I could get into huge long rants about this, but nobody reads walls of text. So short form here, I'll write a wall of text if there are questions.
Here's the big secret about the world:
Everything you see and experience today was created by someone dumber than you.
And from that,
You write the rules of society.
If you don't like anything about this world, don't bitch about it. Change it. If you can't change it, learn to live with it. Bitching about stuff is emotionally draining.
You're not going to know what life has in store for you. So learn to deal with uncertainty.
There's a bunch of studies that highlight the ideal skillsets needed for certain jobs. Attitude is probably the most important thing, far more than skills. You can learn skills, but most people can't change their attitude. If you build the right attitude, you can do anything.
The knowledge economy is not about time. It's about energy. Energy comes from emotion.
If you want to be emotionally invincible, tackle a huge problem. Help people. Don't aim to be a billionaire - you're not helping people that way. Solve problems.
My big goal is making sure that people love their jobs. People just come into work whenever they like and do the job they were paid to do, without needing social media blocking and punch cards. People would no longer feel indebted to work, they wouldn't spend their lives looking forward to retirement.
With a large enough, non-selfish goal, people follow you. They want you to succeed. They'll donate resources to you. They'll guide you and cheer you on. You deal with less office politics and assholes. People will protect you. The little things don't matter anymore. You get filled with a drive to fix things.
You also gain a certain amount of honesty and fearlessness in everything you do. This will give you super energy, and thus, superpowers.
Once you dedicate yourself to this goal, you set up plenty of other little goals and checkpoints along the way. Things like choice of degree/profession/career/spouse... they become a lot easier for you.
So that's basically the long build up to your question. Society doesn't have a hole for you? Make one.
P/s another huge thing we didn't learn at school:
Get a mentor
People spend what... 10 years in education and don't spend a day looking for a mentor. Find someone who has done the things you want to do. Make friends with them. You want to be a multi-millionaire, find someone who is, and learn from them. Often the people who have done so are eager to share their war stories. And they like to hear the perspective of someone who's on a lower level, with more energy than they have. The younger you are, the more potential you have.
Just ask people. Start small-ish. Then move up slowly to make friends with former presidents, Fortune 500 CEOs, and so on. I learned all this stuff from mentors like that.
There's often a science and system to everything. Repeat other people's methods and very often you get the exact same results.