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Author Topic: The Cabal - IC thread, Act 1 Part 16. (Currently on hiatus)  (Read 9843 times)


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Re: The Cabal - IC thread, Act 1 Part 5.
« Reply #75 on: September 13, 2014, 01:53:48 pm »

"Sounds perfect, Milos. Do scout ahead first - we don't want to intrude on someone's turf. We're looking for racketeering, not a gang war."

The smith thought for a few seconds and spoke again, his voice lower.

"If something goes wrong, don't let anyone get caught - by any means necessary. We'll try to rescue any Cabalist of importance who gets captured, but we can't afford to do that for our fighters, and they know too much. Similarly, if you think you're spotted, don't rush back to the temple. Find a few taverns, and trickle the men back here. A group would attract too much attention. That goes for you too, Muirgen."


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Re: The Cabal - IC thread, Act 1 Part 5.
« Reply #76 on: September 15, 2014, 06:30:46 pm »

"Eh, at some point we're gonna need corpses. Better to knock off the ones no-one really cares about. But the second point, I'll take. If we get caught, we'll disperse outside the city for a while." Milos replied.

Take about 20 men, and during the night, loot, damage and otherwise burgle some of the warehouses the day before Maekar heads to the docks. Ensure they wear different outfits compared to the rest of the regulars while doing this, as well as ensuring they go about it subtlely.

Furthermore, the men are instructed to leave in small groups and wait for the rest of the group before head off on the crime spree. And on the return, are instructed to head back in small groups
« Last Edit: September 15, 2014, 06:56:00 pm by Taricus »
Quote from: evictedSaint
We sided with the holocaust for a fucking +1 roll

Deep Waters

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Re: The Cabal - IC thread, Act 1 Part 5.
« Reply #77 on: September 15, 2014, 06:34:13 pm »

"Oh, I have no intention of doing anything that's worth getting caught... yet." Muirgen comments drolly, "But I'll keep that in mind."
[23:14:34] <GameMaster> And so (...) a one-armed dwarf and a mage wearing a blanket walk into a tomb.
[23:14:42] <GameMaster> Sadly, that isn't a joke.

[20:42:03] <HailFire> our wizard tower just got smoked by projectile cats from space


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Re: The Cabal - IC thread, Act 1 Part 6.
« Reply #78 on: September 23, 2014, 02:48:49 am »

Act One, Part Six: Stuff happens!

Turn was delayed by me being quite ill.
Gerl Lightshade
Even with your newfound training in Healing magic, a pure resurrection seems beyond your skills. You can easily turn these beasts into undead thralls, though you are unsure as to the effectiveness of a few small animals.

[5] Though the troops grumble about having to perform additional menial labor, they do as you command. All of you get jobs unloading cargo for day wages. Which are surprisingly good, as this is an incredibly busy time on the docks. There are dozens of boats unloading, loading, and quickly departing only to be replaced as quickly as ships can move.
+1 Favor

Maekar Stormhold
Magical study goes quite well. Practical and theoretical work going hand in hand.

Gathering up a few of the regulars you head down to the docks. The area is bustling heavily, and you and your group get lots of offers to help unload for day pay. The offers are quite good, so you acccept and keep your head down, listening out for any more interesting opportunities.

And you hear about one. Chatter around the docks is that in about a weeks time (2 turns), A transport vessel from a kingdom far to the south, Nessaly or something like that, a kingdom you've never heard of, is going to put into port here. Word of its cargo is moving faster than it is.
Unfortunately you cant actually figure anything out about its cargo. Everyone has a different story. Gold. Jewels. Magnificent tapestries. Whatever's being moved though, its certainly high profile.

Also there is a fair amount of chatter about the recent burglaries.
+1 Favor

Muirgen Frostbrand
[?] They say its a sad truth that adventurers are often associated with the criminal element. As a result of that sad truth you reach out to some of your contacts who are surprised to hear from you. They thought you were out of the game for good.
After negotiating the murky waters for a bit, and gathering a bit of superfluous information about some of the happenings nearby, you finally get a meeting with a man who reintegrates most things adventurers find into the local economy.
You can now investigate prices on magical artefacts, sold or bought.

[3] You return to the library and study up on magical theory, taking time to practice as you go. Progress is made, but theres really little else to say.

Amon Morian

[?,?] Keeping the man drunk is easy. He does it himself. His eyes light up when you refer to him as prince.

"Shee...shee..This! This is sshomewon who actually believesh! I like the cut of your gib elf. We should talk more"

The meeting goes rather well. Daergoth seems easy to manipulate and control. Without revealing too much, you think you've found an Ally for the Cabal.

Though time will tell if he should actually be inducted fully into the Cabal.
+2 Favor

Milos Daljulan
The heists go well, your men strike with you in a semi-coordinated manner. They havent really gotten the hang of that part of military work, but for nowthey'll do fine at smash and grab jobs.
Up until the Watch shows up and what was a reasonably smooth job goes sideways.
Fortunately everything remains what the street gangs would call 'Soft talk', no edged weapons, no casualties. But a few of the irregulars did get roughed up pretty badly. So did several members of the Watch. No one was captured.
You wish you could tell tall tales of what occurred but basically there were brawls and some more brawls, and it wasn't as lucrative as it could have been.
+1 Favor
William Ovendvhrall
After informing the Captain you set out to work.
The undead stand idle while you and Darius investigate the rune covered wall. It is...complex. Even Darius is momentarily confounded before he starts just straight dismantling it. Marring runes left, right, back again, center.
"Get ready for whats behind the wall. I've got this."

You take a few hurried notes and prepare warding against necromantic energies while Darius works. As Darius works you can see the wall beginning to melt beneath the weight of the arcane energies it is supporting. That or it wasnt a real wall, it certainly seems like the stonework on either side isnt suffering as a result of this.

Feeling a buildup of necromantic energy from beyond you prepare yourself to counter it.
[5]. The wall dissipates and seconds later a rush of cold, necromantic energy washes over both you and Darius. Your defenses hold, and a somewhat dark voice speaks from within the next chamber.
"Ah. Enter."

Local Events.

Cabal supplies have risen to Limited+.

Suspicion has been raised to Whispers. The people are talking. About what you're not sure, since it isnt the Cabal, yet.
But despite what you've been told, I once had a soul. Left somewhere behind...

Nirur Torir

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Re: The Cabal - IC thread, Act 1 Part 6.
« Reply #79 on: September 23, 2014, 04:47:15 pm »

((That is an interesting result. I'm thinking either rats have souls [A relatively easy problem; I could give people I like soul-trap stones even if it's hard to retrieve specific souls from the greedy hands of the gods.], my character has hit a conceptual limitation about "death" [low roll], or magic has a conceptual limitation about death that can only be passed with more skill in magic and/or heavy luck.))

Read up on necromancy, looking for ways to trap souls/life-force at death in a controlled environment. I'd expect it to be a relatively common topic, if there are any "Power X through human sacrifice" rituals. The trick would be keeping it intact for re-insertion.
Try to create a dumb rat flesh golem. It should be able to sustain its own life indefinitely if given mundane food and water.
« Last Edit: October 08, 2014, 02:21:14 pm by Nirur Torir »


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Re: The Cabal - IC thread, Act 1 Part 6.
« Reply #80 on: September 24, 2014, 05:10:09 pm »

The day after he had gone to visit the docks, Maekar knocked heavily on the door to Amon's quarters. He glared at two soldiers who had the ill fortune of finding themselves in the area, and once they had gone he spoke up.

"Amon. I would like to talk."

Digital Hellhound

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Re: The Cabal - IC thread, Act 1 Part 6.
« Reply #81 on: September 28, 2014, 04:01:56 am »

The door to Amon's quarters opened smoothly. The low stone chamber was dank and cold, but it appeared Amon had done his best to make it a little more hospitable. A table held a heavy, brass astrolabe on a stand. Other wonders of Elvish nautical technology hung from walls and stood in corners. Hungry fires flickered in elaborate candleholders, giving light where there'd otherwise been none.

One table was set aside for knives. There appeared to be an extensive collection, all some minor variation of the one Amon carried. Some seemed almost utilitarian in their appearance; others caught the eye with their intricate carvings, ashen-black or stone blades, hilts of whalebone or precious metals...

Amon gestured for Maekar to sit and then turned his own attention to the blades. 'Quite pleasing to the eye, are they not? Sadly, I could only bring this little with me. Ah, but do not think them just ornaments either, Master Maekar,' he said, trailing his fingers on one blade. 'Each is a tool with a distinct purpose. Of course, these are only the most basic of my tools...'

He seemed wistful for a moment. A slight, dreaming smile flickered on his features. 'But, regardless - what brings you here, Master Maekar?'
Russia is simply taking an anti-Fascist stance against European Nazi products, they should be applauded. ¡No parmesan!


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Re: The Cabal - IC thread, Act 1 Part 6.
« Reply #82 on: September 28, 2014, 10:27:49 am »

Maekar ducked inside the room and looked around as he rose. Deep thought was obvious in his frown as he gazed at the various knives, and once more as he looked at the astrolabe. What he was thinking of he did not show - his eyes never showed much emotion at all, looking at the knives, the walls, the elf and the astrolabe in much the same piercing - uncaring - way.

After his inspection was over, he replied to Amon's question in a low rumble, his tone largely neutral. "It is fine bladework, Master Amon, elegant in craftsmanship and deadly in design. I... Have seen their equivalents before, but never of this quality. I must admit I would be hard pressed to reproduce some of these. Still, should you ever need something new to add to your collection, do not hesitate to ask me... I always appreciate a good challenge."

I believe we have that in common, elf, he thought - but he did not say it aloud. His was a life where many things went unsaid.

"With that being said, I did not come here to discuss torture implements. There is talk in the port of a ship coming to the city soon, a ship bearing cargo that is supposedly incredibly valuable. I intend to seize it."

He let those words sink in with a moment of silence before continuing.

"As I'm sure you're about to note, we have neither ship nor crew capable of sailing one. Besides, I suspect the ship will be well defended - if it's not an outright trap, with rumors of its coming traveling faster than it is. Because of this, I don't intend to do the deed personally. I wish to hire a mercenary ship of some sort to do the hard lifting for us. That's where you come in.

If you accept, I would have you employ your contacts and knowledge of the, ah, market to find someone willing to do this for us. We will hire his services by telling him there's a magical item on board, probably cursed, that we would like to seize. All he will need to do is bring the ship to a meeting point, where we will examine the cargo to find what we're looking for, and let him go on his way. As payment, we will tell him he can keep the gold, which he should be led to believe we have no interest in, and one of our mages will put a beneficial spell on him. Something to extend his lifespan, or combat ill luck at sea, or make him the best sailor of his time - I care not, so long as he believes he has no interest in taking off with the plunder. If he succeeds in taking the ship and he shows up at an arranged meeting point, we will turn on him with all the Cabalists and troops we can gather and seize it all for ourselves."

Maekar shrugged as he ended his explanation.

"Many things could go wrong here, but if you find someone who will not flee or - worse - talk to the watch as soon as he hears mention of magic, the risks to ourselves are minimal. If the cargo ship is too hard to seize, after all, we won't be the ones to bite it. When it comes to the actual hiring, you and I should be there - you to make promises, me to make a lasting impression. If you have any other resources or contacts you could employ to further sweeten the deal, I would appreciate it - assuming you accept, of course. What say you?"
« Last Edit: October 03, 2014, 03:03:37 pm by Shootandrun »

Deep Waters

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Re: The Cabal - IC thread, Act 1 Part 5.
« Reply #83 on: September 30, 2014, 05:04:10 pm »

Start taking local mercenary gigs to help fill the Cabal coffers a bit. Try to avoid anything too shady, unless it's all that's available. Also, continue studying magic in-between jobs.
[23:14:34] <GameMaster> And so (...) a one-armed dwarf and a mage wearing a blanket walk into a tomb.
[23:14:42] <GameMaster> Sadly, that isn't a joke.

[20:42:03] <HailFire> our wizard tower just got smoked by projectile cats from space

Digital Hellhound

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Re: The Cabal - IC thread, Act 1 Part 6.
« Reply #84 on: October 03, 2014, 04:12:27 am »

Amon nodded at the giant's comments on his collection, pleased. Even if it was likely empty flattery.

He considered Maekar's proposal. 'The Nessalian ship? I believe I did hear some mention of it. They are said to be good hunting,' Amon said. He 'hmm'd. 'Your plan is risky, Master Maekar, though I will not reject it. That said... I am sure there would be a simpler way. The Cabal seems to have access to a surprising amount of resources. I believe our... masters are pleased with some of my recent actions - I am sure the same is true for you. We could simply requisition a ship and crew. It would be an excellent long-term investment, I am certain.'

He spread his hands. 'Of course, they might not be enough to take the ship you speak of. Still, I must admit I have not had dealings with the human... 'pirates' of this land. They are a cowardly and cowed lot, from what I understand. It could be difficult to find a captain willing and capable of taking the ship you speak of.'

Well, perhaps not. Greed often got the better of men and Elves alike. He preferred other incentives, of course. There was nothing really pleasing if they would talk or turn with the promise of gold alone.

'So - I would prefer to requisition a ship, if possible. Your plan would have no real cost for us, on the other hand... should it succeed.'
Russia is simply taking an anti-Fascist stance against European Nazi products, they should be applauded. ¡No parmesan!


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Re: The Cabal - IC thread, Act 1 Part 6.
« Reply #85 on: October 03, 2014, 06:20:49 pm »

Maekar listened carefully and thought for a while once the elf was done, the following silence leaving him undisturbed. After a few heavy seconds, he spoke again.

"Thus far, Master Amon, you have delivered a package and recruited a small nobleman as an ally. While I admire these efforts," he added without changing his tone, "and they are certainly more than what I have done for the order thus far, I doubt they're enough to requisition a ship. Besides... Even beyond the logistical issue here, I am wary of attacking that cargo in person.

If I was sending a ship full of gold or whatever is in there to a faraway land, I'd keep it a secret. If I discovered that such a ship was coming my way, I'd either take it for myself or sell the information. This is almost too obvious for my liking - the likelihood of a trap is too great. Better to risk a mercenary's neck than ours, I say. Ultimately, that presents other risks - perhaps the mercenary will never attack, or perhaps he will keep the treasure for himself... But at least it doesn't involve our necks on the line."


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Re: The Cabal - IC thread, Act 1 Part 6.
« Reply #86 on: October 05, 2014, 04:26:27 pm »

With a lack of any other pressing tasks within the Cabal, Milos just heads along with Muirgen to help with any mercenary jobs she picks up.
Quote from: evictedSaint
We sided with the holocaust for a fucking +1 roll


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Re: The Cabal - IC thread, Act 1 Part 6.
« Reply #87 on: October 07, 2014, 02:31:44 am »

Investigate the voice, taking the due care, and dependent upon Darius' own opinion.
« Last Edit: October 08, 2014, 11:51:49 pm by Azthor »

Digital Hellhound

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Re: The Cabal - IC thread, Act 1 Part 6.
« Reply #88 on: October 07, 2014, 06:52:50 am »

Amon raised an upwards palm and turned it in a gesture much like a shrug. He did not seem too disappointed.

'Perhaps later, then. A ship would be useful, but it can wait,' he said. 'I do not suppose we could simply look into the origin of these rumors, first? If this is a trap, we could very well find the local... authorities have been spreading them to lure pirates in for the slaughter. Of course, learning the truth of rumors is always a difficult prospect.'

'Regardless - as I said, I do not know the pirates and mercenaries of these ports as well as I would like. We would only benefit should the both of us go seek our lucky captain out - should you not have anything more important to do. I don't suppose you could look a little more... mage-ish? The mystical robes and staff seem to impress the common people. In any case, I have no real objections. It is a prize worth the risk, I would say.'

He paused. 'Much could go wrong, of course. It all hinges on how convincing we can be on this captain...'


Possibly with Maekar in tow, seek out pirate/mercenary captains to hire for a job that will make them rich. Hope I can ride the reputation of being an Elvish reaver prince of the high seas to find any.
Russia is simply taking an anti-Fascist stance against European Nazi products, they should be applauded. ¡No parmesan!


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Re: The Cabal - IC thread, Act 1 Part 6.
« Reply #89 on: October 07, 2014, 03:31:11 pm »

Maekar looked down at Amon without showing emotion for a few moments, then let out a brief chuckle.

"I believe I can arrange something to ensure I leave a lasting impression, yes."

Go with Amon to look for a pirate mad enough to help us. Don black robes and get a staff. In the streets, wear the hood down; pull it up for the meeting. Attempt to make a lasting impression to ensure he will believe in my power and he will not think to betray us. Let Amon do the sweet talking.

Once that's done, go study magic in the library.
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