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Author Topic: The Natural History Museum Challenge (40.24) - Old thread  (Read 17138 times)

Timeless Bob

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The Natural History Museum Challenge (40.24) - Old thread
« on: October 01, 2014, 04:27:32 am »

The Modified Game:

DF 40.16 + a few additions, using the Pheobus Graphics pack
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Paaaad worked diligently on a checklist for our game.
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The Goal:
   Have one of every type of thing in the world on display: animals (their bodies at least), plants, minerals, undead, races, cultural artifacts, ect... displayed on a pedestal or in a glass windowed room within the Dwarven Natural History Museum.
(As of year 61, the Museum is in EastGuild)

The rules:
   Players will have until the next Saturday after a save has been posted, (if the save was posted on a Thursday or a Friday, the Saturday after the nearest one will be used instead), to get an adventurer to successfully produce something for the Museum. 

   All submissions to the Museum during adventure mode must be dropped down the "submission chute" to be sorted later during Fortress Mode.
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   Each adventurer's progress must be posted to the group: we want the stories of those who died horrible deaths in failure as well as the lucky few who make a proper submission to the Museum.  (All the stories will be linked to the "Recent History" section.)

   Once a submission has successfully been made, the Player has until the end of that same week to play as much as they can in Fortress Mode (Either by creating new sites and/or unretiring the latest Museum site itself).

   New adventurers must attempt to submit something currently not on display to Emdomas "Eastguild" (The formal name of the most recent Natural History Museum).

   Adventurers (AKA "Researchers in the Field"), may submit items from the grounds of The Guild or choose to range farther afield in search of their submissions, but all submissions must be dropped down the submission chute to be considered valid.  (The chute is covered by an artifact hatch cover on the ground floor of a "way station" building on the west edge of each Museum site and activated by a lever there - very difficult to miss it.)

To drop submissions down the chute:
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Now feel free to tour the museum at your leisure before retiring your adventurer at The Guild of Adventuring, but not at the current site of the Museum.  (At least until Toady fixes that nasty 'adventurer on site' fortress mode crash bug!)

   Once an adventurer has dropped at least one submission down the chute, that Player gains the ability to play fortress mode (items must be different from what is already displayed in a pedestal or room in the Museum to count, however).  A Fortress turn may be either played after unretiring the Museum or at a separate site

   When unretiring the Museum:
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  Once all submissions have been placed on Display Pedestals or in windowed rooms, the Player may use the rest of their week to either add more displays or constructions/excavations to the Museum or retire it and use the remaining week on another site.

   To clarify: If the latest Museum is not unretired during your turn, no submissions need to be placed on pedestals.
   Players may add new furniture, buildings, workshops, or excavations but may not remove or deconstruct any of these that have already been built by Players in the past. 

   If the Museum site has been built up so much that there is no more room for new constructions, suffers FPS death or can't be unretired for some reason, the moderator (Timeless Bob) will add a new embark to one edge of the maxed out area as an extension. Current extension: "EastGuild"

   Dwarves may be given a nickname by Players, but no future Player is allowed to change that dwarf's nickname afterwards. 
Some nicknamed dwarves are part of an optional mini-game:
The Bloodlines mini-game:
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   Professions are likewise changeable - try to make the new profession name describe what they do, with the profession title of "Professor" only given to dwarves that make an artifact or become weapon-lords.  (For instance, a dwarf that makes a ruby piccolo might become the "Professor of Crystalline Harmonics" as their profession.) 

   Only Professors may be military squad leaders at The Guild - Each squad is a class of students being taught by that professor and the squad name must be changed to reflect this.  (For example: a squad taught by the Crystalline Harmonics professor might be named "Tone Crystals 101".)  If a squad-member becomes a Professor by creating an artifact, they are immediately given a squad of students to teach in their new field (determined by the the artifact).  However, if a student becomes a Professor by leveling up to being a weapon-lord, then their field is a specialized version of the one they were a student in.  (For example, Crystalline Harmonics student becomes a specialist in "silent" harmonics and becomes the "Professor of Silent Crystalline Harmonics" - which may be shortened to "Professor of Silent Harmonics", since names only have so much space.  With time, we'll have a large faculty of professors who cover a wide and weird range of subjects.  Dwarven logic can persuade even the toughest of goblin debaters, given enough schooling.


Turn order goes like this:
   1. Download save
   2. Make a new adventurer or unretire an old one
   3. Attempt to submit something to the Museum that isn't currently on display there (or die trying)
   4. Retire the adventurer, but not in the Museum for the reasons already given above.
   5. Either unretire the latest Museum or play another site for one week forum-time (See "Unretiring the Museum" above)
   6. RETIRE the latest museum, and or retire/abandon the other sites
   7. Zip and pass along the save

Latest save:

Turn list:
1. tonnot98 Voluntarily skipped turn
2. Chaosfiend
3. ptb_ptb
4. pisskop
5. Planky
6. Timeless Bob Turn invalid due to 40.14 not accepting "display case" workshop
7. tonnot98 No response - turn skipped
8. Paaaad School more important - turn skipped
9. Tavern No response - turn skipped
10. Timeless Bob Finished Playing EastGuild save available for download in "Latest save:"
11. Tacomagic Now Playing Turn will end by Nov 29th
12. Paaaad

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   3d Model:
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Current Events:
Year 50:
   Hundreds of refugees flee Castle Inkcalmed as an elven army from "The Seed of Copper" invades.  The castle is held ransom in exchange for tribute from those dwarves who refuse to flee.  In response, several gangs of freedom fighters form to combat the invaders, led by all manner of criminals and violent beings.
   The Glories of Nature from The Godly Guilds begins construction on Domas Cenath "The Guild of Adventuring".

Year 51:
   Castle Inkcalmed remains intact, but at the cost of having to give tribute to the elven host camped outside its gates.
   Besmar Revereoars is the first fatality of The Guild of Adventuring after losing a bet that she could catch a swung axe-blade with her teeth alone.  A memorial is engraved to remember her accomplishments.  The lack of drinks or water in this hot environment plagues the workers, one of whom dies of thirst before the farms begin producing enough plump helmets to keep up with the demands of the workers on site. However, the year did have a bright spot in the creation of an artifact hatch cover named Gemeshemal "Conflictsensed".  It is reverently placed in the Adventurer's way-station capping the 'specimen submission chute'.

Year 52:
   A construction accident in The Guild of Adverturing claims the lives of several dwarven scholars who inadvertently feed Tosid, the goddess of volcanos.  A special memorial is built in thier honor, laying to rest the forlorn haunt Tekkud Utteredtorches who pestered both students and masons for several months before a slab could be engraved for it.
   The seige of Castle Inkcalmed shows no signs of ending

Year 53:
   By midspring, the The Guild of Adventuring finishes its construction.  The occasion is marked by the creation of an artifact donkey-leather backpack named Orshar Rimtar "The Web of Castles".  The backpack is placed on the first display pedestal inside the Museum before it officially opens its doors to adventurers.
   Castle Inkcalmed remains beleaguered in its third year of seige.
   Erush Erarrovod (Ledarches) treks to the Museum, gathering several samples along the way.
   The journal and submissions of Able Bouldertyphoons are found at the bottom of the submission chute, followed by the eventful journey of Cerol Esdordeler.
   The last half of the year sees the Museum begin obsidian farming, regular farming, and the exposure of a professor without the proper credentials attempting to insert herself into the faculty by appointing herself "Captain of the Gaurd".  She is dealt with harshly.

Year 54:
   Shorast Atistogum becomes the first actual faculty member of the Museum as the Professor of Dendrology.  The introductory class is titled appropriately "Sprightly Saplings".
   A steam titan is punched to bits by the outpost liaison on his visit, followed shortly after by our second faculty member, Professor Uzol Momuzostath.  Professor Uzol has yet to create a formal course of study.
   A foriegner dwarven adventuress named Rovod BasementBalanced visited the Museum with tales both dark and unsettling, but also with several new submissions to the Museum.  She departed in good grace and with many well wishes from the student body.
   The end of the year ended ominously when an armed scouting party of elves from the force besieging Castle Inkcalmed foraged onto the Museum grounds, robbing one of our groundskeepers of his lunch and mentioning that "They'll see him later". 
   "It was the way the said it and looked at each other before laughing", the groundskeeper is noted as saying.
   "Quite unsettling."

Year 55:
   In the early spring, the elves of The Queen of Speaking attacked our peaceful capitol around Castle Dikekisses.  A survivor seeking refuge related the horrors enacted on the populace.  What follows may shock some of you, so I will hide it from your eyes: choose to read of the elven depradations if that is your wish.
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   The Administration has decided to mark the day as an annual one of mourning and remembrance, freeing all students and faculty from their normal duties to burn wooden effigies of elves and remember the Massacre of Dikekisses.  It shall be known as "Ignition Day"
   An elvish warrior woman named Sheced Screamedcrowded "The Luxurious Touches" now 'rules' from Castle Dikekisses as it's "warlord".  The dwarven survivors she keeps enslaved in the city she sneeringly calls "The Water of Brains".

   The army that conquered Dikekisses have joined The Seed of Copper at Castle Inkcalmed, which has now been under constant seige for four years. Both are demanding monthly tribute from the besieged defenders under the combined threat of annihilation.
   Armed parties from The Seed of Copper have come to "secure tribute" five more times this year. 
It is terrible that we are being forced to help feed the barbarian horde besieging Castle Inkcalmed.

Year 56:
   The Seed of Copper sent "trading partners" to steal our food and clothing three times this year. Very little is being done other than trying to harvest enough food to meet the demands of these elvish monsters while squirreling away enough to feed the students and faculty when winter comes once again. 
   It was a miserable year; the slow, leeching seige of Castle Inkcalmed continues for its fifth year.

Year 57:
   The Seed of Copper visited us twice more, while the elven hordes camped outside the gates of Castle Inkcalmed for the sixth year, whistling and singing as they seemingly prepare to stay there forever.  However, one light shines in this darkness: Word has it that the dwarven adventuress that visited here a few years ago has succeeded in becoming a dwarven noble even during the middle of this war.  She is now known as "the Lady of the Ageless Steel", currently residing in Syrupshoves Tower.  Perhaps she will be able to turn the dwarven fortunes to victory.  Only time will tell.

During the journey of Atis Drownedwalls, he finds the journal of Fath Gatesword next to a corpse and a pack full of samples in a pool.
Year 58:
A summary
In the early autumn, thirteen "secret societies" were founded at the Museum in response to the invasion of The Seeds of Copper.  They flee the site to wage guerrilla warfare on the invaders.

Year 59:
The elves of The Seed of Copper remain camped outside Inkcalmed, slowly removing its resources bit by bit.  Early in the spring, they sent another demand for tribute, finding the place mostly empty.
Just after summer, a small outpost called "Whipdrinker" is founded around The Cave of Requirements, attempting to bring this sub-cultural oasis back into the dwarven fold, but is quickly deserted due to resistance from the native inhabitants.  Around mid-autumn, "Deepmonkeys the Leader of Stunts", a towering thornbill with knobby antennae that has long, sparse white feathers and noxious secretions invades The Guild of Adventuring, slaying one of the dogs.  With most of the students out in the wilds in their guerrilla camps, those few who remain can do nothing but fearfully hide from the beast.  Not a month later, The Seed of Copper demanded tribute from The Guild of Adventuring once again.  The few who remain must comply, but begin training more dogs to deal with Deepmonkeys and any other invaders.

Year 60:
   With increasing demands for tribute from The Seed of Copper on top of the noxious thornbill monster, the decision is made to expand the Museum to the east, so a new site is allocated, named quite sensibly, "Eastguild".  The site only began its preparations when The Seed of Copper once again demanded tribute from the now mostly empty Guild of Adventuring.  Later that season, Nine elves from The Queen of Speaking and led by Inala Frecklebanes the Plan of Sparkles, successfully attack Inkcalmed, slaying nine.
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Zefon Sunstakes, the late Baron Tincrystal's youngest child, becomes the Baroness of Inkcalmed at the tender age of eighteen.  We hope she fares better than her mother, father and other siblings, for she is the last hope of the entire dynasty.  In the wake of the horrible slaughter, Inkcalmed's broker, the widower of the late Captain, is given the titles 'hammerer', 'champion' and 'Mayor' as well.
  In other news, the hopeful founders of the Whipdrinker outpost formed into a bandit gang naming themselves 'The Silvers of Squirting'.  While once they hoped to bring law to the lawless, they instead have become that very lawlessness themselves.  Perhaps others will succeed where they have failed.
  At the heels of autumn, the mystery of Eral Pantherirons is solved: He and an elf attempt to claim the mostly abandoned Guild of Adventuring for The Seed of Copper and get torn apart by the multitude of slavering war-hounds for their troubles. At the same time, an enormous one-eyed scorpion with lacy wings, a wrinkled dark-violet exoskeleton and a poisonous sting visits EastGuild, slaying two miners:
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Year 61:
   Around mid-summer in EastGuild, Kol Stilledpalace created 'The Enchanted Fogs", a small reindeer bone left gauntlet and became 'The Master of the Left Fist', teaching 'Left Fist Dwarf-fu'.  'The Endless Passage' began its excavation and construction, but saw one poor dwarf, (Mr Moldath), starve to death, stuck in an endless loop.  Later that year, another professor joined the faculty through the simple expedient of murdering a mother and crafting an artifact door named 'Emeraldburial The Torrid Hex' out of her bones, becoming the Professor of Death-portals.  The late winter of this year was bathed in horror: A towering, fire-breathing snail with plum feathered wings and a regal bearing visited EastGuild, slaying thirteen:
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« Last Edit: January 22, 2015, 12:11:34 am by Timeless Bob »
L33tsp34k does to English what Picasso did to faces.

The Luckiest Tourist EVER
Bloodlines of the Forii


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Re: The (New and Improved!) Natural History Museum -Adv succession-
« Reply #1 on: October 01, 2014, 07:06:47 am »

Year 52:
   A construction accident in The Guild of Adverturing claims the lives of several dwarven scholars who inadvertently feed Tosid, the goddess of volcanos.  A special memorial is built in thier honor

So it was seen fit that the marksdwarf who was a legendary swimmer that swam to the north pole and arguably broke the world would become the namesake of the god of . . .  volcanoes.


So all the museum is built then?
Pisskop's Reblancing Mod - A C:DDA Mod to make life a little (lot) more brutal!
drealmerz7 - pk was supreme pick for traitor too I think, and because of how it all is and pk is he is just feeding into the trollfucking so well.
PKs DF Mod!


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Re: The (New and Improved!) Natural History Museum -Adv succession-
« Reply #2 on: October 01, 2014, 02:58:49 pm »



  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The (New and Improved!) Natural History Museum -Adv succession-
« Reply #3 on: October 01, 2014, 04:11:10 pm »

So wait, it's my turn??

I need confirmation on this.
Not sure if dying of old age is an honor or a shame for weaponmasters. On the one hand, it means they never got the opportunity to die in glorious battle. On the other hand, it means nothing could beat them in glorious battle.

Timeless Bob

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Re: The (New and Improved!) Natural History Museum -Adv succession-
« Reply #4 on: October 01, 2014, 07:27:27 pm »

Year 52:
   A construction accident in The Guild of Adventuring claims the lives of several dwarven scholars who inadvertently feed Tosid, the goddess of volcanoes.  A special memorial is built in their honor

So it was seen fit that the marksdwarf who was a legendary swimmer that swam to the north pole and arguably broke the world would become the namesake of the god of . . .  volcanoes.


So all the museum is built then?

All the initial museum is built, but its a 5x5 embark and is pretty much just a 2-z ring of wall that's open to the sky.  Plenty of room for improvement and additions, without requiring any Player to do anything other than set up their submission if they don't want to play fortress mode very much.
L33tsp34k does to English what Picasso did to faces.

The Luckiest Tourist EVER
Bloodlines of the Forii


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Re: The (New and Improved!) Natural History Museum -Adv succession-
« Reply #5 on: October 01, 2014, 07:28:11 pm »

So is it, or is it not my turn? I must know!
Not sure if dying of old age is an honor or a shame for weaponmasters. On the one hand, it means they never got the opportunity to die in glorious battle. On the other hand, it means nothing could beat them in glorious battle.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The (New and Improved!) Natural History Museum -Adv succession-
« Reply #6 on: October 01, 2014, 07:29:16 pm »

So is it, or is it not my turn? I must know!
Pisskop's Reblancing Mod - A C:DDA Mod to make life a little (lot) more brutal!
drealmerz7 - pk was supreme pick for traitor too I think, and because of how it all is and pk is he is just feeding into the trollfucking so well.
PKs DF Mod!

Timeless Bob

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Re: The (New and Improved!) Natural History Museum -Adv succession-
« Reply #7 on: October 01, 2014, 07:31:45 pm »

So wait, it's my turn??

I need confirmation on this.

In the original game, you were next on the list, so I'm just following that order.

I'm going to assume that each Player will want another turn and stick them on the end of the turn list after they're done unless they post otherwise or don't post to the group with turn confirmation within three days of it becoming their turn.  Less hassle for the people whose repeated contributions will make this game really interesting.
L33tsp34k does to English what Picasso did to faces.

The Luckiest Tourist EVER
Bloodlines of the Forii


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The (New and Improved!) Natural History Museum -Adv succession-
« Reply #8 on: October 01, 2014, 07:38:55 pm »

Alright, I guess my turn will officially start tomorrow.

Now to just get accustomed to DF 2014....

Scratch that, I also signed up for another one.

Just move me behind one or two, or to the back even if you'd like.
« Last Edit: October 02, 2014, 09:36:58 am by tonnot98 »
Not sure if dying of old age is an honor or a shame for weaponmasters. On the one hand, it means they never got the opportunity to die in glorious battle. On the other hand, it means nothing could beat them in glorious battle.

Timeless Bob

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Re: The (New and Improved!) Natural History Museum -Adv succession-
« Reply #9 on: October 02, 2014, 07:54:00 pm »

Alright, I guess my turn will officially start tomorrow.

Now to just get accustomed to DF 2014....

Scratch that, I also signed up for another one.

Just move me behind one or two, or to the back even if you'd like.


Right.  I'll PM Chaosfiend.  ...aaaand done.  I'll give him until Monday the 6th to accept the turn before the next Player on the list is contacted.
« Last Edit: October 02, 2014, 08:04:22 pm by Timeless Bob »
L33tsp34k does to English what Picasso did to faces.

The Luckiest Tourist EVER
Bloodlines of the Forii


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Re: The (New and Improved!) Natural History Museum -Adv succession-
« Reply #10 on: October 02, 2014, 08:52:00 pm »

I suppose I'll accept. just a bit surprised that I came up this quick in the turn order. Never even got much time to learn the new ins and outs of 0.40 XD


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The (New and Improved!) Natural History Museum -Adv succession-
« Reply #11 on: October 02, 2014, 08:54:27 pm »

I suppose I'll accept. just a bit surprised that I came up this quick in the turn order. Never even got much time to learn the new ins and outs of 0.40 XD
Kill things with Alt+Y
Ask drunks to join you and show you where LongHammers the Sparkling Dagger is.
Climb trees if alone at night.
Jump is 2x as fast as walking.
Zombies will eat your soul and when it finally gets pooped out it will still be crying.
« Last Edit: October 02, 2014, 08:56:34 pm by pisskop »
Pisskop's Reblancing Mod - A C:DDA Mod to make life a little (lot) more brutal!
drealmerz7 - pk was supreme pick for traitor too I think, and because of how it all is and pk is he is just feeding into the trollfucking so well.
PKs DF Mod!


  • Bay Watcher
  • Hail the Cutebold Overlords
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Re: The (New and Improved!) Natural History Museum -Adv succession-
« Reply #12 on: October 03, 2014, 12:15:00 am »

Huh....hit a minor snag. I went to the edge of the island I started on...and I cant get off. The cliffs are completely sheer, with a big drop off, and no way to the ocean......this is not gonna be easy

Cptn Kaladin Anrizlokum

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Re: The (New and Improved!) Natural History Museum -Adv succession-
« Reply #13 on: October 03, 2014, 12:38:06 am »

Huh....hit a minor snag. I went to the edge of the island I started on...and I cant get off. The cliffs are completely sheer, with a big drop off, and no way to the ocean......this is not gonna be easy
Try climbing down then. Alt move!

Timeless Bob

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Re: The (New and Improved!) Natural History Museum -Adv succession-
« Reply #14 on: October 03, 2014, 01:27:32 am »

Huh....hit a minor snag. I went to the edge of the island I started on...and I cant get off. The cliffs are completely sheer, with a big drop off, and no way to the ocean......this is not gonna be easy
Try climbing down then. Alt move!

Either attempt scaling the sheer cliffs, or you'll have to find a place where you can get into the water then swim across the channel.  Then, of course, you might need to find another passage back up the cliffs that are probably on the other side too.
L33tsp34k does to English what Picasso did to faces.

The Luckiest Tourist EVER
Bloodlines of the Forii
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