Dereth makes several quick movements.
[3+11] Dereth fails to Douse any Flame. Metephorical or otherwise.
Statia takes no actions.
Ganron takes no actions.
Zoe hangs back, summoning a suit of plate mail.
[25] Ilandrinal doesn’t stabilize!
[-1]Turn 2 beginsIlandrinal’s wounds seem less severe.
[+2]Troll 1’s wounds start healing at an exponential rate!
[+5]Troll 4 looks healthier than before!
Grey squares = Rock walls [Upwards of 20’ high. Cannot be entered but can be climbed.]
Dark Grey Squares = Cave Mouth
The Party
Purple B = Bill
Pink Z = Zoe
Green T = Illandrial
Pink = Galia
Dark Blue G = Ganron
Red S = Statia, Cleric of Boccob
Blue J = Lady Joanna
Black “ = Raii
OB = Owlbear Skeleton squares
# = Trolls
]Raii: 37/37
Lady Joanna: 40/40
Ilandrinal: -4/42
Troll 1: Barely Hurt // 4 Non-lethal
Troll 2: Barely Hurt
Troll 3: Healthy
Troll 4: Healthy // 3 Non-lethal
Bill: 43/43
Bill’s Owlbear Skeleton: 32/32
Galia: 12/12
Dereth: 37/37
Statia: 11/11
Ganron: 26/26
Zoe: 19/19
Duration: 10 Rounds
Effect: +1 bonus to Hit and Damage for every crit landed.
Current: -
Duration: 5 Turns
Effect: As a free action Lady Joanna can make an attack with a spectral knife at a range of up to 30'. The knife does 1d6+2 damage (Crit: 19-20). Damage reduction applies to the knives which are considered magical.
Effect: All allies within 30’ of Raii will receive +2 health a turn so long as they are at or below half health.
Duration: 1 Round
Effect: +1 dodge bonus to AC after moving at least 10’.
Effect: Raii cannot use his breath weapon until next round.
Duration: 5 Turns