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Author Topic: The Cabal - IC thread, Act 1 Part 16. (Currently on hiatus)  (Read 9836 times)


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Re: The Cabal - IC thread, Act 1 Part 8.
« Reply #105 on: October 26, 2014, 04:19:23 pm »

Take all 49 soldiers and all the Cabalists to the meeting point outside the city. Put everyone in their assigned positions. As a reminder:
  • I will go to the actual meeting alone with Muirgen and Milos. They are to act as bodyguards and avoid talking; should battle be joined, their job will be to protect less martially inclined Cabalists and wait until reinforcements arrive. While they are fighting, I will target enemy officers with spells.
  • Everyone else is to hang back, setting up for an ambush if we arrive first or simply staying a little behind and out of sight if we do not. Two soldiers will remain visible to the mercenaries but won't go to the meeting; they will pretend to be the rest of my escort and will be tasked with informing the others in case fighting starts and they do not realize it.
  • Gwyn will be given command of the soldiers and will be tasked with leading the charge if the fighting starts.
  • Gerl and William will go with the main body of troops and will be tasked with providing magical support during the battle ahead. William has already described his intentions; Gerl should make it his most important duty to heal wounded Cabalists.

Divide the party into small groups and stagger their departure by a few minutes each to try and avoid attention, but overall priority should be given to speed so as to arrive at the meeting point before the mercenaries.
« Last Edit: October 26, 2014, 04:24:34 pm by Shootandrun »

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Re: The Cabal - IC thread, Act 1 Part 8.
« Reply #106 on: October 28, 2014, 01:05:25 pm »



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Re: The Cabal - IC thread, Act 1 Part 9.
« Reply #107 on: November 03, 2014, 02:24:55 pm »

Act One, Part Nine:Grim Tide

The Cabalists

Unified by Maekar's plan, the Cabalists move into position. [5] The gate guards seem to be on high alert, likely due to some nefarious deed committed recently. However as none of you look horribly suspicious you are allowed to pass beyond the walls of the city.

[3] As far as everyone knows the whole troop made good time. Muirgen, Milos and Maekar are standing at the meeting point. A scenic sloped beach with fine sand and rolling hills to the north and south. A storm darkens the sky and before long it will reach you. Three ships are approaching.

You allow them to approach, taking note that they seem somewhat battered. Several longboats are lowered, even from a distance you can tell that one contains an ornate chest.  The pirates come ashore and meet with the three of you.

[Meeting happened on IRC, Details available on request]

Negotiation occurs. You learn that there were wizards defending the cargo, and also that gold and silks were obtained. In addition to this ornate chest. [?] Magical energy pours off the chest in waves, some familiar some unfamiliar. Maekar uses this opportunity to spook the Pirates with dire predictions of the dangers that lie within the chest. The pirates are now Rattled.

After a little discussion the agreement is made. You will enchant the weapons of the pirates, and then the sails of one of the ships. Taking the opportunity, Maekar curses their weapons. Layering malignant necromantic energies across them slowly but surely.
[4] The curses take hold and you withdraw a short distance, meeting up with a few troops up the beach a ways who are supposedly the elementalists who will enchant the pirate vessel. However the plan remains to cut down these pirates and as such Maekar signals for the attack!

Willian opens the battle by summoning forth elemental fire and sending a whirling ball of it towards the massed Pirates. [5] It splashes across the ground and several bodies, lighting small fires and causing a little panic. [6] The captains rally the troops and send a massed volley of shortbow fire towards the onrushing Cabalists and their troops, felling several with precision arrow fire.

The Cabalists charge forward through the arrow fire, closing ranks on the pirates who have taken up their freshly cursed arms and are preparing to do battle. The two forces crash into each other. Cries of alarm float over the water from the pirate vessels. Then the melee is joined by the Cabalist forces.

Milos and Muirgen distinguish themselves quickly, squaring off against two of the captains while the third wades into the melee swinging a pair of long blades with surety and precision.
[Rolls vs Other Rolls, Advantage Milos, Advantage Captain #2.]
Milos easily outclasses his opponent, battering through the feeble guard the Captain is able to put up. The curses laid by Maekar are sapping the strength and speed of the pirate captain, and Milos is taking every possible advantage. The Captain is cut down within a few exchanges with no wounds returned thanks to both the curse, and the light armor Milos is wearing.

Muirgen has a harder time of things, as the captain she is facing is wielding a weapon that was not cursed. Exchange after exchange ends poorly for Muirgen. While your swordwork is excellent the Captain is simply better than you are and any small mistake you make is immediately capitalized upon. One slip up and he smashes a heavy fist into the side of your head. Lights dance in your vision and you slump to the ground.

Muirgen suffers Moderate Wounds and is struck unconscious.

[4+2 vs 1] Milos however sees Muirgen struck down and just prior to the fatal blow, slides his own blade between the second captain's ribs. Gurgling and choking on blood the second captain is struck down.

[2-1] Maekar stumbles over the corner of his robe, repeatedly bungling spells not just due to incompetence, but also being somewhat drained.[3] William switches over to animating the dead, his necromantic energies surging forth over the battlefield and raising up [4] of the dead pirates as zombies which then turn on their fellows.
Gerl does what he can for the wounded, but there is little to be done with arrows still falling in his general vicinity. Gerl takes a light wound when fortunate arrows actually hit him.

[?] Gwyn reaches the melee and lays about himself with his mace-hand, shattering bones and sending enemies sprawling. Truly none of these feeble pirates is his equal and he cuts a wide swath through the fight, giving Cabalists multiple chances to cut down their enemies while they are weakened and distracted.

Engagement after engagement the pirate forces are whittled down. The Cabalist troops do not fight well as a team but the training given by Milos shows some promise in this battle. In the end the Cabal is victorious, the battleground is littered with the dead and dying. In the focus on the land battle however, the ships have slipped away.

-8 Cabal Regulars, -30 Pirates, -3 Pirate Captains
41 Corpses available for recovery.
10 Corpses unrecoverable.
Muirgen is Moderately Wounded.
Gerl is Lightly Wounded.

1 Ornate Chest brimming with magical energies acquired.
Gm Note: I appreciate your enthusiasm but there is no need to bump the thread. I am always paying attention and have a direct line to most of the players in the form of IRC (, channel #Yak4 if you care to saunter in and join our random discussions!)
« Last Edit: November 03, 2014, 02:30:01 pm by Terenos »
But despite what you've been told, I once had a soul. Left somewhere behind...

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Re: The Cabal - IC thread, Act 1 Part 9.
« Reply #108 on: November 03, 2014, 04:44:19 pm »

Sorry I looked after at the time between updates and realized my mistake really good story though, liked the first one aswell
« Last Edit: November 03, 2014, 04:48:16 pm by Generally me »


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Re: The Cabal - IC thread, Act 1 Part 9.
« Reply #109 on: November 08, 2014, 10:54:21 am »

Maekar wiped sweat from his brow and pushed his robes aside, cursing the impracticality of the things. He looked over the battlefield, where the Cabalists were finishing off the wounded pirates, and called them to his side. When he spoke, it was in a low, slow voice - he was out of breath.

"This was a... Good battle. We did not stop the ships, but we have the chest at least, and the pirates have a limited ability to... Hunt us down, or otherwise interfere."

His gaze fell on Gerl and Muirgen, who were both wounded. "I'd suggest you stay here for a time... Heal yourselves up, raise the dead, and hide them somewhere they won't be found. Leaving bodies lying here will only attract attention, and having a cache of cannon-fodder outside of the city could be useful sometime in the future.

The rest of us will head back to the city, unless someone would like to take up the raising by themselves, or might want to remain for another reason. We'll loot the corpses here for anything valuable - weapons, gold, leather, souvenirs - to perhaps alleviate our supply problems, while William attempts to open that chest. We'll split into several groups and enter the city through different gates at different times, to avoid unwanted attention... Everyone fine with that plan?"

Train melee fighting with Gwyn's help, unless the chest causes trouble (of the deadly / exploding / cataclysmic kind), in which case help with that.
Return to the Capital, taking our time and splitting into small groups to avoid unwanted attention.
« Last Edit: November 23, 2014, 09:08:18 pm by Shootandrun »


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Re: The Cabal - IC thread, Act 1 Part 9.
« Reply #110 on: November 09, 2014, 05:14:25 pm »

Ward myself against those spheres of magic I recognize pouring from the chest. Attempt to open it and identify its contents.
Distribute the chest's contents, then return to the Capital under the cover of the night, hiding any new acquisitions under my robes.


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Re: The Cabal - IC thread.
« Reply #111 on: November 09, 2014, 05:20:57 pm »

Organise the men to start looting and stripping the corpses of anything valuable, and ensure they do it in an orderly, efficient fashion.
After the looting is doen, head back to the base with the troops, again splitting them up and moving in small groups to avoid suspicion.
Quote from: evictedSaint
We sided with the holocaust for a fucking +1 roll


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Re: The Cabal - IC thread, Act 1 Part 9.
« Reply #112 on: November 09, 2014, 05:22:24 pm »

Train melee fighting with Maekar at his request, unless the chest causes trouble (of the deadly / exploding / cataclysmic kind), in which case help with that. Do not spare him in training.
Return to the Capital, taking our time and splitting into small groups to avoid unwanted attention.

Nirur Torir

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Re: The Cabal - IC thread, Act 1 Part 9.
« Reply #113 on: November 09, 2014, 05:55:23 pm »

Stay here for the moment, and keep two minions to make my stay more tolerable. It may be better not to be seen going through the city gates injured.
Heal myself and Muirgen with magic.
Begin animating the dead and having them immediately bury themselves with the help of the two minions. They are to bury themselves a bit away from the beach, so they don't get ruined by water.

Deep Waters

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Re: The Cabal - IC thread, Act 1 Part 9.
« Reply #114 on: November 16, 2014, 01:19:22 pm »

If I'm sufficiently healed by Gerl's magic, aid in the looting. Take special care to search the captains, as they're most likely to have valuable items on them. Once finished, also aid Gerl in animating the dead.

If I'm not sufficiently healed to do the above, get back to HQ as soon as possible. Once there, I should rest, studying magical principles during my recovery. Assuming that I'm confident enough in my magic to try it without accidentally turning my left arm into an eldritch horror, I'll try healing myself to hurry things along.
« Last Edit: November 16, 2014, 01:21:27 pm by Deep Waters »
[23:14:34] <GameMaster> And so (...) a one-armed dwarf and a mage wearing a blanket walk into a tomb.
[23:14:42] <GameMaster> Sadly, that isn't a joke.

[20:42:03] <HailFire> our wizard tower just got smoked by projectile cats from space


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Re: The Cabal - IC thread, Act 1 Part 10.
« Reply #115 on: November 19, 2014, 05:13:19 pm »

Act One, Part Ten: Loot and Discovery.

Gerl Lightshade
[5,3,6-2] Your magic binds wounds and stops bleeding. It is imperfect and leaves you both you and Muirgen drained and needing actual rest. Still, your own wounds are healed mostly and Muirgens have grown far less serious.

There are a surplus of corpses and you doubt you can move them into the city with ease, so you set to work animating them here. The progress is slow thanks to your drained state, in your first pass you only manage to animate [9] of the corpses into zombies. Still, you task them with digging a sort of mass grave in the plains bordering the beach, hopefully to keep them hidden and safe.

For now you and a few regulars camp out here on this bloodstained beach.
Gwyn 'The Mace',Maekar Stormhold

Maekar and Gwyn square off, still a tad weary after the fight but still ready for more practice. [4,5] The training goes well and before long Gwyn must grudgingly accept that Maekar is a fine combatant in his own way.

Maekar has become a Competent Fighter.

The two of you have [?] no difficulties returning to the Cabal base within the city.

Muirgen Frostbrand
Your wounds are now light, and as such you believe you are capable of aiding in the looting. You pay special attention to the Captains, finding a fair amount of coin. Also each of the captains wields a finely balanced and well crafted weapon. Two swords and one pair of weighted hand axes.

+1 Wealth Tokens, weapons as described.
Milos Daljulan
[4] The troops under your command loot well and efficiently, arming themselves off the dead and scavenging armor where they can. The Cabal Regulars now have Mismatched Equipment. No longer will they have to make due with whatever armaments they can find, this should make them more dangerous in a fight.

William Ovendvhrall
You are nearly thwarted when the chest turns out to be locked. However you are a wizard of no small standing and as such a mere lock will not defeat you. Taking every precaution you can think of you burn through the lock and open the chest carefully, defensive energies at the ready.

They are not needed, within the chest you find some flame singed documents, likely a result of your efforts to open the lock, beneath the documents there is a heap of small gemstones, and three bags embroidered with runic symbols. These runes are unfamiliar to you but do not seem to stop you from drawing forth the items in the bags. You retrieve a blue-black blade with a hilt wrapped in animal leather, it is cold to the touch. In the second bag there is an amulet with a design of a dragon about to take flight, gemstones dot the dragon's scales. It is magical but you cannot tell how. Within the third bag there is carved stone figurine depicting a cloaked figure sacrificing another. This item resonates with necromantic energy.

Having looted the chest you distribute the items amongst those best able to smuggle them back into the city, and thus return to the city, no one pays you any mind as you pass through the gates.
+2 Wealth Tokens

Gm Note: And here we have the return of Wealth Tokens, an abstract form of currency.
But despite what you've been told, I once had a soul. Left somewhere behind...


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Re: The Cabal - IC thread, Act 1 Part 10.
« Reply #116 on: November 19, 2014, 06:07:25 pm »

Ask Gerl for a list of books he had referred to in studying Healing Magic
Study magic under Karak, in whatever form he can aid me, if he'd consent to train me.


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Re: The Cabal - IC thread, Act 1 Part 10.
« Reply #117 on: November 19, 2014, 06:11:01 pm »

Ask Darius to examine the three items found in the chest. During the process, ask questions about everything I don't understand and take notes - make this into a learning experience.
Go into town and seek business opportunities in which we could invest our recently earned loot tokens.

Somewhere along the way, equip one of the well crafted swords.
« Last Edit: November 19, 2014, 07:11:45 pm by Shootandrun »


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Re: The Cabal - IC thread, Act 1 Part 10.
« Reply #118 on: November 19, 2014, 06:41:52 pm »

Get back into gear training the troops, still focussing on the team assignments like last time. The stealth team is excused from the combat training to go sharpen their sneaking abilities around the city, so long as they're just sneaking and nothing else.

If there's also time, also have a few sparring sessions with Muirgen, and let the regulars watch in the hopes that atleast one of them would pick something up from it.
« Last Edit: November 19, 2014, 06:44:09 pm by Taricus »
Quote from: evictedSaint
We sided with the holocaust for a fucking +1 roll


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Re: The Cabal - IC thread, Act 1 Part 10.
« Reply #119 on: November 19, 2014, 07:35:15 pm »

Take a walk among darker and less respectable parts of town. Gather any and all hearsay about the Cabal if there is to be had and get any information on the city's gangs, clans and such if there any to be had - their turf, their vendettas and grudges.

Seek out Daergoth Vallinas and have a chat with him  - burning ambition has to have a burning desire for something particular. Quid pro quo if he shares his ideas with me; Cabal could do things for him if he promises to return the favor if we ever need his assistance.
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