((Woops, mistyped building number. Sorry toaster/icefire))
"Lars, A-9 is up next, then A-10.
Mesk, don't touch those suits until we know what's in them, or we might be 'making enemies' here.
Maybe you should interrogate one of these people here, see what's inside the suit. Don't kill them though, if you'd please. Worst comes to worst, I heatslice whatever is in there and we take them back to the sword for retrofitting.
Maurice, I saved the hospital for you. There better be some worthwhile stuff in there, or I'm having a headache for nothing.
Ask Steve what would happen if I heatslice the inside of the battlesuit cockpit. Would it kill the 'pilot' reliably, and would the suit be usable afterwards? And if we bring it back to the sword, would our technicians be able to retrofit it and make it a normal battlesuit again?
Finally, ask him if he has been able to identify any building that looks like it would hold something of value/importance, but that we haven't checked yet.
Lyra action: contemplate how lucky we are to live in a time where catpeople are a thing.
I dunno. It's a blind shot so it's harder. if it's been automated it would have to be modified (or rather, unmodified) to be usable, but yeah, it could be used again after that.
And he really can't identify anything as being anymore important then anything else. No big heat signatures or obvious signs of interesting stuff.
"Right... sounds good. Um, sir."
Grab the nearest two living people (not us) and start beating the shit out of one of them.
You walk over to the nearest person and just start wailing on them; beating the ever living shit out of them without saying a word or asking a question. It's hard to do when they're encased in goo, but by god you do your best.
Well, at the very least surviving patients and staff should be. Maurice smiled to himself. Regardless, I am grateful for that, General.
Also, I might have found and field-tested a way to reduce headaches from field manipulator use, if not outright reinvigorate the mind. It could be described as this: short-term dumbing of the user. The first test was a bit ugly, but I am certain that Mesk or I could carefully calculate the dosage so as to keep the side effects to minimum. I am fairly sure that, uh, 'suit' of yours has the required medical system and chemicals on hand, so no need for promitive means of alcohol, smoking or whatever else.
((Mesk has +2, Maurice has +1, and both of us might be exempt from rolls due to them being trivial. Plus, if we do fail, we'll get to watch drunken Avatar of War rampage. What could possibly go wrong?
Enter the building in a civil manner. If we landed on roof, there must've been some entrance there for us to choose this approach, no?
Look out for traps, ambushes and signs of foul intentions.
Team Panda, enemy contact yet? Anything out of order?
There's a sky light. You wanna civilly throw yourself through it? Or politely lower yourself in? I just had you land on the roof because I figured having you land there is better then dropping you in front of the building and straight into the line of fire.
Assuming there's people in there with guns, of course.
(It's actually the base preschool)
(quick, blow it up.)
Quickly stuff all unconscious people into a closet. Memorize the location and lock it shut. Continue moving with Lars, assist him in killing but let him lead the butchery.
Too bad there aren't phone booths around here. Could have gone for the world record of people crammed in one!
Does that record require them to be alive?
Ugh, not again. I hate those things. Unnatural beasts.I'll show 'em.
((Let's go for a classic boss fight move instead of the logical thing...))
"You have the right to remain silent. Let me help you exercise it!"
Punch the ground with my kinetic-amp fists, so that the shrapnel and shockwave will hit the sods and push them back or off me. Then immediately fly off the ground, doing a small spin to help shake them off.
If nobody is on me test high power medium dispersion visible light Raduga on the sods. Else shoot myself with the Raduga in high dispersion with the intent of hitting the ones still on me. If cleaning them up via shooting self is not possible, activate ESDF instead.
If they manage to open my escape hatch, jam my Spektr in it and test it very thoroughly on their face. Or use my monorazor if I can't hit them with the Spektr.
Team Panda, enemy contact yet? Anything out of order?
"Just pest control. Cleaning out some very clingy sods while rescuing civilians."
I'm just gonna stop you there because my wording was misinterpreted. These guys aren't sods. They're normal soldiers and civies. They're just using a tactic the sods used.
Some one had to train the sods, after all.
So, if you still want to go grenade fist on them, thats cool, I just don't want you to get any more blood on your hands without meaning to.
"Yes, my general! Forward in the name of Steve!"
Go clear A-10. Try not to shoot non-hostiles this time (but deliver swift laser-based justice on those who oppose.)
A-10 looks like this:

it contains some of the electrical infrastructure for the base and jack shit else.
Moving on.
Follow Maurice. Be ready to fire.
You stick with Maurice, who ponders the most gentlemanly way to do a flying elbow drop through a skylight.
Probably involves a top hat.