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Let’s run this into the ground!

Hell yes.

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Author Topic: Murderflood: OPERATION PIMPSTACK (Ardentdikes III)  (Read 37021 times)


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Re: Murderflood: OPERATION PIMPSTACK (Ardentdikes III)
« Reply #105 on: October 18, 2014, 07:04:27 pm »

Don’t worry guys, another update is on it’s way! When I’m done I’ll update and link the reports along with the save.

Spoiler: Teaser (click to show/hide)
Given current events, I've altered my profile pic and I'm sorry it took so long to fix. If you find the old one on any of my accounts elsewhere on the internet, let me know by message (along with the specific site) and I'll fix. Can't link the revised avatar for some reason.


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Re: Murderflood: OPERATION PIMPSTACK (Ardentdikes III)
« Reply #106 on: October 19, 2014, 11:46:43 am »

Now I eagerly await my turn where I can talk about how darkrider2 was an orphaned dwarf with no skills of use to anybody, but captainarchemage took him in and bestowed a proper title upon him, and how his best friends is a porcupine.


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Re: Murderflood: OPERATION PIMPSTACK (Ardentdikes III)
« Reply #107 on: October 19, 2014, 10:27:51 pm »

We're up to 21 ''Hell yes!'' in the survey. You better start grieving for your porcupine preemptively.

Urist McKiwi

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Re: Murderflood: OPERATION PIMPSTACK (Ardentdikes III)
« Reply #108 on: October 25, 2014, 06:17:22 pm »



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Re: Murderflood: OPERATION PIMPSTACK (Ardentdikes III)
« Reply #109 on: October 25, 2014, 07:27:04 pm »


Pretty much, should have it up by later today. I see Dwarf Fortress 0.40.14 is in, but apparently no stepladders unless regen or hacking.

Edit: IT’S DONE! Brace for impact.......


Again, I ran out of space on the other post. Here’s what happened since 27th Obsidian....... an epilogue will be added.

End of Year Report, 28th Obsidian, 100

Congratulations everyone! Here, under the burning sun and Murderflood the Fiery Enchanted Hell-Dyke of Terror, we have made it through a full year and established a great fortress above the ground!

With 32000 wealth and a population of 14, expecting more in the spring migration, we can expect to more than double our numbers. Our food stores are bulging and we have about 100 drinks available. At the moment, most food is stored in an above ground stockpile, but could easily be moved into the underground storeroom.

We have two legendary miners currently working to expand our fortress underground while mining out much-needed stone to expand the above-ground metropolis. Above-ground metropolis, you say?

This is the Eastern Keep, also known as The Lone Cactus on account of the Saguaro cactus growing outside the western entrance. There is area for a tavern and dining hall, but we never finished construction. The stairwell goes up for access to residences, but not all have been completed thus far. The subterranean farms are accessible through this stairwell, along with a storeroom and a shaft down into the marble.

Two houses have been completed thus far. The one to the east is of course my house, which is accessible through the Lone Cactus. The lower floor is my office, with a gneiss throne and a piece of schist table I want to change out when I have the chance. I did not assign myself a personal dining room, because of the proximity to a great hall outside. The second house to the west is Taupe's and Deus Asmoth's, also accessible through the Lone Cactus. The layout is similar but there is another level with rooms for their children.

Residential housing on higher floors can be accessed through the stairwell. That is yet to be built, but will likely be like the children's housing.

I never finished further constructions on the western keep, but this goes down to the miner's quarters and access to the western dam. The miner's quarters also have some bathroom space designated if someone can get some running water up. Works haven't progressed on that, it is something for the future.

Next door to my house is the first undisclosed building project. This is the Murderflood General Hospital! The first level is to be assigned to eating space.

The second level has beds designated, but none have been completed yet.

There is a further level but it has not been roofed over yet, and this can be used for storage. The hospital could use a well but I did not manage to have one constructed. We can either draw water from the aquifer, or build an aqueduct from the river.

This is the second undisclosed building project: THE CLOCK TOWER. This will serve an important purpose once the pressure plate is completed, and the door has been connected up to a lever. A minecart has been constructed and when placed on the rollers, with the door opened, will make a complete circuit in a precise period of time, calculated to be around 145 "ticks". Systems the pressure plate has been connected to will be triggered, or "clocked", precisely that often. The "clock" will not operate with the door closed. Placing further track stops and engaging or disengaging them will alter the cycle length, though I believe 145 "ticks" is about the minimum period of time required to automatically cycle upright spikes. I have not progressed THE CLOCK TOWER past the first level, though subsequent floors could be used for anything.

This is THE OUTDOOR TOILET. Unfortunately, Gnott QT never built the toilet seat, and we had some issues with the water. The "Throne", however, is large enough to accommodate the most morbidly obese dwarfs, so I've got that going for me, which is nice. It'll be a bit of a squat, and there's a maintenance tunnel accessible through it. Just, don't go down there. Really. And don't even try to use the thing until water is connected to it. I've put appropriate warning signs on the door so nobody is stupid enough to go somewhere dangerous.

Current access to The Great Pimpstack is classified. The specification is up to 7 pumps wide. I've also designated a potential extension that could increase the magma supply, but that will have to be dug out by someone else. The power supply will need to be fed down from the surface, but with the river present and planned dams, we shouldn't have any trouble getting it. There are a few branches to get around the caverns, but don't get lost, OK?

I designated some auxiliary garbage storage here. Don't go in there unless you know what you're doing. It's right next to The Great Pimpstack so in the future, if you need to incinerate things put them in there.

I'm not going to go into any more detail on the undisclosed mining projects besides they have uncovered a great deal of stone, ore, and gems. The next leader will probably have some exploring to do.

I'd mentioned stepping down in the new year. I can either do that tomorrow, on Granite 15th, or when the spring migration wave comes in. Time to PARTY HARD!

1st Granite, 101

Happy New Year! With this glorious day, I lay down more of our more glorious plans and prepare to wind down my reign as the first leader of Murderflood.

Taupe is bringing the minecart to THE CLOCK TOWER where it will serve its intended purpose.

2nd Granite 101

Today, I finished the pressure plate. All that remains to do is connect the door up to a lever and the Clock is good to go.

3rd Granite 101

I've taken Sir darkrider2 off masonry so he can deal with some of the architectural metalworking. Meanwhile, I am installing levers in The Clock Tower to control power distribution and switch the Clock.

4th Granite 101

Another delivery of granite has arrived, but Gnott QT is off drinking and so we won't be seeing the stone being made into blocks. Meanwhile, Triaxx2 is installing a statue of camels on top of the OUTDOOR TOILET, so when fully operational using it will be more of a scenic experience.

5th Granite 101

bluescreen1988 has once more made another well-crafted glass window, and is now a Novice glass-maker. Not too long now and he will be a glassmaker, rather than a fisherdwarf by profession!

It is also Gnott QT's birthday today. Technically the statue being installed is one of Gnott QT's but I think a real birthday present needs to be more than a statue of camels being tamed installed above a broken OUTDOOR TOILET.

After installing the gears, I started feeling tired and I need to go to sleep. Before that though, I realised I could at least designate the location of a special house for Gnott QT, so I did. The way it is designed, the lower level will be below the waterline when the supposed dam is built, but we can fix that by installing glass windows. I'm just designating this location, if we feel that Gnott QT's house could be expanded a little that should be fine. In it's current dimensions we will need 20 green glass windows but personally I'd plan for 28.

Because we needed some new roasts not contained in a wooden barrel, Ghills is making some more food, for trade to trade to the elven caravan.

6th Granite 101

I guess I'm going to fill this in tomorrow. It's the early hours of the morning, I'm going to sleep for a while, and I know Urist McKiwi VI is asleep too.

7th Granite 101

I woke up to a wonderful smell, and fell out of one of the spaces were windows were supposed to be installed, but weren't. I found Ghills made this. It is worth 3360. In other news I designated more walls around THE CLOCK TOWER so it looks more like a fucking tower. I then went back to sleep.

8th Granite 101

Woke up after some commotion from building works, dealt with a few pieces of classified information, said this mudstone here could be smoothed out, and went back to sleep.

9th Granite 101

This morning, I woke up, and decided NOPE! Not going to be productive for a bit.

Wait what?

10th Granite 101

So last night was crazy. Absolutely crazy. This happened twice. We don't have any fucking stallions here, but I guess the mares "did it" with the merchants' horses back in Limestone. Also looks like both foals are female, so that sucks for breeding more.

Amid the commotion, I saw that Urist McDuck was still assigned to masonry. I also took her off that since she needs to plant the fields now.

Now the Elven caravan is here. I wonder if their pack animals are going to do their thing with ours? Oh wait no, they have camels and we don’t.

I quickly order the roast to be moved to the trade depot. When the traders have unpacked (which should be quickly) Gnott QT will deal with the trading.

11th Granite

The miners had nothing more to do, and the hospital furniture was all moved in, so I asked them to dig out the base of the primary stairwell. It has been nearly a year I'd considered doing that, but The Great Pimpstack took priority.

Meanwhile, Gnott QT is sleeping by the base of THE CLOCK TOWER. It looks like nobody's going to crash in the Murderflood General Hospital, so they're sleeping out in the open. Damn.

12th Granite

Merchants have arrived in the depot! I've removed Gnott QT from masonry so when she wakes up she can trade our goods away.

Meanwhile, I've designated the western dam mouth pillars. Also, since Triaxx2 and bp920091 quickly finished the mining works (which have uncovered new mineral wealth), legendary as they are, I had them install more windows on Taupe's bedroom while the elves were present. The only way this could have only gone better if they were clear glass windows.


It keeps happening!

13th Granite 101

More, and more births happen. Including to the milkfish. I thought milkfish laid eggs?

Gnott QT was still asleep, so Urist McDuck is handling the transaction with the elves.

The good news is the elves not only brought a female porcupine, but also a female two-humped camel. No idea how they managed to bring the cage in on the back of the other camel, but that means we can breed the female porcupine with the male porcupine darkrider2 has been trying to tape. Additionally, the female two-humped camel might be able to breed with the male two-humped camel the traders have brought…….

In the end, we bought all the animals the traders brought save for the mule and lorikeet, along with some wooden training equipment, practice armour, and some clothing.

14th Granite

Again, some Milkfish have given birth instead of laying eggs. Really, what is going on around here?

Nobody is removing the two-humped camel from the cage either. That's really annoying, seeing as this is our one chance to breed them.

15th Granite

Alright, this is it. One year since we ended up here and began whatever we did to build this glorious fortress. Aboveground construction is proceeding as expected, while exports will probably break the 10000 mark when the caravan leaves. We're 7 dwarves more in number now, and expecting a large migrant wave in the next few days.

15th Granite, Later

Around noon, I think, I either fell off the window sill when really intoxicated or something. I think I've lost quite a few of my memories, I don't exactly have a good recollection of the last few days. Strangely, it seems like everyone here is experiencing the same phenomenon. Maybe it is the Sun at this time of year, or could there be some other forces at work? I just think it would be wonderful to master a skill.

I had to make some concrete plans for the step down: I will begin transferring responsibilities from now to Ghills, the Second Master of this fortress. However, I need to keep everyone under firm medical observation because of The Incident. Therefor, formal hand-over will end when the migrant wave comes. Owing to the end of the century-long "forts are officially established Granite 1st" rule, the hand-over has become rather fluid. In the future, the hand-over will happen at the time of the spring migrant wave, or if the fortress is sufficiently large so as not to see migrants, or is under siege on 15th Slate.

16th Granite

Urist McDuck has, under my guidance, pastured both the  male porcupine and the two-humped camel. We may now commence work on project "breed those porcupines". Apparently, she has been satisfied at work in the last season.

17th Granite

I realise something might be off with THE CLOCK TOWER as it is, and I need to make some modifications. I also have the porcupine cage built properly, near the pasture, so we can carry out our experiment.

19th Granite

Today, I realised both porcupines are male. Well f**k.

21st Granite

I've fixed the apparent roller problem. Hopefully when everything's connected up the minecart will run as expected.

24th Granite

Time to check whether everything works or not I’m going to be linking the microcline lever up to the door, and starting the “clock” up. In other news, I remodelled the Murderflood General Hospital to be accessible through my office, and the miners are doing some expansion work on Operation Pimpstack.

28th Granite, 101: End of Month Report

This will likely be my last major report. Created wealth is recovering considerably following the trading with the caravan, and while our drinks are declining we have the capacity to produce more of them.

Sir darkrider2 is installing some flooring and columns for Taupe's office. I have also installed some beds in the reception area of the Murderflood General Hospital, just in case people need to crash. Apparently, everyone's respectful enough not to sleep in the operating theatre.

1st Slate, 101

New month is here! Still no sign of migrants, but within the last season, I felt a great deal of pleasure near a fine trap, a fine glass window, I felt satisfied at work, and I felt pleasure near my own fine floor hatch.

2nd Slate 101

THE CLOCK TOWER is now fully operational. There's a manual switch inside if you need to turn off the minecart, like, for maintenance works. It should be good for toggling a nice set of upright spikes, eh? I'd designate some expansions upstairs but I don't think we have any more time. The year's running on anyways.

4th Slate 101

IT'S HERE. THE MIGRANT WAVE IS HERE! I'M DONE! Here's where things are at the moment, that's all you need to do. Ghills is now Master of this place. I've covered the important parts in my End of Year report and subsequent updates.
« Last Edit: October 26, 2014, 12:06:35 pm by CaptainArchmage »
Given current events, I've altered my profile pic and I'm sorry it took so long to fix. If you find the old one on any of my accounts elsewhere on the internet, let me know by message (along with the specific site) and I'll fix. Can't link the revised avatar for some reason.


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Re: Murderflood: OPERATION PIMPSTACK (Ardentdikes III)
« Reply #110 on: October 26, 2014, 12:03:19 am »

Well, both our gods are apparently named Egstâk. Because FUCK YOU, theologists.


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Re: Murderflood: OPERATION PIMPSTACK (Ardentdikes III)
« Reply #111 on: October 26, 2014, 11:05:13 am »

Need a link to a downloadable save.

Last I remembered we were using standard RAWs, right?  I'm probably going to install a tileset unless there's a good reason not to, because all that red in ASCII makes my eyes bleed.
Ye know, being an usurper overseer gone mad with power isn't too bad. It's honestly not that different from being a normal overseer.
To summarize:
They do an epic face. If that fails, they beat said object to death with their beard.


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Re: Murderflood: OPERATION PIMPSTACK (Ardentdikes III)
« Reply #112 on: October 26, 2014, 12:22:37 pm »

Well, both our gods are apparently named Egstâk. Because FUCK YOU, theologists.

Two states at the same time, actually.

Need a link to a downloadable save.

Last I remembered we were using standard RAWs, right?  I'm probably going to install a tileset unless there's a good reason not to, because all that red in ASCII makes my eyes bleed.

Save added! Let the madness begin. As long as we can reverse the tileset, that’s fine.
Given current events, I've altered my profile pic and I'm sorry it took so long to fix. If you find the old one on any of my accounts elsewhere on the internet, let me know by message (along with the specific site) and I'll fix. Can't link the revised avatar for some reason.


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Re: Murderflood: OPERATION PIMPSTACK (Ardentdikes III)
« Reply #113 on: October 26, 2014, 03:14:13 pm »

Complying with Overseer's request. (Epilepsy warning)
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Also, I like how our priorities work. Listed from least to greatest:

- Defensibility

- FPS????

- Making it fit to live in


Deus Asmoth

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Re: Murderflood: OPERATION PIMPSTACK (Ardentdikes III)
« Reply #114 on: October 26, 2014, 07:40:40 pm »

In the unlikely event that my dwarf is still alive by the time my turn rolls around, is everyone ok with a few political assassinations to move my kids up in line for the throne? And by 'a few', I mean 'far more than anyone would ever deem necessary'.

Also, 40.14 is out. I think that it's save compatible aside from mind wiping all our dwarves, but I'm sure they won't lose anything particularly important to their psyche.
« Last Edit: October 26, 2014, 07:43:38 pm by Deus Asmoth »
Look elsewhere, reader. There is nothing for you here.


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Re: Murderflood: OPERATION PIMPSTACK (Ardentdikes III)
« Reply #115 on: October 26, 2014, 08:37:10 pm »

In the unlikely event that my dwarf is still alive by the time my turn rolls around, is everyone ok with a few political assassinations to move my kids up in line for the throne? And by 'a few', I mean 'far more than anyone would ever deem necessary'.

I can hardly see Princess Taupe agreeing to the murder of her entire family, but i guess the point of political assassinations is that they don't always require absolute consent of all parties involved.
« Last Edit: October 26, 2014, 08:39:19 pm by Taupe »


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Re: Murderflood: OPERATION PIMPSTACK (Ardentdikes III)
« Reply #116 on: October 26, 2014, 08:49:32 pm »

Save downloading, I'll probably start tomorrow or the day after.

In the unlikely event that my dwarf is still alive by the time my turn rolls around, is everyone ok with a few political assassinations to move my kids up in line for the throne? And by 'a few', I mean 'far more than anyone would ever deem necessary'.

Also, 40.14 is out. I think that it's save compatible aside from mind wiping all our dwarves, but I'm sure they won't lose anything particularly important to their psyche.

.14 is a feature release, not bugfixing. I'm not going to upgrade until a few more bugfixing releases come out.
Ye know, being an usurper overseer gone mad with power isn't too bad. It's honestly not that different from being a normal overseer.
To summarize:
They do an epic face. If that fails, they beat said object to death with their beard.


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Re: Murderflood: OPERATION PIMPSTACK (Ardentdikes III)
« Reply #117 on: October 27, 2014, 06:08:54 am »

So... can we weaponize the cactus?

Urist McKiwi

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Re: Murderflood: OPERATION PIMPSTACK (Ardentdikes III)
« Reply #118 on: October 27, 2014, 06:09:11 pm »

So... can we weaponize the cactus?

Sir Humphrey Cactusson is not to be used for such ignoble purposes as "warfare".


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Re: Murderflood: OPERATION PIMPSTACK (Ardentdikes III)
« Reply #119 on: October 27, 2014, 10:56:14 pm »

We may now commence work on project "breed those porcupines". Apparently, she has been satisfied at work in the last season.

If the original post doesn't get a quotes section I might just write one up in that 'extended signatures' thread.

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