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Author Topic: The Lillian Helsbrecht Story  (Read 28220 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Lillian Helsbrecht Story
« Reply #30 on: October 06, 2014, 02:24:25 pm »

"Respectfully, sir, fuck you. You aren't seeing this. Get. The. Fuck. Down. Here. For. The. Love. Of. God."
Hilariously, that sounds like something I'd say.
Vereor Nox.
There'll be another King, another sky, and a billion more stars...


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Re: The Lillian Helsbrecht Story
« Reply #31 on: October 06, 2014, 03:09:07 pm »

If only people in actual SS13 PDAed each other with slang.


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Re: The Lillian Helsbrecht Story
« Reply #32 on: October 06, 2014, 05:46:10 pm »

I'm calling it right now. The research director is a bad dude.


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Re: The Lillian Helsbrecht Story
« Reply #33 on: October 07, 2014, 08:55:54 am »

All I can hope for is the torture session that me (Lily Caukwell) and Hans got up to. One of my favourite Hans moments.

We actually managed to get several cultists, there. And one randomer who had bad luck. It was even better when Hans was spaced without a suit or oxygen and came back even more pissed off.

That was Zackary Fryer. :P
Really? Oh bollocks. I thought that was Lillian.

Still, torture sessions with Hans are fun in SS13.

I almost said it without the 'in SS13'. Unlike Hans' sadistic characters, I do not have a torture fetish.

I don't either, actually. It's just fun in-game because most people are squeamish as fuck about torture.


Lillian said, "Wanna trade sections for awhile, Jericho?" As Oppenheimer walked away.

Jericho shrugged. "Sure, I don't mind. Is Cargo behaving?"

Lillian nodded, "Yeah, met this big, strong motherfucker named Axel in Cargo. He can just pick up and carry three crates like it wasn't shit. Speaking of which..." She brought out her PDA and started tapping away at lightning speed. "I need to text him back. I'm gonna go chat up the doctors for awhile."

Jericho nodded and started off, saying, "Yeah, the eggheads in Research are all a little self-absorbed. I'll see ya, Lil."

Lillian nodded absent-mindedly and kept typing. 'Hey Axle, just got back on ptrl now, goin2med, wanna chat there?'

'BRT gotta mop stoerrom SYS'


Lillian wandered into Medbay, where the Doctors from before were pushing the cart laden with corpses into the autopsy area. One doctor sat at the Receptionist's desk, peering over the rim of his glasses at a book and steadily demolishing a box of donuts. Lillian sauntered over and leaned  down onto her elbows, holding her face up with her hands. "Whatcha dewin'?" She asked playfully.

The doctor smiled up at her quietly and said, "I'm reading Director Oppenheimer's treatise. It's on-"

"Deliberate Quantum Biological Interactions?" Lillian imitated Oppenheimer's deep intonations and steady manner.

The doctor nodded again with a rueful smile. "Pretty good at imitating him. I wouldn't let him hear you though, he might take offense. I'm Hector Petridis, by the way." He stood and held out one hand. Lillian slyly took it, kissed it, and curtsied.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Petridis. I am Lillian Helsbrecht." Hector's face flushed a bit when she kissed his knuckle, and he pulled it away, somewhat significantly rubbing his wedding ring. Lillian smiled and waved it off. "I'm just being playful. I like those quiet, intelligent types. I don't mean anything by it, I'm loyalty implanted."

Hector nodded. "Do they actually completely curtail your sex drive? I know the science is sound, but I find it hard to believe."

Lillian nodded briskly and gestured towards the autopsy room. "So is there somewhere I can watch that? I'm kind of curious how they died."

Hector nodded and pressed the lobby door button, letting Lillian into the Medbay proper. They went around a corner and entered an Observation room over the autopsy room. Hector pointed to a seat, then put his hand on Lillian's shoulder and said, "It was nice to meet you, Ms. Helsbrecht."

She nodded and smiled at him, then said, "Can you tell me if Axel shows up? He's a big guy with an orange fro in a cargo-tech uniform."

Hector nodded again and sealed the door behind him as he left.


Mini update. :P I'll get more going today, though. I'm off and I have time.
Well, we could put two and two together and write a book: "The Shit that Hans and Max Did: You Won't Believe This Shit."
He's fucking with us.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Lillian Helsbrecht Story
« Reply #34 on: October 07, 2014, 04:45:36 pm »

Spoiler: Brayein Graye (click to show/hide)
Why wouldn't I jump for an opportunity to join in on your amazing writing?
All shall be well, and all shall be well and all manner of thing shall be well


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Re: The Lillian Helsbrecht Story
« Reply #35 on: October 08, 2014, 01:32:02 am »

Now these are some introductions :D
the top of his afro brushing against one of the long fluorescent lights in the ceiling.
New headcanon get.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Lillian Helsbrecht Story
« Reply #36 on: October 08, 2014, 08:47:16 am »

Perspective shift!


Chief Medical Officer Dorian Fullwider leaned back in his chair, pleased that his Medical team was taking care of the Captain's orders so thoroughly. He kept one eye on the Vitals/Tracking display for all integrated jumpsuit sensors, idly. Runtime crept up and butted her head into his leg.

Dorian absent-mindedly reached down and started petting his cat. On the V/T display, something ticked lightly. He looked up at the sound, and saw that one of the Cargo Techs that were wandering maintenance had received from injurious trauma from a physical source. The readings were low though, and his vitals were fi-

They started spiking and jumping erratically. His heartbeat was steady, except for an oddly regular irregularity. Something else was pumping OUT of his heart in a different synchronization than his heartbeat. Dorian activated his headset, "Captain, Head of Security, we have a Cargo Technician showing odd symptoms in maintenance, north of the Vault. I'm going to go check it out, but I want some Security back up when I get there."

Without waiting for a reply, he snatched up his medical belt and ran out of the room. As it turned out, he was the nearest crewman to respond to the situation. He entered maintenance, running down the hall, the small penlight on his shoulder illuminating just enough for him to see by. He came to a corner, and heard a curious sound. Then, in the faintest whisper, "Please... Please don't kill me... Please..."

Dorian turned the corner, a personal defense Flashbulb in one hand, his PDA in the other, shining more light on the scene.

On the floor was the Cargo Technician, blooding seeping slowly out of a laceration on his forehead. Standing above him, somewhat crouched, was a dark figure in a firesuit. As Dorian came around the corner, the tech tried to shout, "Run!" but it came out as a rasping wheeze. The figure stood abruptly, and with a sucking noise, Dorian got a good clear look at what had been going on.

A three foot long proboscis tipped with vicious looking barbs was retracting into the fire-suit clad individual's clothing. Droplets of blood where it had been ripped free from the now-dead Technician's body pattered to the floor gently as the figure turned toward Dorian. Dorian raised the flash and put one finger to his headset to activate it. Halfway there, he saw a tiny... Dart? Shoot out of the figure, and it struck Dorian directly in the wrist.

Immediately his whole left side went tense, every muscle locking instantly. Dorian collapsed, trying to scream for help, but the numbness spread, forcing all his muscles to contract. He lay there, paralyzed and helpless, as the figure loomed over him. "Please..." Dorian whispered.

It was the last thing he ever said.


I want to write more right now but I'm so fuckin' exhausted.
Well, we could put two and two together and write a book: "The Shit that Hans and Max Did: You Won't Believe This Shit."
He's fucking with us.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Lillian Helsbrecht Story
« Reply #37 on: October 09, 2014, 08:05:56 am »

Re-reading, I noticed:

Dorian raised the flash and put one finger to his headset to activate it.

Should be:

Dorian raised the flash and put one finger to his headset to activate the communications device.

Moving on.


Lillian watched the autopsies interestedly. The doctors were quick, efficient, and well practiced. They spoke aloud and the Observation Intercom played it for her.

"We have a puncture wound, mid-abdomen. Looks like it punched up and jabbed into the heart. Bleeder wound, though. Estimated death time, about two minutes."

"Scanner is showing no residual metals or other non-organic materials. We are picking up some strange DNA results in the wound, but it doesn't match any recorded DNA pattern to date."

"New xenomorphic parasite maybe? Or some sort of space-faring predator? We know Space Carp have some sort of natural predator that controls their population. Perhaps this is it's attack method?"

Lillian's headset crackled, "Lillian, proceeded north into maintenance and rendezvous with Chief Medical Officer Fullwider. Immediately." She sprang up as soon as she heard Axl's voice and exited the autopsy Observation room. As she came to the front desk and exited the triple-width doors, Hector and Axel both turned to look at her.

Axel asked, "What's wrong?"

Lillian eyed him contemplatively. "You got a hammer in that tool-belt?"

He shrugged, "Yeah, I got all kinds of stuff in there."

She nodded. "Can you show me into the maintenance sections north of the Vault?"

He nodded, and Hector looked back and forth between them. He said, "I'll watch you on the V/T monitors. You really concerned?" He looked down for a moment, and froze. Hector turned on his communications and said, "CMO Fullwider? CMO Fullwider?"

A moment with no response. Hector said, "He isn't showing on the sensors. He must have taken off his jumpsuit." Without a word, Lillian grabbed Axel's wrist and dragged him after her. Quickly, he took the lead and steered toward a dark maintenance door. It hissed open at their approach, and they entered the enveloping darkness at speed.

Lillian's seclite flared to life a moment later, and they hurried through unused sections of the station. Lillian shined her light into side rooms and checked lockers as they went, but they swept the area and found nothing. Axel turned to her, shrugging his big shoulders, "I don't know where they could have gone. It's not like they can just..."

His gaze settled on a pair of Optical Meson Scanners, sitting neatly on a small shelf incongruously placed in the middle of a long corridor. Axel pulled them on and activated them, then looked around for a moment. He said, "Follow me." And walked to a blank section of wall.

He pushed it lightly, and it held firm. Axel frowned, "I can see the mechanism is jammed. They didn't make this fake wall right. Hold on a second..." He dug out a crowbar, and edged it into a near-invisible seam in the wall. With a solid yank, he popped the fake wall apart, sending pieces clattering to the floor.

Lillian quietly took out her taser.

Axel took off the Meson Scanners and eyed the doorway warily. Lillian stepped through, shining her light around this hidden room. It was a large bar area, with a few small tables, a long bar along the far wall, and what appeared to be a dancing stage. The pair advanced into the room slowly, and Lillian settled her light on the booze locker. The only place to hide anything in this hidden chamber.

She stepped close, and traded her taser for a Shock-Maul. It sparked on, and she put one hand on the locker's handle. She looked back at Axel-

And screamed, dropping the baton and digging for her taser again. Axel jumped, nearly bashing his head off the ceiling, and turned, swinging reflexively. Dorian ducked under the swing, his immaculate baby-blue uniform swirling as he moved. He said, irritated, "I couldn't find that gorram Cargo Tech. Sorry. I had already moved to a different section and I got too caught up in searching to call the Captain and tell him. Doesn't mean you should hit me."

Lillian cussed vibrantly, and picked the baton back up. "We thought you were in trouble. I brought help, cuz I'm a little lady, even with the gun."

He nodded, bemused, "I appreciate the... Spirited response, but I am fine." He waved at the door. "What is this place? And can we get out of here? I'm getting creeped out."

Lillian nodded, and they filed out into the main corridor. They discussed the room and it's implications for awhile, then Lillian and Axel went back to Hector at the Medical Lobby. Hector waved them over, a strange look on his face. "The CMO's sensors came back on right after you lot entered that Unknown Area, whatever it was. His sensors came back on about ten feet behind Axel. Where ever he was and what ever he was doing, it was close. Real close. And he wasn't moving quick, his pulse was barely at 50 bpm. Highly unusual."

Lillian cocked her head, her face going a little pale. "I didn't open the locker. Oh fuck me. I let him get us out of there without checking the locker." She put one hand to her headset, "Arrest the Chief Medical Officer on suspicion of multiple murder, immediately."

Axel was quiet, but Hector said, "Lillian... It might have saved your life to not have opened the locker. We don't know what we're dealing with here. And the CMO has access to grenades, syringe guns, poisons, and all kinds of dangerous things."

Lillian nodded, but she said, "Still. I have to find out for sure. I just put a warrant on him." She waved at Axel, "Just stay here and watch the V/T with Hector. You know how to get ahold of Axl Blyant, yeah?" They nodded. "Good. I'll be right back."

"Stay safe!" Hector said.

Lillian ran. She burst into Maintenance, flashing her light around swiftly. Then she entered the hidden area, sprinting across it in a flash, and vaulting the bar to land right next to the locker. She swiftly swept her ID across it, and it unlocked...

Immediately spilling open to reveal two corpses.

Behind Lillian, she heard a pair of boots click softly against the steel of the floor...
Well, we could put two and two together and write a book: "The Shit that Hans and Max Did: You Won't Believe This Shit."
He's fucking with us.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Lillian Helsbrecht Story
« Reply #38 on: October 09, 2014, 09:47:57 am »

Lillian turned, taser searching for a target. As she caught sight of her target, she relaxed a bit.

Captain Flickenger stood in the darkness quietly. He was visibly unarmed, and Lillian looked around for the ever-present Blueshield. He was nowhere to be found. A little voice in the back of her head started whispering questions, and she asked, "Hello, sir... Can I help you?"

He nodded, stiffly. "Yes, Lillian Helsbrecht, you can."

She tensed, her hand tightening on the grip of the taser. "Well, sir. What do you need?"

He grinned, and it was eerie. Lillian fought back a whimper of fear as she stood amongst corpses and viewed his grin. He started taking slow steps to the left, circling towards the dancing stage. And speaking. "You see, Lillian. There's been a breakdown in Command and Control functions aboard this station. Attempted assassinations. In addition to these mass murders you've been investigating." He paused, in both gait and oration, for a moment, "I deeply appreciate your efforts, by the way. They've made my job much, much harder."

Lillian sighed a little as she heard confirmation, and she asked, "What do you mean, sir?"

Brandon smiled again, and it was different this time.

His teeth were longer.

"You see, Lillian... We get so hungry. It's so hard to control one's self when surrounded by such a bountiful harvest." He took a step closer, and Lillian hefted the Seclite gently, feeling it's weight. "Such wonderful creatures, humans are. So seldom do we find cattle suited quite so perfectly. Such a shame." He grinned one final time, and lunged.

Like a coiled snake, Brandon leapt the distance between them ferociously, his features distending monstrously. Lillian rolled under the bar door and sprint for the door, firing the taser over her shoulder as she went. She entered the maintenance shafts, and heard no pursuit, but kept running. She broke out of Maintenance with a grateful hiss of hydraulic doors, then heard something dreadful.

"All Security Personnel, detain Lillian Helsbrecht. This is a direct order from your Captain."
Well, we could put two and two together and write a book: "The Shit that Hans and Max Did: You Won't Believe This Shit."
He's fucking with us.


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Re: The Lillian Helsbrecht Story
« Reply #39 on: October 09, 2014, 11:05:41 am »

No. No.. NOOOOOOOO  :'(


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Re: The Lillian Helsbrecht Story
« Reply #40 on: October 09, 2014, 11:36:55 am »

The plot, it thickens.
Vereor Nox.
There'll be another King, another sky, and a billion more stars...


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Lillian Helsbrecht Story
« Reply #41 on: October 09, 2014, 01:28:52 pm »

"The Officer Helsbrecht escaped me, as we thought she might. She is heading south, armed, armored, aware of our threat. Find her and destroy her." The creature that wore Brandon's face sent this thought across the psychic link they shared. Across the Hivemind. It sent enough information to indicate male-pattern speech, and the barest suggestion of individuality. In English, it's name would work out to Mister Phi.

"Noted. I shall interce-" The reply from it's equal fellow was cut off by something of an altogether different feel. If the first creature's name worked out to Mr. Phi, this voice worked out to Lord and Master of All Shape.

"Silence. Helsbrecht has my protection, along with the others we agreed upon. You will obey, or I will consume you."

Silence reigned in the hivemind for a long moment, then Phi tentatively queried, "So how do I keep her off my back? She saw my shift-melt. She will tell Security."

"I don't care. Die and come back as someone you ate perhaps. Use your imagination. Discredit her. Do not harm her though."

A sullen silence fell, and the Lord withdrew from the psychic link. In the Escape Hallway, Mr. Phi grimaced inwardly as it's mind raced, trying to escape this sticky situation. It could defy the Lord and eat Helsbrecht regardless, but it would be a mistake. It's own power was formidable and terrifying, but the Lord was beyond anything it could contend with.

Worse yet, the Lord knew all the tricks, all the faces, all the hiding places.

Phi calmly settled on a plan, and walked toward the Security wing, guessing at what Lillian might try to do...
Well, we could put two and two together and write a book: "The Shit that Hans and Max Did: You Won't Believe This Shit."
He's fucking with us.


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Re: The Lillian Helsbrecht Story
« Reply #42 on: October 09, 2014, 01:36:24 pm »

"pls dont eat me"

regards, administration



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Re: The Lillian Helsbrecht Story
« Reply #43 on: October 09, 2014, 02:21:47 pm »

Axel took off the Meson Scanners and eyed the doorway warily. Lillian stepped through, shining her light around this hidden room. It was a large bar area, with a few small tables, a long bar along the far wall, and what appeared to be a dancing stage.

I get the reference. Those were the days.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

EDIT: And I'm sure you recognize this Hans :P

Spoiler (click to show/hide)
« Last Edit: October 09, 2014, 02:26:24 pm by Glloyd »


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Re: The Lillian Helsbrecht Story
« Reply #44 on: October 09, 2014, 02:31:16 pm »

The doctor nodded again with a rueful smile. "Pretty good at imitating him. I wouldn't let him hear you though, he might take offense. I'm Hector Petridis, by the way." He stood and held out one hand. Lillian slyly took it, kissed it, and curtsied.
Hands off, you minx.
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