Aaaand now I have a handful more bugs:
-When a marine is equipped with and Iron Halo (my Chaplains have it by default), after the first battle they participate in they lose the +20 health bonus and show up as wounded on the management screen.
-I picked a fleet-based chapter and the "Load Into Ships (Sans Escorts)" at creation, and the game stuffed 1700 units of marines and vehicles into my single battle barge. I unloaded everyone to divide my companies into task-forces, which left me with a Battle Barge of -1100 and a few cruisers of -2 (somehow). The problem is, it seems like if there is a ship with negative load-out value in a fleet, the game won't let you attack or raid a planet; the ships don't even show up on the screen where you have to pick who will enter the battle. Because of this now I have a completely useless battle-barge and no fortified home-world.
-Finally... *sigh* Apparently the RNG hates my face in this game, because this new playthrough of mine started off with an Ork WAAAAAAGH!!! triggering on the third turn, a Tyranid invasion on the fifth, and I just got a pop-up about the warp getting thin around my primary forge-world.
Damn it, this is Dwarf Fortress all over again...
[Edit]: And now it happened again. An entire task-force of mine, which consisted of four companies, got completely incapacitated from absolutely nothing. Even more "hilariously", they are listed as 1% critical even though they all have 40 to 60 HP. At this point the game is practically unplayable for me, so I guess I have to put it on ice for a while. Hopefully by then some of these bugs would be fixed...