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Author Topic: Alternative Power Sources.  (Read 10770 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Alternative Power Sources.
« Reply #90 on: August 16, 2014, 06:14:19 am »

I remember reading somewhere that although fuel used in nuclear reactors is technically plentiful (concentrated deposits), most of it is unreasonably difficult to to actually mine effectively (e.g. too spread out). I don't remember if that was actually significant enogh to effect the feasibility of nuclear power though.

On solar panels: they wear. So you have to keep manufacturing them, and someone has already linked to the byproducts that come from solar panel manufacturing.

They do have advantages though. Around here for example, the old road school zone signs have been replaced with new ones that flash when the schoo zone is in effect (because we Australians have a nation-wide fetish for anything related to road safety :P). They are powered by solar, probably because it cost less to shove a solar panel on top then to connect it to mains.
This is when I imagine the hilarity which may happen if certain things are glichy. Such as targeting your own body parts to eat.

You eat your own head


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Alternative Power Sources.
« Reply #91 on: August 16, 2014, 06:21:17 am »

And Fukushima had a 20 km exclusion one. That's about 1200 square kilometers. Large parts, about half of it, already lifted.

...and this is better than solar, why?

cancer for those people who were exposed as children

...and this is better than solar, why?

Ground water levels tritium levels peaked at 37 times the federal limit. No contamination of site. On site contamination resolved within a few weeks.

...this is better than solar, why?

If you want to say that nuclear is not as bad...if you want to say that it's only occasionally had catastrophic failures resulting in hundreds of miles of exclusions zones that only last a little while...if you want to say that only the people in the immediately vicinity of accidents acquired cancers...that only the children and elderly and people with weak immune systems have problems, ok....

...but why is that better than solar? You can whitewash and diminish the waste and the health issues and so forth all you want...but solar doesn't have these problems. Maybe nuclear meltdowns happen only rarely. Solar installations don't have meltdowns. Maybe nuclear stations don't generate all that much radioactive waste and maybe radioactive waste isn't as bad as one might think...but solar doesn't generate radioactive waste.

What reason is there to prefer nuclear?

Other than "America, Fuck yeah!" there's really only one: it's cheap. And yes, nuclear is cheaper than solar. And probably will be for at least a couple more years. Personally, I think the increase investment now is worth eliminating all those "but only a little" nuclear meltdowns and exclusion zones and wastes that you seem so eager to embrace. And eventually when solar is similarly priced to nuclear, we'll have both the low and not the "only a little" meltdowns and waste.

the storage conundrum.

There are both simple and not-simple answers to this issue.

Here's a simple one: Solar Thermal

"The principal advantage of CSP is the ability to efficiently add thermal storage, allowing the dispatching of electricity over up to a 24-hour period. Since peak electricity demand typically occurs at about 5 pm, many CSP power plants use 3 to 5 hours of thermal storage. With current technology, storage of heat is much cheaper and more efficient than storage of electricity. In this way, the CSP plant can produce electricity day and night. "

I actually live near one of these plants. There's no magic here. This technology is from the 80s.

Also remember that the grid is mixed, and power consumption at night is much reduced. Meanwhile, the wind continues to blow, water continues to flow, and geothermal sources continue to radiate heat. If you want a non-coal/non-nuclear grid, it can be done. These imagined scenarios of transoceanic cables and generating power on one side of the planet to supply power to the other side are completely unnecessary.

Besides let's make a comparison. The current Fukushima exclusion zone is 600 km², though the final exclusion area is likely to be even smaller still. It's power plant used to deliver 4.7 GW of power, at a 80% capacity factor. (Being generous here. Nuclear can go up to 95%). Assume we replace it with solar, capacity factor 20% (very generous here). We then need 18.8 GW of solar, or 17 600 000 000. Assuming a panel production of 200 Watt per square meter, that is  120,000,000,000. So, in order to get better at a land use perspective, one in ten nuclear powerplants need to blow up.

Not really sure what the point of this comparison is. Yes, centralized nuclear is more space-efficient than centralized solar, but it's also a lot easier to install solar panels on the roof of your house than it is to install nuclear there.

On aside, it's quite easy to be safer than the power source which kills million each year.

Already said I wasn't defending coal.

Still better than coal in any case.

I'm still not defending coal.

Radiation level from Nuclear waste drops very, very rapidly in the first few years.


I already cited numbers. High level wastes have half lives in the hundreds of thousands to millions of years. That means that it takes hundreds of thousands to millions of years for the rate of radiation emission to reduce to half. Then hundreds of thousands to millions of years to reduce to a quarter, etc.

50% reduction in hundreds of thousands to millions of years is not "very rapidly in the first few years"

The earth has a surface area of 510,072,000 km².  That's a rad distribution of 20 grammes of High level waste per square kilometer.

For millions of years. Radiation effects are cumulative. Yes, the actual proportion of radioactive material over volume will be relatively low, but (in this scenario we're discussing) your exposure would be constant over your entire lifetime.

Couple example:

 * Plutonium in bone has a biological half-life of about 100 years.
 * Plutonium in the liver has a biological half-life of about 40 years.

That means that once it's inside of you, it stays there for decades, continually emitting radiation during those decades. Breathe it in, drink it, eat a fish with stays inside you, destroying DNA, causing problems, and all the while continually more is being accumulated.

This is not a good scenario.

Also remember that actual distribution is unlikely to be even. There would be places of greater and lesser distribution. We're seen this in the case of nuclear accidents.

radiation limits are often an order of magnitude or more below the point where actual damage occurs.

"The risk of cancer depends on the dose and begins to build up even with very low doses. There is no "minimum threshold."

Which resulted in an exposure of 3.95 microsieverts per hour on a distance of 1 cm. Or about 35 millisievert. Still just one third of the lowest 1-year dose which can actually be proven to cause cancer and this requires you to faceplant on the groundsheet for an entire year.

Or be living there during that year. What, do you think if you live in an area contaminated with radioactive material, that you're somehow not going to be receiving radiation during the entire time up until you measure it? Do you think that after the one year all the material will simply vanish and you'll no longer be exposed?

one third of the lowest 1-year dose

...and rather than one year, or even for three'll be exposed at these rates for potentially your entire lifetime. And, as pointed out in the "throw it into the sun" scenario, also eating and breathing the material and receiving yet more radiation for decades after you decide to leave the affected area.

Do you see why this is a problem?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Alternative Power Sources.
« Reply #92 on: August 16, 2014, 06:50:03 am »

Why the obsession with "Big Solar Plants"? The beauty of solar panels (and wind turbines, but
less so) is that they are great for distributed microgeneration

I think it's just cost efficiency. I'm inclined to agree that small, local solar has a lot of advantages. I think it's just relatively expensive. Like you say, give it time.

I do consider the fact that you will need to move power from on side of the globe to the other an awkward production bottleneck.

...that was a bizarre proposition, and in case you missed it in the wall of text earlier, it kind of looks like that whole idea was a misunderstanding by Gavj of something that mainiac said. I don't think anyone was seriously suggesting it.

I remember reading somewhere that although fuel used in nuclear reactors is technically plentiful (concentrated deposits), most of it is unreasonably difficult to to actually mine effectively

Not a fan of nuclear, but from I've read I think that's not really a problem.

On solar panels: they wear. So you have to keep manufacturing them

Yes, 20-30 years. But nuclear plants are typically  decommissioned after 40-60 years at an average cost of of $325 million per reactor in the US, and $1 billion per reactor in europe. Note that plants routinely have multiple reactors. The nuclear plant near where I live has three. Also, the decommissioning process takes decades.

And that's when everything goes well. Estimated cost for Fukushima's decommissioning is $100 billion over 40 years

Maggarg - Eater of chicke

  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Alternative Power Sources.
« Reply #93 on: August 16, 2014, 07:04:04 am »

Quote from: me on another forum
Before I start talking, I'm entirely pro-renewable energy. I think we should have an as diverse as possible portfolio of energy generation on this planet - it's silly to depend on one thing or another too much (at least until we find that science-fiction realm of unlimited, reliable clean energy)

That is part of the reason why I'm pro-nuclear power, Disregarding the research possibilities for now, there is an awful lot to be said about the potential of the old atom. I'm happy to admit that nuclear power is potentially very hazardous and requires careful handling, because I think that it is probably worth using it in the end.

A lot of the problems with nuclear fission, as usual, stem from the way it is applied in the society of today. Firstly, the fissile material itself. We currently use uranium. That's silly, because it's less safe and less abundant than other elements we could use (Thorium, for example - more on that later.) Why do we use it then? Because it's easy to turn into bombs :/ We can build safer reactors than we could even twenty years ago, but the problem still remains that reacting with uranium produces more and longer-lived waste than other methods, and is also more dangerous thanks to the reaction running pretty damn hot.

And now, on to Thorium. We're still within the realms of fission here, but it's a much better realm. Research into thorium-based reactors is finally beginning again after what essentially amounted to a moratorium on the subject in the 50's thru-90's. The advantages of using thorium are as follows:

- The waste produced from using thorium lasts for high tens/low hundreds, rather than mid-high thousands of years
-Roughly half the volume of waste would be produced anyway, and it's less dangerous than the isotopes produced by the uranium reaction, and easier to store.
- it's actually a lot more efficient than the equivalent weight of uranium
-it's less costly and much more common

There are disadvantages too - mostly because of the lack of research imo - like it taking longer to breed suitable isotopes for reaction and the lack of infrastructure currently. But it beats uranium and it's very hard to make weapons out of.

There's nuclear fusion too, but we're a good while off cracking that one at the moment (tho the ITER project is looking promising) so that's really one for the future.

Here are my sources about the thorium bit, anyway
- A document about the challenges and benefits of using thorium from the IAEA (pretty technical but interesting) -

- And article from Wired magazine -

This is a post I made over a year ago and have recycled a few times but the information is reasonably accurate. As it happens I don't think nuclear power should be considered an option as long as capitalism persists because frankly we can't even trust our food and water half the time these days and no scheme is going to be run to be equitable, safe and transparent as long as profit is the primary motive but still, these are my thoughts. As I say in this post I am 100% for mixed power generation (excluding fossil fuels if at all possible) and my vision of a nuclear future does not exclude renewables and vice versa.

The nuclear disasters of the 20th (and now 21st) century were not primarily caused by the great hazards of using nuclear power - there are numerous plants that have run safely for decades, many working fine with severely out-dated equipment. The issue is and has always been the attempt to weaponise or profit from a technology that requires constant care and vigilance and no compromise on safety. In many of the most serious disasters, corners were cut - on construction, safety, maintenance, staff training etcetera - all for someone somewhere's margins.

To be honest, new models of power generation and supply alone are not enough (although I realise that's the sole scope of the thread so i'll keep it short) there are myriad issues with the way we use this energy that must be solved (the DHNs re-using waste heat from factories and offices are a good example of more sensible energy use) and we really must consider the way society as a whole operates, something I think we can safely say stretches the seams of the thread but oh well.
...I keep searching for my family's raw files, for modding them.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Alternative Power Sources.
« Reply #94 on: August 16, 2014, 08:11:10 am »

And Fukushima had a 20 km exclusion one. That's about 1200 square kilometers. Large parts, about half of it, already lifted.
...and this is better than solar, why?
Because solar isn't an alternative at the moment. What is build in Europe, and what is projected to be build in Germany, is biomass. An energy source, which in certain situations, is worse than coal.

cancer for those people who were exposed as children
...and this is better than solar, why?
Because if it were solar, those children would not have existed, as their parents would have dropped of a roof installing solar panels, or died due toxic solar thingies.

Solar is deadlier than nuclear, after all.

Ground water levels tritium levels peaked at 37 times the federal limit. No contamination of site. On site contamination resolved within a few weeks.
...this is better than solar, why?
Compare and contrast the poisonous chemicals released if a house with solar power on it burns down. On a per kwh basis, that is going to be having a higher effect on the environement than these tritium emmissions.

If you want to say that nuclear is not as bad...if you want to say that it's only occasionally had catastrophic failures resulting in hundreds of miles of exclusions zones that only last a little while...if you want to say that only the people in the immediately vicinity of accidents acquired cancers...that only the children and elderly and people with weak immune systems have problems, ok....
No what I wanted to show is that you're deliberately misrepresenting facts. Making it seem like there are dramatic cancer increases over large swathes of the population, while it is only a small increase of a small part of an even smaller part of an already small affected community.

Let's go back to the original statement for the moment.

Quote from: This is what you said
"A 2013 WHO report predicts that for populations living in the most affected areas there is a 70% higher risk of developing thyroid cancer"

Quote from: This is what they actually said
But experts said the overall risk was small. The radiation exposure means about 1.25 out of every 100 girls in the area* could develop thyroid cancer over their lifetime, instead of the natural rate of about 0.75 percent.
*A few villages, FYI.

...but why is that better than solar? You can whitewash and diminish the waste and the health issues and so forth all you want...but solar doesn't have these problems. Maybe nuclear meltdowns happen only rarely. Solar installations don't have meltdowns. Maybe nuclear stations don't generate all that much radioactive waste and maybe radioactive waste isn't as bad as one might think...but solar doesn't generate radioactive waste.
However, solar does cause deaths, and it does create toxic wastes. An on a per kwh basis, the damage from solar is bigger than that of nuclear. Solar emits more Co²causes more deaths, and does not bring a usefull contribution to the grid.   

What reason is there to prefer nuclear?

Other than "America, Fuck yeah!" there's really only one: it's cheap. And yes, nuclear is cheaper than solar. And probably will be for at least a couple more years. Personally, I think the increase investment now is worth eliminating all those "but only a little" nuclear meltdowns and exclusion zones and wastes that you seem so eager to embrace. And eventually when solar is similarly priced to nuclear, we'll have both the low and not the "only a little" meltdowns and waste.
New nuclear technologies are in place, and could be deployed to eliminate waste, meltdowns and other systems. And these aren't fantasies like assuming solar will drop again, by one third. Those are reactor designs that can, and are, build right now. That could be deployed within a decade, unless your solar strategy, which is waiting and seeing what happens next decade.

the storage conundrum.

Here's a simple one: Solar Thermal

"The principal advantage of CSP is the ability to efficiently add thermal storage, allowing the dispatching of electricity over up to a 24-hour period. Since peak electricity demand typically occurs at about 5 pm, many CSP power plants use 3 to 5 hours of thermal storage. With current technology, storage of heat is much cheaper and more efficient than storage of electricity. In this way, the CSP plant can produce electricity day and night. "

I actually live near one of these plants. There's no magic here. This technology is from the 80s.
Ah, CSP. Also, the link for that quote is dead. As far as I know, most CSP does not have storage ((the link is dead)).

Capacity : 50 MW
Cost: 300 million

I doubt you can find me any example of a CSP with storage (the link is dead) which cost less than 10 000 $ per kilowatt in capital costs.

Also remember that the grid is mixed, and power consumption at night is much reduced. Meanwhile, the wind continues to blow, water continues to flow, and geothermal sources continue to radiate heat. If you want a non-coal/non-nuclear grid, it can be done. These imagined scenarios of transoceanic cables and generating power on one side of the planet to supply power to the other side are completely unnecessary.
Non coal/non nuclear isn't what we're going for though. It's non-coal, non-gas, non-oil grid. Hydro might help, but wind is to unstable to be of much use. Geothermal likely to limited.

On aside, it's quite easy to be safer than the power source which kills million each year.
Already said I wasn't defending coal.
They said the same thing in the 1990's. You say you're not defending coal, but in the absence of alternatives, that is what happens.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Radiation level from Nuclear waste drops very, very rapidly in the first few years.

I already cited numbers. High level wastes have half lives in the hundreds of thousands to millions of years. That means that it takes hundreds of thousands to millions of years for the amount of radiation to reduce to half. Then hundreds of thousands to millions of years to reduce to a quarter, etc.

50% reduction in hundreds of thousands to millions of years is not "very rapidly in the first few years"
Yes, but those matters with half life's of millions upon millions of years are not the thing that makes nuclear waste radioactive, nor particularly dangerous. See, radioactivity is released when an atom decays. If you have substance with a long half life, it decays slowly, and is thus not all that radioactive. Actides and other material are what makes it more dangerous, and those decay relatively fast.

Spoiler: Image (click to show/hide)

The earth has a surface area of 510,072,000 km².  That's a rad distribution of 20 grammes of High level waste per square kilometer.
For millions of years. Radiation effects are cumulative. Yes, the actual proportion of radioactive material over volume will be relatively low, but (in this scenario we're discussing) your exposure would be constant over your entire lifetime.
Let's go into this a bit more details. HLW has several billion Becquerel of activity per cubic centimeter. As an interesting matter, 1 cubic centimeter of Uranium happens to weight about 20 grammes. (gross estimate here). Spreading 10 billion becquerel out over 1 square km means 10 000 Becquerel of radioactive material per square meter. Still within legal limits.

Then again, launching things into space was a silly suggestion.

radiation limits are often an order of magnitude or more below the point where actual damage occurs.

"The risk of cancer depends on the dose and begins to build up even with very low doses. There is no "minimum threshold."
What a surprise, the official government document confirms the government regulation.

There is no scientific evidence whatsoever than a dose under 100 mSv can do damage.

Which resulted in an exposure of 3.95 microsieverts per hour on a distance of 1 cm. Or about 35 millisievert. Still just one third of the lowest 1-year dose which can actually be proven to cause cancer and this requires you to faceplant on the groundsheet for an entire year.
Or be living there during that year. What, do you think if you live in an area contaminated with radioactive material, that you're somehow not going to be receiving radiation during the entire time up until you measure it? Do you think that after the one year all the material will simply vanish and you'll no longer be exposed?
There was a local hotspot on the ground. Not an entire area blanketed in uniform radiation. The groundmat was cleared and then it was gone.

one third of the lowest 1-year dose
...and rather than one year, or even for three'll be exposed at these rates for potentially your entire lifetime. And, as pointed out in the "throw it into the sun" scenario, also eating and breathing the material and receiving yet more radiation for decades after you decide to leave the affected area.

Do you see why this is a problem?
I see that you do not understand the notion of a one year dose.

See, the one year dose is the dose you can receive each year, for your entire lifetime, without measurable harmful effects. ((provided said dose is spread out, obviously. Receiving your entire yearly dose in one go is problematic.)).

I do consider the fact that you will need to move power from on side of the globe to the other an awkward production bottleneck.
...that was a bizarre proposition, and in case you missed it in the wall of text earlier, it kind of looks like that whole idea was a misunderstanding by Gavj of something that mainiac said. I don't think anyone was seriously suggesting it.
I even bolded the relevant part in his statement.

You can not say, at the same time, that solar will reduce the need for a central grid, and that solar's unproductiveness at night is irrelevant because the sun is always shining somewhere on the planet. It's one or the other.

On solar panels: they wear. So you have to keep manufacturing them
Yes, 20-30 years. But nuclear plants are typically  decommissioned after 40-60 years at an average cost of of $325 million per reactor in the US, and $1 billion per reactor in europe. Note that plants routinely have multiple reactors. The nuclear plant near where I live has three. Also, the decommissioning process takes decades.
40-60 years for the current generation of reactors. Keep in mind, those where designed with an initial lifetime expectancy of 30-40 years.  Next generation reactors (ie, those being build now) have a design lifetime of 60 years, so we might be saying 80-100 years if they're modernized.

Besides, decommissioning cost is included in the price, a bit irrelevant really. (Same for solar, also included in price calculations).

And that's when everything goes well. Estimated cost for Fukushima's decommissioning is $100 billion over 40 years
Also included in the price.

A lot of the problems with nuclear fission, as usual, stem from the way it is applied in the society of today. Firstly, the fissile material itself. We currently use uranium. That's silly, because it's less safe and less abundant than other elements we could use (Thorium, for example - more on that later.) Why do we use it then? Because it's easy to turn into bombs :/ We can build safer reactors than we could even twenty years ago, but the problem still remains that reacting with uranium produces more and longer-lived waste than other methods, and is also more dangerous thanks to the reaction running pretty damn hot.
No power reactor has ever been used to produce weaponsgrade material. The reason that we preferred using Uranium above Thorium is that it's a much easier technology. See, there are two types of materials used as fuel for a nuclear reactor. Fissile materials, such as U-235, and fertile material, such as thorium.

Now, in order to use fertile material as fuel you need a breeder reactor. This is an important bit of information, as breeders have various other advantages.

- The waste produced from using thorium lasts for high tens/low hundreds, rather than mid-high thousands of years
Not an advantage of thorium, but an advantage of Fast Neutron breeder technology.

-Roughly half the volume of waste would be produced anyway, and it's less dangerous than the isotopes produced by the uranium reaction, and easier to store.
Not an advantage of thorium, but an advantage of Fast Neutron breeder technology.

- it's actually a lot more efficient than the equivalent weight of uranium
Actual advantage, but irrelevant due to Fast Neutron breeder technology.

-it's less costly and much more common
Actual advantage, but irrelevant due to Fast Neutron breeder technology. Also irrelevant without FNBR tech. Fuel costs are not a major cost in Nuclear power cost.

This is a post I made over a year ago and have recycled a few times but the information is reasonably accurate. As it happens I don't think nuclear power should be considered an option as long as capitalism persists because frankly we can't even trust our food and water half the time these days and no scheme is going to be run to be equitable, safe and transparent as long as profit is the primary motive but still, these are my thoughts. As I say in this post I am 100% for mixed power generation (excluding fossil fuels if at all possible) and my vision of a nuclear future does not exclude renewables and vice versa.

I must note that Communism doesn't have a much better track record when it comes to nuclear power.
« Last Edit: August 17, 2014, 02:14:44 am by 10ebbor10 »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Alternative Power Sources.
« Reply #95 on: August 16, 2014, 09:05:49 am »

Studying 586 recently shot wild boar, the German food safety authority published it's findings today: Almost 10% of wild boars shot in Germany are still too radioactive to be allowed for human consumption. This is 28 years after the Chernobyl incident. o_0
Friendly and polite reminder for optimists: Hope is a finite resource

We can ­disagree and still love each other, ­unless your disagreement is rooted in my oppression and denial of my humanity and right to exist - James Baldwin


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Alternative Power Sources.
« Reply #96 on: August 16, 2014, 09:11:00 am »

The people going on about how fusion is in the distant realms of the far future...

Not really. We managed to get more energy out than put in about a year and a half ago. Not much, obviously, but if anything, that proves that, in all likelihood, it's going to be viable in the NEAR future.
No, not really. The managed to create a situation, where they theoretically could have extracted more energy from fuel than they put in, if you were to ignore the fact that their laser isn't 100% efficient, and that not all energy emitted by the laser is delivered to the target.

Studying 586 recently shot wild boar, the German food safety authority published it's findings today: Almost 10% of wild boars shot in Germany are still too radioactive to be allowed for human consumption. This is 28 years after the Chernobyl incident. o_0

Their Cesium limit is 600 Becquerel per kg. As the article states, in case of sporadic consumption this unlikely to have any health effects.

After all, having the wild boars tested is not mandatory.

On a side note, it's quite logical that Boars have higher Cesium levels. The radiological emissions from Chernobyl ended up in the soil, and have a tendency to accumulate in muchrooms.
« Last Edit: August 16, 2014, 09:13:16 am by 10ebbor10 »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Alternative Power Sources.
« Reply #97 on: August 16, 2014, 09:15:08 am »

The BBC understood nothing wrong.

Quote from: THE ARTICLE
The BBC understands that during an experiment in late September, the amount of energy released through the fusion reaction exceeded the amount of energy being absorbed by the fuel - the first time this had been achieved at any fusion facility in the world.
Ie, as I said, the inefficiency from the laser and the problem of absorption are not included.
« Last Edit: August 16, 2014, 09:17:25 am by 10ebbor10 »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Alternative Power Sources.
« Reply #98 on: August 16, 2014, 09:57:24 am »

I was bored and translated the article I linked from the German newspaper:

Spoiler (click to show/hide)
« Last Edit: August 16, 2014, 10:05:04 am by martinuzz »
Friendly and polite reminder for optimists: Hope is a finite resource

We can ­disagree and still love each other, ­unless your disagreement is rooted in my oppression and denial of my humanity and right to exist - James Baldwin


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Alternative Power Sources.
« Reply #99 on: August 16, 2014, 10:11:12 am »

Aha, so there's a sample bias as well. I mean, it seems quite likely that those points of Interest will be near the heaviest contaminated areas.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Alternative Power Sources.
« Reply #100 on: August 16, 2014, 05:28:15 pm »

Because if it were solar, those children would not have existed, as their parents would have dropped of a roof installing solar panels, or died due toxic solar thingies.

I'll assume you're being silly for comedy rather than take it at face value.

you're deliberately misrepresenting facts
Quote from: This is what you said
"A 2013 WHO report predicts that for populations living in the most affected areas there is a 70% higher risk of developing thyroid cancer"

Quote from: This is what they actually said
But experts said the overall risk was small. The radiation exposure means about 1.25 out of every 100 girls in the area* could develop thyroid cancer over their lifetime, instead of the natural rate of about 0.75 percent.

A 70% increase of .75% is 1.275%. They actually rounded down.

75 * 1.7 = 127.5.

Anyway, if you want health risk links to nuclear, it's not like we even have to look at accidents. I don't know why you're even trying to argue this.


I doubt you can find me any example of a CSP with storage (the link is dead) which cost less than 10 000 $ per kilowatt in capital costs.

That's a strangely specific request. You want concentrated solar not photovoltaic, with thermal storage, you want numbers that only include upfront capital costs and ignore operating costs over time...and you want under under $10k per installed kilowatt.

Ok, there aren't many, but here's one from the same source as your example:

$2 billion for 250.0 MW = $8000/kw

Also, there are more speculative solutions. Talk of incorporating electric car batteries into the grid, for example. But that's fairly theoretical at this point.

As far as I know, most CSP does not have storage

Most don't. It hasn't really caught on yet. But thermal storage is not hugely expensive compared to the facilities themselves. For example, from the wikipedia page for the station you linked:

"Thermal energy storage costs roughly US$50 per kWh of capacity"

Then again, launching things into space was a silly suggestion.

Yeah...quick google search suggests that even people who support nuclear generally agree it's not practical. We can probably drop it.

I even bolded the relevant part in his statement.

You can not say, at the same time, that solar will reduce the need for a central grid, and that solar's unproductiveness at night is irrelevant because the sun is always shining somewhere on the planet. It's one or the other.

...ok, that was Monkeyhead, apparently. Not my problem. Wasn't me. I agree it's not realistic. I haven't really commented much on the grid issues. We can explore that if you really want, but I'm not sure why it's even an issue. Smart grids are probably a good idea regardless of where our electricity is coming from. And while load balancing is moreof an issue for fluctuating supply sources, it's not a huge issue.

New nuclear technologies are in place, and could be deployed to eliminate waste, meltdowns and other systems.

Ok, but "new nuclear" is also more expensive than the 70s-80s plants often cited when discussing costs. If you want to look at current costs to build new nuclear plants:

"Companies that are planning new nuclear units are currently indicating that the total costs (including escalation and financing costs) will be in the range of $5,500/kW to $8,100/kW or between $6 billion and $9 billion for each 1,100 MW plant. "

...huh. I'd actually been operating under the assumption that nuclear was cheaper, but the Solana solar plant mentioned above is within that same cost/kw range. This might be why solar is supposed to become cheaper in ~5-6 years. That's probably a complete death knell for nuclear. As I understand it, nuclear takes a long time to pay for itself before it becomes cheap over time. Nobody's going to want to risk huge upfront investments that take long to pay off when every indication is that solar will be cheaper soon.


"Nuclear power is no longer an economically viable source of new energy in the United States, the freshly-retired CEO of Exelon, America’s largest producer of nuclear power"

"Analysts at the investment research firm Morningstar, Inc. concluded that nuclear power was not a viable source of new power in the West"


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Alternative Power Sources.
« Reply #101 on: August 16, 2014, 06:55:28 pm »

Nuclear as a power grid supplier of the future? Probably not IMO (though we might run some of the newer reactors just to burn up old spent fuel with reprocessing). We are much more likely to get better at incorporating various smaller generation systems (such as rooftop solar panels) into the grid and using those.

However the spot where nuclear power really shines is in the energy density department, which makes it ideal for various vehicles (though safety/containment is still a concern there). For example the ability to haul up a single gram of uranium vs. 568 kilograms of liquid hydrogen would be an immense step forwards in rocket propulsion systems. If we are able to create a safer, more reliable way of getting to space (such as a space elevator), then the ability to take a few kg of uranium instead of thousands of kg of another fuel could open the way for longer trips in space without needing to worry about refueling.

Another aspect is that nuclear reactors can be made fairly small. IIRC one current area of development is in the design of a low-maintenance, portable nuclear reactor, with the intent of being able to just fly it in on a plane and drop it in either a 3rd world or disaster area to provide a stable power supply.

After all, the amount of radiation the average person receives from nuclear plants the world over is lower than the amount you get from living in areas with high percentage of gasses like radon coming from the rocks, or less than medical X-rays.
Going by this chart the dose you get from living within 50 miles of a nuclear power plant for 1 year is approximately:
  • 90% that of eating a single banana
  • 30% that of living within 50 miles of a coal plant
  • 9% that you receive from background radiation daily
  • 1.3% that you receive from living in a concrete, brick, or stone house for a year
Even considering disasters the dose received each day at the Fukushima town hall following the accident daily was only about 6x higher than that received from a day in an area with higher than normal background radiation (such as the Colorado plateau), and it was still only 2.6% of the lowest dose clearly linked to increased cancer risk (7.14 µS per day vs. 274 µS per day).
Quote from: PTTG
It would be brutally difficult and probably won't work. In other words, it's absolutely dwarven!
Cataclysm: Dark Days Ahead - A fun zombie survival rougelike that I'm dev-ing for.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Alternative Power Sources.
« Reply #102 on: August 16, 2014, 09:02:57 pm »

LB, it seems to be a case of lies, damned lies and statistics. A giant percentage increase of a tiny number means it's still tiny.

Depends. A 70% increase of .75% is only 1.25%, yes. But if that's a percentage of a million people, that's ~5000 people getting thyroid cancer.

Is that still insignificant?

Going by this chart the dose you get from living within 50 miles of a nuclear power plant for 1 year is approximately:

Well, clearly real life people actually getting cancer around nuclear plants are all delusional and they just need to read more XKCD comics and they'll feel better.

Even considering disasters the dose received each day at the Fukushima town hall following the accident daily was only about 6x higher than that received from a day in an area with higher than normal background radiation (such as the Colorado plateau), and it was still only 2.6% of the lowest dose clearly linked to increased cancer risk (7.14 µS per day vs. 274 µS per day

I think you mean m sieverts not µ sieverts, but would you cite your sources? Also...the specification of dose per time is a little odd, given that I think all numbers on that front I've seen have specified actual dosage, not rate of dose being received.

For example:

"The most widely accepted model posits that the incidence of cancers due to ionizing radiation increases linearly with effective radiation dose at a rate of 5.5% per sievert."

Whereas you appear to be claiming 274 µS ...which is only .000274 sieverts...per day...has been positively correlated to cancer risk.

I assume there's just a typo, an incorrect conversion or something similar going on here. Would you cite your sources? If you're getting it from XKCD, I note that the comment at the bottom saying there might be errors. Factors of a thousand are fairly significant errors.

Going by this chart the dose you get from living within 50 miles of a nuclear power plant for 1 year is approximately:
90% that of eating a single banana

Again, I think there are some unit conversion errors going on here.

"about 0.1 μSv"

So, .0000001 sieverts from eating a banana

"Average annual human exposure to ionizing radiation in millisieverts (mSv)"
USA: 3.10"

So .0031 sieverts from one year of average background radiation in the US. If living 50 miles from a nuclear plant for one is 90% of a banana...that works out to mean that average background radiation in the US is over thirty four thousand times higher than it is 50 miles from your nuclear plant.

Somebody is doing their math wrong.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Alternative Power Sources.
« Reply #103 on: August 16, 2014, 09:15:14 pm »

Are you doing absolute risk or relative risk, Lord Bucket?
Doesn't like running from bears = clearly isn't an Eastern European
I'm Making a Mush! Navitas: City Limits ~ Inspired by Dresden Files and SCP.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Alternative Power Sources.
« Reply #104 on: August 17, 2014, 02:54:06 am »

Because if it were solar, those children would not have existed, as their parents would have dropped of a roof installing solar panels, or died due toxic solar thingies.
I'll assume you're being silly for comedy rather than take it at face value.
Not quite actually. Solar kills more people than nuclear power. They just don't happen to all die in one place, and thus don't get media attention.

It's the same thing that happens with driving a car and flying in a plane. Planes are several times safer, but you'll find many more people who're afraid of planes, than people who're afraid of cars. Just because one thing is reported by the media, and the other isn't.

you're deliberately misrepresenting facts
Quote from: This is what you said
"A 2013 WHO report predicts that for populations living in the most affected areas there is a 70% higher risk of developing thyroid cancer"

Quote from: This is what they actually said
But experts said the overall risk was small. The radiation exposure means about 1.25 out of every 100 girls in the area* could develop thyroid cancer over their lifetime, instead of the natural rate of about 0.75 percent.

A 70% increase of .75% is 1.275%. They actually rounded down.

75 * 1.7 = 127.5.

Anyway, if you want health risk links to nuclear, it's not like we even have to look at accidents. I don't know why you're even trying to argue this.

No, what you were deliberately misrepresenting is that according your statement, an entire population suffered from it, while according to the study it's just a small part of a risk group, and in actual numbers not even such a big decrease.

Report released by Joseph Mangano, and who is often severly criticized for being inaccurate, and at points fallacious.  Cherry picking data, and stuff like that. It doesn't help that the anti-nuclear non profit he operates has him as being the only paid employee, receiving 80% of the groups earnings.

First of, this is the daily mail.

Secondly, this is a study by Chris Busby. A man who tried to sell an "anti-radiation" pill to worried Japanese (which he admitted, doesn't work), tried to rewrite radiological theory, and maintains that the Japanese government is deliberately spreading radiation around Japan, in order to hide a cancer cluster occurring around Fukushima.[
Another Study by Joseph Mangano.


In general, no excess risk has been evidenced by the multisite studies although persistent localized excesses of childhood acute leukemia (AL) have been reported around a few specific sites

Just an opinion piece, and you posted most of the studies there.

That's a strangely specific request. You want concentrated solar not photovoltaic, with thermal storage, you want numbers that only include upfront capital costs and ignore operating costs over time...and you want under under $10k per installed kilowatt.

Ok, there aren't many, but here's one from the same source as your example:

$2 billion for 250.0 MW = $8000/kw
That one wasn't there last time I checked. But still the point I was making was that solar thermal is rather expensive.

As far as I know, most CSP does not have storage
Most don't. It hasn't really caught on yet. But thermal storage is not hugely expensive compared to the facilities themselves. For example, from the wikipedia page for the station you linked:

"Thermal energy storage costs roughly US$50 per kWh of capacity"
The cost increases however because you need to expand the plant to generate more heat.

But cheaper than last time I looked.

New nuclear technologies are in place, and could be deployed to eliminate waste, meltdowns and other systems.
Ok, but "new nuclear" is also more expensive than the 70s-80s plants often cited when discussing costs. If you want to look at current costs to build new nuclear plants:

"Companies that are planning new nuclear units are currently indicating that the total costs (including escalation and financing costs) will be in the range of $5,500/kW to $8,100/kW or between $6 billion and $9 billion for each 1,100 MW plant. "

...huh. I'd actually been operating under the assumption that nuclear was cheaper, but the Solana solar plant mentioned above is within that same cost/kw range. This might be why solar is supposed to become cheaper in ~5-6 years. That's probably a complete death knell for nuclear. As I understand it, nuclear takes a long time to pay for itself before it becomes cheap over time. Nobody's going to want to risk huge upfront investments that take long to pay off when every indication is that solar will be cheaper soon.
Even with storage, those solar plants have a lower capacity factor and short lifetime. Besides, the comparison isn't correct.You're comparing the raw capital costs of a solar plant, with the total escalation and financial costs of Nuclear. If you're comparing, you should be comparing capital versus capital costs.


Nuclear :  1600 / 4300 / 6400
CSP      :  3700 / 5100 / 11000
Solar PV –Rooftop- : 2200 / 4400 / 5300
Solar PV – utility- :  1700 / 3200 / 4300


"Nuclear power is no longer an economically viable source of new energy in the United States, the freshly-retired CEO of Exelon, America’s largest producer of nuclear power"

"Analysts at the investment research firm Morningstar, Inc. concluded that nuclear power was not a viable source of new power in the West"

Yet they're still building them. And without massive subsidies.

Another aspect is that nuclear reactors can be made fairly small. IIRC one current area of development is in the design of a low-maintenance, portable nuclear reactor, with the intent of being able to just fly it in on a plane and drop it in either a 3rd world or disaster area to provide a stable power supply.
While the Small Modular Reactor is a thing that is being developed, it's still a 300 ton piece of equipment. A portable Nuclear reactor is not on the design table anywhere. For one, in order get that kind of energy density you would need to forgo radiation shielding, and use weapons grade material.

Sure you're not confusing it with an RTG.

LB, it seems to be a case of lies, damned lies and statistics. A giant percentage increase of a tiny number means it's still tiny.
Depends. A 70% increase of .75% is only 1.25%, yes. But if that's a percentage of a million people, that's ~5000 people getting thyroid cancer.

Is that still insignificant?
Exhibit A: Deliberately misrepresenting facts.

There are no million people affected. It's a risk increase solely small girls living in a select few villages in Fukushima. I'd be surprised if it were more than a few thousand people.

And since everyone even remotely near the accident is getting screened, and thyroid cancer has 100% recovery rate if found in the early stages, that is 0 excess deaths.

Well, clearly real life people actually getting cancer around nuclear plants are all delusional and they just need to read more XKCD comics and they'll feel better.
Or you know, people need to get called out on their scaremongering pseudoscience for profit motivations.

Even considering disasters the dose received each day at the Fukushima town hall following the accident daily was only about 6x higher than that received from a day in an area with higher than normal background radiation (such as the Colorado plateau), and it was still only 2.6% of the lowest dose clearly linked to increased cancer risk (7.14 µS per day vs. 274 µS per day
I think you mean m sieverts not µ sieverts, but would you cite your sources? Also...the specification of dose per time is a little odd, given that I think all numbers on that front I've seen have specified actual dosage, not rate of dose being received.
According to the LNT, you can just stack dosage rates. For low dosages however, the LNT might be inaccurate, but it's very hard to prove.

Going by this chart the dose you get from living within 50 miles of a nuclear power plant for 1 year is approximately:
90% that of eating a single banana
Again, I think there are some unit conversion errors going on here.

"about 0.1 μSv"

So, .0000001 sieverts from eating a banana

"Average annual human exposure to ionizing radiation in millisieverts (mSv)"
USA: 3.10"

So .0031 sieverts from one year of average background radiation in the US. If living 50 miles from a nuclear plant for one is 90% of a banana...that works out to mean that average background radiation in the US is over thirty four thousand times higher than it is 50 miles from your nuclear plant.

Somebody is doing their math wrong.
Or maybe that is just the reality. Nuclear power plants really don't release that much radiation.
« Last Edit: August 17, 2014, 05:42:00 am by 10ebbor10 »
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