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Author Topic: Chapter Master - In the name of the Emperor!  (Read 829293 times)


  • Bay Watcher
  • Lord of Norderland - Lv 20 SKOOKUM ROC
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Re: Chapter Master - In the name of the Emperor!
« Reply #3990 on: February 20, 2021, 09:27:27 pm »

My theories on the Space Marines and assigned squads:
The Scout Squads train marksmanship and melee, among other things.  Gold in Sword, Gold in Bolter, Silver in Banner, and Bronze in Voice mean that they are likely skilled enough for Tactical Marine assignment*, but there are more advanced skills that can be learned quicker as Assault and Devastator Marines, so this should only be done in an emergency.  Logistically, the Scout needs to be transferred to Devastator, then Assault.

The Devastator Squads train marksmanship in multiple weapon types.  Gold in Bolter means they've learned enough to move on Assault, but continuing as Devastators will allow them to reach Gold in other ranged weapons quicker than assignment to Tactical.  Generally, the Chapter is so undermanned in Tactical Marines that I accept that Gold in Bolter is sufficient.

The Assault Squads train melee and toughness (I'm a little less sure on that last point, and to what degree).  Gold in Sword means they've learned enough to move on to Tactical, but continuing as Assaults will let them earn their Gold in Banner quicker than assignment to Tactical.  Generally, the Chapter is so undermanned in Tactical Marines that I accept that Gold in Sword is sufficient.

*I base this on the statement given when such a skilled Scout Marine is reviewed for possible promotion and they are deemed ready and will likely be able to be promoted quickly.  Only a command assignment can generally raise Voice beyond Bronze based upon my vast review of Space Marines.

Following that, promotion of silver under the above matrix means promoting those who have not been fully trained and will likely never be as good as those properly trained.  Promotion of bronze should only be done in an emergency as they have been only minimally trained.  Any scout without even bronze in bolter and melee is about as useful as putting a Guardsman in Power Armor.

My analysis is flawed: The game essentially tracks two weapons for determining Marksmanship - Flamer and Bolter.  Both should ideally be Silver before advancement to Devastator, and Gold before moving on to Assault.  Probably won't change how I do things, but there you go.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Lord of Norderland - Lv 20 SKOOKUM ROC
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Re: Chapter Master - In the name of the Emperor!
« Reply #3991 on: February 20, 2021, 09:51:00 pm »

Probably the same as my last bug report, but the load feature is purely broken.  Can't even load a game where I saved successfully after not doing anything but starting the new game.

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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Chapter Master - In the name of the Emperor!
« Reply #3992 on: February 20, 2021, 09:59:14 pm »

My attempt to load a saved game failed, partial log in spoiler, hope it helps:

It wasn't quite purely broken... I think it would've worked if you never split fleets. But I'm fixing the bugs related to that now.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Lord of Norderland - Lv 20 SKOOKUM ROC
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Re: Chapter Master - In the name of the Emperor!
« Reply #3993 on: February 21, 2021, 02:48:45 am »

I think the game splits the fleets, or they start un-united?  I didn't do anything with that last save, although I probably clicked on the fleet icon.


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Re: Chapter Master - In the name of the Emperor!
« Reply #3994 on: February 22, 2021, 11:13:21 am »

My analysis is flawed: The game essentially tracks two weapons for determining Marksmanship - Flamer and Bolter.  Both should ideally be Silver before advancement to Devastator, and Gold before moving on to Assault.  Probably won't change how I do things, but there you go.

It's possible to get Markmanship awards in other weapons... it's just that, with bolters as the main line weapon, marines spend far more time becoming proficient with it than any other weapon. I have (rarely) seen other weapons get listed as the best weapon for a marine, especially devastators, and I think, over the long term, a marine who uses the same specialty weapon over and over could eventually see that become the one they rate with.

Training does depend on role; experience in battle depends on what that marine did/had happen during the battle.

Also, you were right, there were two save-game bugs, one was split-fleet specific, but the other was affecting all saves. I fixed those over the weekend, and will push another bugfix version tonight.


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Re: Chapter Master - In the name of the Emperor!
« Reply #3995 on: March 04, 2021, 10:12:45 am »

Time for a quick status update! I was in the middle of building out Genestealer Cult armies when I realized my data structures were getting in the way, so yesterday was a refactor effort that, surprisingly, doesn't seem to have caused any new bugs! Even better, it has me doing a QA phase, so I'm squashing some previously introduced bugs around fleets and planets and how they interact. When I'm done, 0.5.3 will have, in addition to some underground GC efforts on planets, the possibility of a couple of planets in the system starting as Cult controlled, in addition to the existing Tyranid controlled ones. I'm making pretty quick progress, so that release should be on its way by tomorrow, unless way more bugs turn up needing to be squashed than I'm expecting.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Chapter Master - In the name of the Emperor!
« Reply #3996 on: March 04, 2021, 12:22:23 pm »

How funny is talking about squashing bugs and tyranids meaning two things in the same sentence.
I'm curious as to how a tank would evolve. Would it climb out of the primordial ooze wiggling it's track-nubs, feeding on smaller jeeps before crawling onto the shore having evolved proper treds?
My ship exploded midflight, but all the shrapnel totally landed on Alpha Centauri before anyone else did.  Bow before me world leaders!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Chapter Master - In the name of the Emperor!
« Reply #3997 on: March 04, 2021, 12:49:04 pm »

How funny is talking about squashing bugs and tyranids meaning two things in the same sentence.
I appreciate all double entendres, even the non-sexual ones. :-)

Question for the room: how do people feel about plot armor? Mechanically, I'm thinking about it a couple of different ways. For example, how does it come into being?
1) They had it all along... some of your recruits will just come in with plot armor, survive even as their unit is wiped out, and will naturally end up in leadership positions because the leaders without it just get shredded.
2) Plot armor comes with survival... problem with this idea is that shouldn't that imply the entire first company has plot armor?
3) There's a secret uber-Iron-Halo that is built in to rank insignia that provides plot armor, and every known race across the entire galaxy employs some form of this
4) Plot armor shouldn't come into being, because it's silly.
« Last Edit: March 04, 2021, 12:54:51 pm by ndkid »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Chapter Master - In the name of the Emperor!
« Reply #3998 on: March 04, 2021, 05:11:33 pm »

Plot armor should only exist rarely, not be 100% certain in its effect and have an explanation inside the game universe. A hidden trait that explains it, for example and that could be found out inside the game. This, naturally, being that everyone is actually Alpharius in disguise.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Chapter Master - In the name of the Emperor!
« Reply #3999 on: March 04, 2021, 05:20:01 pm »

Plot armor is an invisible stat which varies in intensity, so you could have some folks with a little plot armor and other folks with a whole lot of it, but you can only figure it out by observing what happens to them.

Maybe some people could "steal" plot armor from other characters around them, like that guy in All Guardsman Party. End up with a guy who survives everything while incidentally making his whole company (and the enemy) much squishier.

Maybe you could even have two different types of plot armor, one of which is "being a latent psycher" which could be tested for and suppressed by Nulls, and another flavor where the writers just like you for mysterious reasons.

So uh, option 1. >.>
Privileged to choose between lethal injury and less-than-lethal injury.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Lord of Norderland - Lv 20 SKOOKUM ROC
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Re: Chapter Master - In the name of the Emperor!
« Reply #4000 on: March 04, 2021, 11:41:43 pm »

Plot armor is called The Emperor's Will.  :P

Liberal Crime Squad had a system where the Founder (head, leader) would have plot armor until they died, then the new leader would have plot armor.  I'd like to think the Chapter Master would generally have at least a tiny plot armor.  Big problem with Duke's version is that the Chapter Masters were too squishy.  Or maybe that the game ended when the Chapter Master died.  Or both.

I'd like to see some recruits generated with Plot Armor, item 1.

Plot armor through survival is maybe unnecessary, since the sole survivor gets all the experience that would have been shared with their comrades maybe.  They also may have collected a few relics that were made by the death of their squad mates.

....And when Vladius combines Thespian's Bolter with Romero's Power Fist, defended by Brutus's Helm and Octavius's Boots he becomes The Chapter Champion!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Chapter Master - In the name of the Emperor!
« Reply #4001 on: March 05, 2021, 08:46:51 am »

0.5.3 up at
The ability to actually, y'know, fight things should have returned; I didn't realize it'd gotten quite as broken as it had! I believe there are still some intermittent errors in melee combat that I haven't found. Also, I realized today that I'm not saving squad weapon choices, so if you've set a given devastator to always carry 4 heavy bolters, you'll have to go back and set that up again when you load the game.

- fixed ships not realizing they were around a planet on load
- fixed ships without loaded troops causing crashes after load
- removed dupe listing of HQ squads in PlanetView
- fixed some bugs around when battles should and shouldn't break out
- fixed a load bug where squads were not being properly assigned to planets
- did some selection logic cleanup on PlanetView, but there's more to do here
- fixed a save gave bug where the active/reserve status of a unit wasn't being preserved
- temporarily upped the chances of GC and 'nid planets
- fixed a bug in fleet id assignment
- fixed a bug where you could make a fleet look like it was traveling to the planet it was already in orbit of
- fixed a stupid oversight that was preventing default melee weapons from being handled
- fixed display bug with planetDetail where, after loading the game, loaded soldier counts were always zero


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Chapter Master - In the name of the Emperor!
« Reply #4002 on: March 06, 2021, 11:22:53 am »

Hi all!!

It's been nearly 4 years since I last used this forum! I am so happy to see the community here is still strong!

ndkid, I will be trying your demo very shortly!

I actually came here to try and gather a bit of support for my own project, which is actually my dissertation project for university!

Essentially, it's a Chapter Master game! (Wow I'm sweating so much while writing this, I don't want to step on anyone's toes!)

It's currently in a prototype phase, and available for testing, but because it's part of my university project if people want to test it they actually need to head to a discord so I can keep in direct communication with them, for feedback and such!

If you're already sold, the discord is here -

If you need a bit more information, Its called Special Space Force right now and it is a non-IP version with full modding capabilities (planned but also mostly implemented)

You can currently add your own sprites/textures for equipment (like armour and weapons), voidcraft and planets, but you can create so much stuff, like name lists, template forces (how your squads and slots get laid out by the generator), biome stats, AI races etc etc etc

You can also arrange your force however you please, using companies, platoon,s squads, etc, which are all viewable in 2D. You can move voidcraft (with and/or without people inside) around a sector of a galaxy, which is customisable on game start. At the moment there is no combat, but it will be a narrative system that basically writes a page from a book to describe your battle. That's being worked on next, and I hope it's awesome!

There's a list of features planned and complete at

Here is a video of the trooper customisation!

And here's a video of some planets!

This is hopefully going to go to market on steam, eventually, provided i can gather support enough! It's been in development since June last year, so finally getting it out there feels good!

Again, I really don't want to take attention away from the completely free version that ndkid is making, just hoping that some people are interested in helping out another project :)

Happy mastering!
« Last Edit: March 06, 2021, 12:30:32 pm by Guardsman111 »
Check out Special Space Force, an army management sci-fi strategy game, at


  • Bay Watcher
  • Lord of Norderland - Lv 20 SKOOKUM ROC
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Re: Chapter Master - In the name of the Emperor!
« Reply #4003 on: March 06, 2021, 03:04:31 pm »

I've submitted my application and email address, good luck with the dissertation.  I guess you need discussion mostly on the discord, or can you take comments from here as well?

ndkid: Looking forward to trying out the new build.

Don't suppose you two can collaborate in any way?


  • Bay Watcher
  • Lord of Norderland - Lv 20 SKOOKUM ROC
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Re: Chapter Master - In the name of the Emperor!
« Reply #4004 on: March 06, 2021, 03:38:13 pm »

Failure to load:
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