No vet appointment so far.... They haven't talked anymore about putting her down (that I've heard at least) but they are convinced she's just old and dying....
I guess their thinking with the feeding the cat less thing is that she'll just puke it all back up if they give her any quantity. My dad says her body is "shutting down," but damn it I think we sorta owe it to her to have a vet say so....
Right now I feed her several times a day in very small amounts and she doesn't throw up very often or sometimes at all (as of the past couple days). I guess she can handle a small amount of food every half or whole hour or so, maybe 10 or 12 pieces of dry cat food.... If I were to fill up her bowl, she'd hork it up all over the place.
Mom and dad seem more concerned with the mess .
I don't know what to do really, except to keep feeding her about a dozen pieces of food several time a day so she doesn't throw up. Today I probably fed her 20 times and all told, that's probably almost a full bowl of cat food. Knocking on wood, she hasn't thrown up yet.... Hum.
The cat seems to almost constantly beg for more food, but there is some truth in the idea that she'll just throw it up if I give her all she wants. It isn't doing her much good to have a lot of food if she just pukes it all back up is it? I dunno. Am I wrong in thinking that giving her those several small snacks is better for her?
The throwing up has made her kinda skinny.
Right this second, she's purring on my lap.... I don't really know how to help her.