Status Report 14th Galena: Construction of the Death Star continues unabated...
What do you mean we're no building the Death Star? Dwarf Fortress? Great. Stop, stop! We don't need the giant reactor pit! I don't care, the plans have officially changed! We're going to dig deep into... Build up? Are you sure? Okay, okay. Fine. Up it is. Let's build some scaffolding then. What? Walls? Fine. Yes, we'll finish those. Good stout walls.
Right, so we're building or rather finishing the walls. I am going to see about building some emplacements on the cliffs so we can shoot anyone trying to climb up the escarpments in the canyon, but I'm not sure how much I'll get done.
Irritatingly, someone forgot to connect the eastern underground and the western underground areas together and the eastern to the surface. Once I've dug out a tunnel, I finally have access to our legendary miner, and he starts to blitz through all these jobs we've had missing in action.
Unfortunately, bp920091 has died while mining. Captain Erzmagier and Bluescreen1988 have also turned up dead, along with one of our wood burners. As such I've ordered catacombs dug for the burial. I am unsure of what killed them. There appear to be no marks on any of the bodies, so it is not a vampire that I can tell. There is a giant bat that was seen near Captain Erzmagier and I've formed a squad to go and kill it if they're able. We do appear to have a few competent dorfs, but we have no equipment for them, so...
The links from Photobucket aren't working for me for some reason, but here's page link.