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Author Topic: The Museum II; adventure succession world (game is finished)  (Read 113242 times)


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Re: The Museum II; new adventure succession world
« Reply #450 on: July 06, 2015, 03:14:22 pm »

Bralbaard, that means the turn comes back to you! At least we'll get an update after all the cancellation and missing folks.
I've lost control of my life.

Timeless Bob

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Re: The Museum II; new adventure succession world
« Reply #451 on: July 07, 2015, 02:23:36 am »

I'm... So EXCITED!  My turn comes next!  I'm so stoked, I could... maybe even kiss an elf!  Oh, I can't wait to find out how the world has changed since my last turn...
(Well, next after you, esteemed Bralbaard, of course.)
L33tsp34k does to English what Picasso did to faces.

The Luckiest Tourist EVER
Bloodlines of the Forii


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Re: The Museum II; new adventure succession world
« Reply #452 on: July 08, 2015, 01:00:58 am »

I'll pick up the save, will probably start tomorrow.


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Re: The Museum II; new adventure succession world
« Reply #453 on: July 10, 2015, 07:44:46 am »

Allright.. I have started as a human outsider, that apparently gives you some interesting starting options:

Your wanderings have led you to Fountainlauds, a human camp. You are a stranger here.


Let's be pollite and start with a proper introduction. My name is Liriva Callruin, the greatest bandit that ever lived. Haven't heard of me you say? Now I must admit that my status is not yet recognized by all those that wander on this fine world we have, but all that is about to change. You see, right now even I could forgive most people for thinking I was just an extremely handsome and charismatic, but completely ordinary thief. They would be mistaken, because the thing about thieves is; they do stuff out of sight, hidden in the shadows.. It is the same with me. The world is still ignorant, but I have have been plotting and scheming, and have concocted the perfect plan. I will not be known as just an ordinary mortal for long.

I am writing down these notes, just to make sure the story of my rise to power is properly put down on paper. Others will sing my praises in time, and may document my life and exploits, but nothing beats hearing it first hand, from the master himself. So here we go.

So here I am, in Fountainlauds. I recently joined this bandid group because they have been quite succesfull. The bewildering brothers we are called. There are at least 25 bandits here, besides me, and we have this incredible pile of loot:

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

In other words, perfect starting point for my journey. There are piles of golden, silver and copper coins here, there's armor belonging to dwarves, goblins and any race you can imagine. Then there is fancy clothing, diamonds, all that kind of stuff. However I want to move inconspiciously and have no need for all this crap. Luxury is for later, first it's time for action. I take some basic clothing, a backpack, waterskin, a proper axe, and some money.

Now dear reader, that last item on the list may have made you wonder.  Any proper thief has other means to acquire what he wants without the need of currency, right? Indeed; and that's why you can consider it a souvenir, and at the same time a reminder of my goal. Not just the volume, but also the variety of currency  the brothers have accumulated over the years is staggering, I have taken one of each type of coin I could find, resulting in a collection of 35 different coins, minted in 14 different empires. Soon, all those empires and more, will know my name! I will settle for no less.
« Last Edit: July 10, 2015, 07:58:32 am by Bralbaard »


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Re: The Museum II; new adventure succession world
« Reply #454 on: July 18, 2015, 12:30:24 pm »

Here is the save game, I'll update the story later.


Timeless Bob

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Mrs. Cake's Journey
« Reply #455 on: July 19, 2015, 02:51:53 am »

The Brief adventures of Mrs Cake, Talent Scout

Opal the 14th, 1070
Weather: Clear
Moon: Waning Crescent
Wind: Cool from the East

   After a long journey through very strange paths, I awake to find myself in a tree shared by two humans.  One is a scrawny looking woman with long, chocolate hair, brown skin and a mischievous pair of twinkling periwinkle eyes, while the other is a peach skined older man with grey in his raw umber hair, and a matching pair of periwinkle eyes.  He holds a silver sword in one hand, while the other sports a copper hammer.

Good Morning! , I call out to them, My name is Mrs Cake.
Hello, replied the man with the silver sword, I am Kas Snarlingforests.
So, what's this place?
We are in Mobbedleaves. I happen to be the Master of the Static Targets which has wrested control of this place from the hated elves.
Oh?  Are you still fighting them?
Things are the same as ever.  The local area is known as The Moral Hills, a blessed land where unicorns roam freely, but no one has travelled here for some time, for we are insulated from the rest of the world.  You see, to the north of us are the Eerie Hills, a cursed land. Beyond them lies The Pulpy Hill, where giant weasels and other savage beasts live.  To the east of us is The Hill of Wickedness and the Forest of Immorality, both also cursed.  Beyond them lies the Naughty Hill, where the bloodthirsty Dingo Men have been seen hunting and the ancient shrine of the Hill Titan Meng Thownsun broods. It is known as The Heliotrope Conflagration. The Prairie of Weirds lies to the west: it was the site of a great battle between a force of goblins and elves and beyond them are The Smeared Hills, another cursed land. Somewhere in that direction lies Strapumbral, the lair of a fierce Dingo. We all live in the Robust Forest, which stretches south, east and west for many days and is mainly claimed by the elves of The Shell of Rhythm. The Forest retreat of Panthergaurd lies to the west, where the elf Muya Gravelsatin lives.  Back in 278, the dragon Sad Glowingsweltered, "the Luxurious Fires" destroyed Panthergaurd and all within it. Half a day's travel to the south, within the forest lies the cave of Blotmines.  It was discovered and claimed by the hermit Thudu Rawness-shadows back in 55, but both he and his dwarven companions were slain by a forest titan called "the Fell of Raining" just ten years later. To the east, The Forest Retreat of Brownbudded to the east was founded by The Quiescence of Amethyst, an elven group from The Shell of Rhythm.  It is not without its own troubles:  Just last year, I've been told that an elf named Fima Snakeblossoms was murdered by another elf called "the Venerable Shell".  When elves slay elves, it's not a good omen.

There are many rumors of the Moral Hills.  A few that I've heard are:
In the midautumn of 1054, a dwarf named Shem Craftdoor was buried alive by another dwarf named Dang Tormentstopped "the Fenced Match" in the Fortress of Granitetrusses.  I've no idea where that is, though.
There is rumored to be a Hill Titan named "the Tail of Butterflies" in her lair "Waxpaddle "the Tufted Eagle", but no-one knows where in The Moral Hills that would be.
There's also stories of the terrible Roc, "The Windy Radiances", which lairs in Dutycave.  It's said this vile fiend has slain thirty-seven! Once again, no-one has found the lair and lived to tell the tale.

Wow, that's quite a tale!  Are there any of your band that would like to go exploring with me?  Nopony should be doing that alone in such dangerous wilds!
Yes, take Ad the hammerman and Otu the crossbowman - they've both been a bit antsy lately - a bit of scouting around the area might do them some good.  Why don't you make camp down at the base of our tree and we'll get you outfitted in the morning?
Thank you.  That's very generous!

I napped for a few hours below the great spreading branches of thier home-tree, trying to stay out of the snow, but was woken a couple hours later by the sounds of fighting. There was a low fog that obscured what was happening, so I trotted over to see what the fuss was about.  Suddenly, a copper bolt arched out of the gloom and lodged itself in my fore-leg!  Ouch!
Another bolt struck Otu in the neck, but bounced off.  The fighting moved off farther into the murk, leaving me to care for my wound, which Ad bandaged quietly.
What was that all about?
Ad shrugged, Probably a duel.  Happens all the time.  Bloody nuisances.

So, we all decided to resume our nap, and get started scouting the area first thing in the morning.
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
« Last Edit: July 27, 2015, 02:31:38 am by Timeless Bob »
L33tsp34k does to English what Picasso did to faces.

The Luckiest Tourist EVER
Bloodlines of the Forii

Timeless Bob

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Re: The Museum II; new adventure succession world
« Reply #456 on: July 27, 2015, 03:48:17 am »

L33tsp34k does to English what Picasso did to faces.

The Luckiest Tourist EVER
Bloodlines of the Forii

The Lupanian

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Re: The Museum II; new adventure succession world
« Reply #457 on: July 27, 2015, 02:23:38 pm »

Who's turn does that make it then?
I only ate a few vampire hearts. Like, three tops. I'm sure it'll be fine.

Go check out Shadow of the Void!

Timeless Bob

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Re: The Museum II; new adventure succession world
« Reply #458 on: July 27, 2015, 06:18:10 pm »

Who's turn does that make it then?
You're next on the list, man.  Go for it.
L33tsp34k does to English what Picasso did to faces.

The Luckiest Tourist EVER
Bloodlines of the Forii


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Re: The Museum II; new adventure succession world
« Reply #459 on: July 28, 2015, 01:38:43 pm »

Indeed, you're up next, the front page wasn't up to date. I've fixed that.

Timeless Bob

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Re: The Museum II; new adventure succession world
« Reply #460 on: July 28, 2015, 01:59:46 pm »

Oh, Crap - I forgot to warn you guys, I played the game using the Phoebus graphical tileset, so some of the settings may be off.  Sorry.  Didn't even think about it until just now.
L33tsp34k does to English what Picasso did to faces.

The Luckiest Tourist EVER
Bloodlines of the Forii

The Lupanian

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Re: The Museum II; new adventure succession world
« Reply #461 on: August 08, 2015, 06:38:50 pm »

I'm sorry I forgot about this, do you still want me to do my turn? also, can I use legends viewer?
I only ate a few vampire hearts. Like, three tops. I'm sure it'll be fine.

Go check out Shadow of the Void!

The Lupanian

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Re: The Museum II; new adventure succession world
« Reply #462 on: August 08, 2015, 06:45:24 pm »

never mind, if your still doing this just skip me
I only ate a few vampire hearts. Like, three tops. I'm sure it'll be fine.

Go check out Shadow of the Void!


  • Escaped Lunatic
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Re: The Museum II; new adventure succession world
« Reply #463 on: August 14, 2015, 07:31:28 am »

I'd love to  take a turn, but if I might ask, in which version is the museum world?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Museum II; new adventure succession world
« Reply #464 on: August 14, 2015, 08:43:56 am »

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