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Author Topic: DF 2014 Adventure Mode questions (long)  (Read 4257 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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DF 2014 Adventure Mode questions (long)
« on: August 19, 2014, 02:40:40 pm »

Sorry about the length of this, but I've got a number of questions after trying the new DF version in adventure mode. I'll try to be as concise as I can, but... that's not very.

Note that I wrote the whole adventure up in more detail here, if you want to read the whole thing:

I'd welcome replies either there or here. Now, for my specific questions:

1. I dropped out of fast travel, with an uneasy feeling, while traveling through a small town. It was an ambush,... sort of. I mean there were goblins, but they weren't immediately hostile. The townspeople said there was a bandit gang harassing them - these goblins, I suppose - but there was no sign of combat in the town.

The goblins said they were on a mission, but I couldn't ask what that mission was. (There are a million different conversation options now, but almost none of them actually seem useful for anything. Certainly, I couldn't find any way to ask what I needed to know.) As I talked to them, they got right up in my face, but they still didn't act hostile (maybe because I'd accidentally left my weapon in my backpack? LOL). But when I walked away, they followed us - again, staying very close.

What am I supposed to do in a situation like this? Will it inevitably end in violence? Are there conversation options I missed?

2. Eventually, not finding any other useful conversational option, I asked one of the goblins to yield. He refused, called me a coward, and demanded that I yield. About this time, I realized that I wasn't wielding a weapon, so I took my axe out of my backpack. One or both of these things caused the situation to go to hell.

I don't know if it just takes a long time to remove a great axe from a backpack (reasonable), or if I just hit the wrong button when there were multiple pages of combat options (and therefore skipped my turns to act). Either way, I missed most of the combat and didn't find out what happened until I went back afterwards and read through the announcements. So what key am I supposed to press when there are a bunch of announcements with [more] at the bottom?

3. To keep this as short as possible, I'll skip that combat. Later, I was in melee range of a goblin bowman, but he parried every attack I made. (I find this typical of DF. Enemies are either easy or completely impossible to harm in any way - nothing in between.) However, the second time I swung my axe at his neck, he said, "I yield! I yield!"

OK,... but then what? What am I supposed to do then? He didn't drop his weapon, and I couldn't find any new conversation options. So was that just local color, or did it actually mean something? In desperation, not finding anything else to say, I demanded that he yield. So he shot an arrow at me!

Does that mean he hadn't actually yielded? Or did I miss the appropriate response to his apparent willingness to yield? Plus, how in the heck can someone shoot a bow at an enemy standing right next to them, swinging an axe at their head?

4. I couldn't hit the goblin bowman, because he kept deflecting my attack with his bow, so I reached out with my left hand - my "lower left arm" - and grabbed his bow. I'd heard that you could disarm enemies that way, but I didn't seem to have that option. (Admittedly, my character has no wrestling skill. Was that why?)

I don't remember how the top option was worded, but it wasn't at all clear what that would do. When I tried it, I just adjusted my grip on the bow. The only other option was to release the bow, and I didn't want to do that. What am I missing here?

5. Since I was holding tight to his bow, I tried swinging the axe in my right hand, but again he deflected the attack with his bow. It seemed to make no difference that I had the bow in my hand!

So I grabbed his left arm with my right hand ("lower right arm"). Note that the bowman was standing on a ledge, so I hoped to throw him off the ledge, but I didn't have that option, either. Well, at the very least, I figured he wouldn't be able to shoot me with his bow, not with me having one hand on the bow and one hand on his arm.

But no, he shot me in the lung! "Mortal wound" started flashing on screen. (The arrow went into my chest through my leather "dress" - my character is male, so I don't know why he started with a dress - and through my iron chainmail shirt!)

Apparently, the only thing I accomplished by grabbing the bowman was that I could no longer dodge his attack. That's just nuts, isn't it? Again, am I missing something here?

6. The bowman ran away, eventually. With an arrow in my lung, I couldn't catch him. But there didn't seem to be any way to injure him, anyway. I know I've heard that you can throw enemies off cliffs or disarm them by grabbing their weapon, but how do you do that?  Nothing worked for me.

7. On the bright side, I survived my "mortal wound." Five minutes in fast travel and I was perfectly healthy again. So my last question has to do with buying and selling in a shop. It used to be that I could make an offer and then press 'a' (ask) or 'o' (offer), which would get the merchant to tell me what he'd pay for an item or how much he wanted for an item (depending on whether I was buying or selling).

But that doesn't seem to work anymore. All I got, when I tried that, was the option for me to enter a number between zero and zero (0-0), whether I was buying or selling. Note that, when I tried this, both the merchant and myself had gold coins (the same kind of gold coins, too).

So how in the heck do you use currency now? Is there a simple way to buy and sell items? I don't want to spend all day just trying to figure out the price of prepared giant toad brain (which seems to be just ridiculously expensive in gold, anyway; gold must be common as dirt in DF!).

If you've lasted this long, thanks for any help you can give me. Dwarf Fortress is great, but it's almost equally as frustrating and annoying as it's fun. Almost.  :)



  • Bay Watcher
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Re: DF 2014 Adventure Mode questions (long)
« Reply #1 on: August 19, 2014, 03:14:18 pm »

A short answer to everything would be its broken/needs to be fixed. One funny thing that occurs is I have someone following me on fast travel and when I move to the asterisk it brings me out of fast travel and the dude runs for his life. He continues following and trolling me because I cant catch him.


  • Bay Watcher
  • grisha5
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Re: DF 2014 Adventure Mode questions (long)
« Reply #2 on: August 19, 2014, 03:28:25 pm »

4. To disarm opponents you need to grab them with your  left/right hand, so that means putting away your weapon/shield for a moment, grabbing the enemy, then going to your "I"interactions menu and pressing the key that has the enemy weapon/whatever.

5. Throwing also need to be done with your hands instead of your arms, hands will give you more options on the wrestling menu (like throwing or gouging). Also everyone can wear any clothing, except the ones that are too small or too large (dwarves/elves can't wear human clothing, humans can't wear dwarven clothing, etc.) it is not unusual to see males wearing dresses and thongs.

7. Fast travel heals all* wounds, no  matter how grave they were.

*except missing limbs
]hi guys,im back, who was missing me?

Y-you know. I'm just going to leave. You've all managed to thoroughly horrify me...


  • Escaped Lunatic
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Re: DF 2014 Adventure Mode questions (long)
« Reply #3 on: August 19, 2014, 05:23:55 pm »

4. To disarm opponents you need to grab them with your  left/right hand, so that means putting away your weapon/shield for a moment, grabbing the enemy, then going to your "I"interactions menu and pressing the key that has the enemy weapon/whatever.

5. Throwing also need to be done with your hands instead of your arms, hands will give you more options on the wrestling menu (like throwing or gouging). Also everyone can wear any clothing, except the ones that are too small or too large (dwarves/elves can't wear human clothing, humans can't wear dwarven clothing, etc.) it is not unusual to see males wearing dresses and thongs.

7. Fast travel heals all* wounds, no  matter how grave they were.

*except missing limbs

Fast travel doesn't heal nerve damage as well.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: DF 2014 Adventure Mode questions (long)
« Reply #4 on: August 19, 2014, 09:30:41 pm »

4. To disarm opponents you need to grab them with your left/right hand, so that means putting away your weapon/shield for a moment,... hands will give you more options on the wrestling menu (like throwing or gouging).

OK, that explains a lot. I didn't have the option to use my hands, apparently because I had a weapon and shield equipped, huh? And I guess that's why the bow didn't show up in my Interactions menu, too (as a weapon stuck in the enemy does). Thanks for the info!

What about that yield business? Anyone have an idea about that?


a smiling bearded cretin

  • Bay Watcher
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Re: DF 2014 Adventure Mode questions (long)
« Reply #5 on: August 20, 2014, 12:30:41 am »

No one behave correctly. Mostly morale issue. But if morale fixed in future updates, then the solution still same one. Set weapon to be strapped to body, then see who faster.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: DF 2014 Adventure Mode questions (long)
« Reply #6 on: August 21, 2014, 07:33:26 pm »

Thanks, guys. But I just finished my story...

... and now I've got another question. How in the heck do you 'kill' corpses (zombies, I assume)?

One of my followers became undead, somehow. I mean, it happened when he was out of my sight, so I'm not sure how. But he was also a necromancer, if that matters. (I suppose it does. He was a marksdwarf necromancer I met in a tavern. I was actually surprised that he'd agree to join me.)

Anyway, when I encountered him later, as a corpse, he was faster than me, so I couldn't run away, and I couldn't kill him. I could hit him with my axe and do lots of damage, but it didn't seem to make any difference. The battle went on for a long time, and I kept chopping away at his neck and legs (depending on what would give me the best target), hoping to either decapitate him or cut off a leg, so I could run away.

But no matter how many times I struck him with my axe, I couldn't seem to do that. According to the combat report, I did lots and lots of damage, but it didn't actually do anything. Yet he just needed one successful strike against me to end the fight.

Are zombie necromancers invulnerable or something? I didn't have any trouble killing zombie wolves earlier. (Admittedly, those zombie wolves had been raised by my follower. But they weren't at all hard to kill.) We encountered a herd of reindeer corpses, too, but I never actually hit one of them. (There were three of them, so I just had to run after trying a couple of times.)

I'll tell you one thing: these aren't the slow zombies of tradition! My character had superior agility, yet even when sprinting, he was slower than they were (both the necromancer corpse and the reindeer corpses, at least).

Oh, one other thing that was funny. When we were attacked by a wolf pack, my necromancer follower raised a wolf neck (and two wolf heads, but that's not so weird). And according to the combat report, that wolf neck grabbed another wolf and ripped its throat out! Heh, heh. Nice trick, huh?  :)




  • Bay Watcher
  • grisha5
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Re: DF 2014 Adventure Mode questions (long)
« Reply #7 on: August 21, 2014, 08:18:07 pm »

... and now I've got another question. How in the heck do you 'kill' corpses (zombies, I assume)?
From the wiki:
Quote from: Dfwiki
[Zombies] can only be killed by tearing them asunder (bisection), beheading, or pulping an important structural body-part. Blunt weapons are effective weapons to use for animate corpses, for they are not only less likely to sever off parts for further reanimation, but are likely to inflict pulping damage, mangling the zombies so badly that they cannot rise up again.
From my experiences however, I can't say for sure what actually kills zombies, because chopping their head/neck off doesn't do much damage to them (also the undead head usually joins the fun). From what I recall, chopping almost all of their limbs out is how I defeated zombies in .40.XX 'till they were mutilate corpses and not able to resuscitate, pulping is a better way of dealing with them now, as they can become mangled corpses with enough strength behind an attack, rendering them useless.
So basically: Either chop almost all of their limbs or pulp the important body parts (head, upper body, lower body)
I'll tell you one thing: these aren't the slow zombies of tradition! My character had superior agility, yet even when sprinting, he was slower than they were (both the necromancer corpse and the reindeer corpses, at least).
The thing is, zombies can't get tired so they can run at full speeds and not be slowed down at all! Your best bet would be getting them on the ground by removing their leg(s).

Oh, one other thing that was funny. When we were attacked by a wolf pack, my necromancer follower raised a wolf neck (and two wolf heads, but that's not so weird). And according to the combat report, that wolf neck grabbed another wolf and ripped its throat out! Heh, heh. Nice trick, huh?  :)

Necks that go flying off in arc also include their head with them, so it isn't that weird.

Also, resurrected corpses are only loyal to their master, so having a necromancer go with you isn't the best of plans, since everything you kill will come back stronger and your necromancer buddy won't help you out in that fight.
]hi guys,im back, who was missing me?

Y-you know. I'm just going to leave. You've all managed to thoroughly horrify me...


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: DF 2014 Adventure Mode questions (long)
« Reply #8 on: August 22, 2014, 07:46:51 am »

Thank-you, though I'd already gathered that having a necromancer follower wasn't the best idea.  :D

Actually, though, he did shoot a crossbow bolt at his own wolf zombie one time. And those zombies weren't hard to kill, although they were mostly just heads before they became zombies in the first place. (I'm not sure about that wolf neck zombie. I don't think he'd been decapitated,... but at this point, I can't go back and check.)

My problem with the necromancer zombie was that I couldn't cut any pieces off. I hit him in the neck and legs with my bronze great axe - many times - but I never succeeded in removing any parts. Everything else I fought, if I hit them in the neck, they'd almost always be decapitated.

Dang! I wanted to use a bow next time, but it sounds like a bow wouldn't do anything at all to a zombie. Oh, well, maybe it's time for a fortress.

Thanks again,



  • Bay Watcher
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Re: DF 2014 Adventure Mode questions (long)
« Reply #9 on: August 22, 2014, 12:22:38 pm »

A short answer to everything would be its broken/needs to be fixed. One funny thing that occurs is I have someone following me on fast travel and when I move to the asterisk it brings me out of fast travel and the dude runs for his life. He continues following and trolling me because I cant catch him.



  • Bay Watcher
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Re: DF 2014 Adventure Mode questions (long)
« Reply #10 on: August 24, 2014, 07:42:33 am »

I just noticed this bug-fix yesterday: "Stopped shared/wrestled items from being used for block/parry."

This explains why the goblin bowman kept deflecting my axe attack, even though I was holding onto his bow. And yes, I'd grabbed the bow with my arm, rather than my hand (as Migue5356 helpfully pointed out above), but that still seemed nuts to me.

Apparently, it was just a bug, now fixed.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: DF 2014 Adventure Mode questions (long)
« Reply #11 on: August 25, 2014, 08:00:41 pm »

It's not all that weird that you were wearing a thong: wiki stuff

The thong, like its probable predecessor the loincloth, is believed to be one of the earliest forms of human clothing and is also thought to have been worn mostly or exclusively by men. It is thought the thong was probably originally developed to protect, support, or hide the male genitals. The loincloth is probably the earliest form of clothing used by mankind, having originated in the warmer climates of sub-Saharan Africa where clothing was first worn nearly 75,000 years ago. Many tribal peoples, such as some of the Khoisan people of southern Africa, wore thongs for many centuries. Much like the Japanese fundoshi, these early garments were made with the male genitalia in mind.

The whole attitude against men wearing them is a recent thing.
Urist McAlchemist cancels extract isotope: interrupted by supercriticality accident.
This kea is so raw it stole my wheelbarrow!