In essence, this is a game where you are all GMs.
To go into more detail, how the game will work is posters who wish to will make a post about joining the GM pool. Please make this post
red in order to make picking them out easier for me. You may leave the GM pool at any time by making the appropriate post in
green. I will still accept a post without the appropriate colour, but I can't promise I'll see it.
Now, how does this actually work? I will roll on a table to see who will be the GM after each turn ends. Turns are a maximum of 3 updates. If you give me a good reason, this can be extended to up to 5 updates. You have four days to post an update after I have rolled and made the appropriate post (Which will be
orange) or since your last update.. Otherwise, I will reroll. You will receive a PM when your name is rolled, and on the final day of the deadline.
Do not make the game anything other than a suggestion game. Making it into an ISG is fine, but don't expect other GMs to do that as well. Making it into an RPG or one-on-one roleplay is forbidden. Finally, there is one more rule: Should you end the game in some way, be it by PC death in a game with one perspective, or reaching the end of the story, a vote will be held among everybody in the GM pool. If a majority vote says that the ending was unsatisfactory, the next GM will continue the story. They may either take your ending into account, or they may retcon it completely.
Aside from that, however, there are no set rules nor mechanics. Everything else is up the chosen GM. They may use whatever rules they want, in whatever manner they decide. Try to avoid making things the players worked for useless in your system, but this is a guideline, not a rule.