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Author Topic: The United Assembly - Delegating Global Progress [4/12]  (Read 17238 times)


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Re: The United Assembly - Delegating Global Progress
« Reply #285 on: September 30, 2014, 08:43:44 pm »

TODAY’S TOP HEADLINE: The Avalia World Post

Avalian President Suggests International Merge
September 30th, 2014
The president of Avalia announced today that he supports a merging of the agencies setting international standards on things such as the operation of the Internet, prosecution of war crimes, and other organizations that require impartial oversight but are currently controlled by specific countries into the United Assembly. Failing that, he said that he recommended the United Assembly to put into place agencies that would make these organizations obsolete. The president specifically... (continued on page 6)
I think I'm an alright guy. I just wanna live until I gotta die. I know I'm not perfect, but God knows I try.
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Re: The United Assembly - Delegating Global Progress
« Reply #286 on: September 30, 2014, 10:23:56 pm »

I don't believe that you require a colony in order to exploit someone, ambassador. Indeed, it would make intelligence agencies around the world rather redundant if they did.

As for your contention that no-one is forcing us to sell our resources, I will concede the point. Nobody is forcing our people to sell our resources below market price. Like I said, the supposed economic aid your nation provides is being funneled into the pockets of corrupt officials, encouraging them to heavily subsidise the price that Tetoni corporations pay for the resources the local populace extract from our land. There is no force involved, merely grease for the wheels.

My dear ambassador, you have made much over the fact, and it is a deeply unsettling fact I might add, that my people do not earn a great deal of money. We Zimiateons are a humble people. The average monthly wage for a government official is only 3 Avalian dollar per month, so it does not take much to convince them to turn a blind eye to corruption and fraud. Indeed, the communities working the mines can trace their lineage back through the veins that they work daily. It is not uncommon, if you visit these communities, for a prideful young man to say he is working the same vein that great-great grandfather Urist discovered so many years ago, and was mined by every male from Urist down to the man you would be conversing with. These people know little beyond the fact that mining allows them to feed their family. Some people are even paid in food, amounting to an average wage of less than Avalian dollar per month. Like the officials I mentioned before, it does not take much to encourage them to put an x on a piece of paper to say they have voted for a particular person when in reality, they genuinely don't care as long as the mine stays open and they can feed their kin. I take great offence at your implication that my people are lazy, and only complain about their lot in life. They hard-working and content, the only criticism that can be levelled at them is their great naivety.

The money Teton spends, supposedly for our benefit, is used solely to gain access to our resources at rock bottom prices. It is not used to help us grow our economy, or for the benefit of our people, but to keep the miners in their place, and the officials loyal to Teton and their ilk in their place: administering the communities, setting the prices at which our resources are sold. You complain that we don't have the ambition to make something of ourselves. I contend that you don't want us to, lest the share prices of Tetoni corporations drop a few precious points.
Look, we need to raise a psychopath who will murder God, we have no time to be spending on cooking.

the way your fingertips plant meaningless soliloquies makes me think you are the true evil among us.


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Re: The United Assembly - Delegating Global Progress
« Reply #287 on: October 01, 2014, 12:11:10 am »

" While it is within the Humanitarian Council to create a global program to try resolve the situation in Tyland, It will be a waste of resources as we dont have that much to spare there for I suggest we recomment the economic council to create a human right agency for this purpose"

"Oh and on that point, The economic council is in session so I would like to let them know that the Humanitarian council need a creation of an Agency to continue doing our work effectively. So I suggest either the economic council purpose a creation of the agency or Allow the Humanitarian council to do so by making an amendment in the consitution"

Vin dong doesnt seem to care about all the step need to be taken to do something, this system is not very efective and will likely not get anythign done ...
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Re: The United Assembly - Delegating Global Progress
« Reply #288 on: October 01, 2014, 01:22:38 pm »

Morh Diban - Ordia

Mr. Eel, could you elaborate a tiny bit more? What would be mission of that human right agency? In what areas does Humanitarian Council need assistance?

((Edit:))Economic Council

Regarding UCM proposal. It appears that in the absence of Rutinde representative, support is tied between Tirinia's and Avalia's drafts. Should we put this discussion on the ice and let everyone use old fashioned trade agreements for the time being or can we seek some sort of compromise?
« Last Edit: October 01, 2014, 01:41:38 pm by Jiharo »
All your goblin bone bolts, suddenly rising up in vengeance...
I wonder ... is it smart amunition or dumb amunition?


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Re: The United Assembly - Delegating Global Progress
« Reply #289 on: October 02, 2014, 01:11:06 am »

Supreme Representative Robert - Avalia : Currently Addressing the Economic Council

If the Humanitarian Council so desires, they may continue and make proposals.


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Re: The United Assembly - Delegating Global Progress
« Reply #290 on: October 02, 2014, 05:11:51 am »

TODAY’S TOP HEADLINE: The Rutinde World Diary

International Coalition Deploys Boots On Ground
October 1st, 2014
The start of the month marked the official kicking off of the peacekeeping mission led by Avalia into Ulvan territory. Avalia, Jegula, Teton, Rutinde, Olmis, and several other countries organized the effort that begins today. Despite criticisms of the effort as "supporting an oppressive regime" and "a blatant land grab on behalf of Avalia," the Ulvan Response Coalition has deployed troops on nearly every Ulvan street corner to quell riots and protests following the election that many have called rigged. The President of Miria publicly condemned the action and called for the United Assembly to review the results of the election, which supporters of the Ulvan government have called "wholly unnecessary."
I think I'm an alright guy. I just wanna live until I gotta die. I know I'm not perfect, but God knows I try.
Kobold Name Generator
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Re: The United Assembly - Delegating Global Progress
« Reply #291 on: October 02, 2014, 05:35:14 am »

"I believe that the people of Tyland and a few other nation are in desperate need of help. The political instability and riot are taking lives. As a member of the HC , The council would like to offer help to the people that need help. But due to the UA structure, we currently do not have the ability to create and deploy an agency for peace keeping which we believe to be the best course of action. As the constitution stated we as the HC  need the EC to create an agency for our council can continue our job of protecting human right.  I purpose that the EC start a discussion on  creation of a peace keeping agency and it's budget, objective and capabilities."
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Re: The United Assembly - Delegating Global Progress
« Reply #292 on: October 02, 2014, 05:46:29 am »

" it might not be my place to suggest this but i would like to out line our need. The agency need to be able to be deploy to area that have civil unrest or incident of similar nature that may cause harm to people lives or their private property in grand scale. They need to be able to create area to support refugee or civilian that needs a sanctuary or a safe zone from war or conflict in the nearby area.  They also need limited capability to defend themselves and the civilian un their care from any force or individual that threaten the safety of the agency base or people in their care. Their goal would be to keep the the civilian safe until the conflict situation is resolve. They are not to get involve with the conflict directly or try to resolve the situation. As for their budget, i would say it is up to the EC , they would need a sum for starting up the agency and a certain budget to be use for each deployment but it not something i could say that i am qualify to talk about..."
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Re: The United Assembly - Delegating Global Progress
« Reply #293 on: October 02, 2014, 05:59:43 am »

Sir Gustav Hertmann, Tirinia

"Indeed, and I am glad to announce that the Hon. Corban van der Cord, the representative from Zimiateos sent me this draft to propose to the Economic Council."

Now, regarding our ongoing debate with Assembly Leader Robert.

First of all, the UAB. The reasons I proposed a single candidate is that I expected the post to be mostly that of a treasurer, constrained by the more detailed future budgets the Assembly would pass. Diluting the leadership of the UAB would mean no one would be responsible for reporting to the General Assembly and nothing would get done. However, in case of for exemple a gridlocked General Assembly, it is true that the Director would have lots of pwer and little oversight, a case I did not foresee.

So I thank Assembly Leader Robert for his constructive criticism and propose to amend the charter so that any investment proposals has to be voted on by the Economic Council. Would that suit everyone?

Now, the UCM. I must strongly criticize Assembly Leader Robert's counter-proposal. First of all I would love to hear him explain to us what is the average of 1 Avalian Dollar, 1 Teton Mark and 1 Tirinian Pound. Moreover, it seems as if that new currency would not be allowed to float, meaning that in effect, all the world's currencies would be pegged together. This is a return to the gold standard.

Finally, his proposal only speaks about vague "quality standard", without telling us anything about who shall set them and who shall have oversight. And nothing about tariffs or quotas or actual access to the ressources. 

Quote from: Paul-Henry Spaak
Europe consists only of small countries, some of which know it and some of which don’t yet.


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Re: The United Assembly - Delegating Global Progress
« Reply #294 on: October 02, 2014, 09:06:39 am »

Supreme Representative Robert - Avalia : Currently Addressing the Economic Council

Avalia does not believe that this agency, or any other, should be centrally controlled by this institution. Agencies are deployed for the very fact that we can not physically handle everything on a day by day basis. We should merely take-on an oversight role, and leave the day to day handling to an international team of actual experts, rather than delegates which will almost certainly be biased. And restricting any investement proposal to a vote by economic council would just paralyze the institution.

One the matter of the UCM, it appears to be the case that my explanation was insufficient. I will try to clarify with some examples. First, as requested, the weighted average of the Avalian Dollar, the Tetonic Mark and the Tirinian Pound. On average, 1 AD is equal to 2 TM, or 1.5 TP. So, the weighted average of these coinages is :

(1*17+2*4+1.5*6)/27=  1.26

Thus, 1 Avalian Dollar equals 1.26 UMU. Do note, that while this currency can not float, this does not mean that it's value is constant, or that all currencies are pegged. Say, for example, that the worth of the Tirinian Pound dramatically increases, reaching parity with the Avalian dollar. Then the Avalian dollar would be worth 1.15 UMU.



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Re: The United Assembly - Delegating Global Progress
« Reply #295 on: October 02, 2014, 09:19:39 am »

"I would agree with the Avalia representative, we do not need direct control of the agency nor a temporary board to oversee it. That would only serve to make the procedure more complicated and resulting in slower resolve of the cysis. I would like the agency to act independently after it have been deployed to a certain crysis and co operate with local force if necessary. All the information and request the agency made should be put up to the HC for decision and pass on to other council if necessary. They should also summit a full report to the UA so we can judge the effectiveness of the operation on a biweekly basis.

I would like to ask permission to start a session of Comittee to promote justice in regard of the CPJ-SIvBW-001-D"
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Re: The United Assembly - Delegating Global Progress
« Reply #296 on: October 02, 2014, 01:05:08 pm »

Morh Diban - Ordia
Economic Council

About agencies control: how about we just add something like this to every Agency Charter:
Spoiler:  Section n (click to show/hide)
That would provide an opportunity to meddle with agencies directly if everyone really wants to, while not requiring more bureaucracy during business as usual.
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I wonder ... is it smart amunition or dumb amunition?


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Re: The United Assembly - Delegating Global Progress
« Reply #297 on: October 02, 2014, 03:51:54 pm »

Addressing the Humanitarian Committee

I am in the process of writing up a draft proposal to create a resolution for international standards for elections, considering what is happening in Ulvan at the moment. My hope is that this resolution will give all national elections a sort of UA stamp of approval, as it were, and quell any discontent like we are seeing in Ulvan.

I will present it at some point tomorrow, and if anyone on this committee would like to make a suggestion as to what the resolution contains, feel free to send me a private message, through my aides.
Look, we need to raise a psychopath who will murder God, we have no time to be spending on cooking.

the way your fingertips plant meaningless soliloquies makes me think you are the true evil among us.


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Re: The United Assembly - Delegating Global Progress
« Reply #298 on: October 03, 2014, 01:47:42 am »


Tyland in Chaos
October 2nd, 2014
The newest official report from Southern Tyland puts the confirmed death toll at 23,371, with hundreds of thousands more still missing and an estimated 5 million left without power, food, or clean water. The situation on the ground is grim, with reports of looting and even attacks on rescue workers bringing supplies. The civil government has been unable to maintain order in Southern Tyland, lacking the resources to police such a large area that is almost entirely underwater. A foreign correspondent described the scene as "a modern-day Atlantis," with "campfires burning on rooftops, rafts and canoes traveling between settlements, and complete lawlessness." Two rescue helicopters and their crew have been reported missing since the aid campaign began, and a spokesperson for the White Cross has stated that they will no longer be making landings to offload supplies, switching entirely to airdrops and floating care packages. While this might be safer for the organization, it will no doubt intensify the anarchy on the ground, as survivors scramble to hoard resources that are already spread thin.
I think I'm an alright guy. I just wanna live until I gotta die. I know I'm not perfect, but God knows I try.
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Re: The United Assembly - Delegating Global Progress
« Reply #299 on: October 03, 2014, 02:08:11 am »

"I would like the council to stop going on and on and on endlessly about little detail that is killing thousand of innocent that could have been save if we are not in this endless dicussion loop and  form and emergency response agency to help resolve the tyland crisis. All the other detail should be second piority after the life of these people..."
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