Small update:
I'll admit i didnt work that much on the tileset these last days. Just tried to make all the rocks wall and floor. Got 9 types of rocks wall and 4 types of floor. They arent so great but i think they better then the last one i had.
And tried another kind of grasses.
I just want to make this update to let you know what i wish from this tileset.
I dont want it to be my personal tileset but become more of a community project where everyone can provide tiles to it. There a lot of tiles to do with TWBT and theres even more talented peoples on this forum. Just by looking at all the great tileset that has been done or the amazing work from the Stonesense guys. This game need a higher resolution tileset, most of the graphics set are still 16x. So if peoples could contribuate to a community tileset it would be great. Even if its to replace my tiles, i dont mind. I know a lot of them doesnt look great.
I'm pretty sure some people doesnt have the time to focus on a tileset by their own, so if we could put our hand together, i'm sure we can achieve a great tileset. I wont take any credit for others ones work, the initial plan for this tileset was to give something to the community. Ive been silently following this game for a long time now, using many of the great graphic set and tileset, and just wanted to contribuate back to the community.
I dont think this will be a great tileset if i do it on my own. All the time i've been put on this tileset, i just wished someone more talented would release one so i can't stop working on it.^^