Worth watching. I hate watching Youtube videos and I sincerely think it's worth the full 20 minutes.
It is weird... even though I am listening to this and know NOTHING about Phil Fish other then he threw a temper tantrum and quite game making and blamed his audience (mostly because I feel like he didn't want to make it in the first place), and I never really talked about him before... I am suddenly really disliking him.
Which is REALLY odd because the video wasn't made to make me dislike Phil Fish and convince you NOT to. It somehow does the EXACT opposite of its intention IF you don't really know who Phil Fish is. It really sounds like some Jerk who became famous doing an indie game and got a hate following, half-deservingly (Half in that... He deserved it, but not to that extent... Like if you Slapped someone across the face and then got beaten up)
Then in some odd irony the video (well not Irony)... is exactly what it is trying to tell people not to... making it hypocritical but intentionally so.
"How would you want them to judge you?"
Let me see... Me, someone who is constantly misunderstood, cannot communicate my ideas easily, and has very little self-esteem to protect myself against criticism?
By my actions and abilities probably. Really the question is supposed to make me self-reflective but honestly I don't think of the way people look at me as "in my control" or that should be controlled.
Anyhow basically if you watch the video it is basically a long version of that quote about how the evil in others lies not in them but ourselves or something... I forget the quote. Basically the Walmart episode of South Park except with Phil Fish instead of Walmart.
One second... *checks internet*
Ohhh Fez was sold? For a while I thought Fez was a free game.
Yeah sorry video but as I understand it when you are "selling" something they are your "Audience". I was really on the video's side until then >_<.
Then again the video might not be moralizing (I forget the correct term... The term for telling the audience they are bad people) it might ultimately be that "You don't know Phil Fish and you should treat him the way you would want to be treated... and if you DON'T know him, by what means should you say bad things about him".
Sorry I am giving a stream of consciousness...
the video is managing to confuse me because as I said... I didn't know Phil Fish and the video managed to ACTUALLY make me dislike him in spite being the exact opposite intention... and then it is like "don't hate him" and I am like "but you just make me dislike him!" and the video is like "No! You are a bad person for disliking him!" and them I am like "I am so confused!.. Must look at info" and the video is like "Yeah... so it is a bit more then him being famos" and then I am like "Yeah, but that probably doesn't change your main point... which I know but the details are still rattling in my head"... and the video is like "Well as long as you know that you shouldn't be a jerk to someone just because they are famos you should be alright" and I am like "Well I don't really dislike PEOPLE, only groups and even then I don't really keep it up..." and then they are like "Well is that right? what do you know about them?" and I am like "Well, they got bad reviews banned on youtube by claiming copyright on them" and then the video was like "Yeah, but they were young you don't know what they are like" and I am like "Dude, you just don't do that" and the video is like "Yeah but it is because they are famos" and I am like "Heck yeah... if they were nobodies I probably wouldn't have heard about it..." and they were like "So you hate them because they malicious AND famos" and I was like "No..." and then...
And it goes on like that. UGH THE VIDEO MY BRAIN!
IN THE END was it worth watching that 20 minute video?
No actually... Not only is it the same anti-celebritism schlock I've heard of 1000 times before, some things I don't agree with, and some things I do but don't think are anything special. In the end this was the most effective anti-phil fish video I ever seen... and it wasn't a anti-phil fish video that constantly tried to make me feel bad about myself even though I've never, or barely (I cannot remember), spoken about Phil Fish before.
It somehow managed to make me feel bad about myself... and I didn't do anything O_o
I DID however like the first 10 minutes of it very much... actually. I liked all of it really... I just don't like feeling bad about myself all the dang time xD
Is the Anti-Phil Fish stuff that big? am I that BLESSED by never going to Reddit and 4chan?