Just to add: Why don't you want to know? As in, you said I don't want to know when approached with examples against the perception you believe in. Have you delved into psychology, philosophy or at least sociology?
I ask this because when people stop wanting to know things (ie to understand them), their growth and maturation of mental and logical limits are hindered and stunted--falling back only to what you know now. Not wanting to know because of probable fear and such along those lines...leaves you only with what you have. Speaking from personal experience here...
What you say seems to be very limited in its scope, and doesn't encompass what is human nature in all holistic value.
Because...checking back and re-reading the thread, its very narrow...
It's like you're both being defeatist, and pessimistic, saying you're good (or something like that?) yet...not acting to change what is bad around you. Very kind people act against that which you hate. It has been exemplified multiple times in history, and is being done pretty much in such great intensity today that you just have to search for it to see it...
Meaning: It's like you're focusing on the bad parts of human history and using that to reinforce and bolster your worldview...when it seems you haven't even chosen to look at the other side. Its a defeatist and pessimistic attitude that won't help you with anything at all.
Humans are humans. This tiny amount of good people cannot cahnge a thing. Even if you, personally believe in this, you can't cahnge anything, too. You can just accept this flawed world and deny the truth.
I'm not like this, you know. I can't just close my eyes and try to live in this place.
I'll be working for that peace, if you'll excuse me. I won't just sit down and mope at how everything is sucky.