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Author Topic: Brass and casinos: A detective game.  (Read 9087 times)

Kitten Snot

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Re: Brass and casinos: A detective game.
« Reply #120 on: November 14, 2014, 04:58:42 pm »

Alright, that was rude. That was a part of my psyche, probably. It was just a pig.
Did you not listen? It was unfocused, my presence made it impossible for it to focus on your psyche, so it went with the closest horrid thing in the area, in this case the serial killer you dispatched.
How do you know those type of things?
...of course. Did that butcher have any direct connections with Butcher Pete?
Butcher Pete? Oh. The name of the killer? He might. It's rather likely that, considering that this place uses growing dead flesh, he was put under suggestion by the necromancer that runs this place.
Necro-what now?
Hm. I cannot elaborate. That information is labeled as Classified. Christ, man, what CAN you say?
Answers to the correct questions.
Oh don't start the vague "right questions" thing. Let's just keep a move-on.

The skull room doesn't open yet, so you open up the knife room.
The door opens easily, and you let Classified go first. The clank sound indicates that he was hit by something interesting. The squish sound right after indicates that he retaliated. You follow through after Classified's massive frame leaves the doorway and end up in...
A long-ass tunnel of some sort filled with people you killed. There are a whole lot of them in here. You really wish you did not have to go through this type of crap, at all.
It's very confronting about what kind of life you've had that caused to so many other to lose theirs. Really uncomfortable.
Though you can get a chuckle thinking these things must get confused as fuck when an actual pacifist would come through here.

Repeated sounds similar to an aggressive silo filled with lead fighting a chicken by repeatedly falling down on top of it makes something else clear. Classified can't kill the thing attacking him. Seeing how all the people are standing together in the reverse order you killed them, there's a bit of distance between all of them. You can see Butcher Pete and the punks from here, and currently, Classified is turning the Warlock from before into mush. Again and again, every pause between a punch that could shatter concrete gives it enough time to suck in the flesh and knit the skin to a perfect state. Classified doesn't seem daunted overmuch, as he just keeps punching.
You sincerely hope that isn't a laugh behind that mask of his. You go towards the midget in a constant state of disassembly and reassembly and just cut off the head while he's on the floor. The body instantly turns to ash.

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I make stories and sometimes people like them.
Well, they did that once.
I think.


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Re: Brass and casinos: A detective game.
« Reply #121 on: November 14, 2014, 06:20:03 pm »

Wee... Time to go and get the guy to punch them while we remove heads...
Highly Opinionated Fool
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Re: Brass and casinos: A detective game.
« Reply #122 on: November 14, 2014, 06:27:46 pm »

Sing a decently unsettling song as we do so.

Kitten Snot

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Re: Brass and casinos: A detective game.
« Reply #123 on: November 15, 2014, 05:40:06 pm »

Right, I'll kill them while you keep them down with punches.
I don't take orders from you, but it remains a good battle plan. Be warned, these are purely based on your history, you might see some things you don't want to.
Of course, you giant tin can. that's the point of these exercises in repetition. Honestly, try reading a book sometime. You mutter to yourself as he moves on to the punks you fought on the roof with Meridinia. He swings out his massive arm and pins two under his massive weight. A third one charges you unarmed.(all rolls have -2 due to your bloodloss)
You easily fell him in one downward strike. Alone, the unarmed mooks aren't that dangerous. You then move over to Classified and decapitate the two he has pinned. This repeats for the remaining ones you killed on the roof and the one in the hallway. They don't attack you until you get very close, making everything exceedingly easy.
The next bunch are a bit more...morbid. They must be the ones you roasted with the bomb. Burn marks, missing limbs, shambling, angry gurgles... It's rather unnerving. Fortunately, something missing an arm and a leg tends not to be at 100 percent combat effectiveness. you take care of them without Classified needing to lift a finger.
Butcher Pete after that, squish n' stab.

You finish them off as you try to find a song that fits with this. But you really don't get to hear a lot of music, being raised on the streets. Honestly, you never even heard children's rhymes! You weren't old enough in the orphanage to remember them...
Let's just focus. Orphanage bad.
Still... You remember something strange you once heard, how'd it go again? Hmmmm.
Somebody once told me the world was gonna roll me, this thing right here's the sharpest tool in the shed. you're looking kind of dumb with your thumb... something something about donkey's?

Bah, you don't remember. Still, killing off the tunnel turns into a drag. Most of these, you don't even remember. Many fine men in nice suits, assassins from the time the casino gangs started trying to get you killed. They still have the same weak spots in that they're too confident and stride up to you one by one. A squish from your man-shaped battle tank, and a quick stab from you, et voila!
You do remember some of them though. Brutus, right hand man of the big lady on the top of that casino. You sent him home in two pieces, and lo and behold, he's holding his head like a hilarious parody on hamlet. No trouble, of course. a couple more unimportant goons...
After that it gets a bit more personal.

Tim-Tim. A five-year-old. You ran him over when you were a child, caused quite a stir in the transport business. Partially about the child-labor, mainly about how Tim-Tim was the son of the current mayor. You got off with a pardon, eventually, but the first few weeks in a cell are always the coldest.
Then, your first intentional kill. A mugger who you didn't even know. He was about to take away the little money you scraped up, so you relieved him of his nethers. He bled to death in minutes. You could have... should have called for help. You watched him die.
Then, you reach the last one. The first person you killed. The nun who ran your orphanage. You pushed her down the stairs when she was beating you. At least that's the official story. You honestly don't remember, but the rumors of the fact that your first kill was the ripe age of four stayed with you for all of your childhood. Kept friends away, held enemies closer...
You've gotten over most of it, of course. Seeing the nun still struck a bit of chord in you, but you get over it without much fanfare.
Ultimately, you may have killed more people than most, but that still doesn't give that many.

After only half an hour, you reach the light at the end of the tunnel. It's a literal hole in the universe, you're fairly certain if you try to think about how it works your head would explode. And also potentially realize that you're two-dimensional.
Classified is waiting for you to go first.

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I make stories and sometimes people like them.
Well, they did that once.
I think.


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Re: Brass and casinos: A detective game.
« Reply #124 on: November 15, 2014, 06:02:46 pm »

This is going to be our mother isn't it? Hm, how did we enter the world? Feet or head first... Eh, whatever! Let's jump in!


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Re: Brass and casinos: A detective game.
« Reply #125 on: November 15, 2014, 06:05:05 pm »

Well if you weren't willing to jump in to strange holes you wouldn't be in this situation in the first place.
Go forth without fear.


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Re: Brass and casinos: A detective game.
« Reply #126 on: November 16, 2014, 12:35:46 pm »

Go to the light.
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Kitten Snot

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Re: Brass and casinos: A detective game.
« Reply #127 on: November 16, 2014, 04:19:15 pm »

Welp, here we go. You head on in, feet first. That decision was one of the best ones of the whole day, seeing how the hole dumped you at a 6 feet drop. your landing is not graceful in the slightest, due to your blood loss, but you don't take damage.
The hole closes almost immediately afterwards, leaving only Classified's words as your final bit of support. The words are encouraging if you look at them the right way, but most likely it's his idea of a joke.
Dying is illegal. Don't do it.
Truly, a poet of understanding and encouragement.

You look around. You are in an open-air Colosseum, strangely. Large rows of people are watching silently. All of them are people you killed, repeated over and over. Almost of a thousand clones of the deceased, all watching you.
What an unnerving prospect.
A large gate opens at the other side of the sand-covered arena. You can't see what's behind it right now, but you've got a feeling...
As the figure steps out of the darkness, your suspicion proves wrong. It isn't your mother again, it's a copy of you.
Whatever, still clichéd. And probably a bit more dangerous, come to think of it. You take your sword from your scabbard as you twin does the same. He's using your old claymore, nicks intact. it glints in the sunlight.
Your sword, while still nice, doesn't glint at all with the black metal at the sides and a dull shade of gray at the middle. Despite that, you feel confident with this thing.

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I make stories and sometimes people like them.
Well, they did that once.
I think.


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Re: Brass and casinos: A detective game.
« Reply #128 on: November 16, 2014, 04:24:11 pm »

Wave to him.
Highly Opinionated Fool
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Re: Brass and casinos: A detective game.
« Reply #129 on: November 16, 2014, 07:54:51 pm »

Wave to him.
+1 See if we can talk to the twin.
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Kitten Snot

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Re: Brass and casinos: A detective game.
« Reply #130 on: November 17, 2014, 03:08:39 pm »

You put your hand up and wave awkwardly, keeping your sword over your shoulder with your other hand. Your clone twists his head left and right, and gets into a fighting stance. He takes in a deep breath and sprint towards you.
As you always do, he makes a turn to make a dig at your flanks. You predict it, and block it with the flat of your sword. The hit comes harder than you expected, as the higher weight of his sword allows for more crushing blows. He follows up with an upwards swing, which you barely manage to dodge by jumping backwards. He then takes a step back as you decide now would be a great time to start conversation.
Ok,so! The twin makes a heavy sideways blow, which you duck under. The momentum of the blow carries though, allowing you to push him back.
You're clearly. Backstep Angry at me for UNF?

He gets in a solid hit with a surprising pommel strike. You're knocked flat on your ass, and right that moment you decide that trying to talk to an apparition specifically made to murder you might be a bad plan.
You manage to surprise him by going on the offensive, taking a swing at his legs. He jumps back, but you manage to nick him on the shin. He bleeds black gunk, and doesn't seem overly bothered by the wound. Still, you get up during the small respite. You start trading blows, going by a steady rhythm. You attack, he blocks, he attacks, you block. You both know what the other is going to do, so nothing comes of the fight.
You can't keep blocking his hits, your lighter sword is tough enough to take it but your arm strength isn't. His heavy, battered sword gathers more momentum.

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I make stories and sometimes people like them.
Well, they did that once.
I think.


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Re: Brass and casinos: A detective game.
« Reply #131 on: November 17, 2014, 03:40:10 pm »

Kiss me. Well, not me but us... on second thought why not run away?


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Re: Brass and casinos: A detective game.
« Reply #132 on: November 17, 2014, 04:09:59 pm »

Cut the sword, then run.
Highly Opinionated Fool
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Re: Brass and casinos: A detective game.
« Reply #133 on: November 17, 2014, 09:03:55 pm »

Throw sand or shine the flash light at the twin's eyes to blind him.
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Kitten Snot

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Re: Brass and casinos: A detective game.
« Reply #134 on: November 19, 2014, 09:49:51 am »

You lock blades with your twin, and it takes almost all of your strength to keep it up. You decide that you need to finish this, quickly. So you come up with something you kinda wanted to try ever since you were here.
You put your head between the swords and quickly kiss yourself on the mouth. Your twin's beard feels a bit rough, but you manage a quick peck on the mouth. The twin immeadiatly drops the stand-off, looking at you in a sort of shock. You then make use of his reaction to your stunning kiss by bending down and throwing a handful of sand in his eyes. he takes a step back, one hand over his eyes and his sword drops down with only one hand supporting it. You bring your sword above your head and do a sideways lower swipe into the old claymore of your adversary.

The blade snaps in two, and you sword hits his leg again. He falls down on one knee. You take a cautious step back as he rises again, with a bit of difficulty. He pulls out your old pocket knife and does his best to be menacing. You go ahead and indulge him by running away. You sheathe your sword while running and go towards the gate he came out of. He can't follow with his leg wound, but he stumbles weakly in your direction, which you guess is kind of like a  chase? Whatever.
The area behind the gate is long-ass dark hallway with another light at the end. You head horrid accusations, some of which are true, but you mentally block them out as you reach the light. Turns out it's a door.
You open the door, and out comes Classified. He nods to you, then steps towards the arena.
You hear a sound akin to a truck hitting a rabbit.

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I make stories and sometimes people like them.
Well, they did that once.
I think.
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