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Author Topic: Whisperwhip: a megabeast steakhouse (Circus Edition)  (Read 140036 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Whisperwhip: a megabeast steakhouse (Circus Edition)
« Reply #255 on: December 28, 2015, 07:57:55 pm »

The game hates you.
... if you don't have an experienced military crossbowdwarf, I'm fine with you dwarfing me as a new recruit who uses a crossbow...

I've had that thought myself. I seem to attract invasions when I play DF. People say sieges are basically not existent in 40.24 but I get multiple ones every year in most forts I play. I think FBs and Megabeasts smell when it's Taupe at the keys and they traverse leagues upon leagues to find him and face him.

Assuming you survive the dragon, any chance of funneling the demons into the Doomcave to have their fun with the FBs?
Don't pay attention to the body piles in every fort I play, I swear I'm competent at this game.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Whisperwhip: a megabeast steakhouse (Circus Edition)
« Reply #256 on: December 28, 2015, 08:32:58 pm »

Assuming you survive the dragon, any chance of funneling the demons into the Doomcave to have their fun with the FBs?
I've played a bit past this point, so I have enough material for another chapter soon-ish.  This should cover my initial plans regarding hell, the retaking thereof using various crazy shenanigans, and the first step of what I call ''Project Flashfire''. Having no soldiers whatsoever doesn't mean we'll be avoiding fights, it just means the fights will get weird.

Many people have suggested that I connect the DOOMCAVE to hell, which won't occur for now since I've already taken different steps to solve the issues at hand. My main concern with the suggested idea is that I'm aiming for some siege engine galore, and the current demon corridor is quite perfect for that. Unleashing the demons against the FB would deny this opportunity. Most forgotten beasts are sealed by trees in various quadrants of the caverns anyway, so I doubt there'll be a fight as spectacular as people hope for.

Coming up next in Whisperwhip: !!SCIENCE!!

Ps: De has already been dwarfed as an animal trainer. There's also a crossbow training facility planned in the future, and I'll name the leader of this operation Plato as requested.

EDIT: I was operating under the assumption that the forgotten beasts are irrevocably stuck. Truth is, further examination of the DOOMCAVE reveals that they are in fact only stuck there because they can't fly. Demons can fly, so about 22 forgotten beasts would be reachable to them if I connected the two regions. That's interesting...
« Last Edit: December 29, 2015, 01:57:07 pm by Taupe »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Whisperwhip: a megabeast steakhouse (Circus Edition)
« Reply #257 on: December 31, 2015, 08:28:07 pm »

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Dear readers, allow me to celebrate New Year's Eve by skipping ahead in time a bit to present this specific screenshot.

You know what it does.

Place your bets.

Catsquidcat Overlord

  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Whisperwhip: a megabeast steakhouse (Circus Edition)
« Reply #258 on: January 13, 2016, 08:49:42 am »

Minion You Best Be Eating Those Clowns, They Are Even Bringing You The Salt First And Are Killing Themselves With Other Food. DO NOT FAIL ME.
Oh, and the demons killed a second lake.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Weasel Monarch
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Re: Whisperwhip: a megabeast steakhouse (Circus Edition)
« Reply #259 on: January 16, 2016, 03:04:54 pm »

CHAPTER 90: The Doomforests agenda
Winter of 149
Killcount: 93

''I'm taking charge'' announces the mayor.
''You can't --'' starts Duke Tun.
''I'm taking charge.''

It was time to solve the fort's problem, the mayor knew. With !SCIENCE!

''We are taking down the demons'', she adds.
''But... we don't have any soldiers!
-Exactly, they won't get in the way.''

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She grabs a few mechanisms, and head outside:
''Open the gates!
-But there's a... dragon...
-Yes, imma need it.''

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It was a fine beast. The dwarven therapist of the fort claimed it was almost three centuries old, which was about twice the age of basically the world itself. As far as dwarves wee concerned. I'm pretty sure I can build some cages before it gets here. I'm pretty good at cages.

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The last time she built cages in a hurry, it was to fetch some rutherers. One of them attacked her, she remmembers. And for what? the rutherers produced no offsprings in decades, and their training was shaky at best. the mopst important part, however, was that they attacked her in the past.

''Hey, you, animal trainer!
-My name's De'
', replies the dwarf trying to battle-train a lion nearby.
''Ok, well. Go fetch the rutherers. Bring them to the new tunnel.
-What new tunnel?
-Oh, also dig a new tunnel. to hell.

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''Tun, I'm busy building the cages so a dragon doesn't eat us.
-Yes, but what about my crystal glass window? For my underground office, yaknow.
-Oh, I'm definitely working on it right now!
-No, obviously not. Grab a pick and dig toward hell.
-I'M the duke, you can't--

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''Make it spirally and hum, I guess engrave it and such'' she explains casually to the miners she just ordered toward hell. ''We don't want the demons to think we're uncivilised.''

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The traps are finished by a split second.

''Well, time to build some levers!'' the mayor announces. ''You, De, grab my dragon and bring it to the new tunnel''

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De was a simple animal trainer. He arrived in Whisperwhip only ten years ago, when he heard the new capital had many war animals to train. He was still adjusting to the insanity of the metropolis, but as a dwarf for strives for excellence, like his late uncle Firsal, he wanted to prove himself. So he obeyed the mayor's orders, no matter how insane they sounded.

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The ''New tunnel'' as it was simply called, was well underway. The mayor left notes for the mechanics and animal trainers, indicating locations for traps, cages, and bridges. ''--rutherers should go right after the cyclop'', the animal trainer overheard. He dropped the dragon cage where he was told, only to be interrupted by manager Stukos. ''Hold on a sec, lad, I need to cover the floor with an image of three backpacks first, yaknow!''

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Next, he was told to stash a horde of war animals in a dead end. In the background, he could hear the sounds of metal and the clicks of stone mechanisms. the bridges and lever-linking was progressing smoothly. ''--tis okay, I read about something like this from a place called Doomforests'' He heard the mayor explain.

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''Ok, that's three bridges operational, we'll be ready for phase one as soon as I finish linking the rutherers''

There wasn't much to do for the animal trainers at that point. He'd seen a cyclop, some rutherers, various war animals, and a dragon being hauled and lever-linked to the new tunnel. Deep inside, he knew what was going on.

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Under the leadership of the mayor, the casual insanity and imminent feeling of doom had somehow amplified to a pure, refined atmoshpere of batshit. Some people were disregarding orders to create useless artefacts out of priceless hell-made metal...

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While the Duke himself was going crazy and throwing tantrum.

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...In his sleep.

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''Damn queen, with her fancy tomb!'' he mumbled in his sleep, kicking the sheets left and right.

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''Hey, guys, I made a priceless pair of adamantine boots and--''

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''I DON'T CARE ARGHHH!'' yells the duke, flinging a bucket of cleaning water at the armorer.

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''Disregard all this.'' the mayor explains to a novice miner. ''Your job is to dig a hole in the wall, and then retreat.
-Isnt that... dangerous?
-Oh, no. No. Not at all, no.
-Are you... sure?
-Of course. See, using my frame-perfect knowledge of engineering, I shall close the bridge behind you as you retreat. the countless war animals will zealously jump through the hole and distract the enemies while you safely make it out.
-I'm not sure
-It's okay, we've done countless simulations''

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In my head.

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Well, that... could have gone better, reflects the mayor.

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Ok, so. Sure, the demons had utterly destroyed the miners and all the war animals without suffering any retaliation. And sure they sort of overwhelmed the first bridge faster than she could raise it, leaving the cyclop cage unlinked and useless. But boy, did they learn new things! One, demons are fast. Two, some of them can siphon blood out of their victims, despite looking very harmless physically.

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And three... remember back in the days when some of the soldiers began flashing, and then exploded in a strange brown cloud? Well, now we know it's actually a cloud of boiling blood mist, which explodes from the body when it reaches a certain temperature, thanks to both a syndrome liquifying the organs from the inside, and the subject being externally on fire. Dwarven !SCIENCE! sure is amazing.

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''By the way, HAVEN is currently haunted by the recruits who died against the demons a few weeks ago'' mentions old Edzul on his way to the catacombs.

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''They are also haunting the strand extractors'' he adds.

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''FUCK THIS PLACE'' yells the duke in the background.

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Ugh, maybe placing some fucking querns in his tomb will solve it?

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The effort is countered by the announcement that a few war animals have gone missing. Such is the price to pay for scientific advancement, and the mayor wished Tun would understand.

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Still, memorialising the fallen before they make all the strand extractor kill each other would probably be wise.

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''FUCK THIS TIGERMAN!'' Tun screams, punching the once-mayor tigerman diagnoser. The mayor smiles. That's what he gets for taking my office once.

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''The elves are here!'' informs a peasant.

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''Also the goblins are here.
-Ugh, just close the gates and let them work it out.''

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''They'll be fine.''

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''By Armok, who put querns in my tomb? Now the stockpiles will be too low! We need... more... querns... make... more''

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''This is... too much. The quern count... it's useless... the quern count is too low. We'll never have enough''

*Tun Circleoiled, Duke, is stricken by melancholy''

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The duke starts to mumble incoherently, and wanders the fortress, counting querns again and again, sobbing.

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''Congratulation, Inod, you are now the Duke!
-But I.... where is my fa--
-Good day!''

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Enough politics, it was time for phase two. three. Stupid useless cyclop.

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''The time has come to unleash the might of our mighty RUTHERER ARMY against the meager forces of hell.''

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''I shall pull the lever!'' announces the new Duke. Inod ventures downstairs, across the bridge and into the lever-pulling alcove. You gotta respect a noble who likes pulling lever.

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Leading the army of fierce rutherers is Arrugshameb, alpha male and killer of dwarves. Today he shall repay his blood death by slaughtering countless dem--

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Scratch that.

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Also in the background the cyclop sort of liquified and evaporated from his cage. So, that happened.

''We just need bigger monsters. Phase three will be the dragon, and after that we can just double the animal count, or use the collossus, or...''

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De interrupts the mayor.

''Well, I'm not exactly proficient in dragon training yet, but I'm fairly sure breathing-fire is not going to change the tide against hell. We have no soldiers, and goblins are swarming the countryside. The dry, very flamable countryside. I'm sure we can find a better use for our special resources...
-I see. Alright, take the dragon upstairs, we'll just... weaponize the DOOMCAVE.
« Last Edit: January 30, 2016, 10:28:44 am by Taupe »


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Re: Whisperwhip: a megabeast steakhouse (Circus Edition)
« Reply #260 on: January 17, 2016, 01:44:56 pm »

I would like a dwarf that is not likely to die.
Eventually when you go far enough the insane start becoming the sane


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Whisperwhip: a megabeast steakhouse (Circus Edition)
« Reply #261 on: January 17, 2016, 07:05:48 pm »

Best. Update.
Generic Arms Race.

Would you like to play a game of Mafia? The subforum is always open to new players.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Weasel Monarch
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Re: Whisperwhip: a megabeast steakhouse (Circus Edition)
« Reply #262 on: January 30, 2016, 01:09:11 pm »

CHAPTER 91: On the safe handling of Megabeasts
Summer of 150
Killcount: 93

''This is the beginning of a new era for Whisperwhip!'' The mayor was getting good at speeches. ''New projects, new nobles, new objectives, new weapons, new foes...''

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''...So to commemorate the start of a new era, someone please pick up the old duke's corpse and entomb it kthx.''

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To prepare for what's to come, a lever is pulled, and hell is double-sealed, just in case accidents happen...

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The mayor has noticed something unfun regarding the legendary FPS counter. It is running low.

''Everyone who isn't a mason or a trainer or a mechanic, get to dumping!'' The fortress didn't need 350 quivers, for example.

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Two dwarves had been put in charge of ''special projects''. The first such dwarf was De, the dragon-handler. Using a complex succession of bridges, rooms and fortifications, the fort would soon be equiped with a dragon-weaponizing system. Using various levers, the outside would be revealed to the dragon, who would then breathe and scorch the countryside. Antechambers were planned to retrap and retain the dragon without exposing it to the dwarves, if need be. There would also be 4 different dragon-deployment rooms, to move the dragon around and respond to the movements of invaders.

The whole thing had been codenamed ''Project FLASHFIRE''.

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Whisperwhip was at war with hell (among other things) but that didn't stop forgotten beasts from showing up. They had no soldiers. they sure weren't gonna chicken out regardless.

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''Activate the Machine for Skypigs'' she simply points out.

The dust flies off, spreading cloudified blood streams everywhere. ''94''

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The mayor allows some citizen to exit the fortress to re-arm the traps and retrieve items. Where are those dwarves going, nobody knows.

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The goblins keep massing up outside. Soon(ish), they would know the wrath of Whisperwhip's advanced weaponry. Possibly.

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She would take care of the lever-building herself. This special building would house 4 sets of 3 levers, each controlling one of the four FLASHFIRE station.

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the second project was overseen by a low-profile dwarf called Plato. The fool volunteered as a crossbowdwarf. When the mayor explained that they had no crossbow squads (or any squads really), he also volunteered to form one, and train them. Then the whole thing escalated into a collossus-powered bronze-crafted mandatory training program for the whole fortress, because blah-blah-blah-dwarves.

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''M'am, it stinks to rebuild the traps.
-I know it,s not the coolest job but--
-No I mean, there are actual corpses there.''

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''Ok well, replace the very dead animals by somewhat non-dead ones I guess''.

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''This is coming along nicely'', explains Plato. ''We sure learned from the mistakes of the last Colossus operation''

This new building would have failsafe bridges and antechambers to prevent everyone from going batshit and paralysing the fortress.

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''Well, it WOULD, if the workers you gave me weren't busy with pathfinding, webs, and retrieving baby animals'' complains Plato.

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''A ghost is still living in my room in HAVEN'', complains the elder citizen of the fortress.

Ugh, those people.

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She pulls a lever.

''Everyone, just... go expand the new tunnel toward the DOOMCAVE''.

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That should keep them busy.

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Despite all those complains, work on the outside projects was coming along nicely. The new courtyard was no longer an empty waste of space, but instead a vast complex dedicated to trading, engineering, and war animal training.

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The dwarves were as busy as ever. Despite the excitement of the special projects, re-arming the traps remained a priority. It was a slow process, but micromanagement could speed it up to a point. Thankfully, the nearby rock stockpiles left from mining operations helped too.

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Yet, there was only so much the dwarves could do against back-to-back attacks.

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It was another forgotten beast.

''What's the trap status?
-unfinished, I'm afraid. We could try to separate it in time, but...
-Do it fast, but send the army if it fails.
-Oh right.''

She goes to the hospital.

''Captain Kubuk, wake up, I need you to do some commandeering, and also maybe some frontline defense too.
-But my leg is...
-Nobody needs legs to fight, that's a myth. Isn't that right, dr. Melbil?
-Absolutely right, mayor.
-There, you have it.''

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Well, good thing they have like, half a soldier left, because someone forgot to replace the corpses by non-corpses.

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A young recruit reports to the surface. ''So hum, both Commander Kubuk and the beast are dead?''

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''Captain Kubuk killed it?
-No, actually I... I defeated the beast with a lucky blow while it was busy eating the commander.
-Good job soldier. What's your name?
-Vabok, but...I'm... not even a soldier, only a recruit who showed up late to all the fights.
-Well, according to Elder Wand logic, you defeated the monster who defeated the commander, so that makes you the new commander!
-I don't think I'm fit for... I mean, my only assignments so far were to withnes the horrible, horrible deaths of two different commanders.
-Well, isn't that a great character arc you're having!
-But I--
-Good day!''

*   *   *   *   *   *   *

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After much effort, the tunnel leading to the DOOMCAVE was mostly complete, including smoothing and engraving. ''We want the demons to know that we are calling the shots, and that we are badasses'' explains manager Stukos as he shows the mayor around. Apart from the standard images of people eating elves, or fucking backpacks, many engravings depicted war heroes, legendary foes, and important battles. A corridor connecting hell to 30 megabeasts, illustrating 50 years of wanton slaughter and warfare. If ever there was a thing that could sum up Whisperwhip in a nutshell, that was it.

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''Did you know that Squiddwarf himself was once in the army, as a captain no less?
-I did not!'', replies a surprised mayor.

Yet it was true! The engraver and bookkeeper of the citadel of clutches had once served as a squad leader, back in the chaotic times of the civil war.

''Not only that'', continues the manager, ''but he's volunteered to open the pathway between the two areas!''
-That's... brave and very stupid appreciated!
-Something to do with ''his master telling him to fight and eat all the demons''....
-That's... well, we all have our quirks I guess.''

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Over the weeks, the goblins had abandoned their besieging efforts, for a time. A group of dwarven traders sneak up toward the fortress, reaching sight of Whisperwhip from the Lone Gunmen hill.

''Ugh, let them in, we can't afford too many corpses and items littering the countryside. Not with the dropping FPS''

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''Clothsgiving!'' A peasant wearing rags dashes outside as the caravan enters the courtyard.
''Clothsgiving!'' yells another dwarf.

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Armokdamn it...

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''Come on people, use some fucking wheelbarrows!'' Such an item is added to every single stockpile in the fortress. Old Edzul is first to showcase how efficient they are.

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As Clothsgiving unfolds, various giant animals are hauled inside Whisperwhip's walls, while an eager armorsmith creates an artefact adamantine chain greaves. Whatever will they do with these new toys, the mayor isn't sure yet. She just wants to go back to the special projects.

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The great battle is nearly at an end. Fearing not the great forgotten beast that lurks a few urists away, Squiddwarf has carved a path toward the DOOMCAVE. This path is for now sealed by a bridge. soon, two levers will be flipped, and the greatest battle in the Windy Realm will unfold...


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Ugh. I'm sorry, giant beast of unknown origin, but if you wanted to be part of this story you should have chosen the second cavern layer.

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With mister 96 out of the way, it's time to block off the New tunnel. get on it, manager Stukos.

The dwarves are now isolated from the chaos that will soon take place.

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In the second cavern layer, known to the dwarves of the Wilted Sack as the DOOMCAVE, twenty-nine megabeasts dwell. They have gathered there over the last two decades, waiting for a chance to strike against the Citadel of Clutches. The dwarves too, have prepared for this battle for a long time, but their hopes and dreams have been crushed by a giant squirrel just a years ago.

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It matters not. the residents of the DOOMCAVE will have their fight. A new army of challengers have appeared recently. Accidentally unleashed from the cursed adamantine spire, a swarm of mismatched demonic fiends is gathering in the recently-dug staircase.

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It's on.
« Last Edit: January 30, 2016, 01:14:16 pm by Taupe »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Whisperwhip: a megabeast steakhouse (Circus Edition)
« Reply #263 on: January 30, 2016, 02:41:33 pm »

Brilliant. Cliffhanger.

Any chance you could post a post with the stats/abilities/entry messages of all the forgotten beasts that are going to fight?
Generic Arms Race.

Would you like to play a game of Mafia? The subforum is always open to new players.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Whisperwhip: a megabeast steakhouse (Circus Edition)
« Reply #264 on: January 30, 2016, 03:14:42 pm »

Brilliant. Cliffhanger.

Any chance you could post a post with the stats/abilities/entry messages of all the forgotten beasts that are going to fight?

I don't think that's possible at this point since part of the fight has already taken place. I could, I guess, do so for the remaining contenders. If that's any consolation, most if not all forgotten beasts fighting against the demons were documented as the fights progressed. We'll be able to see relevant information about them in the next update when their injury page is displayed.

As a sidenote, the list of casualties includes a lake.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Blatant furry. Also a hypnotist.
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Re: Whisperwhip: a megabeast steakhouse (Circus Edition)
« Reply #265 on: January 30, 2016, 06:50:33 pm »

Je ne comprend pas.

Okay, seriously? How- how- a lake?
Generic Arms Race.

Would you like to play a game of Mafia? The subforum is always open to new players.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Whisperwhip: a megabeast steakhouse (Circus Edition)
« Reply #266 on: February 24, 2016, 07:47:15 pm »

CHAPTER 92: Teline's tale
Winter of 150
Killcount: 96

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It's on.

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The lever is pulled. Slowly, the forces of hell erupt from the freshly excavated tunnel, and pour into the DOOMCAVE, spotting their first opponent.

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A white banshee charges, and avoids a blow, landing the first strike of the confrontation. A bruise, merely.

The forgotten beast will now answer with its mighty special attack!

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Breathing... fire.  ::)  Really, dude?

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The demons are obviously impervious to the FB's attack, and counterattack with various glancing and brusing kicks. Clearly, everybody was kung-fu fighting. The forgotten beast becomes enraged!

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Its ribs get kicked so hard, that the beast's brain is destroyed in the process. Ooooookay. I don't even get a chance to look at its profile.

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Xun, the beast that Squiddwarf narrowly avoided while opening the tunnel, is next to attract the demons' attention. Show us what you can do, Xun!

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Xun breathes fire.  ::)

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The dwarves turn their attention away from the fight to re-arm the lower trap, and place new bait. As soon as this is over, they return to Xun's wrestling match...

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Spoiler (click to show/hide) find it struggling against a Pterosaur Brute and a Filth Devil. The fortress has become a Godzilla movie. Xun is able to soak most of the physical hits, but...

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Filth devil extract and vapors from the Pterosaur Brute are slowly rotting its body away. Xun's own attack, breathing fucking fireballs, is obviously useless against the demons.

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The syndromes tear appart Xun's being from the inside, making him weak and vulnerable. Soon, he can't defend against the demons' attacks anymore, and they begin to tear him to shreds.

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Soon enough, a second beast is no more.

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East of Xun's miasmatic corpse, a third beast decides to use a different strategy. It begins to fill the area with thick strands of webs.

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The beast has nowhere to go. It has never moved since its arrival in the DOOMCAVe. the demons are able to reach it thanks to their flight ability, but they get entangled by the webs. A pterosaur brute is caught by them, and crashes to the ground, before engaging with this annoying creature... The fiend has not suffered any real injury from the fall.

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Meet Aste, a towering sauropod.

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Aste's feet is bruised by the fiend attack. Soon enough, it begins to rot. Truly, those demons are terrifying.

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With nowhere to run, aste tries to keep the foes at bay using more webs.

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A white banshee plummets to the floor, shattering on impact.

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More demons pile up on Aste...

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The beast has no chance of surviving. the combined syndromes start to wreck havoc on its body...

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Leaving behind a rotting pile of horror and pus...

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And finally a corpse.

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Outside, the dwarves partaking in Clothsgiving have left some copper bins filled with adamantine gear lying at the very opposite side of the map, and nobody cares to pick them up. A third such bin lies at the entrance of the fort, and none of the 40 idlers seem intend on solving that issue.

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The sound of a crashing body echoes through the earth. A second foe, a Wraith of Steam, has been killed by Aste's webs.

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Distracted by this tremor, none of the dwarves notice the goblin ambush sneaking inside the fort.

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None, but commander Vadok, who stands on the very end of the courtyard, with exactly zero marksdwarf experience...

He shoots right at the mayor. The mayor dodges out of the way.

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This initial shot flies through the courtyard, and runs straight through both brain and helmet, destroying the goblin in the process.

Good job, Vabok.

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The goblin's friend runs out of the marksdwarf's way, and heads straight into 90 war animals in the process.

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A third one runs the other way and encounters 10 human soldiers chilling on various stockpiled caravans, floating over 50 buffalo calfs

''Animals trainers, pick up the dogs! Non-animal trainers, pick up the goblin bits!''

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Pobe, a human fighting lady, has finally earned herself a title from all her skirmishes with the goblins. Pobe Morningbows the Mysteries of Sweetness.

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The copper bins are still an issue. we don't want adamantine artefacts to fall prone to any thieves, do we? Two approaches are attempted. One bin is channeled, the other is surrounded by logs top prevent access, giving us more time to think of a new solution. Part of the content is designated for melting, which will hopefully prompt a dwarf to carry them back inside.

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At least the bin at the entrance has been taken care of.

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Wit the ambushes out of the way, construction of the bronze collossus pen resumes. The roof is being installed as we speak! Platop and Vabok can't wait to begin their training... altho Vabok is already quite skilled for a dabbling soldier.

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Wait no, here comes another one... save meeeee!

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Thanks, Plato. I'll make sure to reward you by ordering the remaining slots of your equipment to be made out of pure adamantine.

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You also get promoted to militia commander out of a sudden, altho I'm not sure why. I'm also not sure why a forgotten beast getting caught in a cloud of flames 50 times counts as a general anouncement, but it serves to remind us of the fight taking place below.

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Using advanced trigonometry, our bookkeeper Squiddwarf was able to count the demons remaining in the spire part of the underground. 39. The rest have moved upstairs, to the DOOMCAVE.

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As, a forgotten beast, is engaged in a fight with a Red Devil. Unleash your power, As!

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As breathes fire.  ::)

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The surrounding cavern reflects the silverfish's condition: scorched, barebone and mostly lifeless.

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Some lesser demons shows up, and attempts to killsteal his comrade with a few ill-placed kicks. It is only a matter of time before As is consumed by the flames.

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Well, there you go.

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The battle has been raging for two months now. A new year has arrived on the calendar, and a famous dog is laid to rest, one of the few creatures in Whisperwhip to successfully live a full life.

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The bins have been taken care of...

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And our two military commanders (?) are training on nearby thieves while the pen is being conencted to the right levers.

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The result is simple, but quite stylish. A building fully built out of bronze. Bolts can be placed nearby for quicker training. One lever frees the beast, the other seals the arena to allow workers to retrieve various items without causing a commotion.

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Oh, and a new forgotten beast was destroyed by the bait in one of our traps. Good job, lions.

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The new year brings forth a large wave of underground wildlife. Bugbats and maneras and gnorlaks, oh my. The demons begin their hunt. Blood, bones, flames and miasma soon fill the DOOMCAVE.

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Even the lowly Salt Devils whom can be defeated with just one well-placed strike, are able to take down full-sized ogres on their own. How foolish our plan to use war animals was...

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On the spring of 151, 24 megabeasts remain in the DOOMCAVE.

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Every one of them will suffer the same fate, altho the gruesome details will obviously vary. If anything, these isolated encounters will tell us more about the various syndromes. Most demons have one, and fortunately for them, they are imune to all curses and sicknesses. The outcome of this conflict is now clear: Unless a champion of the RNG gods marches forward, the demons will win, for no syndrome will ever be able to take them down, no matter how powerful it may be. The chosen one must thus sport a metallic body, and a deadly dust attack that inflicts physical damage.

To the south, one beast is about to change the layout of the DOOMCAVE. It is not the champion the megabeasts need, but it is the champion they deserve.

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Why, yes, before you ask, it does breathe fire.  ::)

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Okgush the slug has been locked in a battle against a red Devil for quite some time. Neither can injure the other, for they both use fire-based attacks, to which they are impervious.

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As the fight goes on, heat begins to build up, and slowly evaporates a nearby lake.

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Where there once was a two-levels deep bassin, only a half-level of water remains. In many parts of the lake, the water is shallow enough to allow spore trees to grow.

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A 2/7 layer of water remains in the pond, where there once was a gigantic underground reservoir. The whole thing is filling up with trees and corpses and blood.

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To the north-west, near another lake, a special beast has engaged a pterosaur brute. Teling is a giant humanoid made of clear glass. It may sport a weak spittle attack, but it also lacks any inner anatomy, meaning that it is immune to the syndromes of the fiends.

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For the first time since hell was breached, one of the tougher demons is getting injured! This pterosaur brute is in poor shape. most of his blows glance his opponent, and the giant, clear humanoid is immune to its rotting extract. slowly but surely, Teling is beating down on his foe with spit and punches.

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Back at the lake, various fiends pile up on the giant slug.

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The beast is laid to rest. Over the following weeks, water from a nearby river will slowly refill the dried lake.

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Teline, meanwhile, is still battling his pterosaur brute foe.

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Further west, at the southern edge of the DOOMCAVE, a cluster of four forgotten beasts has been located by the armies of hell.

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Kuluk, a beast made of phyllite, shows great promise... until his foot is severed in a single blow by the assaulting demons.

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Even the combined might of 4 forgotten beast is not enough to slay a demon faster than its syndrome will kill you. Soon, only a single beast remains in that area: Aco, the crystal glass humanoid. It has the perfect combination of body and special attack. No organs, no flesh, and a deadly dust cloud.

Why yes, Aco's deadly dust only effect is to set things on fire.  ::)

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Speaking of fire... The lake is refilling. Everything around it is now a charred landscape, filled with burning corpses and clouds of miasma.

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Despite all these setbacks, Teline hasn't given up. He's still punching and spitting on his opponent. One by one, scars and wounds start to stack up on the fiend's body.

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Time passes as Teline faces his relentless foe. The dwarves have completed the bronze collossus pen, and the creature is released, ready to act as a live target.

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One of the FLASHFIRE station is also operational. as soon as goblins show up, the device will be put to the test. The dragon is placed in the station, and a bridge and walls are designed behind it, in case it goes wild. the beast's cage is linked to a lever, waiting for greenskins to be set free.

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As castles and engineering projects are erected, Teline continues his unending fight. Will his foe ever die?

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As for Aco, his deadly dust propelled the assaulting devil away, leaving him alone in his dwelling. For now...

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Amidst all this chaos, a semblance of normality resurfaces. Of the slug's corpse, nothing remains. The fire has devoured it entirely. The nearby lake is once more full, and only the spore tree forest at the bottom of it remain to tell the tale...

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Single-minded, relentless, the clear glass giant and his opponent tumble downwards, landing atop a pile of lion skeletons. They both get up, and continue their duel.

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Above them, two devils find a path through the antechamber, and descend (ascend?) on the three forgotten beasts living there. these creatures are slaughtered effortlessly. Even Xun, the nightmarish Osprey, is put to rest in a few blows. This section of the cavern belongs to the forces of hell, now.

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Time passes... on the surface, impervious to the conflict raging downstairs, the dwarves put the remaining touches on the FLASHFIRE station.

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Aco's presence doesn't remain unoticed for long. The foe it knocked away returns with some friends. Sadly for these lesser fiends, the deadly dust is enough to smash them against the walls, ending their life.

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Teline's duel is interrupted by some lesser devils as well. It matters not. The glass giant is single-minded and keeps bashing on the pterosaur brute.

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Until one of them annoys it too much, that is. Teline takes a bit out of the demon, splattering its essence across the cavern floor.

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It is too much for the pterosaur brute! it flees the battle, leaving one of the lesser fiends behind to occupy Teline. The demon climbs back to the upper levels of the caves, and begin his search for reinforcements.

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Upstairs, the dwarves begin to train. it seems that Plato is not the healthiest of soldiers, sadly. in the past, a brush with beast sickness left him quite debilitated. he can't even find the training pen, and instead stations outside the gates.

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If he can't get it together, we'll recruit his eleven years old son in his stead once the lad reaches adulthood.

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Oh, what's this? the pterosaur brute has retreated long enough to find two friends. Together, they dropkick Teline another level down, amidst more skeletons.

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After months of battle, Teline was able to rip away the Pterosaur brute's shell. that must have been a waking call for the fiend.

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In time, no doubt, it will heal all other injuries, leaving behind horrific scars. the shell shall remain there, forever, a testament to Teline's bravery.

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Indeed, Teline could hardly keep one foe at bay. The combined attacks of two pterosaur brutes overwhelm his defenses, and he is caught off-guard. The demons wrestle his hand away from him.

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It is an epic battle, but one the glass giant has no hopes of winning.

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Without a word, Teline the mighty falls to his knee, which is a polite way of saying he's now missing a foot.

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I never thought I'd sympatize with a forgotten beast in my life... Yet, with each part of Teline that flies off, I also die a little.

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Romanceblister emerges from the pit, followed by his friend. There is nothing left for them there.

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Rest well, Teline.


  • Bay Watcher
  • More than just an average drunken axe-crazy nutjob
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Re: Whisperwhip: a megabeast steakhouse (Circus Edition)
« Reply #267 on: February 25, 2016, 02:58:22 pm »

I finally decided to read through this after seeing the link in your sigtext several times, and all I can say is holy shit, this is incredible. From skypigs to querns, Forgotten beasts to Clowns, this is amazing. Just imagining the incredible battle in the Doomcave...
Stuff I run:
Icehold(Second Thread)
Stuff I was/am involved with:
The Succession Tower, ConstructIvory
Bonepillar                    Thunderdoom
Parallel Fortresses


  • Bay Watcher
  • Weasel Monarch
    • View Profile
Re: Whisperwhip: a megabeast steakhouse (Circus Edition)
« Reply #268 on: February 25, 2016, 05:13:37 pm »

I finally decided to read through this after seeing the link in your sigtext several times, and all I can say is holy shit, this is incredible. From skypigs to querns, Forgotten beasts to Clowns, this is amazing. Just imagining the incredible battle in the Doomcave...

Welcome aboard! Would you like a dwarf?

I would like a dwarf that is not likely to die.
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Ask and ya shall receive! Gwolfsky is not the most talented of dwarves, but he is the among oldest dwarves born in Whisperwhip, having survived nearly 50 years. As the leader of the furnace Operator Union, he is unlikely to ever die (first). the furnace operators are working in the core of the fortress, away from danger, and all their other labors are disabled, including hauling and construction.

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Oh, and the demons killed a second lake. This one isn't connected to the map's edge, so it'll remain dead forever.
« Last Edit: February 25, 2016, 05:26:50 pm by Taupe »


  • Bay Watcher
  • More than just an average drunken axe-crazy nutjob
    • View Profile
Re: Whisperwhip: a megabeast steakhouse (Circus Edition)
« Reply #269 on: February 25, 2016, 05:32:51 pm »

I finally decided to read through this after seeing the link in your sigtext several times, and all I can say is holy shit, this is incredible. From skypigs to querns, Forgotten beasts to Clowns, this is amazing. Just imagining the incredible battle in the Doomcave...

Welcome aboard! Would you like a dwarf?

Sure thing! Anyone will do.
Stuff I run:
Icehold(Second Thread)
Stuff I was/am involved with:
The Succession Tower, ConstructIvory
Bonepillar                    Thunderdoom
Parallel Fortresses
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