Simple copy/paste is the plan indeed. Culise sent me the relevant part of the .dm via forum PM. Like so:
--- Unit definitions for Dousheim
--- Shapechange form for Warlord
#newmonster 3005
#copyspr 1357
#name "Nathbakkae"
#weapon 251
#size 2
#hp 14
#prot 4
#mor 10
#mr 8
#enc 2
#str 10
#att 11
#def 13
#prec 5
#mapmove 3
#ap 18
#itemslots 12288
#nametype 104
#maxage 80
#descr "The hauflin of Dousheim sometimes ride these Nathbakkae into battle. Ordinarily docile creatures, they can be easily enraged by the death of their rider, who they perceive as members of their flock."
--- Shapechange form for Adept Sacrosanct Poet
#newmonster 3006
#copystats 284
#copyspr 284
#magicboost 53 -1
#itemslots 12288
#nametype 100
#maxage 50
#descr "The lesser wolves are the form of the Sacrosanct Ones. Unsuited for magic casting, these forms are nonetheless well-suited for coursing and defense, and serve to bring them in greater tune with nature and the Sanctus."
#shapechange 3111
#gcost 165
--- Shapechange form for Adept Sacrosanct Poet
#newmonster 3007
#copystats 284
#copyspr 284
#magicboost 53 -1
#itemslots 12288
#nametype 100
#maxage 50
#descr "The lesser wolves are the form of the Sacrosanct Ones. Unsuited for magic casting, these forms are nonetheless well-suited for coursing and defense, and serve to bring them in greater tune with nature and the Sanctus."
#shapechange 3112
#gcost 290
--- Shapechange form for Dousheiman Rider
#newmonster 3008
#copyspr 1357
#name "Nathbakkae"
#weapon 251
#size 2
#hp 14
#prot 4
#mor 10
#mr 8
#enc 2
#str 10
#att 11
#def 13
#prec 5
#mapmove 3
#ap 18
#itemslots 12288
#nametype 104
#maxage 80
#descr "The hauflin of Dousheim sometimes ride these Nathbakkae into battle. Ordinarily docile creatures, they can be easily enraged by the death of their rider, who they perceive as members of their flock."
--- Shapechange form for Dousheiman Spider Rider
#newmonster 3009
#copystats 884
#copyspr 884
#name "Spidra"
#magicboost 53 -5
#nametype 100
#maxage 50
#descr "The humans of Dousheim ride a variety of greater animals, including these giant spiders, into battle. Magically tamed by the guardians of the Sanctus, these Spidra will fight on even if their riders are killed."
--- Shapechange form for Dousheiman Spider Rider
#newmonster 3010
#copystats 884
#copyspr 884
#name "Spidra"
#magicboost 53 -5
#nametype 100
#maxage 50
#descr "The humans of Dousheim ride a variety of greater animals, including these giant spiders, into battle. Magically tamed by the guardians of the Sanctus, these Spidra will fight on even if their riders are killed."
--- Shapechange form for Hero
#newmonster 3011
#copystats 1807
#copyspr 1807
#itemslots 12288
#magicboost 53 -1
#nametype 100
#maxage 50
#siegebonus 3
#castledef 3
#patrolbonus 3
#descr "This great boar is Eoforwine transformed. A beast of the forests and king of all he surveys, he still maintains all of his knowledge and cunning, paired with the strength of the boar."
#shapechange 3113
#gcost 30
--- Dousheiman Crossbowman (Hoburg), Gold: 8, Resources: 9, Roles: [ranged] (null)
- Weapon: 0, 0
- Armor: 0, 0
--- Generation tags:
--- Applied filters:
#newmonster 3091
#name "Hauflin Arbalist"
#spr1 "nationgen_rune-covered_circle//103-dousheim/unit_3091_a.tga"
#spr2 "nationgen_rune-covered_circle//103-dousheim/unit_3091_b.tga"
#att 10
#gcost 8
#size 1
#hp 5
#mr 14
#def 12
#str 6
#prec 11
#supplybonus -1
#mapmove 1
#ap 8
#nametype 104
#maxage 80
#enc 4
#mor 9
#descr "The hauflin of Dousheim fight proudly alongside their tall-foot kin. The crossbowmen of Dousheim use powerful arbalests to overcome their lack of raw strength, capable of punching through armor at great distances. Unlike their tall-foot kin, who wield short axes for close-quarter combat, the hauflin arbalists are proud of the fact that their broadswords make them just as dangerous up close as they are at range."
#armor 8 --- Chain Mail Cuirass / chain cuirass
#armor 118 --- Half Helmet / halfhelmet
#weapon 705 --- / arbalest_hoburg
#weapon 8 --- / broadsword
--- Dousheiman Archer (Human), Gold: 10, Resources: 4, Roles: [ranged] (null)
- Weapon: 0, 0
- Armor: 0, 0
--- Generation tags:
--- Applied filters:
#newmonster 3092
#name "Dousheiman Archer"
#spr1 "nationgen_rune-covered_circle//103-dousheim/unit_3092_a.tga"
#spr2 "nationgen_rune-covered_circle//103-dousheim/unit_3092_b.tga"
#gcost 10
#ap 12
#mapmove 2
#mor 10
#mr 10
#hp 10
#str 10
#att 10
#def 10
#prec 10
#enc 3
#nametype 100
#descr "Though most humans aspire to the holy glory of the Harvesters or the pride of the ceorls, "
#armor 5 --- Leather Cuirass / 23
#armor 120 --- Leather Cap / leathercap
#weapon 23 --- / short bow
#weapon 17 --- / axe
--- Hauflin Javelineer (Hoburg), Gold: 8, Resources: 7, Roles: [infantry, scout] (null)
- Weapon: 2, 13
- Armor: 0, 0
- Offhand: 0, 0
--- Generation tags:
--- Applied filters:
#newmonster 3093
#name "Hauflin Javelineer"
#spr1 "nationgen_rune-covered_circle//103-dousheim/unit_3093_a.tga"
#spr2 "nationgen_rune-covered_circle//103-dousheim/unit_3093_b.tga"
#att 10
#gcost 8
#size 1
#hp 5
#mr 14
#def 12
#str 6
#prec 11
#supplybonus -1
#mapmove 1
#ap 8
#nametype 104
#maxage 80
#enc 4
#mor 9
#descr "Where the humans of Dousheim rely on size and raw power, the hauflins of Dousheim frequently rely on their size and endurance to outlast their foes. Using their javelins to goad the opponent, they then can use their superior numbers to drive them down. These javelineers use axes to close in for the kill."
#armor 16 --- Full Ring Mail / full ring
#armor 118 --- Half Helmet / halfhelmet
#armor 4 --- Tower Shield / tower2
#weapon 17 --- / axe
#weapon 21 --- / javelin 1
--- Hauflin Javelineer (Hoburg), Gold: 8, Resources: 7, Roles: [infantry, scout] (null)
- Weapon: 0, 0
- Armor: 0, 0
- Offhand: 0, 0
--- Generation tags:
--- Applied filters:
#newmonster 3094
#name "Hauflin Javelineer"
#spr1 "nationgen_rune-covered_circle//103-dousheim/unit_3094_a.tga"
#spr2 "nationgen_rune-covered_circle//103-dousheim/unit_3094_b.tga"
#att 10
#gcost 8
#size 1
#hp 5
#mr 14
#def 12
#str 6
#prec 11
#supplybonus -1
#mapmove 1
#ap 8
#nametype 104
#maxage 80
#enc 4
#mor 9
#descr "Where the humans of Dousheim rely on size and raw power, the hauflins of Dousheim frequently rely on their size and endurance to outlast their foes. Using their javelins to goad the opponent, they then can use their superior numbers to drive them down. These javelineers use their spears to keep their distance and repulse the enemy."
#armor 16 --- Full Ring Mail / full ring
#armor 118 --- Half Helmet / halfhelmet
#armor 4 --- Tower Shield / tower2
#weapon 1 --- / spear
#weapon 21 --- / javelin 1
--- Dousheiman Shield Warriors (Human), Gold: 10, Resources: 15, Roles: [infantry] (standard inf)
- Weapon: 0, 0
- Armor: 0, 0
- Offhand: 0, 0
--- Generation tags:
--- Applied filters:
#newmonster 3095
#name "Ceorl Shield Warriors"
#spr1 "nationgen_rune-covered_circle//103-dousheim/unit_3095_a.tga"
#spr2 "nationgen_rune-covered_circle//103-dousheim/unit_3095_b.tga"
#gcost 10
#ap 12
#mapmove 1
#mor 10
#mr 10
#hp 10
#str 10
#att 10
#def 10
#prec 10
#enc 3
#nametype 100
#descr "The nation of Dousheim is largely based on a large population of human and hauflin freemen, called ceorls. The lesser human ceorls frequently march into battle with spears and tall shields scaled up from those designs used by the hauflins. Though derided for hiding behind hauflin shields, these do provide them with significant protection against enemy foes."
#armor 16 --- Full Ring Mail / full ring
#armor 118 --- Half Helmet / halfhelmet2
#armor 4 --- Tower Shield / tower2
#weapon 1 --- / spear
#weapon 21 --- / javelin 1
--- Dousheiman Ceorl Swordsman (Human), Gold: 10, Resources: 16, Roles: [infantry] (standard inf)
- Weapon: 0, 0
- Armor: 0, 0
- Offhand: 0, 0
--- Generation tags:
--- Applied filters:
#newmonster 3096
#name "Ceorl Swordsman"
#spr1 "nationgen_rune-covered_circle//103-dousheim/unit_3096_a.tga"
#spr2 "nationgen_rune-covered_circle//103-dousheim/unit_3096_b.tga"
#gcost 10
#ap 12
#mapmove 2
#mor 10
#mr 10
#hp 10
#str 10
#att 10
#def 10
#prec 10
#enc 3
#nametype 100
#ambidextrous 4
#descr "The nation of Dousheim is largely based on a large population of human and hauflin freemen, called ceorls. Many humans of this class train hard to wield weapons in either hand, with the size of the weapons they bear being a sign of their prosperity. These men march into battle with twin broadswords, forged at the same time, cutting a swath of destruction."
#armor 16 --- Full Ring Mail / full ring
#armor 118 --- Half Helmet / halfhelmet2
#weapon 8 --- / offhandbroadsword
#weapon 8 --- / broadsword
--- Dousheiman Rider (Hoburg), Gold: 40, Resources: 7, Roles: [mounted] (null)
- Weapon: 3, 12
- Armor: 0, 0
- Offhand: 0, 0
--- Generation tags:
--- Applied filters:
#newmonster 3097
#name "Hauflin Nathbakkae Rider"
#spr1 "nationgen_rune-covered_circle//103-dousheim/unit_3097_a.tga"
#spr2 "nationgen_rune-covered_circle//103-dousheim/unit_3097_b.tga"
#att 10
#gcost 40
#size 2
#hp 9
#mr 14
#def 12
#str 6
#prec 11
#supplybonus -1
#mapmove 3
#ap 10
#nametype 104
#maxage 80
#enc 3
#mor 9
#weapon 20
#secondtmpshape 3008
#ressize 1
#rcost 4
#descr "The most respected of warriors are those who ride into battle on the great beasts of the forests. The Nathbakkae (Night bats) are relatively tame and docile when outside of combat, but possess a nasty bite and can only be ridden by the diminutive hauflin. Their hauflin riders wield axes and shields, but only use light armor."
#armor 5 --- Leather Cuirass / leather cuirass 1
#armor 120 --- Leather Cap / leathercap
#armor 2 --- Shield / shield3
#weapon 17 --- / axe
#weapon 260 --- / throwing axe
--- Dousheiman Rider (Human), Gold: 30, Resources: 15, Roles: [mounted] (null)
- Weapon: 5, -15
- Armor: 5, -15
- Offhand: 5, -15
--- Generation tags:
--- Applied filters: TEMPLATE FILTER: elite,
#newmonster 3098
#name "Eorl Rider"
#spr1 "nationgen_rune-covered_circle//103-dousheim/unit_3098_a.tga"
#spr2 "nationgen_rune-covered_circle//103-dousheim/unit_3098_b.tga"
#gcost 30
#ap 24
#mapmove 3
#mor 11
#mr 10
#hp 12
#str 10
#att 11
#def 11
#prec 10
#enc 3
#nametype 100
#size 3
#weapon 56 --- Hoof
#ressize 2
#descr "These horse riders are the elite of Dousheim, paid for by the land of the great land-owning class of eorls. Carrying a wide range of weapons, not to mention the horse itself, they are proud and impetuous, always eager for a chance at winning a glory and a prince's ransom in battle."
#armor 8 --- Chain Mail Cuirass / chain cuirass
#armor 118 --- Half Helmet / halfhelmet
#armor 1 --- Buckler / bronzebuckler
#weapon 1 --- / spear
#weapon 4 --- / lance
#weapon 21 --- / javelin 1
--- Hauflin Spidra Rider (Human), Gold: 30, Resources: 14, Roles: [mounted] (null)
- Weapon: 5, -15
- Armor: 5, -15
- Offhand: 5, -15
--- Generation tags:
--- Applied filters:
#newmonster 3099
#name "Spidra Rider"
#spr1 "nationgen_rune-covered_circle//103-dousheim/unit_3099_a.tga"
#spr2 "nationgen_rune-covered_circle//103-dousheim/unit_3099_b.tga"
#gcost 30
#ap 13
#mapmove 2
#mor 10
#mr 10
#hp 12
#str 10
#att 10
#def 10
#prec 10
#enc 4
#nametype 100
#size 5
#weapon 262
#weapon 313
#secondshape 3009
#ressize 2
#maxage 50
#descr "The most respected of warriors are those who ride into battle on the great beasts of the forests. The great Spidra of Dousheim are feared hunters in their own element, trapped and only half-tamed to the will of the humans who ride these beasts. The webs these spidra are capable of casting can entangle even unlucky giants, and are used by the riders to devastating effect. Magically tamed by the guardians of the Sanctus, the Spidra will fight on even if their riders are killed."
#armor 16 --- Full Ring Mail / full ring
#armor 118 --- Half Helmet / halfhelmet2
#armor 2 --- Shield / shield3
#weapon 1 --- / spear
#weapon 21 --- / javelin 1
--- Dousheiman Spider Rider (Human), Gold: 30, Resources: 14, Roles: [mounted] (null)
- Weapon: 5, -15
- Armor: 5, -15
- Offhand: 5, -15
--- Generation tags:
--- Applied filters:
#newmonster 3100
#name "Spidra Rider"
#spr1 "nationgen_rune-covered_circle//103-dousheim/unit_3100_a.tga"
#spr2 "nationgen_rune-covered_circle//103-dousheim/unit_3100_b.tga"
#gcost 30
#ap 13
#mapmove 2
#mor 10
#mr 10
#hp 12
#str 10
#att 10
#def 10
#prec 10
#enc 4
#nametype 100
#size 5
#weapon 262
#weapon 313
#secondshape 3010
#ressize 2
#maxage 50
#descr "The most respected of warriors are those who ride into battle on the great beasts of the forests. The great Spidra of Dousheim are feared hunters in their own element, trapped and only half-tamed to the will of the humans who ride these beasts. The webs these spidra are capable of casting can entangle even unlucky giants, and are used by the riders to devastating effect. Magically tamed by the guardians of the Sanctus, the Spidra will fight on even if their riders are killed."
#armor 16 --- Full Ring Mail / full ring
#armor 118 --- Half Helmet / halfhelmet2
#armor 2 --- Shield / shield3
#weapon 17 --- / axe
#weapon 21 --- / javelin 1
--- Dousheiman Chariot (Human), Gold: 35, Resources: 25, Roles: [chariot] (null)
- Weapon: 0, 0
- Armor: 0, 0
- Offhand: 0, 0
--- Generation tags:
--- Applied filters:
#newmonster 3101
#name "Eorl Charioteer"
#spr1 "nationgen_rune-covered_circle//103-dousheim/unit_3101_a.tga"
#spr2 "nationgen_rune-covered_circle//103-dousheim/unit_3101_b.tga"
#gcost 35
#ap 18
#mapmove 3
#mor 10
#mr 10
#hp 12
#str 10
#att 10
#def 10
#prec 10
#enc 4
#nametype 100
#size 4
#prot 5
#ressize 2
#rcost 10
#descr "Only the greatest and most powerful of eorls ride these chariots into battle. Frequently decorated with amber gems, the chariots themselves are heavy enough to plow through enemy forces without stopping."
#armor 16 --- Full Ring Mail / full ring
#armor 118 --- Half Helmet / halfhelmet2
#armor 2 --- Shield / 17
#weapon 8 --- / broadsword
--- Dousheiman Chariot (Human), Gold: 35, Resources: 24, Roles: [chariot] (null)
- Weapon: 0, 0
- Armor: 0, 0
- Offhand: 0, 0
--- Generation tags:
--- Applied filters:
#newmonster 3102
#name "Eorl Charioteer"
#spr1 "nationgen_rune-covered_circle//103-dousheim/unit_3102_a.tga"
#spr2 "nationgen_rune-covered_circle//103-dousheim/unit_3102_b.tga"
#gcost 35
#ap 18
#mapmove 3
#mor 10
#mr 10
#hp 12
#str 10
#att 10
#def 10
#prec 10
#enc 4
#nametype 100
#size 4
#prot 5
#ressize 2
#rcost 10
#descr "Only the greatest and most powerful of eorls ride these chariots into battle. Frequently decorated with amber gems, the chariots themselves are heavy enough to plow through enemy forces without stopping."
#armor 16 --- Full Ring Mail / full ring
#armor 118 --- Half Helmet / halfhelmet2
#armor 2 --- Shield / 17
#weapon 1 --- / spear
#weapon 21 --- / javelin 1
--- Primordial Warrior (Human), Gold: 18, Resources: 10, Roles: [infantry] (standard inf)
- Weapon: 0, 0
- Armor: 0, 0
--- Generation tags: sacred, path earth,
--- Applied filters: fallpower,
#newmonster 3103
#name "Fealle Munuc"
#spr1 "nationgen_rune-covered_circle//103-dousheim/unit_3103_a.tga"
#spr2 "nationgen_rune-covered_circle//103-dousheim/unit_3103_b.tga"
#gcost 18
#ap 12
#mapmove 2
#mor 11
#mr 12
#hp 13
#str 10
#att 12
#def 13
#prec 11
#enc 2
#nametype 100
#fallpower 1
#descr "The Fealle Munuc are the disciples of the Sanctus, guardians of the Deman who preach and caretakers to the harvest. Through extensive communion, withdrawal from human life, and intense meditation, they have attuned themselves to the land itself, and in the doing rise in strength with the comming of the autumnal equinox. The lay Munuc make up the spiritual guardians of their masters in the Sanctus."
#armor 11 --- Ring Mail Hauberk / ring hauberk long
#weapon 5 --- / halberd
#weapon 21 --- / javelin 1
#armor 120 --- Leather Cap / fancyhat
--- Assassin (Human), Gold: 50, Resources: 9, Roles: [scout] (null)
- Weapon: 0, 0
- Armor: 0, 0
- Offhand: 0, 0
--- Generation tags:
--- Applied filters:
#newmonster 3104
#name "Assassin"
#spr1 "nationgen_rune-covered_circle//103-dousheim/unit_3104_a.tga"
#spr2 "nationgen_rune-covered_circle//103-dousheim/unit_3104_b.tga"
#gcost 50
#ap 12
#mapmove 2
#mor 13
#mr 11
#hp 10
#str 11
#att 13
#def 13
#prec 13
#enc 3
#nametype 100
#stealthy 25
#ambidextrous 2
#descr "All human and hauflin ceorl are of stout heart and strong arm, but not all work openly in the service of the Sanctus. Rather than swords, these warriors wield carefully-weighted hammers or other weapons disguised as various tools of their feigned trade. Ambidextrous and at home in either town or forest, they search out foes of the Sanctus and eliminate them."
#weapon 13 --- / hammer
#armor 11 --- Ring Mail Hauberk / ring hauberk long
#armor 120 --- Leather Cap / leathercap
#weapon 13 --- / offhandhammer
--- Colonel (Hoburg), Gold: 65, Resources: 7, Roles: [infantry, scout] (null)
- Weapon: 0, 0
- Armor: 0, 0
- Offhand: 0, 0
--- Generation tags:
--- Applied filters:
#newmonster 3105
#name "Hauflin Theagn"
#spr1 "nationgen_rune-covered_circle//103-dousheim/unit_3105_a.tga"
#spr2 "nationgen_rune-covered_circle//103-dousheim/unit_3105_b.tga"
#att 12
#gcost 65
#size 1
#hp 7
#mr 14
#def 14
#str 6
#prec 13
#supplybonus -1
#mapmove 1
#ap 8
#nametype 104
#maxage 80
#enc 4
#mor 11
#inspirational 1
#descr "The hauflin of Dousheim put their trust in strength of arms, and their leaders are the most valiant and talented at the art. Granted land holdings in recognition of their service, the theagn may be short and stout in stature, but their bravery is beyond reproach. Their steady presence on the battlefield is often enough to steady the nerves of human and hauflin alike."
#armor 16 --- Full Ring Mail / full ring
#armor 118 --- Half Helmet / halfhelmet-elite
#armor 4 --- Tower Shield / tower1
#weapon 1 --- / spear
#weapon 21 --- / javelin 1
--- Warlord (Hoburg), Gold: 130, Resources: 7, Roles: [mounted] (null)
- Weapon: 3, 12
- Armor: 0, 0
- Offhand: 0, 0
--- Generation tags:
--- Applied filters:
#newmonster 3106
#name "Hauflin Theagn Rider"
#spr1 "nationgen_rune-covered_circle//103-dousheim/unit_3106_a.tga"
#spr2 "nationgen_rune-covered_circle//103-dousheim/unit_3106_b.tga"
#att 12
#gcost 130
#size 2
#hp 11
#mr 14
#def 14
#str 6
#prec 13
#supplybonus -1
#mapmove 3
#ap 10
#nametype 104
#maxage 80
#enc 3
#mor 11
#weapon 20
#secondtmpshape 3005
#ressize 1
#rcost 4
#inspirational 1
#descr "The hauflin of Dousheim put their trust in strength of arms, and their leaders are the most valiant and talented at the art. Granted land holdings in recognition of their service, the theagn may be short and stout in stature, but their bravery is beyond reproach. Their steady presence soaring above the battlefield, in view of their allies and foes alike, is often enough to steady the nerves of both human and hauflin."
#armor 5 --- Leather Cuirass / leather cuirass 1
#armor 120 --- Leather Cap / leathercap-elite
#armor 2 --- Shield / shield1
#weapon 17 --- / axe
#weapon 260 --- / throwing axe
--- Warlord (Human), Gold: 125, Resources: 24, Roles: [chariot] (null)
- Weapon: 0, 0
- Armor: 0, 0
- Offhand: 0, 0
--- Generation tags:
--- Applied filters:
#newmonster 3107
#name "Dousheim Cyning"
#spr1 "nationgen_rune-covered_circle//103-dousheim/unit_3107_a.tga"
#spr2 "nationgen_rune-covered_circle//103-dousheim/unit_3107_b.tga"
#gcost 125
#ap 18
#mapmove 3
#mor 12
#mr 10
#hp 14
#str 10
#att 12
#def 12
#prec 12
#enc 4
#nametype 100
#size 4
#prot 5
#ressize 2
#rcost 10
#inspirational 1
#descr "The most powerful of the eorl are referred to as cynings, or petty kings. Proud and talented in the ways of war, they ride in gleaming chariots that scatter the enemy like chaff, inspiring their allies with their daring and might."
#armor 16 --- Full Ring Mail / full ring
#armor 118 --- Half Helmet / elitebascinet
#armor 2 --- Shield / 11
#weapon 1 --- / spear
#weapon 21 --- / javelin 1
--- Primordial Master (Human), Gold: 80, Resources: 10, Roles: [infantry] (standard inf)
- Weapon: 0, 0
- Armor: 0, 0
--- Generation tags: sacred, path earth,
--- Applied filters: fallpower,
#newmonster 3108
#name "Fealle Magister"
#spr1 "nationgen_rune-covered_circle//103-dousheim/unit_3108_a.tga"
#spr2 "nationgen_rune-covered_circle//103-dousheim/unit_3108_b.tga"
#gcost 80
#ap 12
#mapmove 2
#mor 13
#mr 12
#hp 15
#str 10
#att 14
#def 15
#prec 13
#enc 2
#nametype 100
#fallpower 1
#descr "The Fealle Munuc are the disciples of the Sanctus, guardians of the Deman who preach and caretakers to the harvest. Through extensive communion, withdrawal from human life, and intense meditation, they have attuned themselves to the land itself, and in the doing rise in strength with the comming of the autumnal equinox. The Magisters are the leaders of the Munuc. Though the power of the equinox and the song of the Sanctus beats through their veins, they channel this strength into their weapons rather than spells."
#armor 11 --- Ring Mail Hauberk / ring hauberk long
#weapon 5 --- / halberd
#weapon 21 --- / javelin 1
#armor 120 --- Leather Cap / fancyhat
--- Deman (Human), Gold: 35, Resources: 1, Roles: [mage, priest] (null)
- Weapon: 0, 0
- Armor: 5, -2
- Offhand: 0, 0
--- Generation tags: priest 1,
--- Applied filters: PRIESTPICKS,
#newmonster 3109
#name "Hearg Deman"
#spr1 "nationgen_rune-covered_circle//103-dousheim/unit_3109_a.tga"
#spr2 "nationgen_rune-covered_circle//103-dousheim/unit_3109_b.tga"
#gcost 35
#ap 12
#mapmove 2
#mor 10
#mr 13
#hp 10
#str 10
#att 10
#def 10
#prec 10
#enc 3
#nametype 100
#magicskill 8 1
#descr "The Hearg Deman protect and minister over the common masses. Bearing only the smallest touch of the Sanctus, their priestly powers are not entirely without mention, but they lack the magical talents of the Sacrosanct Ones."
#armor 158 --- Robes / cultistrobe2
#weapon 7 --- / metalstaff
--- Fledging Sacrosanct Poet (Human), Gold: 50, Resources: 1, Roles: [mage, priest] (null)
- Weapon: 0, 0
- Armor: 0, 0
--- Generation tags: schoolmage 1, identifier schoolmage,
--- Applied filters: MAGICPICKS (30),
#newmonster 3110
#name "Sacrosanct Scoph"
#spr1 "nationgen_rune-covered_circle//103-dousheim/unit_3110_a.tga"
#spr2 "nationgen_rune-covered_circle//103-dousheim/unit_3110_b.tga"
#gcost 50
#ap 12
#mapmove 2
#mor 10
#mr 13
#hp 10
#str 10
#att 9
#def 9
#prec 10
#enc 3
#nametype 100
#magicskill 4 1
#descr "The Sacrosanct Ones are those who speak and sing the one song of the world, the Sanctus, sometimes referred to as the music of the spheres. The youngest of those admitted to their ranks have frequently touched the stars, but have not yet heard beyond the mighty chorus of the song. Bearing a ceremonial dagger, they are given the title Scoph, and are usually seen as assistants to their superiors."
#armor 158 --- Robes / monkrobes2
#weapon 9 --- / dagger
--- Sacrosanct Sangere (Human), Gold: 165, Resources: 1, Roles: [mage, priest] (null)
- Weapon: 0, 0
- Armor: 0, 0
- Offhand: 0, 0
--- Generation tags: schoolmage 2, identifier schoolmage, magepriest,
--- Applied filters: MAGICPICKS (110), PRIESTPICKS, wolf,
#newmonster 3111
#name "Sacrosanct Sangere"
#spr1 "nationgen_rune-covered_circle//103-dousheim/unit_3111_a.tga"
#spr2 "nationgen_rune-covered_circle//103-dousheim/unit_3111_b.tga"
#gcost 165
#ap 12
#mapmove 2
#mor 10
#mr 15
#hp 10
#str 10
#att 9
#def 9
#prec 10
#enc 3
#nametype 100
#magicskill 4 2
#magicskill 6 1
#magicskill 8 1
#shapechange 3006
#ambidextrous 5
#descr "The Sacrosanct Ones are those who speak and sing the one song of the world, the Sanctus, sometimes referred to as the music of the spheres. The lay majority of the Sacrosanct, the Sangere, serve across the nation. With the kenning of the hearth, they have touched the soul of the Sanctus, and in it bound themselves to the nature of the song and, by extension, the world. Their very bodies have been changed by this act, rejecting the agues and poisons of the world, and their knowledge now includes the ability to transform themselves to become closer to the world. They always bear the sacred waters of the Sanctus with them, the better to purify and cleanse their foes."
#maxage 50
#armor 158 --- Robes / monkrobes2
#weapon 496 --- / pitcher
#weapon 7 --- / quarterstaff
--- Adept Sacrosanct Poet (Human), Gold: 290, Resources: 1, Roles: [mage, priest] (null)
- Weapon: 0, 0
- Armor: 0, 0
- Offhand: 0, 0
--- Generation tags: schoolmage 3, identifier schoolmage, magepriest,
--- Applied filters: MAGICPICKS (220), PRIESTPICKS, wolf,
#newmonster 3112
#name "Sacrosanct Swinsianer"
#spr1 "nationgen_rune-covered_circle//103-dousheim/unit_3112_a.tga"
#spr2 "nationgen_rune-covered_circle//103-dousheim/unit_3112_b.tga"
#gcost 290
#ap 12
#mapmove 1
#mor 10
#mr 17
#hp 10
#str 10
#att 9
#def 9
#prec 10
#enc 3
#nametype 100
#magicskill 4 2
#magicskill 6 2
#magicskill 2 1
#custommagic 14848 100
#custommagic 14848 10
#magicskill 8 2
#shapechange 3007
#maxage 50
#descr "The Sacrosanct Ones are those who speak and sing the one song of the world, the Sanctus, sometimes referred to as the music of the spheres. The Swinsianer are those among the Sangere who have not simply touched the soul of the Sanctus, but in their singing, have become able to alter its course imperceptibly. They possess the talents and abilities of the Sangere, but they possess the power to tap the great mysteries of the Sanctus, those of the seas, the stars, the forests, and in some rare few, even those of the veil between Life and Death."
#armor 158 --- Robes / monkrobes1
#weapon 7 --- / knobblystaff
--- Hero (Human), Gold: 30, Resources: 36, Roles: [ranged] (null)
- Weapon: 0, 0
- Armor: 0, 0
--- Generation tags: elite, notfortier 1, notfortier 2, description "can shapeshift into a great boar",
--- Applied filters: sieger, castlemaster, patrol, greatboar,
#newmonster 3113
#name "Swineherd Knight"
#fixedname "Eoforwine"
#spr1 "nationgen_rune-covered_circle//103-dousheim/unit_3113_a.tga"
#spr2 "nationgen_rune-covered_circle//103-dousheim/unit_3113_b.tga"
#gcost 30
#ap 12
#mapmove 1
#mor 20
#mr 18
#hp 17
#str 10
#att 14
#def 14
#prec 11
#enc 1
#nametype 100
#siegebonus 3
#castledef 3
#patrolbonus 3
#shapechange 3011
#maxage 50
#descr "Eoforwine was born on an uncertain day to uncertain parents, who abandoned him in a small hauflin hame. The young boy survived on his labour as a swineherd and the generosity of the innkeep, but grew on dreams of becoming a great cyning. To this end, he learned all he could from the hauflin, mastering crossbow and greatswords alike, but it was his quick mind that drew the attention of others. A petty theagn of no great means, but with keen wit and cunning, took the young Eoforwine under his wing, educating him and teaching him of the arts of siege and tactics. Though he never knew his father or mother, the Sanctus nonetheless made its touch felt on his very blood, granting him the same ability to alter his form as the greatest of the Sacrosanct Ones, a fact that only became known when he transformed into a mighty boar in his first battle, ravaging the enemy and bringing his theagn and fellow warriors great riches in ransoms. This brought him to the notice of the Sacrosanct Ones, who he now serves directly with his knowledge and abilities."
#armor 19 --- Full Plate Mail / 15
#weapon 706 --- / light crossbow
#armor 21 --- Full Helmet / elitefullhelmet
#weapon 10 --- / falchion
I just copied that bit over the Dousheim part of my .dm and the test game I started seems to have all the changes working at a glance.