Just so you know, I still play this and soon I will report many bugs and ask many questions, my real life is just so annoying that I don't find the time for it yet.
I always need feedback
Yeah I play this pretty often whenever I get bummed out on other games. I feel like once it's more fleshed out I'll probably hardcore put some time into it, but for now I normally don't put enough thought in and end up losing battles due to overheating.
A few suggestion for heat management:
Mount more radiators and use the most advanced types
Gauss and lasers produce high amount of heat, use conventional cannons and missiles
Before hunting enemies set the ship to blue alert and rest for a while to cool the ship
Travel at cruise speed to keep the ship cool
Don't go too near to Sol, try to stay outside the orbit of Venus
Heavy armor increases the heat capacity of the ship
Some advanced combat trick:
Powerplants produce heat, shut down them and use only battery power.
Capacitors leak power, if you have two of them and a single one can store enough energy switch off the second until the first get destroyed
Gyroscopes are another source of heat, to reduce their use but don't become an easy target set the ship to manual control, give the ship a rotation "up" and toggle the accelleration (x key) in a few seconds cycle to interfere with enemy path prediction