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Author Topic: Castlefly: In need of time killer projects(.40.11+, Civilization Forge)  (Read 28579 times)


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Re: Castlefly: Long Live the Queen! (.40.11+, Civilization Forge)
« Reply #75 on: September 13, 2014, 05:03:54 pm »

Is Ilral Glowpages not dead yet?
He's yours.
Out of Character post:
I don't see why you set a pop cap. If this is the capital, all Dwarves should be able to come here. Also, making gold crafts is the most efficient way to gain wealth in this situation, if I'm correct.
Because I have more workers and soldiers than I know what to do with.

EDIT: Or more I have more workers and soldiers than I was expecting to actually have since the civ was down the three hillock sites on the world map; as of last autumn the war with The Cave of Slime and whatever the goblin civ is called has been a war in name only.

And gold crap is what i was thinking as well, though it'll have to be via a separate stockpile because the existing ones are pretty laden down with stone harps and other misc instruments.


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Re: Castlefly: Long Live the Queen! (.40.11+, Civilization Forge)
« Reply #76 on: September 13, 2014, 11:39:38 pm »

Log Entry 68

The Guard seems to be dealt with for now. I'll be able to recover my first logbook after a few more days.

The farmers are setting to work on the taiga soil; evidently they're insane if they think strawberries and wheat can survive this far north.

Log Entry 69

There's some ungodly racket coming out of the caves. The Gleeful Gravel, the newest squad, is being sent to deal with it. Minkot says it's to see if they'll “sink or swim,” whatever that means. However she wants Nil and I to remain in reserve in case any of that squad prove to me supremely inept, lazy, or unlucky.

That... Thing, was made of grime. Grime, filth, and only Kat knows what else. But it's dead, if a creature made of such nastiness could have ever been called “living.”

Nationsoil's squadmates decided sleeping or getting new pants was more important than doing the one job they aren't allowed to screw up on, and she's paid for it. Nil's gotten more used to  moving around in his hauberk than I have (though I can say I'm still better at shield-fighting!) and got to the monster first, splattering the thing apart after a few solid strikes. The muck and grim that composed the monster was surprisingly rigid. Apparently Thob acquitted herself well though, as it's clear she stood and fought until the bitter end; Nil made a point of telling me (and Minkot when we got back tot he barracks,) that the beast was already pretty mangled when he set upon it.

Someone's chicken was injured as well, but it's hard to care about that.

There's also word that Gecko is having the masons and miners dig out a “Hall of Victory”  to hold memorial stones to the beasts our warriors have slain off of the main dining hall. Components she aims to have included are a marble floor, statues near the entrance, and doors as well as a crystal glass window looking into it.

Log Entry 70

The chicken proved a handy warning as to what those monsters can do. The poor thing is vomiting, stumbling into walls, and is basically a tiny walking miasma  cloud thanks to the spittle that struck its foot. I can only hope the poor thing expires quickly because any means of quickly disposing of it see too much traffic right now.

The Gleeful Gravel have also volunteered for a minor extermination mission in the caverns. Belttool says it's their fault Nationsoil died so it's only right they do something to try and make right by the rest of us. Like doing menial operations only fit for rookies. There's a mess of giant ants milling around near the silk weavery whose queen we seem to have in custody. They've basically been bumping into walls and only doing the bare minimum to survive down there according to Mosspaint.

Log Entry 71

Belttool and Oilsizzle came back with pretty severe injuries and Hameblotted is dead but they got the job done. Hameblotted had apparently gotten her head torn off by one of the bigger ants while she was chopping up a drone. They named the beast “Humorrot,” and Belttool is missing a foot. He's now an invalid, but unlike Amsel he still has use of his hands, and Oilsizzle's hand is maimed but not completely inert. No action is needed for them beyond treatment.

I also got to kill some reindeer today.

Log Entry 72

A small system of roads is being built to the north and east, to encourage travellers to arrive from such directions. Belttool demanded that Minkot allow him to remain in the militia, citing that Aban and Thob were his soldiers and thus his responsibility and being discharged would be an insult to their memory. Considering he managed to get the bleeding from his foot to stop without help shows how tough he really is. Oilsizzle will also make full a recovery, as he managed to take care of the really ugly damage himself and just  needs his hand dressed, as well as not suffering any nerve damage.

Aside from the ongoing investigation of Asmel's death, all is quiet, save of the flood of reports flaunting Blowchanneled's skill as a goldsmith. Gecko put out an order for an absolutely ridiculous amount of gold trinkets to be crafted for the express intent of drawing our enemies in to the waiting jaws of copper-clad death.

Log Entry 73

The vamarii have arrived, making for a perfect opportunity to export an ostentatious sum of wealth in gold items and worked skulls. The caravan from the hillocks shouldn't be far behind. I have to say I'm fond of the foxfolk. Good traders, hardy fighters, and appreciative of all manner of alcohol. They also have some sort of perverse lust for shiny crap that only kobolds rival.

We also appear to have captured a bunch of feral sugar beetles.

Log Entry 74

The sheer size of the caravan is truly astonishing! I can safely say I've never seent his many dwarven-piloted wagons in... Since I was a small beardling! If this caravan and the blatant display of wealth that is going to leaver her by winter doesn't get the goblins and bugbears coming at us, nothing will.

The masons also plan to construct a great hollow marble obelisk. Why though I haven't the foggiest.

|”Hey Dovash, find anything good in them books?” You hear someone ask.

“Well, there's a vault further down from where we've been, should have the real fancy stuff in it if anyone fancies a look in the morning.” You blurt out without thinking. After a moment you realize you've doomed those treasures to being sold to some backwoods Marquess or entitled Viceroy. “Might wanna be careful poking around though. They have some weapon traps set up. Maybe.”


“Well, I haven't gotten more than about a fourth through this one. There might be traps on the doors.”

“Hmph.” You hear come from Ravod. “Nothing I can't get by.”|

Another relatively tame update sadly. Though there were some deaths!

Thob Nationsoil was killed due to her squad not being present (finding sleep and pants more important than protecting the fortress,) and Aban Hameblotted was killed by a giant ant to due a bin being hauled around containing the armor they wanted. Belttool and Oilsizzle were both injured, with Catten getting off lucky compared to Ingish, who's foot was torn off due to lack of boots (also in transit at the time.)

I've decided to build a small obelisk out of marble for some busy work, Ravencave crapped out another baby, the vamarii finally arrived, and out projected wealth created shot up to over a million once gold item production kicked off since we have multiple decent metalcrafters. I sold off tens of thousands of money worth of gold shit just in the hope the goblins and bugbears will attack again, and will continue to give obnoxiously high profits to the merchants until they really start trying to hammer us.

Our next caravan orders are also going to be extremely expensive: Ward Iron and Glacium in bulk if at all possible and a premium for booze. On the flip side it turns out the caravan will pay well for goblets, bracelets, instruments, and scepters. Anyways I'm digressing.

It's a small and less than stellar update but I'm going to stick this fucker out to the end before I resume Riverrun or Blackhold. The violence will come, it's just a matter of time.


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Re: Castlefly: Long Live the Queen! (.40.11+, Civilization Forge)
« Reply #77 on: September 14, 2014, 01:04:26 am »

Out of character post: could you post the kill lists of all of our weapon masters? I'd really like to see a compiled record of all that they've accomplished.
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Re: Castlefly: Long Live the Queen! (.40.11+, Civilization Forge)
« Reply #78 on: September 14, 2014, 03:45:54 am »

THis isn't everyone but it's most of the active militia who've killed something plus Gecko. Most only have one or two animal (generally ant) kills like Wallpleat and Severecudgel.


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Re: Castlefly: Long Live the Queen! (.40.11+, Civilization Forge)
« Reply #79 on: September 14, 2014, 03:06:21 pm »

Could I get Irals stats? I'd like to try writing a bit by his in game character traits.
The point of keeping the golems on fire isn't for the value of fire as a weapon. It's more to keep the golems functioning at a reasonable speed.
It was never a promise. It was a dirty lie, and you all knew that. You should all know by now that you can't trust a word I say.


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Re: Castlefly: Long Live the Queen! (.40.11+, Civilization Forge)
« Reply #80 on: September 14, 2014, 05:24:48 pm »

Could I get Irals stats? I'd like to try writing a bit by his in game character traits.

Ask and ye shall receive. Forgot to include him in the above kill roster.


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Re: Castlefly: Long Live the Queen! (.40.11+, Civilization Forge)
« Reply #81 on: September 15, 2014, 05:09:49 am »

Log Entry 75

An armorer began behaving quite strangely yesterday. She took control of the goblet forge, got a mess of cut gems, some wool cloth, bones, and a gold bar, and made a kite shield. Rather nice, I must admit. Now it's just a matter of the queen deciding who to issue it to.

Construction of the obelisk is going smoothly, and due to need of materials the tombs are being expanded further. And speaking of expanding, there's a large expansion of housing to tend to the majority of homeless dwarves.

Log Entry 76

Minkot's named her targe and Sazir her hatchet for some bizarre reason, but then as I understand such treatment of weaponry and armor is common place among all races, not just us dwarves. And since little else of real note has happened or will happen in the foreseeable future, I won't be writing in this log for some time.

Log Entry 77

It's been several months since my last entry. Spring is here, and there is once again little that needs doing.

The spire is essentially complete, and discounting one of the aged watchtowers built before our time, is the tallest structure in the area. The grandest features are perhaps it's gold cap and crystal glass windows below the top, resulting in a highly visible “Please attack here” sign to draw in the enemy and provide a beautiful view of the forest and much of the glacier.

And the fact it's made out of treasured and beautiful marble only sweetens it. It is also surrounded by a small perimeter of marble spikes, as we all know dwarven construction require such things. It's just the dwarven way!

Tirist Roundgalley's begun acting in much the same way as the armorer, and taken over a carpenter's shop as a result. Tirist seized several of the highly valued silverwood timbers, a bolt of cave spider silk,  yak and turkey bone, a lump of gabbro, sheep wool cloth, and our only celestial marble block and set to work. Based on what I know it may end up some useless trinket, but maybe we'll get lucky and be gifted with another shield.

Log Entry 78

A bit  narcissistic to name it after herself, but she fulfilled her life's dream and it's quite an exquisite bin. I wonder how many gabbro harps someone can jam in the thing. But at least winter and spring were highlighted by a lesser monument and two truly sublime works of art rather than construction accidents and insanity.

Okay, so yet another baby update, however there was some stuff of note.

First off, two items have been named by the soldiers carrying them: Minkot's targe and Sazir's hatchet. Minkot's translates to “Galleylong,” while Sazir's is “Webgloomy, the Musty Holiness.” Both names are kind of strange, even for dwarves.

Second, two moods! One produced a very nice kite shield, the other a bin. A very, very narcissistic bin. Better than an amulet or scepter.

Third, and most important as of mid-spring of... Whatever year we're on, the marble obelisk/spire/whatever the fuck you wanna call it, is complete! From base to top, the thing is nothing but marble, even the supports. Except the cap, which is made of gold halfway up. The whole thing is 10 z levels tall and only towers built on an elevation by the frosties almost 2 centuries ago best it in sheer height. Four of that is the tip, half of that solid gold, and the top-most usable part has those crystal glass windows.

Hopefully the sheer amount of flaunted wealth in the form of gold trinkets which combined came to a very large sum (well over 20k in exported wealth if I remember right, it's super late/early,) and a flux stone monument of complete and utter pointlessness will get some assaults thrown our way.

I mean really, it's basically a big marble-gold “Come at me bro” sign I've gone and thrown out/built.


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Re: Castlefly: Long Live the Queen! (.40.11+, Civilization Forge)
« Reply #82 on: September 15, 2014, 09:41:20 am »

Nice tower. Store those harps in it.
"Fools dig for water, corpses, or gold. The earth's real treasure is far deeper."

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Re: Castlefly: Long Live the Queen! (.40.11+, Civilization Forge)
« Reply #83 on: September 15, 2014, 11:38:00 am »

Gecko Bannerspear
Castlefly region

"Good morning, your majesty." a rather sturdy military dwarf slipped through the doors and bowed down. I was busy looking appreciating a newly-made stone harp and sipping cheap wine from a golden goblet. Mebzuth Ochreportals was standing before me, his stone face almost hidden behind his bushy beard.
"Sure thing, Mebzuth... You may state your business."
"An armorer has prodused a piece of untold quality." He stated, looking at me. "A gold kite shield, finely encrusted. He calls it Nabasavuz."
"Good... Any other news?" I smelled the air. It was really cold, and even my fur coat was not enough.
"Your majesty... The counsil asks you to point us a warrior worthy of this great present."
I thought for a moment. There were many mighty dwarves who deserved this shield.
"Give it to Nil Rimfair." I told him after hesitating for a moment. "He's the one who deserves it most."
"I heard you, my Queen." Mebzuth bowed down again. I glansed at him.
"So... Anything besides that?"
"Yes, your majesty. The great tower has finally been constructed."
"Great. We should reward all the masons, metalsmiths and architects." I smiled "Now, listen closely. I would greatly appreciate if the counsil discusses this new project. Here, read this." I gave him a thin journal.
"Of cource, your majesty.?" He opened it and furrowed his eyebrow.
"I want you to pump some magma outside and make a pool. It will probaly make this place a bit warmer... I guess, you can go now."
Yet again, he bowed down and headed to the doors.
"Wait, Mebzuth. One more thing."
He stopped, looking at me with a questioning look.
"I know everything." I leaned forward, trying to see his reaction. He remained silent, his face seemingly patient as usual. But his eyes had some strange glow in them.
I took a sip and swung my hand dismissingly. He left quickly without saying a word.
ML's forum games and other good stuff

This artwork relates to the killing of the troll Ozyydif Kuilat by the cheese Eritoy Awexog in the early spring of 71


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Re: Castlefly: Long Live the Queen! (.40.11+, Civilization Forge)
« Reply #84 on: September 15, 2014, 11:07:36 pm »

The journal of Nil Rimfair:
Glob of Grime, Shield of Gold

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Re: Castlefly: Long Live the Queen! (.40.11+, Civilization Forge)
« Reply #85 on: September 15, 2014, 11:38:55 pm »

Alright, so I've hit a small snag building the magma pond topside and that's an issue of providing power to the pumps, along with the aquifer being in the way among other things.

The area I intended it to be has been dug out, but I don't think we'll be able to generate enough juice to power the extensive pump system required due to space constraints: Any wind mills that can make power this far north are limited in where they can be put thanks to the glacier occupying a little more than half of the surface map, and it being impossible to get any power in glaciers as mills will become literally frozen in place. So unfortunately, I don't think we can really do any liquid moving even for once-off projects even if we wanted to thanks to the environment just being too godsdamned cold. 

So now we have a gabbro lined pit in the ground and nothing to really do with it. Any suggestions?


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Re: Castlefly: Long Live the Queen! (.40.11+, Civilization Forge)
« Reply #86 on: September 15, 2014, 11:43:37 pm »

So now we have a gabbro lined pit in the ground and nothing to really do with it. Any suggestions?



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Re: Castlefly: Long Live the Queen! (.40.11+, Civilization Forge)
« Reply #87 on: September 16, 2014, 12:19:30 am »

can i have domas gravelulled?
Power/metagaming RL since Birth/Born to do it.
Quote from: Second Amendment
A militia cannot function properly without arms, therefore the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.
The military cannot function without tanks and warplanes, therefore the right of the people to keep and bear tanks and warplanes, shall not be infringed.
The military cannot function without ICBMs, therefore the right of the people to keep and bear ICBMs, shall not be infringed.


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Re: Castlefly: Long Live the Queen! (.40.11+, Civilization Forge)
« Reply #88 on: September 16, 2014, 12:21:55 am »

can i have domas gravelulled?

Sure thing.

So now we have a gabbro lined pit in the ground and nothing to really do with it. Any suggestions?


It's a pond, not a lake if you're talking some kind of area thing.


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Re: Castlefly: Long Live the Queen! (.40.11+, Civilization Forge)
« Reply #89 on: September 17, 2014, 12:33:36 am »

Log Entry 79

Gecko may be on to me. She said she “knows everything,” and I had to work to keep myself from panicking. I have my logs and this and the first are going to have to be hidden in my room where Grim and his guards won't think to look.

|”Hmph, time wasn't kind to your bed frame and whatever you nailed these to on it.” You mutter, closing the book after seeing it's naught but blank pages after that entry and rummaging through the others. After the fourth book, you find the one you're looking for.|

Log Entry 80

The engineers and masons have decided to humor the Queen's request for a small magma pond, to be set up outside the tower. It's uneven due to placement, but nothing mind-bendingly awful. However many of the engineers are worried about powering the pumps. Dwarves can't operate them manually as the heat could kill them, and windmills are notorious for failure in cold climates.

However, some of the engineers are confident that so long as the power station isn't on the glacier they can provide ready power to a pump system since the area is only perpetually frozen to the west and north.

Of course the aquifer in the way is a different matter which they didn't take into account when the miners dug out the pit for the magma.

Log Entry 81

Led and Uvash have named their targes, Adorepainted and Gearscream respectively. Construction has begun on some sort of library, and a white marble “Z” for “Zan” has been marked for partial completion. To those who find this and are lacking a dwarf to translate or are just unfamiliar with dwarven, Zan is our word for artifact. A white marble “K” is also marked for the main library chamber, for “Knowledge.” Apparently the masons decided on a K since there is no word for knowledge or similar intellectual words in dwarven (such as smart, or intellect; these are wholly loan words taken from the common language directly as while we have a concept of such... Well let's just say we haven't had much reason to invent such words in the past.)

Log Entry 82

Grim still seems to be nosing around, doing double checks of people's rooms on a daily basis and checking personal journals on the queen's orders. I have to stash my current logbook elsewhere whenever I see a guardsdwarf. Gecko is clearly hellbent on catching the one who killed Asmel. I can only hope I'm killed in battle in the near future as it's inevitable that I'll slip and be caught somehow.

On a less sober note, the humans have come to trade once more and judging by how the ones not busy peddling smaller “exotic” ware to dwarves visiting the depot were standing in the light snowfall staring in amazement at the marble tower, and those remaining at the depot were overjoyed to see all manner of mugs and crafts of gold carted up unlike the gabbro flutes, verdinite drums, and schist trumpets of the previous visit.

Log Entry 83

Some sort of... Thing, vaguely resembling a civet attacked us today, or more decided it wanted to pick a fight with the war yaks. And their calves. We heard the noise, and Nil and I were sent to deal with it.

In the ensuing chaos of angry yaks, I managed to sever a leg and Nil shattered it's right arm, the rest of our blows only seeming to anger and bleed the beast. That last blow struck on the monster before it expired was by a yak calf, whom Nil and I have taken to calling Gravelsnarled.

This whole batch of yaks is going to be spared the butchery's blades. I'll see to that; I'll also see to it our trainers are rewarded in some manner, because that farmer would have surely been killed trying to get away from the civet based on the sheer punishment even two Knights of the Realm were able to unleash on it unopposed (since it found the yaks bigger threats.)

In celebration some small copper columns have been raised using the last of our copper, with marble statues of the widely-loved Doren upon them in the now useless pond. And several days after this event, our yaks took to merrily beat the crap out of the local reindeer for some reason.

Log Entry 84

Apparently the purchase and slaughter of two animals was a timely one. A bone carver has started acting off and based on what we know of him, he may end up making something like a bizarre bone longsword. He took some yak bone, topaz, and rope reed cloth and set to work.

Log Entry 85

I am at a loss for words at how accurate my guess was.

It is however a very fine (if unorthodox and impractical,) blade. Within the serrated bone blade's crossguard is an image of the dwarven people in fabric, and it's grip is bound in the stuff. It's hilt shines with an exquisitely worked gem it within it.

Log Entry 85

All agricultural production barring web lichen for fiber has been ceased. We have more than enough food to feed our population for years to come, preserved by master chefs. As such, most, if not all, of those planters have been turned over to stoneworking details, mainly to finish off that stupid stone pit's lining.

On a different note, I too have succumbed to the hat draw of power, and named my weapon after whatever words I could yank out of Uvash's helmet. It translates to “Admiredbelch, The Martyre of Rending.” And it thirsts for the blood of our enemies.

Okay, so once again baby update.

We got attacked by a werecivet which took the combined efforts of 8 or 9 yaks (4 war-trained adults and 5 calves,) and two Knights to deal with because the fucker was just that sturdy. Some stuff received names, Nil is now happily lugging around his new shield, some moron made a bone sword (Maybe Grim can use it as a badge of office?) and agricultural production not pertaining to fabric has been halted simply due to the overwhelming amount of food we've managed to produce since the start.

We're even floating on a nice 1400-1900 area for booze now thanks to an additional brewer and still. When we do inevitably need to start again for variety we have a nice assortment of shit to pick from to grow.

The pit had a section removed and inside a copper base was installed so a pair of marble statues featuring the very widely worshiped deity of minerals, Doren, could be installed on top. In all, things have been very quiet, boring in fact.

I actually opened up unrestricted access to caverns for the weavers just to see if an ant, ogre, or trogs would get one and instead we capture a rat woman, a giant rat, and a crundle. We have enough food to likely see us to the centennial which is now only roughly 7 and a half years away and then some, have exported with the last three rounds of trade a whopping 70k+ in garbage we made ourselves, and yet no foes come. This upsets me.

As to Mebzuth being caught, when this occurs is up to you guys as will his punishment.

Now, just for fun, I took a few screens of the tower and pit using both the game and stonesense.

The Doren-Stand Pit as seen in game, with the gate and tower base.

The tower base as seen in Stonesense, and now for why I've been using windows so much: They look super pretty in Stonesense. That's it for this one guys. Any other building projects you can think of that don't require moving fluids are welcome. At this point I'm just twiddling my thumbs waiting for a battle or five to come to us.
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