisanii, Yaos
~ from Grauel
03.11.1: Define deity actions not requiring council approval and create the code of conduct (3-2/13)
+3 from Cim, Artisanii, Kli
0 from Johac
-2 from Varee, Yaos
03.12: Raise the required support to pass an unopposed proposal to 60% (2-5/13)
+2 from Cim, Artisanii
-5 from Fusil, Anath, Varee, Yaos, Johac
03.12.1: Restrict 03.12 to deities without a nemesis (1-6/13)
+1 from Cim
-6 from Fusil, Anath, Varee, Artisanii, Yaos, Johac
04.01: Create grand ecumenical temples for every race (4-2/13) <High 3-4>
+4 from Cim, Kli, Artisanii, Johac
0 from Artisanii (@)
-2 from Varee, Yaos
04.03: Remove proposals stagnant for 3 ticks or double opposed to supported for 1 tick (6-2/13) <0>
+6 Serac, Artisanii, Khaziraad, Grauel, Yaos, Johac
0 from Kli
-2 from Cim, Varee
05.00: Teach the mortals how to gamble (1-2/13) <0> [OBSOLETE]
+1 from Varee
0 from Kli, Yaos, Johac
-2 from Cim, Artisanii
05.01: Make one planet have a (subjectively) harsh climate and the other a (subjectively) mild climate (2-5/13) <0>
+2 from The Light, Khaziraad
0 from Johac
-5 from Fusil, Varee, Cim, Artisanii, Yaos
06.00: Punish those who make deals with Void Ones by removing their creative privileges for three (3) ticks (3-2/13) <0>
+2 from Fusil, Cim, Johac
0 from Artisanii, Yaos
-2 from Varee, Khaziraad