and each turn these territories would expand or contract by simple given rules, much like "Conway's game of life"
I was working at a space conway, can give gode around if needed:
(uses the real mass map of the milky way to control growth, that's why the blue empire expand that fast while earth, yellow up center, remains a dot for long)
LosBocca, that's awesome, that almost exactly how I pictured it could look in my head, (only I didn't see any "jets" or "flying saucers" or other common Conway's shapes,) but the expansion looked really cool. I feel like I was not having such a silly idea after-all.
I'm art-side, but my programmer buddies reassure me that coding a Conways is not beyond my capabilities, I can "script-kiddie" my way around somethings.
Like it's been mentioned on this thread more than once, I do not want to "bite off more than I can chew" so, I gotta think what I might actually be capable of, what's within my lore-knowledge-scope and my art/scriptng ability and what kind of game I can do with that and still be fun for some people (with the hope of generating some interest and getting a small group project going)
I figure what I can do is an "Imperial Citizen life simulator" where you play a single insignifigant human on one of the Emperor's million worlds, and each turn a "Conway's" thing happens on the galaxy map, and each turn your character ages a year and gets to make some decisions. Like, "Hey, you just turned 10 years old, do you want to study real hard and work hard for the benefit of all mankind, or do you want to join a gang and fight alot and try as hard as you can to get yourself killed (a good option for a recruiting world)"
Each turn, the universe would age a tick, progression and expansion would be superslow, and probably wont effect your game much (Think basic, very simple stuff, that could get expanded later, but just thinking of what I can do right now). The "life simulator" sets the stage for what could become something more like CM.
At the end of your life, you'd get a little story/synopsis of what you did, and how you hindered or helped mankind. I guess Im thinking about a turn based visual novel, with hopefully some strategic and rpg elements. The player should feel small, insignifigant, and the dangers and hugeness of the galaxy should make the player feel crushed, hopeless, and only faith in the Emperor (galls my traitor blood to say that)..... nah, can't even say it... Your corpse-god, what has he done for you lately?
I forgot to add, that say you lived the perfect life of a loyal citizen, rose to a high rank, and did everything right and got way lucky, then maybe, maybe you might be able to influence, like a single dot on that galaxy map. To ilustrate how insignifigant even a very important person is compared to the vastness of the Imperium.
Legal stuff, I can make it legal, I'm 100% sure of that. That's a main goal, to show a fan made 40K can be made legal. (I dont mean legal to sell, I mean "right to exist" kinda legal, like legal to make, unlike meth)
So, anyone working on CM, need some art, etc?
here;s some older art of mine from games and mods, hey a few of the images in there are not actualy mine(the minecraft screenshots, etc), but fan made re-makes of my stuff, which I think is cool