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Author Topic: If Forumites Were Stuck in an RPG (2nd thread. REBOOT COMMENCED)  (Read 304257 times)


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Re: If Forumites Were Stuck in an RPG (2nd thread, LOOK OUT GROUP 1!)
« Reply #4575 on: January 07, 2015, 01:26:43 am »

Kevak waves at it.


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Re: If Forumites Were Stuck in an RPG (2nd thread, LOOK OUT GROUP 1!)
« Reply #4576 on: January 07, 2015, 01:43:23 am »

HugoLuman feels rooted in place. On one hand, he's sitting out in the open here, in complete darkness, completely vulnerable. On the other hand, it's completely dark, which leaves him fewer options for finding a hiding place. And said hiding place might not be safe. Maybe he should try to reach the others. Or find that racoon before it got mad from no one watching. But what if he blundered into another bot on the way? Or broke a rule? What were the rules anyway, aside from no running... Over the clamor from the vents, he can hear some footsteps on the other end of the arcade, emerging from the South hall it sounds like.

Meanwhile, in the Office, Quasar leans towards Arc's ear. "Think it's clear to go to the generator now?"

Kevak waves at it.
It continues playing its song, staring at him with its head backwards.
Dwarf Souls: Prepare to Mine
Keep Me Safe - A Girl and Her Computer (Illustrated Game)
Darkest Garden - Illustrated game. - What mysteries lie in the abandoned dark?

Cryxis, Prince of Doom

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Re: If Forumites Were Stuck in an RPG (2nd thread, LOOK OUT GROUP 1!)
« Reply #4577 on: January 07, 2015, 08:04:03 am »

(At this point I've probably got some of my bearings and know I can't run or fight so I've probably gone out of my blackout state and be shouting for help)

As Iton is being dragged along he begins shouting for help
Fueled by caffeine, nicotine, and a surprisingly low will to live.
Cryxis makes the best typos.


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Re: If Forumites Were Stuck in an RPG (2nd thread, LOOK OUT GROUP 1!)
« Reply #4578 on: January 07, 2015, 09:45:52 pm »

HugoLuman hears Iton's voice from the vents overhead and tentatively heads towards it. It's not much, but it's probably better than sitting around in the darkness. Perhaps he can follow it to see where he comes out and help there.
Dwarf Souls: Prepare to Mine
Keep Me Safe - A Girl and Her Computer (Illustrated Game)
Darkest Garden - Illustrated game. - What mysteries lie in the abandoned dark?

Cryxis, Prince of Doom

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Re: If Forumites Were Stuck in an RPG (2nd thread, LOOK OUT GROUP 1!)
« Reply #4579 on: January 07, 2015, 09:47:56 pm »

Iton waits till whatever is dragging him along comes to wherever it is headed to, he shouts for help and uses his free hand to keep himself safe the whole way through
Fueled by caffeine, nicotine, and a surprisingly low will to live.
Cryxis makes the best typos.


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Re: If Forumites Were Stuck in an RPG (2nd thread, LOOK OUT GROUP 1!)
« Reply #4580 on: January 08, 2015, 11:10:46 am »

GentlemanRaptor pulls up his NVGs and looks around.
Amusingly, he's a Marksdwarf, which gives me the mental image of him conducting medical malpractice an appendectomy from fifty paces with a crossbow.
On bay12, a poll option of basically 'nuke the world' named 'Apocalypse Hitler' is like asking an alcoholic if they want some whiskey.


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Re: If Forumites Were Stuck in an RPG (2nd thread, LOOK OUT GROUP 1!)
« Reply #4581 on: January 08, 2015, 12:26:40 pm »

((Still have no idea how much those actually work in complete darkness, so going with this for now.))
((People not active at the moment are still in the office, so the Knight would probably be going after them. Then again, they'd probably have fled, so should I just assume they did?))

GR can dimly see, in quite grainy picture, the North hall around him. The doors into the two bathrooms, climate control, the severed tail lying next to the door back into security. He can't quite see into the arcade, the end of the hall being dark, but he can see the walls enough to get a sense of direction.
Dwarf Souls: Prepare to Mine
Keep Me Safe - A Girl and Her Computer (Illustrated Game)
Darkest Garden - Illustrated game. - What mysteries lie in the abandoned dark?

Cryxis, Prince of Doom

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Re: If Forumites Were Stuck in an RPG (2nd thread, LOOK OUT GROUP 1!)
« Reply #4582 on: January 08, 2015, 12:43:20 pm »

((what happens to Iton? or are we just waiting for others to post?))
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Re: If Forumites Were Stuck in an RPG (2nd thread, LOOK OUT GROUP 1!)
« Reply #4583 on: January 08, 2015, 12:57:19 pm »

((Waiting for others to post, for timing reasons. Could really use a response from Arc but if he doesn't by the time I get back from class, I'll move things along.))
((Note: you'd still be able to protect your head from bumps, I think, but since one arm is dislocated you'd have to use the hand holding the axe.))

HugoLuman couldn't be entirely sure, but he believed he was now directly underneath the source of noise and shouting in the vents. Before he could start following it, though, he heard something walking in the same direction (and, faintly the whir of servomotors). He didn't get any danger sense but he stepped aside. Whatever bot it was it seemed headed in the same direction as the noise, so, nervously, HugoLuman began to pace along behind it.
Dwarf Souls: Prepare to Mine
Keep Me Safe - A Girl and Her Computer (Illustrated Game)
Darkest Garden - Illustrated game. - What mysteries lie in the abandoned dark?

Cryxis, Prince of Doom

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Re: If Forumites Were Stuck in an RPG (2nd thread, LOOK OUT GROUP 1!)
« Reply #4584 on: January 08, 2015, 12:58:39 pm »

Fueled by caffeine, nicotine, and a surprisingly low will to live.
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Re: If Forumites Were Stuck in an RPG (2nd thread, LOOK OUT GROUP 1!)
« Reply #4585 on: January 08, 2015, 04:13:19 pm »

((Civ models of NVG's do what eyeshine does for animals, just more blury. Military versions tend to have multiple systems to enable sight.))


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Re: If Forumites Were Stuck in an RPG (2nd thread, LOOK OUT GROUP 1!)
« Reply #4586 on: January 08, 2015, 04:41:22 pm »

((So, needs existing light to work with. Well, I'll let it slide for now, we could just say that Tech lit the hall with her flashlight instead.))
((Got one more class, gets out at 3:20 PM. I'll move things forward if Arcvasti or someone doesn't post IC by 4 or so. Unless that's unfair, since people might be (and probably are) busy))
Dwarf Souls: Prepare to Mine
Keep Me Safe - A Girl and Her Computer (Illustrated Game)
Darkest Garden - Illustrated game. - What mysteries lie in the abandoned dark?

Cryxis, Prince of Doom

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Re: If Forumites Were Stuck in an RPG (2nd thread, LOOK OUT GROUP 1!)
« Reply #4587 on: January 08, 2015, 04:42:06 pm »

((Isn't there existing light from the wisp?))
Fueled by caffeine, nicotine, and a surprisingly low will to live.
Cryxis makes the best typos.


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Re: If Forumites Were Stuck in an RPG (2nd thread, LOOK OUT GROUP 1!)
« Reply #4588 on: January 08, 2015, 04:43:27 pm »

((Light from outside the building should also work. Pitch Black Darkness can only be found inside specialized rooms or miles underground.


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Re: If Forumites Were Stuck in an RPG (2nd thread, LOOK OUT GROUP 1!)
« Reply #4589 on: January 08, 2015, 04:50:10 pm »

((Wisp is with Quasar and Arc in the Office. GR's in the North hallway.))

((Light from outside the building should also work. Pitch Black Darkness can only be found inside specialized rooms or miles underground.
((The building has no windows aside from those at the front, where due to the entrance being inset and the glass being tinted the light only comes in at such an angle to illuminate Reception, with bounce illuminating part of the entrance hall. Ambient bouncing all the way to the furthest corners would be so little as to be indistinguishable from pitch blackness by pretty much any optics. The strips on glow-tape on the South wall of the arcade (and the South Hall) only emit enough light to make themselves visible.))
Dwarf Souls: Prepare to Mine
Keep Me Safe - A Girl and Her Computer (Illustrated Game)
Darkest Garden - Illustrated game. - What mysteries lie in the abandoned dark?
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