See, they might, but at the same time, perhaps not. Burrows are great, but are kinda complex to set up and a lot of players I find ahve a lot of trouble with them. At the same time, Unless you designed your fort from scratch around the burrows, when your dwarves are moving from burrow to burrow (or to different nonconnected areas of the same burrow) they often run pathing through areas they really shouldn't be bothering pathing through.
Sorry if the blurb below doesn't make a great amount of sense, I'll do a screenshot later when I get on my computer and try to make it clearer.
Like say your fort is built around a set of + shaped corridors, with the corners filled in with workshops, stockpiles and such. I've seen very many forts like this. Say your dorf is starting at a stair at the north end of the cross. And hes heading to the southwest corner to get to his workshop after grabbing some stuff from a different floor, near the north stair. He gets to our floor on the north stair, and he starts trying to path down the corridor, and assuming you also have workshops in the northwest corner, he'll try to path through those.
Either way, he'll most likely move exactly the same distance to get to his destination, but he possibly spent 2-3x as much time trying to path there as if there were straight corridors without any other ways around. Adding a restricted to the doorways into the shops in the northwest will make the pathfinder ignore pathing into them quite well, and this saves time. The problem comes in when I also have HIS workshop "restricted" so other dwarves don't try to path through it. CAuse as the pathing gets up to the doorway and slams into the "restricted", the game gets upset, and has him try to path around and find a less "costly" way to get to the destination. This will cause the algorithm to sometimes go back and try repathing through all those workshops in the northwest. Eventually he will still end up going to his workshop and getting his job done. But there is the fact that he often spends MORE time pathing there than he would have if I had no restricted traffic areas.
Purpose for this change is so that when I put those "restricted" or "low traffic" squares on the doorways. It'll take some initial micromanagement, but after that, all it will be is telling this guy to be a mason on dwarf therapist. He'll ignore the northwest workshop areas that take a while to path through with all the doorways, and instead will charge down the corridor straight to his workshops door, which everyone else will see as restricted, but he'll see it as high traffic.
Sorry if its confusing, I'll do a screenshot later.