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Author Topic: Learning bug in latest version?  (Read 2678 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Learning bug in latest version?
« on: September 04, 2014, 06:40:32 pm »

Sometime in the last week, in the SVN repo, learning rates on some skills have gone completely off the rails...

Just watching somebody else pick a single lock in the crackhouse gives an instant levelup in security.
Sneaking past one bored non-union worker gives an instant levelup in disguise.

Before, you had to risk getting caught and shot or beaten or pay for university courses.
Now the risk and cost are basically zero.


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Re: Learning bug in latest version?
« Reply #1 on: September 04, 2014, 08:40:38 pm »

I got the idea that initial skillups have been accelerated to reduce grinding?  Pretty confident it's intended.


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Re: Learning bug in latest version?
« Reply #2 on: September 04, 2014, 10:04:30 pm »

I had a guy go from 4 to 5+ from unlocking one door in the crack house... after which he can't get any more skill from unlocking such easy doors.
Anti-grind is good, but now teaching and learning are worthless, and you'll never get shot for trying to sneak around with low skill people because there won't be any low skill people.

As an anti-grind measure, it might be better to have the field training reduced to zero, rather than have it cranked up this high.
Then you'd need to spend money and daily activities to learn and teach, and actually invest in your people.  Make a superninja actually valuable rather than dime a dozen.
« Last Edit: September 05, 2014, 12:12:56 am by SuicideJunkie »


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Re: Learning bug in latest version?
« Reply #3 on: September 05, 2014, 05:51:19 am »

We could go the other way: you know how there's currently a daily limit on learning? Let's make it a monthly one, with two separate counters for theory (learning) and practice (going out on missions). So if you want to get 2 skill points, you have to do both (which makes IRL sense). It also means you can't make some junkie into a master thief with an easy 1 week course.
(You could say that grind would still be in the game, but unless you actually have nothing to do for the rest of the month, it will be interspersed with 29 days of "real" stuff)
I tried to play chess but two of my opponents were playing competitive checkers as a third person walked in with Game of Thrones in hand confused cause they thought this was the book club.


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Re: Learning bug in latest version?
« Reply #4 on: September 05, 2014, 09:10:15 am »

Here's another idea;
What if the easiest way to learn lockpicking and similar skills... was to get yourself thrown in prison to meet people with that skill? :)

Liberal Elitist

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Re: Learning bug in latest version?
« Reply #5 on: September 06, 2014, 02:39:53 am »

Although I have made many modifications to the code, none of them affect learning rates for skills. This was probably intentionally done by the lead developer Jonathan S. Fox, who has mentioned in the past that he thinks grinding detracts from the fun of a game (unlike me he has actually studied game design, whereas I studied computer science, programming, algorithms, data structures, and that sort of thing, but I never studied game design).

It is possible this was an unintentional change, maybe even a bug, but I am a bit doubtful of that, it seems more like it was intentional to me... although I am certainly not the one who made the change.
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Re: Learning bug in latest version?
« Reply #6 on: September 06, 2014, 05:46:09 pm »

Progress per keystroke is vastly increased which, to a degree, is a good thing.  (We don't want LCS to become Progress Quest)

The problem is that Risk per Reward dropped vastly as well, and the game is suddenly on easy mode.


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Re: Learning bug in latest version?
« Reply #7 on: September 07, 2014, 01:52:11 pm »

Some research has turned up that the change appeared in v796, and indeed by Jonathan.
5-10x boosts.
A disguise training of 50 instead of 10, subsequently multiplied by your agility, makes for instant levelups.

Another option to consider, is to have the experience go into a buffer, which then trickles into skill over time.
You could spend a day working B&E on the apartments, however far up you feel you can risk it before getting caught (conservatives get suspicious about unlocked doors quickly now).  Then spend the rest of the week doing something else until your liberal has sorted out everything they did wrong and what they should try next, and the trickling skill increase ends.

Liberal Elitist

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Re: Learning bug in latest version?
« Reply #8 on: September 08, 2014, 12:05:44 pm »

Some research has turned up that the change appeared in v796, and indeed by Jonathan.
5-10x boosts.
A disguise training of 50 instead of 10, subsequently multiplied by your agility, makes for instant levelups.

Another option to consider, is to have the experience go into a buffer, which then trickles into skill over time.
You could spend a day working B&E on the apartments, however far up you feel you can risk it before getting caught (conservatives get suspicious about unlocked doors quickly now).  Then spend the rest of the week doing something else until your liberal has sorted out everything they did wrong and what they should try next, and the trickling skill increase ends.

Ah it seems you are right. The changelog for revision 796 is as follows:

Code: [Select]
- Revised Heat/Secrecy system; Heat now risks raid when Heat>Secrecy
- Significantly increased chance of getting caught when hacking
- Reduced chance of prison scenes, but increased chance of effects
- Ledger only shows if you have currently active Liberals
- Large increase in Security/Stealth/Disguise learning rates
- More difficult Stealth/Disguise when committing crimes
- More difficult Stealth when in groups

It was made on July 25, 2014, actually one of 2 revisions Jonathan S. Fox made that same day, the 2nd one, 797, having this short changelog:

Code: [Select]
Made lockpicking and door breaking more suspicious.
I don't think I've changed the code from either of those revisions except for the code involving stuff in prison, it had a few bugs that I fixed but I preserved the intent of his changes. I don't revert changes by other developers, generally speaking, except if they are unintentional mistakes... but if someone intends a change and lists it in the changelog I do my best to preserve the intent of their change even if the way they coded it was buggy, I just try and make their change work better without any bugs, in a way that both they and I would like. So whenever Jonathan S. Fox, who has studied game design and I haven't, makes changes to the balance of the game, well the balance of the game is something I generally avoid changing anyway, and I also tend to avoid reverting stuff other people do especially him.

Now it is possible that maybe he went a little too far and may have made it too easy to level up Steath/Security/Disguise with one of the changes in revision 796. But personally I don't have any problem with that change... I actually think it's improved gameplay from my own playtesting since then and I like that change personally. But when I am playtesting I tend to like things that make the game easier since I'm trying to get through a whole lot of the game without running into problems so I can test the things I want to test. The increase in learning rates for those skills was directly balanced by making those skills harder and more likely to fail, although personally I haven't really experienced that problem when playing the game, usually because I go on solo missions and avoid committing crimes in front of witnesses, and he made those skills more likely to fail if you're in a group or if you commit crimes in front of people, both of which aren't really my style (I've always found that going around as a group and committing crimes in front of people tend to cause a lot of problems... you are more likely to get in trouble and have a fight on your hands as well as legal trouble.) The main problem with my style is, sending someone in solo means they get outnumbered easily by enemies so they have to have really good fighting skills, especially Dodge, and generally also need SEAL Stealth Armor to have both stealth and armor protection at the same time. But even SEAL Stealth Armor fails quite a bit, not as far as stealth goes, but as far as armor goes... if a bunch of people unload on you with machine guns you're very likely to die.

And if you are worried this makes the game too easy I would say, look again at those 2 changelogs, a lot of stuff there compensated for this being easier by making other things harder. Some changes I don't particularly enjoy when playtesting are the increased chances of getting raided based on heat and the increased chances of getting caught while hacking. Part of my strategy used to involve having a hacker just hack away in a safehouse and they'd never get raided, the main risk was that if they ever got arrested they'd end up in jail forever, or even get the death penalty if death penalty laws are C+, and it'd be basically impossible to get acquitted at trial if you'd done loads of hacking. If you combine the increased chances of getting caught while hacking and getting both criminal charges and heat, and the increased likelihood of raids based on heat and the decreased secrecy of locations with business fronts (from 95% down to 70%, quite the dramatic fall), well let's just say that as a player of the game and not as a developer, this makes me not want to do hacking as much. So personally I think right now there is a little bit of imbalance with secrecy (I think business fronts provide too little secrecy protection right now), and with hacking (the chances of getting caught, the heat, the chances of getting raided, and the legal consequences, they all make hacking much less desirable than it was before). So if I WERE to make balance changes on both of those I'd add the option for an upgraded business front that had very high secrecy: a CORPORATE business front, which would cost ONE MILLION DOLLARS to set up, 5 times as much as an anti-aircraft gun when anti-aircraft guns are illegal. And I'd also make something easier regarding hacking... perhaps allow "hacking" for people with no computer skill, where they would just read tutorials on hacking online and stuff like that, to be able to increase Computer skill to 1 if it's 0 without having to check polls every day (it'd increase it at about the same speed but without the annoyance of seeing polls every day if you don't actually want to see them and just want to train Computer). And I'd decrease the legal punishment for hacking... realistically speaking, although hacking is a serious crime, even the most infamous hackers don't get jail sentences THAT long in the real world. I also might add in a chance for hackers with a low Heart/Wisdom balance to join the FBI or NSA and do hacking for it (something that happens in the real world)... the in-game consequence of this would be, you would lose that LCS operative for good and they'd rat you out to the cops as an informant, which would work the same way in-game as when someone rats you out to the cops currently, except this would have the additional penalty that they would delete all the documents you've accumulated (AM radio memos, police records, cable news memos, etc., even the CCS Backer List if you have it, you'd lose all of them if a hacker defects to the FBI). So this would be pretty balanced... we would make things a bit easier on hackers... less jail time, easier to get found innocent, a bit less heat, less chance of being caught if you are very skilled, being able to learn hacking as a script kiddie with 0 Computer skill: at least some of those to make it easier but maybe not all of it. But then to compensate we'd only make things a BIT easier, not too much, and add a chance for the hacker to join the FBI or NSA if they are apprehended by the authorities and then they would remotely delete ALL documents that the LCS is in possession of, at all of its bases.

I'm not sure if I'll actually rebalance those things, it's just an idea, I'm not committed to it, I'm interested in feedback on those ideas, whether or not they'd be good to implement. If I don't get any positive feedback on those ideas I probably won't implement them (if I don't get positive OR negative feedback I MIGHT implement them, I dunno).

As for the increased learning rates of those skills, well I think the Stealth learning rate does need to be fairly high, if your Stealth skill is low, but maybe we could slow it down a bit at higher skill levels... it'd still go up when there's a Stealth check just not as fast. Same thing with Disguise. As for Security, I think we might actually do the exact opposite with it: make it something you learn slowly when the skill level is low but you'd be able to learn it faster when the skill level is higher. This is all to fit in with other game mechanics... with low Disguise or Stealth skill the failure rate is quite high so you'd need to learn faster then, but at higher levels the failure rate is much lower so you can learn slower, and it'll be balanced.  As for Security, well at a low skill level you can go around trying to pick lots of locks and fail at most of them and still get a level up, even with a slow training speed. But at a high level, Security only increases if you have difficulty picking a lock usually, and it stays pretty static and can get hard to level up when it's higher, so at high levels we'd have a faster training speed... this would reflect Security being something where it's hard to learn at first but easier the more you know, whereas Disguise and Stealth would be easy to learn the basics of but hard to really master.

So what do people think of those ideas on rebalancing stuff, including learning rates, hacking, and expensive corporate business fronts for added secrecy? And with these corporate business fronts think of left-leaning companies like Ben & Jerry's Ice Cream, or... uhm... well actually that's the only left-leaning company I can think of, most companies are right-wing although some right-wing companies pretend to be left-wing (Google, Comcast-owned MSNBC, etc.), despite the fact that management at those companies has them be part of right-wing organizations like ALEC (American Legislative Exchange Council) and the U.S. Chamber of Commerce (and donating money to Democrats like Google does doesn't mean they are left-wing, it means they are trying to curry influence with people in power and think Democrats might be sympathetic to their company's goals and willing to help them out, which is the same exact reason companies give money to Republicans, in both cases it's to gain influence and power with government officials). So my point is corporations are, generally speaking, inherently right-wing, although there are a few notable counter-examples (like some companies that are worker-owned or are on very good terms with labor unions) but they are a small minority of corporations. I guess another left-wing corporation could be a supermarket chain that sells organic fair trade vegan food and has all unionized workers who are paid a living wage... can't think of any supermarket chains that fit that description entirely though... for instance Whole Foods is run by a libertarian and libertarians are hostile towards labor unions... and while Wegmans workers have great wages and benefits, the food at Wegmans isn't all organic fair trade vegan stuff, it's a standard supermarket that has meat and everything and I'm not sure whether it's actually unionized. And I wouldn't consider Trader Joe's to fit the bill either... their ginger snaps have butter in them, that's an animal product... not vegan... plenty of ordinary grocery stores that aren't even remotely liberal don't put butter in their ginger snaps, not for vegan concerns, but just to save money on ingredients to make more profit. For that matter, Ben & Jerry's ice cream is full of dairy so it isn't vegan. There really aren't any True Elite Liberal companies out there. Nope, I can't even think of 1 that would qualify. Maybe possibly a company involved in open source software, like a company that makes Linux distributions or something... I dunno. There probably are some Elite Liberal corporations out there, I just don't know about them. I know Progressive Auto Insurance for years was run by a very left-wing CEO... at least very left-wing when compared to all the other CEOs of companies that size... but insurance is an inherently Conservative industry all about making profit, charging people high rates, and denying claims made by your own customers, to maximize profit. Progressive Auto Insurance had a different approach to other car insurance companies that allowed it to grow very fast... its left-wing CEO decided to insure dangerous drivers who get into lots of car accidents, and just charge them rates based on sound actuarial analysis that would be reasonable but still profitable. At that time, other car insurance companies all charged exorbitant rates to very bad drivers or might even refuse to have them as customers. Eventually though, Progressive Auto Insurance's business model spread to the rest of the car insurance industry and now all the companies are willing to insure bad drivers and can calculate just the right price to charge them and make a profit, so it turns out the business model of Progressive Auto Insurance isn't especially Liberal or Progressive. Oh yeah and some people claim Warren Buffett of Berkshire Hathaway is left-wing... no he isn't, he just helped Burger King merge with Tim Horton's in Canada to avoid paying corporate taxes and save money, as one example. And as for Apple being liberal or Bill Gates being liberal don't make me laugh. Richard Stallman of the Free Software Foundation and GNU project is ultra-ultra left-wing, a real Elite Liberal, but both organizations he runs are nonprofits, not corporations, so they don't count. Anyway, hard to think of how an LCS-run corporation would operate, or how it would manage to fit into the corporate world and evade legal scrutiny but still uphold Liberalism. Well not that hard... have a unionized labor force, don't pollute, don't do tax evasion, don't harm animals or use animal products, don't do unethical research, pay workers a living wage, charge high prices to your Elite Liberal customers who can afford it while giving away free stuff to the poor if nobody buys it, and donate to Liberal causes.
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Re: Learning bug in latest version?
« Reply #9 on: September 08, 2014, 04:55:08 pm »

Er, well, that seemed to go off on a fair bit of a tangent.

Couple of comments:
1) Hackers have very high intelligence - you might consider recruiting a judge and then getting the hackers trained up to Law 10+, then they'd be able to own the courtroom for bonus juice instead of facing life in prison.

2) Having more high end purchases to make seems like a good idea to me.  In the mid to late game, money stops being an issue and just piles up.  Having more to spend it on would be a good thing.
Some ideas to add to the super-business front:
 - Tricked out cars, for a small bonus chance of escaping, or blocking bullets, or whatnot.
 - High end computers & network connections as a base upgrade
 - Contribute Liberally to a legal fund for people harmed by the CCS?

3) The Burger King/Tim Hortons deal from what I hear doesn't actually reduce taxes much at all.  They were already skimping hugely on taxes, and this would just get them a tiny sliver more.
Which isn't to say they won't follow up with a whole new set of shavings from a fresh start.

As for the core topic of training, I personally enjoy the burglar simulator bit, with the tense encounters and narrow escapes while working slowly up to the big leagues.  I don't actually want to skip any of that low level stuff; being the underdog and coming out on top is the best.

I've written up some code changes which present a game start option for skill rates:
  • A - Fast skills - Cue training montage!  -or-  Grinding is Conservative!
  • B - Classic - Excellence requires practice.
  • C - Hard Mode - Learn from the best, or face arrest!

(A) being the new settings.
(B) being the old settings.
(C) being tough settings - no skill ups unless you fail by rolling 1 short of success (or pay for training classes).
AKA - you got caught, but were close enough that you realize what you did wrong.

I'm not completely happy with the descriptions yet.  Suggestions are welcome.

Liberal Elitist

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Re: Learning bug in latest version?
« Reply #10 on: September 09, 2014, 04:24:19 am »

Sounds pretty good to me. If you've already written up the code for these 3 options you should go ahead and commit it as a change to the game, in my opinion. Of course it should apply to ALL skills and not just 3 of them (Disguise, Stealth, and Security). The difference between the old settings and new settings only involves those 3 skills. So to really make all 3 options relevant and substantively different we'd have to have options A and B have different skill increase rates for ALL skills in the game, not just 3 of the skills.

The potential problem is we'd need to test all 3 options and write code for all 3 of them and this could be a bit complicated. Coming from my perspective of someone who likes to squash bugs (both bugs in software and real, live insects), I think this might be more likely to lead to bugs and especially make it harder to find and fix bugs, by making 3 different options that would all have to be tested for bugs separately. That's my main concern about adding multiple options for skill increase rates. And if anyone ever adds new skills to the game, or wants to change something about an existing skill, well they'd have to do 3 times as much coding work... that would add plenty of additional work for modders, for instance, and we don't want that, we want to make things easy on modders.

This could be solved perhaps by abstracting away the changes into the functions that increase skills and skill experience points so the rest of the code doesn't have to check this stuff, so there'd be as little code as possible that'd have to deal with this, and all code that increases skills would simply call those functions and those functions would take care of handling things differently for all 3 options. I think that would be the best way to do things. And please don't limit it to 3 skills but have it apply to ALL skills, if you do this. If I choose option A over B or vice versa I should expect a difference, not just with 3 of the skills, but with the rest of them too, speaking as a player of the game rather than as a programmer.
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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Learning bug in latest version?
« Reply #11 on: September 09, 2014, 07:41:50 am »

The train function isn't changed, I just turned the calls to it from train(X, 10) into a switch (rate) Train(X,50) / train(X,10) / train(X,0)


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Re: Learning bug in latest version?
« Reply #12 on: September 09, 2014, 08:39:23 pm »

On further thought, there doesn't seem to be a reasonable way to roll it in to the train function.  The scaling factors aren't all the same, and it isn't even the same formula (flat number, vs 10-currentskill, etc) in some cases.

A set of defines in the .h file would be nicer, except for the problem that some of the training depends on local variables like the door quality.

At the moment, this only applies to the thievery skills; stealth, disguise, security


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Learning bug in latest version?
« Reply #13 on: September 14, 2014, 06:45:19 pm »

I've added driving to the list. 
Hardmode driving gives 5-skill for daily driving, and 20-skill during carchases.
Stealth and Disguise get trained at classic rates, but only if you fail the roll and get caught by a single pip of the dice.
Security only goes up if you fail to unlock the door, but get the "almost but not quite" message.

Due to the extra game setting, it isn't savegame compatible, so I bumped the version numbers up one.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Learning bug in latest version?
« Reply #14 on: September 20, 2014, 05:35:06 pm »

I've added driving to the list. 
Hardmode driving gives 5-skill for daily driving, and 20-skill during carchases.
Stealth and Disguise get trained at classic rates, but only if you fail the roll and get caught by a single pip of the dice.
Security only goes up if you fail to unlock the door, but get the "almost but not quite" message.

Due to the extra game setting, it isn't savegame compatible, so I bumped the version numbers up one.

Ugh.   No thanks.
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