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Author Topic: Goblin Clan! [OOC Thread]  (Read 4433 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Goblin Clan! [OOC Thread]
« on: September 07, 2014, 11:46:10 am »

IC Thread

The style and mechanics of this game are ripped straight from Terenos' superior game, Dark Cabal!  I make no apologies for this.

The last Dark Tower has fallen, and the scourge of goblinkind is on its last legs.  The Demon Olmslo has been struck down, and with him his minions scattered to the far ends of the earth.  This is a great day for the civilised races of the world, as all but a shadow of that darkness is now gone.

Regrettably, you are that shadow.  Forced into hiding, your very race or those you side with doomed to a campaign of extinction at the hands of dwarves, elves and men, you must struggle not merely to reclaim your lost glory, but to survive.  You have fled to a basic hideout to regroup and plan how to survive and prevail...

This is a story in which characters play members of a goblin clan, or sympathisers who have sided with the clan, following the destruction of the last Dark Tower.  The great bastions of old are gone, and now goblins have been reduced to a feral existence.  I will select five characters from the applications made, with any further characters coming if/when the others die.  While making your application, you must also vote on a couple of matters regarding the Goblin hideout.

Where is the Hideout?

The Dwarven Mountains - Stone and ore is plentiful here, and there are places to hide, but below the ground the dwarves are supreme, and their hunting parties (while few) are deadly and determined.

The Elven Forests - Wood is plentiful, and there are plentiful herbs and other resources, as well as game to hunt for food, but the everpresent threat of elves must be taken into account.  Your elven pursuers will be silent and deadly, and their dining habits will leave no corpses to be found.

The Human Plains - Nowhere is more tame than the plains of humanity.  Here rise great cities and plentiful towns and hamlets; there is plenty rich for the taking, but the humans are organised and capable of massing great resources to exterminate your kind.

The Badlands - Away from civilisation, the badlands are composed of desert and scrubland, thin in materials but distant from those who wish to kill you.  Remote, but safe.

The Vale of Terrors - This valley is lush, filled with plentiful forests and rich in ores and stone.  It also rains blood, the wildlife consists of inedible zombies and the trees will kill and eat anyone slow enough to fall prey to their traps.  Only the desperate or insane would settle here.  You might well qualify for both.

And also Which two features does the Hideout have?

Defensible Position, Unknown Location, Multiple Exits, Room for Expansion, A Certain History (Expound on this), Untapped Resources, Special Fauna, Pre-Built Workshops, Existing Armoury.  [Ripped straight from Dark Cabal, this!]

At the same time, submit your character sheet.  This is fairly simple and consists of...

Name: What's your name?
Character: What sort of person are you?
Background: What do you do, how did you get here?  If you aren't a goblin, why are you working with goblins?  NB: Available races are goblin, human, dwarf, elf, kobold and animal man (panda men!).  Goblins and kobolds are obligate carnivores, like cats.

The setting of this game is broadly DF-based, with a few exceptions (e.g. magic, where goblins come from).  Once I have enough applications, I'll select five to run with and the game will begin.
« Last Edit: September 08, 2014, 09:32:55 am by Iituem »
Let's Play Arcanum: Of Steamworks & Magic Obscura! - The adventures of Jack Hunt, gentleman rogue.

No slaughtering every man, woman and child we see just to teleport to the moon.


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Re: Goblin Clan! [OOC Thread]
« Reply #1 on: September 07, 2014, 11:46:39 am »

This post is reserved.
Let's Play Arcanum: Of Steamworks & Magic Obscura! - The adventures of Jack Hunt, gentleman rogue.

No slaughtering every man, woman and child we see just to teleport to the moon.


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Re: Goblin Clan! [OOC Thread]
« Reply #2 on: September 07, 2014, 12:41:06 pm »

The Human Plains
Pre-Built Workshops
Existing Armoury

Name: Ronald Bones
Character: Bloodthirsty Cannibal. More beast than goblin
Background: I am a butcher, the cleaver of men. My purpose is simple, be with the guys which will get me to the fields of man-meat quickest, so I may do what I do best, butcher.
« Last Edit: September 07, 2014, 01:29:38 pm by Salsacookies »
Yep, the sig is here
Whoops. Well, shit. Typical salsacookies.
I don't need my cavities checked. I just went to the dentist! Ba-dum-tiss.
I am a Christian


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Re: Goblin Clan! [OOC Thread]
« Reply #3 on: September 07, 2014, 02:29:26 pm »

The Human Plains
Unkown Location
Certain History: the Goblin Clan Camp has been established in the cursed Ruins of Tor Hen directly at the border between the Vast Ruined Necropolises of the Wan Dynasties late Empire of the Seven Roses and the Red Mandate, a kingdom risen from the refugees of the vast late Empire. The Red Mandate sees the Goblins (at least for the moment) as mischievous spirits but which fulfill an important task to safeguard the only pass between the Old and the New. Actually the Goblins moved there because Tor Hen is a place most humans and the other races avoid aswell as the "Dead Plains" of the Seven Roses. The Plains are actually not dead and while the Ghosts and the undead still occasionally rise to protect their eternal resting places nature has not been corrupted but whatever brought down the wan dynasty. It is flourishing and the "Plains" are now actually mostly overgrown wild forests filled with ruins,undead and wildlife. Tor Hen itself is the Ruin of a small Fortress. Small because no one actually needed to make it big. The pass is narrow enough and the causeway up to it only allows 3 or 4 men abreast at best, While fortifications carved into the sheer cliffs allow a handful of men to defend it...or would if the fortress wouldn't be an utter ruin...

Name: Chli-Vi-Kae (Princess of the Wayhold)
Character: an character completely alien to most sentient races, the Ant Princess Chli-Vi-Kae is lacking much of the character that would make out most if any other being, her character seems to lack understanding of many human concepts like humour, love, self(at least a self in the sense a human would understand it) or morality. More of an analytical mind, Kae (chli is actually the designation of her caste) is naturally curious, sucking up every detail of her surroundings deciding how they could be useful to her later.
Background: An Antman (Antwoman?) of the Queen caste, Kae is as of yet a still unfertilized princess. Mostly thanks to the Goblin Tribe which interrupted her mating ritual and deprived her of the Prince she was about to mate and (potentially) a tasty meal. Since then she hung around the Clan out of her free will, for one because she found the little creatures curious and intends to gather every last bit of useful knowledge she can from them before feeding them to her (future) larvas. And for the other part because she was driven so far from her nest of origin that she can't find a fertile antman male in her reach, hoping that the Goblins would at some point raid an antman-hive. The Goblins themselves have no idea that Kae is actually a full-fledged queen, since most of them either lack basic understanding in antman-biology or simply can't discern a unfertilized princess from a normal drone.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Goblin Clan! [OOC Thread]
« Reply #4 on: September 07, 2014, 02:34:46 pm »

I may be in. Dont let Pawns die however!
But despite what you've been told, I once had a soul. Left somewhere behind...


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Goblin Clan! [OOC Thread]
« Reply #5 on: September 07, 2014, 04:26:04 pm »

The Vale of Terrors
Features:Unknown location, room for expansion

Name: Alex Raman
Character:A man that can be kind and soft. Or at least pretend to. He is an expert liar, and he is truly aggresive and remorsless. He would slay any man, woman, and child that would ever dare to get in the way of his goals. He is full of wrath and hatred for other humans.
Background: Alex is an aspiring mage. He wishes to attempt to help the goblins and get revenge on the humans for the years they laughed at him for being phisically weaker. He wished to learn magic, and he went to the goblins in an effort to help and eventually let them take what they deserve, and in turn, he could try to convince them to help him.

(How does magic work?)
Wants to rape and enslave my innocent night faeries ;-;


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Goblin Clan! [OOC Thread]
« Reply #6 on: September 07, 2014, 06:06:03 pm »

The Vale of Terrors
Features:Unknown location, room for expansion
Seems like fun.

Name: Jeeris & Reelis
Character: A mad kobold with split personality. Jeeris is optimistic and happy but somewhat impatient, while Reelis is patient but unpredictable.
Background: Jeeris and Reelis were twin brothers born in to a now forgotten kobold tribe. Reelis was born with sharp senses, which helped him to develop good observation skills that are highly valued by kobolds during thieving missions. Jeeris instead was mostly useless, only interested in catching bugs.

It was a dark and stormy night and the kobolds had all gathered inside their favorite little cavern. They were happily feasting on stolen masterfully prepared food when suddenly a bolt flew. Then another, and another. The dwarfs had had enough of the thieving band of brothers. Soon all the kobolds were lying dead, all except the twin kobolds who miraculously had escaped during the assault. Now, the twins had to try and survive in the big unknown world. Soon they were both starving, and they tried to eat all kinds of fruits and plants, but their stomachs couldn't handle them. The hunger was driving them crazy, and soon they both came to the same conclusion. One of them had to die. So they fought. They fought long and hard, neither willing to give up living. Oh, so they fought, until one of them was dead. The winner wasn't happy, nor sad. No, he was completely mad. And so he feasted on the flesh of his fallen brother and decided that he would live on, he would live to find a plant, or a fruit, or a vegetable, that the kobolds could stomach. If such a thing didn't exist, he would create it.
And so the mad kobold travelled, until he was caught by the Goblin Tribe. First the goblins thought him as food, but after cutting off his left lower leg and taking a bite, the goblins realized that kobolds really don't taste that good. Since then he has lived as a crippled slave to the goblins, but he will never give up on his dream.

So, I kinda want to be a mad alchemist/scientist if possible, if not, I'm content on just being a madman.
This morning I found myself looking at the numberplates of the cars on my drive in to work and seeing them as tileset characters in ASCII... a silver Renault I was behind had an interesting scene of a Human wrestling a Minotaur near a bin.


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Re: Goblin Clan! [OOC Thread]
« Reply #7 on: September 07, 2014, 06:26:40 pm »

The Human Plains
Pre-Built Workshops
Existing Armoury

Name: Sir Dragostov the Deathdealer
Character: Honorable, yet wicked, Goblin Knight. Mounted Master of Melee Combat and Lightning Magic.

Background: Born in better days, Dragostov grew up grew up the son of the Goblin in charge of overseeing a captured and subjugated human castle. With few other goblins around, Dragostov's childhood friends were the highborn human children who lived under his father's rule. It is with these children that Dragostov learned how to ride and wield a great sword, as well as the art of human courtly manners and knightly behavior.

Around the time that Dragostov reached maturity, the Goblins had captured a great human city and a magical academy within. Dragostov, eager to become a more efficient fighter, enrolled and wound up specializing in Lightning Magic. The Goblin was a gifted and quick study, becoming one of the few academy graduates of the century to reach the skill levels required to cast while in heavy armor, and graduated after eight years of study to serve the Goblin cause on the field of battle by means of his sword, spells, and steed.

Although Dragostov was a powerful and ruthless warrior, who won many a battle for his people, as the years went by Goblin civilization began to slip and fail. Soon, it was the humans, elves, and dwarves besieging the Dark Towers, and soon said towers were falling like raindrops.

A few years before the fall of the last tower, Dragostov was defeated by and surrendered to one of his former childhood friends, who was by then a great warlord in his own right. He lived in comfort for a spell in his captors castle, but eventually the other human, elven, and dwarven nobles began to pressure Dragostov's host to hand over his guest for trial and eventual execution. Shortly thereafter, Dragostov escaped (or was perhaps even released from) the Warlord's castle, and reunited with a small band of goblins and supporters.


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Re: Goblin Clan! [OOC Thread]
« Reply #8 on: September 07, 2014, 06:36:13 pm »

Alchemy's going to have to run on its own rules, but magic I have a few basics worked out.  Mages will be welcome to (and expected to) game the magic system for everything it's worth.

Magic has several schools (Elementalism, Necromancy, Restoration, Divination, Mentalism, Summoning, Purism, to name a few), but these schools are essentially methods of learning by rote pre-packaged rituals and spells that manipulate magic (with the notable exception of Purism).  Without a deep understanding of magic itself, one cannot create new spells - one must learn them from existing sources.  Fortunately, magic has been around since the Reforging of the world and there are plenty enough spells in existence.

Dragostov, for example, would be an Elementalist.
Let's Play Arcanum: Of Steamworks & Magic Obscura! - The adventures of Jack Hunt, gentleman rogue.

No slaughtering every man, woman and child we see just to teleport to the moon.


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Re: Goblin Clan! [OOC Thread]
« Reply #9 on: September 07, 2014, 06:48:14 pm »



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Re: Goblin Clan! [OOC Thread]
« Reply #10 on: September 07, 2014, 10:30:19 pm »

Name: Tezcatlipoca (Although after time in the demons armies he has learned that most won't refer to him by his full name, and has gotten used to being called Tez.)

Character: Tez is a Keaman shaman. Seemingly driven, but often quick to become distracted. Except for when it comes to those who he considers part of his 'tribe' he doesn't think of others as 'people' and places no value on their life or possessions. He prefers to fight with long ranged weapons or magic.

Background: Tezcatlipoca was born to a wandering tribe of Keamen thieves. From a very young age he showed a strong connection and interest in the various gods that his tribe worshiped, and so the aging shaman took him under his wings and taught him what he knew of the tribes history, religion, and magics. Eventually the old Shaman died, and Tez stepped into his role as religious leader to his tribe. At about this time the demons dark crusade had reached the isolated mountains that his tribe had lived in, and the tribal chieftain saw this as a chance for the tribe to become something greater then thieves and scavengers, and to burn his own name into the tribes history. And so the tribe of Keamen that Tez was part of (as well as many of the other local tribes) joined the goblin armies.

The Keas first worked as harassment or scouting forces, but eventually with contact with civilization they found in their hands proper weapons, crossbows or bows (stolen elvish bows were a rare favorite) became the weapon of choice for the keas, and Taz was no exception, he found that he delighted in battle, casting spells and shooting with his bow from on high. Despite many casualties among the Keamen from their inability to wear armor many of them felt that the war was the high point of their species existence, loot was in plentiful supply, and if one tribe got too depleted from the fighting it would simply be absorbed by another, stronger tribe.

Life went on like this for a while, but eventually the Keas numbers dwindled and the armies of darkness started to lose the war. Where Keas had originally owned the skies and struck at defenders in surprise attacks they now found ranks of marksmen ready and willing to fell them by the score as they attacked. The tribes withered and died, Tezs own tribe fairing slightly better because of his command over shamanistic magics, and soon found itself in a position of strength, and it absorbed all the other tribes, becoming the largest tribe in memory. Although Tez and a few others realized that their success might not be as complete as it appeared, a majority of the tribe, including the chieftain, were amazed by their own power and size, believing that the recent losses had been nothing but a temporary set back that would soon be rectified. This division in the tribe festered for days, as Tez and the chieftain argued in private about whether or not they should continue their service in the armies of the demon. Eventually Tez decided that for the good of the tribe that he should become the new leader, and thus hatched a plan with what followers he could find to assassinate the chieftain.

Disaster struck though, as one of confidants spilled the secret to the chieftain, and on the appointed day Tez and his followers were ambushed. Most were killed in the fight, but Tez was taken alive and tortured by the chieftain. Displaying Tezs clipped wings and broken body to his remaining followers the chieftain offered them the mercy of renouncing their alliance to Tez, or getting their wings clipped and cast out from the tribe. They all elected to remain in the tribe, and Tez was cast out, barely surviving. This happened to be salvation though, as the tribe of Keas was brutally destroyed by the forces of good over the next few months of fighting, their repeated suicidal attacks on the fortresses of dwarfs and men and elves killing them almost down to a man. Tez retreated back into the lands held by the darkness, over the next year tending to his wounds and regrowing his feathers, barely managing to eak out a living. Now that the armies of darkness are broken and the demon he once called master dead Tez is lost in the world. His tribe is dead, his kind is certainly going to be hunted to almost extinction like the other creatures of the darkness. He's since found his way to this last bastion of evil populated by other dregs of darkness, but from here he knows not what to do or where to go.

The Dwarven Mountains
Unknown Location
Room for Expansion
« Last Edit: September 08, 2014, 07:38:06 am by Criptfeind »


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Re: Goblin Clan! [OOC Thread]
« Reply #11 on: September 07, 2014, 10:37:15 pm »

Have any votes on starting location?
Let's Play Arcanum: Of Steamworks & Magic Obscura! - The adventures of Jack Hunt, gentleman rogue.

No slaughtering every man, woman and child we see just to teleport to the moon.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Goblin Clan! [OOC Thread]
« Reply #12 on: September 07, 2014, 10:47:30 pm »

The Vale of Terrors
Features:Unknown location, room for expansion.    2 votes

The Human Plains
Pre-Built Workshops.                  2 votes
Existing Armoury

The Human Plains
Unkown Location                      1 vote
Certain History
Wants to rape and enslave my innocent night faeries ;-;


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Re: Goblin Clan! [OOC Thread]
« Reply #13 on: September 08, 2014, 07:37:47 am »

I'll vote

The Dwarven Mountains
Unknown Location
Room for Expansion

(and edit that into my post.)


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Re: Goblin Clan! [OOC Thread]
« Reply #14 on: September 08, 2014, 07:56:45 am »

The Human Plains
Pre-Built Workshops.                  3 votes
Existing Armoury

Make that 3 votes now.

If I get back from classes in time, I'll have a sheet in, but don't hesitate to start without me.
I meant we'd start stabbing the walls and floor for points and not just for science.
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