Hi Saber! I want to join, too.
Name: Eugene Marks
Age: 56
Backstory: Eugene Marks was an extremely well respected among psychologist. He was renowned by his ability to recognize a person's personality, fears, vices, past, and innumerable other things. Everyone thought he would make it to world-wide fame! Every professor, student, and practicing psychologist was holding their breath, waiting to see not if - but when - this would happen! He was at the peak of his fame.
But that was 27 years ago, before the unimaginable happened. No one knows how, but one day news leaked of Eugene's carefully hidden ASPD, among many, many other shocking psychotic thinking patters and chilling transcripts between doctor and patient. It was revealed that the "cured" - in fact - left his office more scarred than before they entered. Eugene destroyed his victim's psychological stability, while simultaneously making them dependent on him. This can be proved because all his patients were later revealed to have strong symptoms of Stolkholm syndrome, and many committed suicide from guilt, after his arrest.
Appearance: Despite being of somewhat old age, Eugene appears to be in his late 30's. He has no scars, missing appendeges, or any physical sign of being in anyway different from a normal person. His calm, measured voice commands authority and a respect. He appears in no way aggressive or threatening.
Sentence: 60 years
Crime Committed: His fate was sealed when the victims' lawyers proved that the suicides could be traced back to Eugene, and therefore they could be counted as manslaughter.
By the way, how will player characters get better at things? Like... say a +1 bonus to all rolls of a very defined category (lock-picking, for instance). Will you feature some sort of "level" system? Will it be that you have to do a certain action x amount of times? Hope you reply soon.