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Author Topic: Whisperwhip: a megabeast steakhouse (Circus Edition)  (Read 140075 times)


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Re: Whisperwhip: a megabeast steakhouse (Circus Edition)
« Reply #270 on: February 25, 2016, 07:50:00 pm »

So many possible sigs.
Oh, and the demons killed a second lake.
For instance this.
Without a word, Teline the mighty falls to his knee, which is a polite way of saying he's now missing a foot.
Or this.
As usual, an incredibly good update.
Generic Arms Race.

Would you like to play a game of Mafia? The subforum is always open to new players.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Whisperwhip: a megabeast steakhouse (Circus Edition)
« Reply #271 on: February 25, 2016, 10:45:42 pm »

Oh fine, me, I'll PTW this.

It has been determined that Trump is an average unladen swallow travelling northbound at his maximum sustainable speed of -3 Obama-cubits per second in the middle of a class 3 hurricane.


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Re: Whisperwhip: a megabeast steakhouse (Circus Edition)
« Reply #272 on: February 26, 2016, 12:34:55 am »

Magnificent update. I really like how FB struggle against inevitable.

I forgot if I requested a dwarf or not. Anyway - dwarf me! I want to die!
Science is always important. But it needs more flaming cats. Can't we build bridge-based catapults and fling flaming cats at the dust and goo?

It's time for the ATHATH Death Counter to increase once more in celebration for the end of the world.


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Re: Whisperwhip: a megabeast steakhouse (Circus Edition)
« Reply #273 on: February 29, 2016, 11:00:06 pm »

Oh fine, me, I'll PTW this.
I wasn't sure if that meant you wanted a dwarf or not. I went ahead:

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TheBiggerFish is an old fisherdwarf who moved to Whisperwhip with many of her family members. Her father was the administrator of a fishery worker business. Her brothers and sisters are fishery workers. Her cousins are fishery workers. It truly runs in the family.

Sure thing! Anyone will do.
I closed my eyes and gave you, litterally, anyone.

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DDDgragoni is also an old dwarf lady (mostly because every male or young dwarf dies) Five of her 6 children died, along with the father. her youngest daughter was the fort's legendary strand extractor, until she got sort of decapitated by a ghost. DDDragoni has poor linguistic abilities and terrible analytical abilities, so it is possible that she didn't convey the best possible survival tips to her children.

I forgot if I requested a dwarf or not. Anyway - dwarf me! I want to die!

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Congratulation, you are... DDDragoni's youngest (and only surviving) child! Surely, your request will be fullfilled shortly.

The next update ( Ageless mutant ninja turtle ) won't be for a while, as things are moving rather slowly. (Blame the demons)
« Last Edit: March 02, 2016, 02:37:08 pm by Taupe »


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Re: Whisperwhip: a megabeast steakhouse (Circus Edition)
« Reply #274 on: March 03, 2016, 10:45:27 am »

I want a dwarf that is unlikely to die.
Eventually when you go far enough the insane start becoming the sane


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Re: Whisperwhip: a megabeast steakhouse (Circus Edition)
« Reply #275 on: March 03, 2016, 10:53:02 am »

I would like a dwarf that is not likely to die.
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Ask and ya shall receive! Gwolfsky is not the most talented of dwarves, but he is the among oldest dwarves born in Whisperwhip, having survived nearly 50 years. As the leader of the furnace Operator Union, he is unlikely to ever die (first). The furnace operators are working in the core of the fortress, away from danger, and all their other labors are disabled, including hauling and construction.


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Re: Whisperwhip: a megabeast steakhouse (Circus Edition)
« Reply #276 on: March 03, 2016, 11:05:49 am »

Whisperwhip.  I've heard of it, glimpsed it in passing, and can only guess it's savory flavors. 

Mmmm, steak, and I think of a fine Cabernet pairing.  It gets better with age.

If I sit down now and start consuming, it may not satiate because of the short time of one sitting. 

Alas, I hold of the temptation for now, and wait a while for a big appetite, and even larger sitting time for unhurried consumption.

WTGWQTA (waiting to read when quality time available)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Whisperwhip: a megabeast steakhouse (Circus Edition)
« Reply #277 on: March 22, 2016, 11:45:53 am »

CHAPTER 93: Ageless mutant ninja turtles
Spring of 151
Killcounts: 97 (us), 13 (them)

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The caverns underneath Whisperwhip, now known as the DOOMCAVE, are the host of a terrible battle, unprecedented in scale. Teling the mighty glass humanoid has fallen, beheaded by a pterosaur brute jaw...

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...While his kin Aco has isolated himself in the south, repelling any demons coming close with his fire dust attack. The demons seem to be out matching the forgotten beasts by a long shot, and yet... Whisperwhip has no shortage of newcomers. Sooner or later, a mighty beast will arrive, champion of the RNG gods, ready to take on the fiendish army.

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Some lesser demons have perished, but the core of the army remains intact. Save for a lost carapace, all the tougher, solid demons remain intact. Over 80 of them are now dwelling in the DOOMCAVE, leaving behind a token force of snow demons to guard the adamantine spire.

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Facing them, only sixteen forgotten beasts. Those that remain are either locked away, or too far to be noticed.

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Only Aco's location is known to the demons, yet the beast's dust keeps the lesser demons at bay. The tougher brutes have mobilised much further north, where they surrounded the giant Teline. In tuime, they will descend upon his brother. For now, tho, Aco remains as healthy and alive as a glass-object stalked by the legions of hell could ever be.

 **** ****** *****

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Away from this chaos, the dwarves of Whisperwhip prepare their next project, led by their mayor and chief engineer. They rush outside while the goblins are absent, first chopping down a group of trees to the west...

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Then, the miners get to work, levelling the side of this hill, digging through the black sand dunes. More trees are designated for chopping...

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The underground is melting, and the courtyard is overran by breeding caravan animals, but the dwarves are not bothered... They keep digging.

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The soft sand gives in easily. Soon enough, they can retreat behind their walls, leaving a sandy corridor where there once was a hillock. In time, the surrounding grass will overrun this freshly-dug area, allowing the fires from project FLASHFIRE to spread past the western hill.

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To celebrate, a new artefact bone rack is placed inside the princess' chambers. May it keep her non-batshit.

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With everyone back inside, the dwarves are ready to continue their engineering projects. More obsidian will be needed...

*  * * * * * ** *** * *   **  *

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Deep below, Aco has engaged a large group of enemies... Let's take a look...

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Nope, not here, altho this place looks like a mess.

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Okay, more bones and charred remains. Where is Aco?

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Woops, too far left. Here's four hiding forgotten beasts, yet to be noticed by the horde... Salt, donkeys and spiders, nothing I'd wager my money on at this point...

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Ah, there's Aco, locked in battle with a fire devil. The beast is immune to fire punches, and replies by launching dust clouds around it.

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I think... stuff... is happening?

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Pieces of a fire devil are expelled from the various layers of smoke. Apparently Aco is winning. Fire devils are poorly equipped to destroy a 30 feet tall glass giant.

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The devils are immune to the fire components of the deadly dust, but the knockback is crushing them against stone pillars. Their frail, fiery body are doomed to collapse.

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If the dust simply set stuff on fire, this fight would absolutely never end. It's like watching Guild Wars PvP all over again.

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The smoke has cleared. Aco is left alone once more, the ground around it covered by living flame corpses.

***  **** *** ***  *** ***

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One level above, a giant viper wanders toward Whisperwhip. It slides around for a week or two.

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Please, mister viper, channel your predatorial instincts and attack our animals. As long as this beast is in the caverns, we must watch it. We only have one chance to take it down.

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No, no, Don't go into my obsidian generator. Bad snake, bad.

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Gwolfsky, chief of the furnace operator union, decide that now is a good time for his team to hide in the forge, smelting low-quality bolts. The lad is one of the oldest dwarves born in Whisperwhip. He was trained in furnace operation by the duchess Stukos herself.

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After a few weeks, the viper finally heads toward Whisperwhip. It bypasses the main trap. Quick, seal the tunnel!

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Instead, it runs into the so-called snake-crusher, once created when another forgotten snake made it past the bridge. It was actually the first trap built by the Wilted Sack, and was used only once. It was put back in use a few months ago, as a failsafe to the main attraction.

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Awww shit, the beast is powerful indeed! Its bite is lethal, taking down the baits before we can activate the trap. Unlike the three-levers setup of the main traps, the snake crusher only has one trigger.

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In any case, the snake trap bait got us enough time to seal the entrance of BASE1. the beast turns its attention to the main trap instead...

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Blood for the blood god, as they say.

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A single cheetah survived the trap. It is pale and probably infected. It is too late to cancel operations by the time I notice this. the dwarves are already busy cleaning up this mess. Unbeknownst to me at the time, a pet walks by the infected cheetah, bringing back a new pet plague into the fortress.

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Winter is finally upon us, and all the dwarves are busy with smelting or clean-up duties. Most of the year went by smoothly for the dwarves, away from the conflict taking place downstairs.

*** *** *** *** *** ***

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Now a great archer, fully geared in adamantine armor, Vabok trains. He remembers the deaths of his squadmates, back when Whisperwhip still had some sort of army. He knows that, in time, the fortress will strike back, and he will lead the assault. A few years ago, they were caught by surprise. Now, they know much about the demons, their strengths, patterns, and weaknesses.

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Those lesser demons are fast, very fast, and deadly. But a steady aim will take them down, Vabok knows. With each shot he takes at the Bronze Colossus, he feels more confident.

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Yet the demons are deadly in their own right. Even without trying, they have vanquished a second lake. Fire devils are the scariest of the lesser fiends because of their long-range, flaming attacks. Those will have to be dodged, or blocked.

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To complete his equipment, a moody dwarves creates a pair of adamantine grea

*Game crash*

...Of adamantine leggings. Shoot.

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it seems that Thikut, pet owner, caught the syndrome carried by the forgotten Viper after her pet came in contact with an infected cheetah. her head is now... Her head is rotten? Armok's bloody fuck that's hardcore and horrible. I guess now would be a good time to craft some soap, huh.

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Some dwarves are quite concerned about a possible outbreak. ''I came here to carry on our family's fishing business'', says TheBiggerFish, ''Not to literally rot here!''

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''I'm not that stressed out, but I wish this disease didn't kill my remaining child!'' says DDDragoni, a rather simple-minded old lady.

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Her surviving son Sarrak shares her doubts. Deep inside, he knows he'll probably die in a horrible fashion anytime soon.

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The staircase is filled with blood, including her own. TheBiggerFish freaks out. ''When did that happen? I'm so lost, this place is a mess!''

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A new announcement goes through the fortress. A forgotten beast!

''Relax, says the mayor, it's in the DOOMCAVE where there are countless demons kept away from us by a single hatch cover. Everything is fine!''

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''And this OTHER forgotten beast? The traps will take care of it, y'all.''

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''M'am the mayor, the beast is perched on top of the wall and spits on our animals
-It'll work anyway. Just lower the bridge and lure it inside, and hope our timing is good.
-What but wait...''

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''Told you''

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''See, it worked. We gotta stay on top of our game, unless we want the demons to win. They have 16 points!
-Mayor, I don't think this is a game...
-Sixteen! That's a lot of points. Anyway, I'm off to complete my project to set the whole world on fire using a poorly trained dragon, kthxbye.''

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And just like that, a new forgotten beast wanders into the DOOMCAVE. ''Ugh, another free points for the demons''

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Lomifo is ambushed by filth devils. Usually this would be over quickly, but the giant tortoise is able to withstand a few blows. It contracts a syndrome, but manages to keep fighting, where many others just died horribly within the minute.

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A few important parts are broken, and it's head is now rotten. ''Just like you, Thikut!''. The tortoise doesn't give a fuck. It wants to brawl.

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Wait a minute. It's horn is rotten? I don't even...

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Not only is Lomifo eager to keep fighting, he's actually giving chase. The filth devil decides to leg it. With it's wings. ( It has no legs. ) A strand of webbings stop the demon dead.

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The first fiend cannot dodge. Lomifo grapples the filth devil and supplexes it into bits.

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Lomifo begins to beat up on a second fiend.

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A named salt devil shows up, eager to help his friends. Finish your drink before moving on to the next sentence.

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The rotting, half-destroyed husk of a giant tortoise interrupts its current battle, and leaps backward graciously, drop-kicking the salt devil in the face. It casually returns to his waiting foe.

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Here's the sad news for Lomifo, but awesome news for everyone involved in project FLASHFIRE: The moss and fungi covering the ground are on fire, and this fire just crossed the entire DOOMCAVE. It eventually reaches the battleground where Lomifo and some filth devils are brawling.

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Lomifo's gigantic pile of webs catches fire.

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Lomifo is now a melting, rotten husk of a giant tortoise on fire. It responds by casually punching a demon in the face.

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Speaking of plagues and syndromes and surprising animals...

''We are now quite knowledgeable bugbat trainers'' announces De. ''Also most of our livestock is rotting alive, just throwing that out''.

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In any case, the beast Lomifo certainly doesn't give a fuck. To counter the fact that it was set on fire by its own webs, the tortoise decides to... spit out more webs...?

(it's not very effective)

Lomifo has fainted.

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Lomifo has been on fire for two weeks now. the filth devils are piling on top of it, scoring glancing blows over the incinerated yet still alive body of Lofimo.

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The only thing that can kill Lofimo right now is loss of blood. well, not so much ''loss'' as much as ''all of it was systematically set ablaze and evaporated'' but you get the point. In what can only be described as awesome irony, in Lomifo's final moments, an injured fiend falls from a web and dies, giving the beast the nickmake of ''Ashenburials''. It dies shortly after, amidts a field of ashes.

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It's demise occurs right below the obsidian generator. The hauling dwarves can only imagine what kind of terrifying battles occur through those obsidian walls...

Lofimo was tough, but doomed to fail. Altho it fought bravely and ...graciously...(?), its organic body was a liability. At this point, the mayor had a fairly good idea of what they really needed to defeat hell. it was time they tried something different.

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Like giant robots, of course.

*   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *

OOC notes: So, yeah. in the next chapter, the fortress becomes Pacific Rim. That won't be for a while, tho, as I have a lot of stuff to do. Various birthday parties, finishing Daredevil, running Clobbermountains into the ground... I'm also wanna start uploading piano covers to Youtube. Next update won't be for another month. The gameplay is mostly over, but These updates are quite time-consuming.

On the plus side, this thread has reached over 20 000 views! Thanks everyone, for sticking with the dwarves of Whisperwhip!
« Last Edit: March 22, 2016, 11:48:24 am by Taupe »

Cerol Lenslens

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Re: Whisperwhip: a megabeast steakhouse (Circus Edition)
« Reply #278 on: March 26, 2016, 11:15:21 am »

PTW. I've been reading this during my breaks at work for the last couple of weeks until I caught up a day or so ago. It's absolutely amazing.
"I've got a plan, hear me out on this one... I want to almost murder you."
"Boy, sure wish as Queen of the entire realm I had somebody to help me out with this. Advisor, tutor, anyone who knows what the hell they're looking at really.

Alas, the life of a Queen is a lonely one. Do the things with the whatsit."


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Re: Whisperwhip: a megabeast steakhouse (Circus Edition)
« Reply #279 on: March 31, 2016, 02:53:05 pm »

what would really help this fort is the battlefailled bone blocks mod
please dwarf me as a blue loving male dwarf
Microline for everyone!


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Re: Whisperwhip: a megabeast steakhouse (Circus Edition)
« Reply #280 on: June 03, 2016, 07:47:15 pm »

CHAPTER 94: Pacific Rim
Winter of 151
Killcount: 99 (us) 14 (them)

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Bronze collossi, of course! They are the perfect creature to take on hell. They lack any anatomy, they are made of solid metal, immune to essentially all syndromes, and they are HUGE, Y'ALL.

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A few modifications to the new tunnel will allow this new toy to be unleashed right into the DOOMCAVE, thanks to a leftover bridge that wasn't destroyed.

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''You, right there, military person!
-I'm Vabok. How can you not know who I am?
-All military is the same to me.
-We have two soldiers!
-Whatever. Just, step back from the giant robot, I need this thing in one piece.''

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''Now bring this dude to the new tunnel, so that I can wire his cage''

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the merchants figure this is probably the right time to get the fuck out of here. Through... the river? Ok, whatever guys.

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It's been a while. I have no idea why I have this picture of a Lye-maker hauling 30 z-levels while paralysed from the waist down and missing an eye. Oh well, carry on, little fella.

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''So I know a few more things about dragons now'' announces De, animal trainer. ''Like, did you know they are angry, terrifying creatures that hate us?''

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Hum, we don't need the dragon right now. what we need now are homogeneous giant monsters. Like the forgotten beast Aco over there, a glass golem. For now, it endures, facing nothing but lesser spawns.

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we can,t count on nature's worst creations to do a good job, tho. Aco is clumsy and isolated. It is time to release a totally different giant homogeneous creature:

Go... Amo!

...totally different I tell you.

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Lower the bridge!

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march forth, my greatest (borrowed) creation!

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A lesser demon is ambushed and begins the fight by... removing a toe from the colossus. What.

Turns out giant robots are actually clumsy. Dude can't score a single hit.

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Oh wow now he lost a finger. Stop failing ugggh!

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He takes out a lesser demon's leg and loses a second toe in the process.

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Finally, a kill! This salt demon is destroyed, leaving the entrance tunnel littered with piles of bronze bits and salt.

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Let us celebrate by declaring a new holiday! Collossus rampage day shall therefore be an official day off for all dwarves. Conveniently, it so happens to fall on the new year's celebration, making the logistics much easier to handle.

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Humans simply cant deal with a double-holiday. some of them proceed to go stark raving mad, or berserk. Even their horses are unable to precess this event.

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Still, some of them celebrate by rampaging and punching their horse to death. That's the spirit, kids!

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An armorer is inspired by the holiday spirit, and ventures into the forge for a special project. More adamantine gear is always welcome.

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Meanwhile, downstairs... It seems that part of the DOOMCAVE has evaporated completely. we shall rename this body of water to lake ''error 404''.

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East of lake Error 404, battle rages. A pterosaur brute is getting pummeled by the Bronze collossus Amo.

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A steam devil joins the frey, flanking the opponent. Is this the same pterosaur brute who lost its shell against a previous glass monster?

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The shell is hard to find. More demons join the frey, filling the area with smoke.

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Things are happening. bits are falling off. Stuff is potentially dying. Demons are joining the fight. slowly, the place fills up with more corpses and oversized bodyparts, and the fight withdraws into the entrance corridor.

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Some demons are mostly outmatched in this fight. The haunts of tear, for example, mostly grapple and drink blood from their victims. they are unequipped to deal with a 10 story monster made of bronze, and get mostly bullied around.

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The whole fight degenerates into a katamari machi of wrestling where about the size of a small planet made of monsters is currently rolling around in an underground complex, banging against small and exhuming about 10 different types of deadly attacks, to which everything in it is immune.

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Some lesser demons are removed from the mix (aka: killed) and the ball of doom slowly rolls toward he south. some Pterosaur brutes lead the assault, as clumsy as it may be, and they suffer some moderate injuries. They are tough, however, and will not die unless a severe, direct blow to their mysterious weak spot is delivered. No pterosaur brute has ever been killed so far. The collossus is mighty and tough, but he is dumb as shit and randomly attack whatever he sees fit, unable to deliver a killing blow to the greater devils.

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A pile of goo and ashes and flames and filth is left behind as the ball slowly ventures to the south.

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cue 300 pages of battle reports pretty much like this one...

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Reading normal reports is becoming complicated, thanks to ten thousand million things being on fire.

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Despite this clusterfuck, i'm told that Whisperwhip is now worth a whooping 50 million dorfbucks.

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Hey, I found the shell! At the very least, two Pterosaur Brutes are now missing their carapace. A filth devil has also been destroyed, and there are living flame bits all over the place.

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Life in the fortress has been forever change. For every message about production jobs we receive, there are also 50 of them regarding stuff on fire, or enraged demons. I guess its hard to tell the dwarves to ignore whats going on downstairs. If an overblown anime was taking place in your basement, you'd be gossiping about it too.

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A bit of !!!SCIENCE!! for ya: it seems that even tho demons cannot burn, nor can their remains, it is theoretically possible for parts of them to melt under extreme heat. Ladies and gentlemen, we have discovered the temperature at which demons melt.

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Amo has lost 17 toes/fingers in the process. Now it just flings big fingerless fists at peo...

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Wait no he,s actually strangling this dude what the hell what what what. How is he... He doesn't have any fingers left!?!

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Oh hey, an adamantine cap, that's cool.

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To the south, a wraith of steam has discovered the four dormant forgotten beasts. It was destroyed before it could land a significant blow. Good on you, donkeys and spiders and whatnot!

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UH, OH! The Tarentula brute finally joins with its minions... This monstruous fiend has so far kept away from any fight, and I have no idea hat it's abilities are, appart from being poisonous, terrifying, and a webber. It interrupts a week of useless strangulation. (!!SCIENCE!! fact of the week, you cant strangle devils, especially if you lack 9 of your ten fingers)

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Amo knocks the Tarentula Brute away, and proceed with its strangulation hobby. The other demons are scoring minor, glancing blows. I almost wish one of them knocked the giant away so he'd switch to a more useful attack.

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The initial panic that occured when hell was breached is definitely over for the dwarves. Many of the idlers are tired of this state of stand-by, and seek distractions. A large group of miners and haulers are dispatched to gather ores and flux stone. Gwolsfky assembles the guild of furnace operators and begins smelting. A small taskforce of masons remain on standby to refill the crushing traps.

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The tarentula brute is getting annoying. Amo the collossus let go of his ''grip'' and start shoving the beast around, shattering the chitin protecting the demon.

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A flame devil begins poking the giant, inflicting no damage whatsoever with its fiery touch. It is dispatched after a moment, cloving its burning body asunder.

I take a look at the reports by Squiddwarf. According to his bookkeeping, 46 demons have been slain so far, out of about 100. sure, most of them are lesser demons, but that's still a minor victory. Three filth devils (medium fiends) and a Tarentula Brute have recently been slain. the elusive and fierce Pterosaur brutes remain undefeated, despite some shells being removed. Those demons are truly the most terrifying of the horde.

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Amo the collossus lies upon a pile of corpses, among which a tarentula Brute carcass, shred to pieces. Apparently, the metal giant is now missing an ankle. Oups. Looks like the Tarentula brute wasnt such an easy prey after all.

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Many stronger demons are piling up, preventing the collossus from retaliating, and tearing it appart. Within moments, the beast loses two eyes, two ears, a nose, and most of its limbs. It seems that the damage caused by Amo has come to an end. No further demons will die to its hand (unless someone falls over it I guess). still, destroying this massive magical statue could take a while, as the core is solid and near-indestructible.

This gives me an idea. He may yet act as bait. If most nearby demons are busy with the remains of this statue, there could be some major things to be done by using this distraction. Reclaiming the spire, perhaps? Still, this is pretty risky. the statue could die at any moment, or some devils could disengage and seek easier preys. There is also the problem of four-snow devils occupying the center of the spire. We'd need to defeat them., and I,m not sure we can.

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I give Vabok a call, and tell him to mobilise. It is time we put his 30 million dorfbuck worth of adamantine gear to the test. it is time for Vabok to avenge his numerous fallen comrades.

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Be ready to venture downstairs, buddy. The time has come to fight back against hell, one demon at a time.

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Or in this case, two. No demons can join the frey, for the artefact hatch cover is sealed at the moment. Time to test our might....

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Ugh, goblin siege... what a terrible timing. Our entire militia of one is locked downstairs with a group of demons. It's time to test operation FLASHFIRE, I suppose.

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''Get the dragon in position!
-Ma'am, the dragon ran into the potash-making facility.
-Uggh, get it back!''

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demons of snow are fast and deadly in close combat, but they are frail, and lack a ranged attack. Vabok unleashes a few bolts and scores two kills. A good thing too, for he would have died a horrible death had they come a few tiles closer. With a friend and some good accuracy, he may be able to station at the north of the spire tunnel, and take on six snow demons before they can reach him. In order to do this, we will have to unseal the tunnel and quickly patch the hole leading to the new tunnel. failing to do this quicjkly will unleash hell into the fort. This is risky. If only one demon makes it inside, this will spell doom for Whisperwhip. Is adamantine worth it? There is little time for decisions. This option is forever gone once the decoy that is Amo the colossus dies.

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Project FLASHFIRE is a disaster. The dragon cannot shoot through two layers of fortification, and so refuses to set fire to our foes. the next, dangerous solution will be to move the dragon in front of the gate, and lower it. Hopefully he will set fire to most goblins. should he fail, he'll probably get damaged heavily and the goblins will swarm the fortress. we have one locked-away soldier to stop them, and a bunch of human guards and war animals atop the hill. Is this safe?

''Yeah, hum, we sort of lost the dragon again after we removed it from the little gatehouse''

Can you guess where the dragon went?

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Why, in the Armok-damned Quern Hall, of course. The room's legendary soothing effect on animals must have drawn the dragon there.

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The beast ignores the trainer meant to shackle it, and runs all the way to the forges. it takes about a week to drag it back to the surface, at which point it is showing signs of semi-wildness.

This whole plan is becoming rather sketchy. Many bold moves await the Citadel of Clutches, but an ill-advised decision will inevitably destroy the fortress for good.

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Retaking the spire is possible, but the death of amo, or a somewhat alert demon, or any amount of dwarven lazyness will doom us all.

Even if we succeed, our only competent soldier will have to snipe four demons of snow to secure the spire. Even if he succeeds, the bottom of the spire has not been revealed. there may be more demons in hell, waiting to spawn or swarm the fortress.

*   *   *   *   *   *

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Finally, we have a chance to destroy most goblins invaders, but a stupid move on the dragon's part, or poor timing, will lead to the slaughter of many. here's a screenshot of me attempting it, however keep in midn that I had to change the heat sink of my cpu and many crashes happened at this point. I'm honestly not sure what happens after this exact very moment, nor am I sure I want to retry it. It may be smarter to revamp project FLASHFIRE and create small guard towers where the dragon can shoot down and then be locked using bridges, without relying on fortifications.

In any case, I'm quite sorry for the lack of updates. I had a small case of ''my basement caught on fire'' and I had to repair my computer in the process, and then wait for a lot of repairs to get electricity plug. I also had a small concert to prepare for, leaving me little to no time for videogames. On the bright side, you can follow the link in my signature to find my Youtube channel, where I'll be uploading music covers periodically, if that's a thing you like.

This was a weird chapter to play and to write, but i think we probably all learned a thing or two about demons and/or megabeasts and the way they interact.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Whisperwhip: a megabeast steakhouse (Circus Edition)
« Reply #281 on: June 27, 2016, 02:45:06 am »

I was bracing myself for Whisperwhip to be dead, but nope it's still here too. I'm glad I'm not the only person to accidentally set a computer on fire, I'm assuming something like that happened?

It's interesting how DF sets up this scenario where gradually you learn that macho heroism is overrated and the only true solution is giant convoluted traps and specially made gear.

You mentioned letting the dwarfs go idle more often so they could make friends and potentially breed. One computer ago I had a go at dwarf breeding and it's quite a lengthy process. Even if you let your dwarfs all idle in your meeting hall, the odds of them actually bumping into their friends and having a conversation is pretty low. They have to be occupying the same tile. I resorted to locking my duchess into a four tile burrow with one of her friends. It took about five years but they did fall in love. No idea how long it takes to get them engaged or married.
Don't pay attention to the body piles in every fort I play, I swear I'm competent at this game.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Weasel Monarch
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Re: Whisperwhip: a megabeast steakhouse (Circus Edition)
« Reply #282 on: June 27, 2016, 09:05:16 am »

I was bracing myself for Whisperwhip to be dead, but nope it's still here too. I'm glad I'm not the only person to accidentally set a computer on fire, I'm assuming something like that happened?

It's interesting how DF sets up this scenario where gradually you learn that macho heroism is overrated and the only true solution is giant convoluted traps and specially made gear.

You mentioned letting the dwarfs go idle more often so they could make friends and potentially breed. One computer ago I had a go at dwarf breeding and it's quite a lengthy process. Even if you let your dwarfs all idle in your meeting hall, the odds of them actually bumping into their friends and having a conversation is pretty low. They have to be occupying the same tile. I resorted to locking my duchess into a four tile burrow with one of her friends. It took about five years but they did fall in love. No idea how long it takes to get them engaged or married.
Duck tape, the true matchmaker :s


  • Bay Watcher
  • Dwarven Military Master
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Re: Whisperwhip: a megabeast steakhouse (Circus Edition)
« Reply #283 on: June 27, 2016, 10:05:47 am »

I was bracing myself for Whisperwhip to be dead, but nope it's still here too. I'm glad I'm not the only person to accidentally set a computer on fire, I'm assuming something like that happened?

It's interesting how DF sets up this scenario where gradually you learn that macho heroism is overrated and the only true solution is giant convoluted traps and specially made gear.

You mentioned letting the dwarfs go idle more often so they could make friends and potentially breed. One computer ago I had a go at dwarf breeding and it's quite a lengthy process. Even if you let your dwarfs all idle in your meeting hall, the odds of them actually bumping into their friends and having a conversation is pretty low. They have to be occupying the same tile. I resorted to locking my duchess into a four tile burrow with one of her friends. It took about five years but they did fall in love. No idea how long it takes to get them engaged or married.
Duck tape, the true matchmaker :s

Best way to do it is with a pre-honeymoon chamber. Two beds, two statues, two compatible dwarfs. Worked for me. Can take up to two years to actually get a marriage but it does work.
Quote from: TheFlame52
Fucking hell man, you aren't just getting the short end of the stick, you're being beaten with it.
Quote from: NRDL
Is your plan really to flush water into hell, and have the CARP marines fight them without threat of flame or disease?  If so, you are awesome, and one of the greatest DF military visionaries I've seen yet ( not that I've seen that many, or any, for that matter )


  • Bay Watcher
  • Blatant furry. Also a hypnotist.
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Re: Whisperwhip: a megabeast steakhouse (Circus Edition)
« Reply #284 on: June 29, 2016, 06:58:10 pm »

An update?

Generic Arms Race.

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