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Author Topic: Dathateyo: 'The Ageless World' (0.40.16 Succession Game) - More Players Welcome!  (Read 46593 times)


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Re: Dathateyo: 'The Ageless World' (0.40.16 Succession Game) - Still Going Strong
« Reply #285 on: November 27, 2014, 01:21:41 pm »

Shame to see no-one else was amused by my rantings or perhaps people in this fort are even more busy than i first guessed. The dwarf i have taken over, is very unamused at his current predicament, rather than me myself being confused. Although there are a few things i don't understand in the fort but trial and error will be more amusing than asking.

Will play a season then put an update, then do the other updates when i get enough piccies/amusing stories.

One last question. Am i allowed to make a military as i please?
Seeing there is very little in post #1 on this, it appears i should do what i think best whilst adding some interesting events.
« Last Edit: November 27, 2014, 02:25:57 pm by Bigheaded »
Dear Urist McStockpileDrone
I just found a barrel which contained a wheelbarrow. Inside the wheelbarrow was another barrel. I don't even understand how that is possible.


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Re: Dathateyo: 'The Ageless World' (0.40.16 Succession Game) - Still Going Strong
« Reply #286 on: November 28, 2014, 08:18:01 pm »

Good lords.

I shall briefly explain the current situation of the fort:
1. No military whatsoever, excluding 3 marksdwarves.
2. A bridge set to block off the caverns, i'm beginning to see why.
3. In the caverns, a forgotten beast has managed to get its way inside and is currently occupying the hospital
4. Lots of injured/dying EVERYTHING...
5. Ghosts Roaming everywhere causing havoc
6. Stuff littering the caverns which the dwarves have decided it's of utmost importance to move.

7. No Booze!

The current skill set of the fort:
2 masons, 2 engravers, 10 children, 4 medics (surely 1 is usually enough? possibly 2?), 20 miners (from the doctors project i presume) and a few of various crafters and metalworkers. Apparently we have no cook.

Does this fort actually defend itself by simply making it completely and utterly inaccessible to anything? With a few marksdwarves to pelt arrows to discourage goblins from deconstructing something?
Rather disappointed in the fact you have a volcano but no "DESTROY THE WORLD DEVICE" (i.e flood lava from volcano to outside). I'm rather tempted to make one but have only ever done one before.

Not sure my current method of resolving all 7 problems. No 3 is especially a nuisance at the moment, the only thing i can really do is equip the miners with some metal armor and send a mad zerg rush on it, which i believe is similar to what the good doctor did before after seeing it's injuries and the injuries of everything else in the fort.
I'm sure i'll think of something.
Dear Urist McStockpileDrone
I just found a barrel which contained a wheelbarrow. Inside the wheelbarrow was another barrel. I don't even understand how that is possible.


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Re: Dathateyo: 'The Ageless World' (0.40.16 Succession Game) - Still Going Strong
« Reply #287 on: November 28, 2014, 09:34:07 pm »

Good lords.

I shall briefly explain the current situation of the fort:
1. No military whatsoever, excluding 3 marksdwarves.

All the other military are dead.  They died in previous battles, and haven't yet been replaced.  You're free to make a military as you please, although I ask that you refrain from melee combat whenever possible. (I proposed a system of "officers" to help manage the fort a while back, which would have overseen the military among other things, but nobody bit on any of those roles...)

2. A bridge set to block off the caverns, i'm beginning to see why.

Because the caverns are full of dangerous creatures.  That bridge should be sealed at all times, except when absolutely necessary.

3. In the caverns, a forgotten beast has managed to get its way inside and is currently occupying the hospital

WHAT, HOW?  The Caverns were fully sealed-off by the bridge you noticed in (2).  There should have been no way for a FB to get inside!

4. Lots of injured/dying EVERYTHING...
5. Ghosts Roaming everywhere causing havoc

There were few injuries and no ghosts when I loaded up the save.  Are you sure you're going off the right save?  This is sounding more and more like one of the earlier saves, where a FB was freely roaming the hallways, and ghosts were everywhere.  All of those situations were fully-resolved.  I know for a matter of fact the save the doctor handed off had no ghosts, or FB's in the halls...

6. Stuff littering the caverns which the dwarves have decided it's of utmost importance to move.

The Dwarves shouldn't have had a way INTO the caverns.

7. No Booze!

That doesn't sound right either.  There was still some booze left in the last save.

The current skill set of the fort:
2 masons, 2 engravers, 10 children, 4 medics (surely 1 is usually enough? possibly 2?), 20 miners (from the doctors project i presume) and a few of various crafters and metalworkers. Apparently we have no cook.

The fortress population was more than twice that in the latest save.  Unless something went disastrously wrong in the first few months of your rule, it sounds like you're using the wrong save...

Does this fort actually defend itself by simply making it completely and utterly inaccessible to anything? With a few marksdwarves to pelt arrows to discourage goblins from deconstructing something?

Yes.  It's far more effective than sending melee-Dwarves to fight and die, setting off tantrum-spirals throughout the rest of the fortress when their relatives mourn and murder.  In fact, it's the ONLY way to keep a fortress alive long-term...  In this game, frequently engaging the Goblins in melee is basically just asking to lose...  (and Goblins can't deconstruct anything)

Rather disappointed in the fact you have a volcano but no "DESTROY THE WORLD DEVICE" (i.e flood lava from volcano to outside). I'm rather tempted to make one but have only ever done one before.

That's because such devices are entirely pointless.  The invaders will leave on their own eventually, and those who are picked off by the Marksdwarves can have their arms and armor melted down to provide metal for the fortress...  If you use lava, NOTHING remains, not even Goblinite. DON'T attempt to build such a device- we don't need the FPS hit to the fortress from pump-stacks full of pressurized magma.  Instead, how about working on a nice Obsidian Farm if you're intent on playing with fire?

Not sure my current method of resolving all 7 problems. No 3 is especially a nuisance at the moment, the only thing i can really do is equip the miners with some metal armor and send a mad zerg rush on it, which i believe is similar to what the good doctor did before after seeing it's injuries and the injuries of everything else in the fort.
I'm sure i'll think of something.

Make sure you're using the right file.  THIS is the one you should be using:

I have a copy of this on my own computer, and there is no FB in the hospital on it- both FB's are safely in the caverns.

The population of the fort is 53 Dwarves.  There are no ghosts.  There are only 10 miners.  And there are 30 units of booze left (although production has ground to a halt under the Doctor- so that will soon run out if the Stills aren't brought back into operation).

I'm 99% sure you were using the wrong save file before.

« Last Edit: November 28, 2014, 09:54:02 pm by Northstar1989 »
There once was a dream that was Rome...

Dathateyo, SDQR- (for the) Senate Dwarves Quo Romanus!


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Re: Dathateyo: 'The Ageless World' (0.40.16 Succession Game) - Still Going Strong
« Reply #288 on: November 29, 2014, 05:26:34 am »

100% the correct file.

The reason why the FB is in the hospital is because the bridge is at z22, and the hospital is at z80. So either there is a second bridge (which is currently raised) or second hospital or someone's made a bit of an error here. In hindsight, the best move would have been to make a second hospital rather than retake the first hospital.

I've played for a season, which is partly what the issue is. For a lot of the deaths have not been dealt with from engraving slabs/burial because every single coffin is full. I suspect if you play for an entire season you'll notice it takes a while for the slabs to be done and my guess is that you'll find a ghost in this period.

Booze was at "30" not 0, but it's close enough to 0 considering the size of the fort.

To be fair, i don't think any of the problems are particularly difficult. I shall reseal the caverns and take the hospital back at a later stage.
It's just with the military as it is dealing with a FB is rather beyond hope, but in 2 years i can probably sort it out.

Someone else will need to resolve the marksdwarf situation. Not my speciality, i couldn't even find where they train, unless they simply train on goblins (i've had success with archery targets a way back, not used them in years though).

I shall relocate the hospital and cancel the one at z80, as it makes no sense anyway, if there's 2 bridges, it makes more sense having the hospital inside both bridge defenses.

edit: just found the second bridge. Why you would put a lever on the ground level to deal with the caverns next to one for outside...
Lets put it this way, i don't remember which is which, it's fine anyway, damage is done.
Also, the FB can get in anyway, the 3 cage traps placed to prevent the second entrance is terrible, i'm unsure if you put it there, or what.
I.e, this area here, is where anything can simply bypass your bridge and wander straight up into the fort, except from the bridge at z22:

Might be easiest setting up a second bridge to block there also. I suspect the doctor wanted to get into the caverns for something and seeing it was unclear how to get past the bridge in the caverns, he just made a second entrance. Will probably have to deal with that sooner rather than later.

for a fortress which doesn't use the caverns, there is a LOT of corpses of troglodytes and crundles in the caverns. Which seems to confirm my theory the good doctor had some fun down there.

From the military perspective: I will AVOID use of melee combat, but will make it possible that melee combat can be used with high skilled fighters to deal with threats such as the FB in the hospital. Seeing that's an area i can deal with.

As it is, i will seal off the fort at z22 until i'm at a stage where i can use melee to retake any other levels. I have placed a lever which deals with the bridge at Z22 at Z21. There's enough confusion on the surface with just 3 levers anyway.
« Last Edit: November 29, 2014, 05:45:17 am by Bigheaded »
Dear Urist McStockpileDrone
I just found a barrel which contained a wheelbarrow. Inside the wheelbarrow was another barrel. I don't even understand how that is possible.


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Re: Dathateyo: 'The Ageless World' (0.40.16 Succession Game) - Still Going Strong
« Reply #289 on: November 29, 2014, 05:32:30 am »

But how are the soldiers gonna get tougher if you don't send them to be healed behind enemy lines?


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Re: Dathateyo: 'The Ageless World' (0.40.16 Succession Game) - Still Going Strong
« Reply #290 on: November 29, 2014, 05:51:25 am »

But how are the soldiers gonna get tougher if you don't send them to be healed behind enemy lines?

Because they need to actually be trained first?

Seeing people are here watching, i can offer the choice up:

1. Zerg rush with a group of 10 miners, 3 of which are decently skilled. This is EASILY going to be the highest chance at this precise moment of dealing with the FB.

2. Curl up into ball and train until i can slaughter it using 2 dwarves (i've once had a fort hold for 20 years using only 2 military dwarves. One had roughly 1000 kills, the other had more like 3000 because she was faster)

I literally lol'd at the randomness of the blood splatters on the FB, here's a screenshot of his location:

Sorry for putting the x directly on him so you can't see him, but he's where the x is.
Dear Urist McStockpileDrone
I just found a barrel which contained a wheelbarrow. Inside the wheelbarrow was another barrel. I don't even understand how that is possible.


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Re: Dathateyo: 'The Ageless World' (0.40.16 Succession Game) - Still Going Strong
« Reply #291 on: November 29, 2014, 06:31:52 am »

Just wall this thing off, and collapse the hospital on the beast from a floor above.


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Re: Dathateyo: 'The Ageless World' (0.40.16 Succession Game) - Still Going Strong
« Reply #292 on: November 29, 2014, 06:43:54 am »

Just wall this thing off, and collapse the hospital on the beast from a floor above.

You have no sense of FUN! :P

Another FB decided to join the fort as a welcome visitor!

I decided on the zerg rush, if that fails i shall have to go about things differently. Shame i can't get the legends viewer up, the amount of kills that FB has is likely to be in the hundreds, as i realise that all the dead stuff in caverns is from FB's wandering around killing everything.


The new FB decided to join in on the fun:

"hopefully" i can get things running normally now. Other than the fact no-one wants to produce any booze, literally had to tell nearly everyone MAKE SOME BOOZE! AND STOP MOVING STUFF!

I've "forbidden" access to the caverns until i can sort out the other bridge, which i'll do now before i forget.

Should be able to proceed smoothly now, at least until goblins arrive, where i think i'll simply just let them hang around outside. One FB left running around, but he's stuck on top of some trees, so he's not bothering us any time soon, unless tarantulas can go along walls :P

Was slightly impressed, i didn't lose a single miner in killing 2x FB's. Lost a few war dogs which is only a slight nuisance.
Dear Urist McStockpileDrone
I just found a barrel which contained a wheelbarrow. Inside the wheelbarrow was another barrel. I don't even understand how that is possible.


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Re: Dathateyo: 'The Ageless World' (0.40.16 Succession Game) - Still Going Strong
« Reply #293 on: November 29, 2014, 07:14:01 am »

At z88/z89 there are stairs going up into the fort, even though there arn't any going back down, it's still enough to let them in! Considering this is on the main stairwell, this gives access to basically everything, going to remove the stairs, to enforce the use of the other entrance to the caverns.

Should work unless we get anything which can fly, which i can deal with as and when it happens. I have other worries till then.

To illustrate:

The red boxes is what i'm worried about. Whilst on the way to the caverns from the fort, there is no way down at "fort" and they have to head towards the cavern.
To get INTO the fort from the caverns, the up/down stairs in the red box need to be removed, as they are stairs heading UPWARDS. So they will simply be placed at the "up stairs" at z88 and able to access the fort.

Lastly, that massive vortex design amusingly was just an arena as the doctor has placed a "cyclops in a box" (cage trap) at the centre.
Also worth noting, the ghost which is running around is actually the dead dwarf that's in the food stockpile, for whatever reason he was forbidden.
The cemetary has been extended and should be put to rest shortly

« Last Edit: November 29, 2014, 07:27:19 am by Bigheaded »
Dear Urist McStockpileDrone
I just found a barrel which contained a wheelbarrow. Inside the wheelbarrow was another barrel. I don't even understand how that is possible.


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Re: Dathateyo: 'The Ageless World' (0.40.16 Succession Game) - Still Going Strong
« Reply #294 on: November 29, 2014, 07:35:14 am »

the doctor has placed a "cyclops in a box"

I knew someone would find something amusing to do with my only contribution to the fort! (A nice-looking circular gem stockpile aside, that is)


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Re: Dathateyo: 'The Ageless World' (0.40.16 Succession Game) - Still Going Strong
« Reply #295 on: November 29, 2014, 04:51:35 pm »

I love how effective drafted miners are in this game.  :D
Muh FG--OOC Thread
Quote from: smirk
Quote from: Shadowlord
Is there a word that combines comedy with tragedy and farce?
Heiterverzweiflung. Not a legit German word so much as something a friend and I made up in German class once. "Carefree despair". When life is so fucked that you can't stop laughing.


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Re: Dathateyo: 'The Ageless World' (0.40.16 Succession Game) - Still Going Strong
« Reply #296 on: November 29, 2014, 07:36:46 pm »

I love how effective drafted miners are in this game.  :D

not something i often use. I usually have 3 squads of 2 dwarves sparring. Now THATS effective.

Oh and my flood the world with magma device wouldn't use pump stacks, just funnel a bunch of magma at the top level of the volcano through so it can be dumped near the gate.
Not for !!FUN!! purposes, but just simply for fun and a backup although would probably drain the magma furnaces for a brief period.

I think we're looking to lose if we don't have a militia for inside the base either. We need to plan for if things go wrong.
I perhaps reacted a little slow to some of the threats, but i certainly wasn't expecting to have a FB roaming the lower levels of the fort.
I suspect a little death will actually help in the long run, if dwarves are "too happy" negative thoughts seem to impact them more. Not sure if that's true but seems to be the case.
Anyway, point is, some turns we will have very experienced players, on others we may get not so experienced players.

Given the 2 years i doubt anyone would really notice my patch up of fixing things up and to be fair, has turned the game much more spicy. I'm hoping to get a bit more access to the caverns, although the amount of "dead stuff" down there is a bit worrying although 90% of it i've now forbidden. Having some GCS guards with some swallows should they penetrate inside somehow is really quite amusing also.
« Last Edit: November 29, 2014, 07:52:42 pm by Bigheaded »
Dear Urist McStockpileDrone
I just found a barrel which contained a wheelbarrow. Inside the wheelbarrow was another barrel. I don't even understand how that is possible.


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Re: Dathateyo: 'The Ageless World' (0.40.16 Succession Game) - Still Going Strong
« Reply #297 on: November 29, 2014, 09:18:21 pm »

Just build a crundle cannon. Is it a cannon that shoots, or is made of, crundle? Your call. Ideally both.


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Re: Dathateyo: 'The Ageless World' (0.40.16 Succession Game) - Still Going Strong
« Reply #298 on: November 30, 2014, 08:34:34 am »

Just build a crundle cannon. Is it a cannon that shoots, or is made of, crundle? Your call. Ideally both.

never done a shotgun, and barely know how they work. I'll leave it be, think i've had my fun for the time being.

Have a new ghost wandering around, not sure where the body is as there's plenty of room in the catacombs. So going to slab him.

Also, does anyone want to be dorf'd?
Dear Urist McStockpileDrone
I just found a barrel which contained a wheelbarrow. Inside the wheelbarrow was another barrel. I don't even understand how that is possible.


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Re: Dathateyo: 'The Ageless World' (0.40.16 Succession Game) - Still Going Strong
« Reply #299 on: November 30, 2014, 04:51:33 pm »

the doctor has placed a "cyclops in a box"

I knew someone would find something amusing to do with my only contribution to the fort! (A nice-looking circular gem stockpile aside, that is)

That is no mere arena- that labyrinth is the WIP tomb of Sodel the Great, first Baron of Pagetowers, legendary Mason, Lord of the Two Persimmons. "The Doctor" had nothing to do with it- DoctorMcTaalik was an insane revolutionary and cultist of Moldath who died years ago.
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