So, I've disabled the blog and removed the references to it from 1d4chan (hopefully they won't get added back in) and here's explaining why. TL;DR at the bottom.
First up, I've immensely enjoyed the project so far, with some minor exceptions, and will probably continue to work on it in the future.
However, I will no longer be publicising the project or releasing it online. The reasons for this are threefold:
First, I do not have any sort of stable schedule as of last week with various freelance work taking up inordinate amounts of my time.
Second, I am increasingly afraid of legal intervention despite my attempts to distance myself from any copyright claims, also leading onto the next.
Third, it has become increasingly clear to me throughout the course of this project that people just don't care about things that aren't blatantly 40k. And I'm unwilling to make things that are blatantly 40k, beause I don't want to end up ruining my life in legal battles over something I was only doing to benefit others anyway. I attempted to run the project in as generic a manner as possible in order to avoid any copyright problems, and was continually met by e-mail and forum posts of complaints that I wasn't staying close enough to 40k lore. I even tried to spell out that I was specifically avoiding copyright, something that could well have ruined the entire purpose of avoiding the copyright in the first place, and it seemed to be forgotten within a day.
I really appreciate the help of everyone that's chipped in so far to the Chapter Master mod - Mukip who made some fantastic art, Smokazzi with the excellent music, Skeletus with all the naming convention help and Guardsman for his excellent art contributions. Obviously I make no claims to any of the assets put out in the recent versions - for anyone who wants to take up this mantle in the future please make good use of them.
I've come to realise that this project is impossible. Not because it's too difficult, or because the gaming requirements are too high, but because the project seems to belong to everyone. Everyone has their idea of what it should and will be, and the project will only survive if public support is sufficient to drive an individual to risk court battles just to satisfy a gaming itch. In this case, I didin't feel like the public support was there, and that's fine, it just wasn't to be.
Within two something months I'm pretty pleased with the progress I made, and if anyone is a C++ dev and wants to geti n touch with me, I'd be willing to consider passing along the current source - it really isn't too much work away from playable engine. However I will be completing it privately for personal and friends use only.
Good luck to whoever's next, may this be another notch on the Chapter Master belt of failed attempts.
TL;DR: Too afraid of lawyers, not enough reason to work despite them, gave it a good shot though.