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Author Topic: The Cabal - IC thread, Act 1 Part 16. (Currently on hiatus)  (Read 9839 times)


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Re: The Cabal - IC thread, Act 1 Part 7.
« Reply #90 on: October 11, 2014, 12:52:26 pm »

Act One, Part Seven: Plans and Machinations!

Gerl Lightshade
[?] The books you have are limited, but they do offer up some information on the Soul, and its uses in necromancy. Piecing together what little knowledge is available, it seems that if you are carefully prepared and powerful enough, then at the point of death you can entrap the soul and empower it as a ghostly form of undead.
There is little other information to go on for other uses of the soul. Some scattered references to rituals.

[2] You and some of the Regulars catch a few rats and you begin your experiments. It seems that you cannot accomplish this task. Later you realize that as your magic is primarily necromantic, you simply could kill and raise a rat. Golems will take something else, though you are unsure what.
Testing your new theory you now have an undead rat.
+1 Zombified Minor Animal (Rat)

Maekar Stormhold,Amon Morian
[4+2] Somehow, Amon knows precisely where to go to meet with the piratey scum of the region. Luck is with you as you find [5] captains drinking merrily, with some of their crew brawling in the street.
Together you approach, sit at their table without invitation, and Amon leaps right into their discussion of sea routes. While they are surprised to see an ocean elf they [?] welcome you both at least somewhat cordially. They buy you both a round.

You drink with them, sparingly. When the first mug runs dry Maekar lowers his hood and Amon asks if the Captain's are for hire.
[2] excuse themselves, citing other engagements. The others listen to your proposal.
All 3 are willing, able and capable. One even admits that he was planning to already. The promise of magical power entrances all three, and they agree to your deal. Enchantment, or minor artefacts for whatever ...special item the ship is transporting. In the event of more mundane fare, they will keep that and forgoe the magical boon you offer.

Muirgen Frostbrand, Milos Daljulan
Together the two of you seek out mercenary jobs with a few of the regulars.
[3,2] Pickings are somewhat slim right now, and you're unsure why. You do manage to get a few quick and easy jobs, shying away from more permanent engagements since you want to remain uncommitted as the Cabal may take up more of your attention.
Still. A few nights of guard duty, seconding for some foppish noble's duel, and shaking down a sausage vendor paid fairly well.

Cabal supplies are now Modest.

William Ovendvhrall
[?] Darius shrugs, and by your side, steps into the chamber.

It is a well appointed chamber, beautiful tapestries somewhat decayed hang on the walls. The two sarcophagi have been pushed to one side and seated on an embossed stone throne is a skeletal figure clad in armor of an unknown design. Black tinged blue light dances within the confines of the skull.

"Greetings. I presume you are here to retrieve me?"

You spend some time in discussion with the being, learning it is known as Karak, it knows not how it came here, it has command over necromancy, it always has, it was responsible for the dead being raised.

Darius takes you aside for a moment.
"Getting him out of here will be one hell of a feat, but it would be a powerful boon to the Cabal. I'd guarantee he knows more than hes letting on, but even so, definitely knows his business. I say we try to get him out of here."

Local Events.
None noted.
But despite what you've been told, I once had a soul. Left somewhere behind...

Nirur Torir

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Re: The Cabal - IC thread, Act 1 Part 7.
« Reply #91 on: October 11, 2014, 01:25:08 pm »

Golems will take something else, though you are unsure what.
((Enchantment, mind magic, top tier healing, or better necromancy to create something resembling life, then .. Azthor! Become my hero please.))

Take a break from trying to destroy the natural order and learn elementalism in the Cair library.


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Re: The Cabal - IC thread, Act 1 Part 7.
« Reply #92 on: October 12, 2014, 04:47:53 pm »

Study magic in the Cabal's library.
Sketch designs for a greatsword adapted to my size (read: as big as can be done), made from the best materials that could reasonably be found in the capital. Ideally, it should be made specifically for me, so that anyone else using it would find it too large / uncomfortable to wield.
« Last Edit: November 30, 2014, 09:41:24 am by Shootandrun »


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Re: The Cabal - IC thread, Act 1 Part 7.
« Reply #93 on: October 18, 2014, 01:07:34 pm »

Search the area for any items of interest, and "confiscate them for study" as necessary, asking for Karak's aid in pinpointing said objects.

Put Karak's body in an empty sarcophagus, together with a zombie's. Return all other zombies to their former resting places, still animated, but ordered to remain still. Tell the Captain that we've secured the source of the infestation, and no new undead should arise in the graveyard. Claim we've sealed the source within the sarcophagus and shall bring it to the Cair for study. Explain that the source seems to be, itself, some sort of necromantically infused undead.

Bring the sarcophagus to the Cair. Take it to an isolated area for study, relying on Darius' influence. Remove the zombie from the sarcophagus and leave it there as though it had been the source. Bind it in chains. Take the sarcophagus to the Cabal's HQ, with the aid of our thugs, leaving the prerogative for Darius to create. Empty the sarcophagus, relocating Karak to the laboratory, then return the sarcophagus to the room the chained up zombie is held at.
« Last Edit: October 18, 2014, 01:20:51 pm by Azthor »


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Re: The Cabal - IC thread, Act 1 Part 7.
« Reply #94 on: October 19, 2014, 07:02:39 am »

Start further instruction of the men, putting them into 7-man teams and training them to work as a co-ordinated unit. Emphasise small-unit tactics for this segment of their training.

Furthermore, in any downtime between the regular's training, Milos take it upon himself to study in the library to improve his magical skills. Preferably by finding the skeletal remains of the irregular that Gerl so surreptitiously killed and reanimating it.
Quote from: evictedSaint
We sided with the holocaust for a fucking +1 roll

Deep Waters

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Re: The Cabal - IC thread, Act 1 Part 7.
« Reply #95 on: October 21, 2014, 04:34:26 pm »

Study magic in whichever library is more available. Also, if that goes well, squeeze in a little swordsmanship practice in there.
[23:14:34] <GameMaster> And so (...) a one-armed dwarf and a mage wearing a blanket walk into a tomb.
[23:14:42] <GameMaster> Sadly, that isn't a joke.

[20:42:03] <HailFire> our wizard tower just got smoked by projectile cats from space


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Cabal - IC thread, Act 1 Part 7.
« Reply #96 on: October 24, 2014, 01:20:26 pm »

Act One, Part Eight: Accomplishments.

Gerl Lightshade
[3] You're becoming quite the familiar sight in the Cair Libraries. Many of the librarians greet you and like to assist you with your studies. Twice you are given not so subtle hints that if you're interested in academia there may be a place for you.

The interruptions do prevent you from grasping Elementalism for now, though it is only a matter of time.

Maekar Stormhold
[6] Magical study goes well. Though the tomes are limited you have, through study and practice reached a new understanding of magic. Your power has not yet grown to match your understanding but you feel greater works are within your grasp now.
You have risen in magical power to Adept

You design a blade that would fit comfortably in your grip, balanced for your strength. For now you limit your designs in terms of material. Iron would make for a decent blade, steel would be a step up though more expensive. Dwarvish steel, if it could be had would make for a masterful weapon. You remember your old master would speak wistfully of once seeing a blade wrought of some reddish-green metal. Though you know not what this metal is, or even where to acquire it. It could have been the drunken rememberance of an old fool.

Muirgen Frostbrand
The Cair library seems to be more available now, and though you are loathe to return you grit your teeth and do so in order to improve your magical talents.
[2] The place is busy, you cannot get much help tracking down the tomes you need. There is a large commotion out front and you see that Ovendvhrall and Darius are at the head of what seems to be a circus.

[4] Without much hope of improvement you work on your swordsmanship in private. Practice and exericse leaves you exhausted, but reaffirms your confidence in your own abilities.

Milos Daljulan
[5] Of your soldiers have vanished and you cannot find them. Working with the rest you emphasize small unit tactics, drilling the men and pitting them against each other in mock battles around the lair.

One squad shows a decent talent for stealth, the others seem to be improving in fighting as a team.

[4] It is time to get your hands dirty with a practical application of magical power. Shockingly the skeletal remains of that hapless irregular still lie within the storeroom untouched. Well not for much longer.
Calling on the powers within you reach out and force a semblance of life into the bones, causing them to clatter together and rise in an unholy mockery of life.
+1 Skeleton (Human)

William Ovendvhrall
[?] Karak says there is nothing else of value in the tombs. And looking around briefly you concur.
Putting your plan into motion you and Darius call for a little help from the soldiers. It is finely crafted marble sarcophagus after all. The Captain is pleased that you've purged the undead from the halls and before long several soldiers are helping you lug the sarcophagus outside, into a wagon and giving you an honor guard on your way back to the Cair.

The Cair bustles with activity upon your return. Several prominent members of the Academy do whatever they can to impede your progress long enough to get first glimpses of whatever is within, commenting about the dark energy within.

Darius however manages to shoo them away, threatening many with impromptu Elementalism lessons involving their beards, underclothes, and 'Whichever fingers you're least attracted to.'

The second stage of your plan goes off without a hitch. You leave a zombie interred within a warded chamber, and remove the sarcophagus in the heat of midday. No one stops you, and before long you've manuevered Karak into the Cabal's lair.

Karak has joined the Cabal. See 2nd post for details.

Local Events.
Amon Morian has slipped into the shadows, to aid the Cabal from the sidelines. Taking his place is Gwyn 'The Mace', a brutal mercenary with a talent for the dark arts.
But despite what you've been told, I once had a soul. Left somewhere behind...


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Cabal - IC thread, Act 1 Part 8.
« Reply #97 on: October 25, 2014, 09:18:45 am »

Maekar stormed into the meeting room with the assurance of habit, and smiled as the present soldiers rushed off to find the other Cabalists. He waited for them all to rejoin him before talking.

"Gentlemen. Muirgen. To start with, I would like to welcome our newest member into the Cabal." He briefly nodded to the scarred man who had joined them earlier in the day. The cool, calculating glance he gave him did not match his tone, but his attention soon turned back to the group as a whole. "I have not called you here for this, however.

A few days ago I received news of a ship carrying great treasure heading towards the city. With Amon's aid, I have hired three mercenary ships to take it down and bring its cargo to us at a fixed meeting point. Since the treasure ship has not come to port, it is likely they have succeeded. The deal as was agreed was that any magical items found within the ship's hull would be ours, in exchange for a magical boon. Depending on the strength of the mercenaries and the treasure they bring with them, that may be how it goes down. However, it may not.

If they have been weakened by the battle and their plunder is worth it, I intend to kill them all and seize everything - ship, treasure, weapons, bodies. However, I cannot do this alone. This is where you come in. Since any show of force may make them suspicious, I will take only a token escort with me to the actual meeting. Muirgen and Milos would be perfect for this - they are outstanding fighters, but may not look as intimidating as the more magically inclined types.

Behind us, if they agree to come, I would put William and Gerl in command of every soldier we can spare to bring. If the meeting turns sour, I will expect you to send them in and to deal with any resistance with your superior magical ability.

As for you,"
and he turned towards the Mace, "You'd look even more intimidating than the lizardman if I brought you to the meeting. They would smell treachery. However, neither William nor Gerl are trained to fight in a melee. Should you wish to come along, you can lead the charge with the soldiers."

He cleared his throat, to let the plan sink in for a moment.

"If I had the support of all five of you and all of our soldiers to back us up, I believe we'll be able to take on anything the mercenaries will have. This could solve our problems with supplies in one swoop. Finally, I intend to distribute any magical spoils we find amongst the Cabalists who will be present for the battle, giving whichever items we get to whoever is best trained to use them." Another silence, and he looked around slowly, his gaze stopping on each of them. "Well, then. Who is with me?"
« Last Edit: November 23, 2014, 09:07:56 pm by Shootandrun »

Nirur Torir

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Re: The Cabal - IC thread, Act 1 Part 8.
« Reply #98 on: October 25, 2014, 09:51:09 am »

"I will support your operation. If it comes to following through on our end of the deal, I would like to offer my healing services to any of them wounded in their fight. It would be useful practice on expendable victims.

I have made little progress in my resurrection attempts. Karak should be a very useful teacher for me there, if he is willing. I may decide to take a break there, and try to convert Cair students to our cause instead. Bolstering our troops with a few apprentices would be helpful indeed."

Go along with Maekar's plan and hide with my troops near the meeting point, waiting for his signal to attack.
« Last Edit: October 26, 2014, 12:15:12 pm by Nirur Torir »


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Re: The Cabal - IC thread, Act 1 Part 8.
« Reply #99 on: October 26, 2014, 05:36:32 am »

gwyn steps closer towards the group, so that the light illuminates his face.

A mountain of meat and scars, he made an impression of a man that could kill with a single punch. His had, wrapped in a studded leather contributed to it.  His eyes had none of the dullness of a big ox, instead being those of a predator, with an intelligent glow in them.

"Your plan has merit, yet you know next to nothing how and where we will meet them." He spoke softly, with his deep voice carrying itself across the chamber. "And bringing a force forth with you will only agitate them or make them guarded. You want them surprised, is that not the case? You only want minimal force with you, perhaps yourself alone with another Cabal member, while we have everyone else, while the rest of us surround them and sneak up on them. If its boats, I need strong swimmers to board undetected. If its a meeting point on land, we only need to make a bigger circle around them and reach them while you make your terms."

As he finished, he gave a small smile.

"Other than that, its a good plan. No survivors, no word about our lack of trust or honoring our deals."


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Re: The Cabal - IC thread, Act 1 Part 8.
« Reply #100 on: October 26, 2014, 08:50:59 am »

Maekar nodded before replying, acknowledging Gwyn's point.

"The meeting will take place in a spot Amon and the captains knew, a beach far from unwelcome eyes where they should be able to land. As I've said, I only intend to actually meet them with Muirgen and Milos with me; this is because I am unarmed and unarmored, and I would fare poorly in an ambush were I alone. The rest of you will hang back, hidden if it is possible, and wait for a signal... I should be able to make it fairly obvious it's time to send the troops in.

We must hope they will beach their ships for the meeting. As I've told them I wish to examine the cargo, they should either do it by themselves or be amenable to do it once the discussion begins. If they refuse to have more than a small party come ashore, then we will be unable to give battle. We cannot storm three armed ships with fifty swimmers.

Thankfully, there is a good likelihood that they may try to double-cross us, in which case I assume they will bring their ships ashore and unload their crew so as to gain the advantage. They expect a mage and a nobleman; they shall face fifty soldiers and six Cabalists. If they try to get the better of us, we will destroy them."
« Last Edit: November 23, 2014, 09:08:05 pm by Shootandrun »

Deep Waters

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Re: The Cabal - IC thread, Act 1 Part 5.
« Reply #101 on: October 26, 2014, 09:57:25 am »

Muirgen frowns almost petulantly as Maekar addresses Gwyn, grumbling under her breath, "What's that supposed to mean? I'm intimidating, dammit. Just because I'm not a living mountain or covered in scales..."

She quickly slips back into a more businesslike demeanor as Maekar and Gwyn converse, speaking up in a lull during the conversation,

"I don't like not knowing how many men those mercenaries have with them." Muirgen taps the hilt of her blade in an agitated habit, "They'll be weakened by the battle with the ship, but you don't get to be good at this business without watching out for double-crossing employers. I would've liked to come along for that first meeting, to see how savvy the men you hired are. Might've even been able to recognize them; I knew a few... 'privateers', back in the day."

The mercenary pauses, then shrugs, "No point crying about it, though; it's a sound enough plan, and if there's treasure to be had, I'm game."

Follow Maekar's lead during the negotiations while deducing the personalities and competence of the captains during the meeting. If the deal goes south, aim directly for said captains, most liked or competent captain first, and/or their first mates as soon as possible to render their respective crews leaderless and hopefully destroy their morale. Try to keep track of the other cabalists during battle, especially the squishier ones (Maekar, William, and Gerl), and protect them as much as possible, forgoing my original captainly targets if necessary.
« Last Edit: October 26, 2014, 01:41:29 pm by Deep Waters »
[23:14:34] <GameMaster> And so (...) a one-armed dwarf and a mage wearing a blanket walk into a tomb.
[23:14:42] <GameMaster> Sadly, that isn't a joke.

[20:42:03] <HailFire> our wizard tower just got smoked by projectile cats from space


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Re: The Cabal - IC thread, Act 1 Part 8.
« Reply #102 on: October 26, 2014, 01:11:52 pm »

Go along with the plan. Should an ambush ensue, focus on reanimating the fallen - all fallen except the cabalists, Amon not therein included - to fight on our side. Otherwise, magically assist in the battle through whichever spells I deem most useful. If the ships would escape with our share of the loot in them, set the sails ablaze with elemental magic.
« Last Edit: October 26, 2014, 01:35:37 pm by Azthor »


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Re: The Cabal - IC thread, Act 1 Part 8.
« Reply #103 on: October 26, 2014, 01:31:48 pm »

Go along with Maekar's plan.


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Re: The Cabal - IC thread, Act 1 Part 8.
« Reply #104 on: October 26, 2014, 04:08:46 pm »

Go along with Maekar's plan.
Quote from: evictedSaint
We sided with the holocaust for a fucking +1 roll
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