There is no justifiable reason to own a firearm (as a private citizen, in one's home) inside a city limits.
There just isn't. Not with a properly functioning civic infrastructure.
Now, when there is a systemically failing civic infrastructure (crooked cops that will kill you without knowing any facts, and without any hesitation, and with the most absurd of provocations-- Animal control that cant be arsed to show up-- Etc.)-- Then the degree that the populace seeks to arm itself for self protection could be seen as a barometer of just how systemically failing that civic infrastructure actually is.
There is no real need for guns, and people should not have a desire for guns, the vast majority of the time-- assuming that the government is not acting in a callously officious and destructive manner toward its citizenry.
THAT SAID-- given that it is now clearly an objective fact that state, county, and city governments are indeed acting in such callously officious and destructive manners (and actively enshrining bad behavior in their enforcers), who can blame people for wanting to exercise their 2nd amendment rights, given that they are in a dense environment, with roving bands of brigand enforcers doing all manner of bullshit to them, 24/7?
I would focus much more heavily on the police brigandry than I would on public ownership of weapons at this point in time. That "Thin Blue Line" needs to be expunged with prejudice-- THEN we can talk about removing guns from private owners within city limits. (Or rather, enforcing proper safety regs are met for storage, handling, and liability of those weapons, such that the costs of ownership outweigh the benefits, and people naturally seek to be rid of them for convenience. Like it should be.)