Try throwing this into your creature listing after blood is defined- It's what you need to determine whether your syndrome is actually happening. You can add symptoms another time.
[SYN_NAME:reptoid blood poisoning]
Also, take that [INDIV_CONTROLLABLE] from the creature- it probably won't screw with anything, but it will probably populate your errorlog with unneeded stuff- problematic when you inevitably get hooked on modding and need to troubleshoot specific problems- it's just another thing popping up on every reload that you have to look through and figure out if it's the thing that's messing with you.
If you want Castes and Ideas/what you can do with them, just check out my Fortress Complete mod sometime. I even keep separate things for my stuff as opposed to base DF stuff (all the _xdelioth stuff- items_xdelioth/entity_xdelioth/&c.) The Minotaurans and Smallkin would be where you'd want to look for those- they're in Creature_XDelioth somewhere. Should be easy enough to find.... They're freaking huge (I think I've got like 6 castes*male/female for each (With slightly different fur colors for many as well) for minotaurans, and I think.... maybe... 8 or 9 *male/female smallkins? Something like that.)
I'll edit in my RAWs for you if you want. Not on my PC right now to have them. Or you can just go download it on the mod releases forum