There are 5 positions in Chimerian Governement.
- President: Official Unelected Leader of the Junta
- Ministry of Agriculture
- Ministry of Internal Affairs
- Ministry of External Affairs
- Ministry of Defense
What your office is depends on what actions you can take. There're 4 kinds of actions. Each player gets 2 actions per turn, the President gets 3. He can choose which type these are. Important to note is that all actions are hidden and PM'd.
1) Free actions
Completely free, though within sensible constraints. Also, the weakest kind of actions, as you're acting on your own, with little support.
2) Inquiries
By speaking to one of the focus groups, a player can draw attention to an issue they consider to be important. (Ie, I decide the issue they give you) Inquiries can either be public or hidden.
A public Inquiry will be openly posted in the turn, stylized as a crisis. It then follows the rules for those kinds of actions, with the one exception that the person who originally made the Inquiry gets to act upon it without requiring an action.
A hidden Inquiry will be PM'd back to the player with the turn post, who can then react upon it.
3) Ministry Issues
Each Turn, each ministry receives 3 relevant issues which they can decide to resolve, either hidden or publically. If resolved publically, the action is posted in the turn, again stylized as a crisis, and handled as one. Again with the exception that the person who posted it doesn't need to use their action point.
4) Crisis
Crisis's pop up on each turn, though most will be created by players. Each player can act upon these, and thus these are most likely to cause conflicts of Authority.
Conflicts of AuthorityIn Chimerian Politics, it is very likely that people will conflict upon the way to deal with various issues, mostly crisis's. In that case, a conflict of authority occurs to decide how the issue is resolved.
By default, each minister has 1 Authority point on Issues not relevant to his office, and 4 on issues that are. The president has 3 Authority on all matters. On issues concerning their primary support basis, players get 2 additional Authority, on issues concerning their secondary support basis's, they get 1 additional support.
If multiple people back the same position, their authority is added together. In case of a tie, the issue is stalled, and more support needs to be found.
Simple Example[spoiler]
Using 3 players and only a single action point each. (2 for El Prez)
Player A: The President, decides to inquire about the status of the Campensinos in a public enquiry. He also secretly inquires about the revolutionary army. He will know the results of his enquiries next turn.
Player B: The Agricultural Minister decides to resolve one of his minister issues (Hidden). [He wants to sell of government lands publically]
Player C: The Foreign Minister decides to resolve one of his minister issues (Publicly)
Turn 1 :
Crisis's :
- Campensino's demand more Land
- Get USSR aid?
News :
-Tyrant estates are being sold of to highest bidder.
Player A :
- Submits his solution to the Campensino problem (Free) [Give them government Land]
- Submits his solution to the hidden Revolutionary army enquiry (Free) [Give them more money ]
- 2 actions
Player B :
- Submits his solution to the Campensino problem [Let them eat cake]
Player C :
- Submit solution to the USSR aid (Free) [Communism for everybody]
- Support the President on the Campensino problem
Turn 2:
- Chimerica gets aid from Communists
- Chimerica makes U-Turn on Agricultural policy, gives land to poor farmers. [Agricultural Ministry overruled by President + Minister + Support base of a kind]
- Revolutionary Army receive new tanks