and make it so goblins vary in size from normal to slightly smaller than a troll.
What tag am I looking for to accomplish this?
Play around with this section of the RAW's
Leave the [BODY_SIZE] as is, the [BODY_APPEARANCE_MODIFIER] tags are what you want. I believe the numbers after the tag are percentages of the body size. So normally, gobbos can be a maximum of 125% of body size. If you changed that number to, let's say, 200, some goblins could be more than twice the size of average. You'd have to change the other numbers to appropriate intervals I think, otherwise you'd end up with a small number of huge one size goblins that wouldn't have any size variance. I'll have a bash at this for the next fort, but let me know how you get on!
Finally, I add [ITEMS_WEAPON] to platinum and gold, for some very heavy hitting warhammers and maces.
Will doing this to all metals lead to overpowered weapons? I really like the idea, but I really want to keep Steel and Iron as the 2nd and 3rd best materials for weapons and armor.
No, it won't. Doing this will only improve blunt weapons. Steel and Iron are the 2nd and 3rd best materials for weapons and armour, period (Excluding divine materials). No other metal is anywhere near as good as them, with the exception of blunt weapons. Steel is pretty crap for blunt damage because it's so light. Silver and platinum, while not very sharp, are very, very heavy.
In order to remember this difference, just remember that it's the opposite to edged weapons.
Increasing edged damage --------->
Silver - Copper - Iron - Steel
<---------- Increasing blunt damage.
The only reason I did this is because that even with the new version blunt weapons are still underpowered unless you have a well trained tall and very strong dwarf. In contrast, edged weapons can be used by anyone to great effect. This closes the gap somewhat.
So no, all weapons will not be improved. Sorry for waffling