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Author Topic: RWBY IC: Weekend!  (Read 257713 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: RWBY IC: Initiation Day
« Reply #15 on: October 01, 2014, 01:47:19 pm »

"Wait a sec, that's right. We've got windows to jump out of."

Leaving the dust-users to do whatever it is that they do, Cordo heads to the nearest window and smashes it open with a single swing from Gada before leaping through the hole and looking for one of three things as he falls: A snowdrift, a frozen pond, or a dense patch of trees.
Emmy watches the man do this and shrugs. Seemed an obvious solution in theory.

With a quick punch, she breaks through her own window and starts free falling towards some trees, claw ready to slide down the bark to slow her momentum. This was certainly an interesting first day.
The best ship is the one where one of them is literally allergic to the other~
Quote from: NakaTeleeli
"A room ain't messy less you can't find nothin!"


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Re: RWBY IC: Initiation Day
« Reply #16 on: October 01, 2014, 01:50:56 pm »

Maeve looks around at the missile, pulling herself off of the ice shield for a moment to throw a chair at a window nearby, before jumping out, hands still on the shield.

Maeve then presses herself onto the shield, using her wings to glide to a safe landing, deftly dodging debris by leaning to the left or right and smashing the rest out of the way with smaller, claw like fingers on her wings.


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Re: RWBY IC: Initiation Day
« Reply #17 on: October 01, 2014, 02:10:54 pm »

((10 minutes real world time till the missile hits.  Post a reserve post now if you don't think you have time for your action.))
What the fuck is wrong with you guys.

Powder Miner

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Re: RWBY IC: Initiation Day
« Reply #18 on: October 01, 2014, 02:19:08 pm »

Chartre frowns as the missile approaches, looking very uncertainly at the big payload. He decides to leave the craft and jumps out of one of the cleared windows feet first. Sparing a short burst of wind-dust spray to aid in diverting the missile, Chartre uses almost the entirety of his wind canister to fire at the ground below him, hopefully creating enough of a reactive upward burst of wind to be cushioned safely upon hitting the ground. Should anyone not have a way to land safely near him, he fires the remainders of the canister to divert their motion horizontally from being a splat on the ground.
« Last Edit: October 01, 2014, 02:23:54 pm by Powder Miner »


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Re: RWBY IC: Initiation Day
« Reply #19 on: October 01, 2014, 02:48:23 pm »

Carran keeps grinning.
Heh... I doubt that I'd be able ta block tha' missile, even with the semblance thin'. Well... How about smashing a wall?
And with that, he takes the giant hammer off his back and into both hands, before channeling as much semblance as he can handle and smashing the hammer against the wall.
((For reference, it's the wall opposite if the room he exited.))
Then, provided there is a hole, he jumps out, standing on his hammer while gripping it with both hands.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: RWBY IC: Initiation Day
« Reply #20 on: October 01, 2014, 02:59:10 pm »


Run around until I can find something to hide inside. Brace for impact as appropriate.

"Oh god oh god oh god oh god"
You hide in an internal compartment make yourself very small and tuck your head.

Braith has been leaning against the wall with his eyes closed for the entire ride. He has his headphones on, listening to music.
You are completely unprepared.  When the explosion happens, you are sucked out due to the pressure change and hit a tree, hard.

Chartre frowns as the missile approaches, looking very uncertainly at the big payload. He decides to leave the craft and jumps out of one of the cleared windows feet first. Sparing a short burst of wind-dust spray to aid in diverting the missile, Chartre uses almost the entirety of his wind canister to fire at the ground below him, hopefully creating enough of a reactive upward burst of wind to be cushioned safely upon hitting the ground. Should anyone not have a way to land safely near him, he fires the remainders of the canister to divert their motion horizontally from being a splat on the ground.
(67) you are able to slow your fall somewhat and land safely, you are also able to slow the fall of another who quickly runs off into the forest without so much as a thank you.

Maeve looks around at the missile, pulling herself off of the ice shield for a moment to throw a chair at a window nearby, before jumping out, hands still on the shield.

Maeve then presses herself onto the shield, using her wings to glide to a safe landing, deftly dodging debris by leaning to the left or right and smashing the rest out of the way with smaller, claw like fingers on her wings.
  You rapidly glide out and manage to safely land in a clearing.  You can clearly see Bulwark Academy from your location.

"Wait a sec, that's right. We've got windows to jump out of."

Leaving the dust-users to do whatever it is that they do, Cordo heads to the nearest window and smashes it open with a single swing from Gada before leaping through the hole and looking for one of three things as he falls: A snowdrift, a frozen pond, or a dense patch of trees.
Emmy watches the man do this and shrugs. Seemed an obvious solution in theory.

With a quick punch, she breaks through her own window and starts free falling towards some trees, claw ready to slide down the bark to slow her momentum. This was certainly an interesting first day.
Your claws drag all the way down the tree, you use an infinitesimal amount of aura to keep your arm from wrenching out of socket.

"Wait a sec, that's right. We've got windows to jump out of."

Leaving the dust-users to do whatever it is that they do, Cordo heads to the nearest window and smashes it open with a single swing from Gada before leaping through the hole and looking for one of three things as he falls: A snowdrift, a frozen pond, or a dense patch of trees.
  You see all three and plunge into whichever you felt was (hopefully most awesome.)

Lloyd seemed to be rather quiet during all of this although he looked like he was distracted by other things.

"Come on be cool, first impressions are important and you know nobody here... Wait am I dong this right? Should I not care like that guy over there or am I supposed to do something or..."

Someone began opening fire on the missile that was coming towards him and he nodded to himself, "Right we should probably deal with that... Now to divert it or to destroy it... The things durable so that first one is out of the question but..." he mumbles to himself as he calls upon his semblance and reaches out to the incoming missile and tries to divert it to the best of his ability with strong winds.
  Your winds combined with Chartre's winds manage to make the missile aim towards a wing, instead of the ships body.  You brace for impact.

Justine remains calm. Or as calm as one can possibly be. A missile is just another way to die, not different from any other. But if the missile were to explode in mid air, maybe more of the students (and her with them) would be able to land safely.

"Clear the windows! Things are about to get crashy."

She says, as she takes Anathema from her back and aims at the missile.
Open fire at the missile, if it explodes in mid air, prepare to do some air surfing on top of broken wall or something
(54) you manage to hit the missile right in the payload, unfortunately, do to the nature of dust crystals, one of the crystals explodes, causing the others to shotgun out of the front of the missile and hit (for lesser damage) the entire right side of the ship, destroying a wing and knocking you off your feet, you brace for a crash.

Seeing this, Ceil looks from it to the ground, before trying to run off the side, giving a burst of her semblance at the edge to give them a bonus, and then additional bursts to somewhat slow her descent to a non-legbreaking impact.
  You escape before the explosion and descend rapidly, barely keeping your legs functioning on the impact.

Indigo braces himself.
  You watch the explosion as it rakes the side of the ship.  You are prepared to crash.

Carran keeps grinning.
Heh... I doubt that I'd be able ta block tha' missile, even with the semblance thin'. Well... How about smashing a wall?
And with that, he takes the giant hammer off his back and into both hands, before channeling as much semblance as he can handle and smashing the hammer against the wall.
((For reference, it's the wall opposite if the room he exited.))
Then, provided there is a hole, he jumps out, standing on his hammer while gripping it with both hands.
  You barely make it out,  you are in fact a little singed as you jumped out the exploding side.

The ship goes down, tearing through trees and snow.  Everyone on the ship is violently thrown forward and in pain.

Escapees take no damage, Carran takes 10% aura reduction till he makes it to Bulwark, those on the ship take 25% Aura reduction till they make it to Bulwark, Braith takes 40% Aura reduction till he makes it to Bulwark.

Those on the ground can hear the faint tinkering as mechanical constructs come to life, they appear to be outdated Atlesian mechanized infantry and there is a lot of them, they come in three colors blue green and red.
What the fuck is wrong with you guys.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: RWBY IC: Initiation Day
« Reply #21 on: October 01, 2014, 03:04:17 pm »

Maeve picks up her shield and looks around as Shadow Weave returned to it's normal form, preparing to hex or curse anything that tries to attack her. Looking around cautiously, she decided to go find another Huntress or Huntsman.

"Better with another person than alone."
She treads off into the woods, using her red glyph to light a small branch on fire to give herself light, holding up the ice shield. She also heads in the general direction of Bulwark Academy.
« Last Edit: October 01, 2014, 03:11:23 pm by IamanElfCollaborator »


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Re: RWBY IC: Initiation Day
« Reply #22 on: October 01, 2014, 03:10:24 pm »

Emmy thanks her ability to see in the dark, (Faunus trait. :P ) and stretches her arm from the fall. Atleast she was unharmed for the most part. Unfortunately, there appears to be a lock of mechs running around these woods and hostile at that. Elbow Blade and Claw Gauntlet of the Panther ready, she begins heading in the direction the ship had been heading before it was blown up.

Stealth was her ally in this, and she tries to keep that in practice as she begins the trek, tail swishing slowly back and forth as her ears twitched at every sound.
The best ship is the one where one of them is literally allergic to the other~
Quote from: NakaTeleeli
"A room ain't messy less you can't find nothin!"


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: RWBY IC: Initiation Day
« Reply #23 on: October 01, 2014, 03:23:44 pm »

"Owwwww.. ow ow ow ow ow.. oh. Huh. That's uh.. that's a lot of droids.. Huh. (ow.)"
Dusting themself off, Ceil reaches for her weapon, as her aura did its best for healing up some of the damage of that impact. Seeing this, they promptly decided to head off towards the woods. Towards cover. Towards the possibility of other survivors. Y'know. The normal sorta stuff.
Ow! How the fuck do eldritch abominations bitchslap people?
With our pimp tentacles, obviously.


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Re: RWBY IC: Initiation Day
« Reply #24 on: October 01, 2014, 03:33:46 pm »

"Well... That could have been worse I guess... Probably could have jumped out and been fine though." Lloyd continues mumbling to himself as he brushes off dust and debris from the crash. He pulls out his sickles, one in each hand and exits the ship, peering out carefully before revealing himself to see the mechs.

"Well then... The challenge isn't to defeat them, just to get to the end so I'll avoid them for now I guess..." He crouches down and does his best to sneak by and move towards the objective.

[Aura - 25%] = [Current Aura 75%]


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Re: RWBY IC: Initiation Day
« Reply #25 on: October 01, 2014, 03:38:02 pm »

((Didn't have time to post my action :/))
Braith summoned a white Nevermore which he rode down safely.


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Re: RWBY IC: Initiation Day
« Reply #26 on: October 01, 2014, 03:53:18 pm »

Carran looks around, narrowing his eyes slightly, the grin now wiped from his face.
Well... It seems like I might get to fight something already... Heh
And then he grins again, although it is my nearly as wide as his original grin. Carran then takes a battle stance with his hammer, preparing for the coming fight.


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Re: RWBY IC: Initiation Day
« Reply #27 on: October 01, 2014, 04:22:52 pm »

Well, it did got crashy.

Justine said, while cleaning her clothes a bit after the crash. Then seeing, some of the students run without caring about those left behind in the crash, she shrugged.

Well, so much for team spirit.

Walking on top of a fallen wall or something (just so she could be seen), she shouted.
Guys, we don't have to fight the robots. Everyone who can still run, grab someone who can't and start running towards Bulkwark!
And she said this, she moved towards the nearest student looking too wounded to defend himself.


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Re: RWBY IC: Initiation Day
« Reply #28 on: October 01, 2014, 04:43:41 pm »

Crawl out of hidey-hole. Attempt to find others.
RIP Moot ;-;7 Sigtext!


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Re: RWBY IC: Initiation Day
« Reply #29 on: October 01, 2014, 04:45:27 pm »

Lloyd heard the shout and nodded, "Oh right... teams..." He looked back and checked to see if anyone around needed his help.
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