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Author Topic: Dathateyo: 'The Ageless World' (0.40.16 Succession Game) - More Players Welcome!  (Read 46641 times)


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Re: Dathateyo: 'The Ageless World' (0.40.16 Succession Game) - Still Going Strong
« Reply #270 on: November 21, 2014, 02:23:22 am »

However perhaps the GREATEST indicator of the "Doctor's" insanity, was his order to build this Bridge to Nowhere over the main courtyard:

That's obviously a corpse-catapulting device meant to shoot goblins at other goblins. Possibly?

It's possible.  The angle of ejection, location and height (the highest z-level of the western wall) are all appropriate for a corpse-catapult.

Shoot me a PM if there's a spot free, willing to give it a run for 2 years with a fun writeup.

Seems like you're after someone with a little time.

No need for a PM, you're in the lineup!  It's that easy!  :)

And yes, I definitely need someone with a little time- I haven't even had time to do anything with the fortress yet aside from assessing the initial situation, thanks in part to real life (among many other things, I'm applying to join the Marines...)

clearly that spiral is some form of time vortex! I am 100% sure of this.
How do i know?
Well, many dwarf hours went in, but nothing came out! spooky.

Worse than that- many dwarves apparently went in- but never came out (thanks to starvation or thirst as a result of the lack of nearby food stockpiles).  Your response really made me chuckle though.  :)

Just download the last save the Doctor posted for your turn.  I haven't done anything in the fortress yet.  And feel free to go longer than 2 years if you want- there's nobody behind you in line...


P.S.  There currently are no existential threats to the very existence of the fort except the magma crabs (make sure to lock the doors to the magma kilns if they get in through the holes the doctor punched in the wall or the forge a dwarf apparently destroyed in a tantrum- if one gets in they can light everyone on fire).  Everything else just requires better management and effort (even though the dwarves are starving, none of them except the nobles look close to tantrums.  I'm sure an "unfortunate accident" can be arranged if the nobles become unmanageable while the fort is getting back on its feet...)
« Last Edit: November 21, 2014, 02:26:51 am by Northstar1989 »
There once was a dream that was Rome...

Dathateyo, SDQR- (for the) Senate Dwarves Quo Romanus!


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Re: Dathateyo: 'The Ageless World' (0.40.16 Succession Game) - Still Going Strong
« Reply #271 on: November 21, 2014, 09:08:33 pm »

Yeah, the nobility can go the way of Tsar Nicholas if they start getting annoying.
Muh FG--OOC Thread
Quote from: smirk
Quote from: Shadowlord
Is there a word that combines comedy with tragedy and farce?
Heiterverzweiflung. Not a legit German word so much as something a friend and I made up in German class once. "Carefree despair". When life is so fucked that you can't stop laughing.


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Re: Dathateyo: 'The Ageless World' (0.40.16 Succession Game) - Still Going Strong
« Reply #272 on: November 21, 2014, 11:11:44 pm »

Yeah, the nobility can go the way of Tsar Nicholas if they start getting annoying.

I'm not sure waiting for them to commit pneumonia-induced suicide is a great murder strategy. Unlike you were talking about the other one.


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Re: Dathateyo: 'The Ageless World' (0.40.16 Succession Game) - Still Going Strong
« Reply #273 on: November 21, 2014, 11:15:14 pm »

I was talking about the one whose entire family was eradicated by the Marxists.
Muh FG--OOC Thread
Quote from: smirk
Quote from: Shadowlord
Is there a word that combines comedy with tragedy and farce?
Heiterverzweiflung. Not a legit German word so much as something a friend and I made up in German class once. "Carefree despair". When life is so fucked that you can't stop laughing.


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Re: Dathateyo: 'The Ageless World' (0.40.16 Succession Game) - Still Going Strong
« Reply #274 on: November 21, 2014, 11:44:46 pm »



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Re: Dathateyo: 'The Ageless World' (0.40.16 Succession Game) - Still Going Strong
« Reply #275 on: November 22, 2014, 03:23:23 am »

My last post was deliberate redundancy. On a side note, I should probably shut up now, as I'm not good at this.
Muh FG--OOC Thread
Quote from: smirk
Quote from: Shadowlord
Is there a word that combines comedy with tragedy and farce?
Heiterverzweiflung. Not a legit German word so much as something a friend and I made up in German class once. "Carefree despair". When life is so fucked that you can't stop laughing.


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Re: Dathateyo: 'The Ageless World' (0.40.16 Succession Game) - Still Going Strong
« Reply #276 on: November 24, 2014, 05:28:02 pm »


You've got the save now, right?

Also, one thing to be aware of that I forgot to mention- you need to update the save to 0.40.16 again (or better yet, to 0.40.18).  I updated to 0.40.16 when I DL'd the Doctor's save- but since you were going off *his* last save instead of mine (which I didn't upload, as I did nothing but update the DF version), you need to update it or some of the graphics will be messed up a bit...

The way to do this is to go to the Ironhand graphics page and download the latest version of DF+Ironhand (you're supposed to be using it anyways in this community game- switch to it if you're not), and then update the raws for the save.

The last part is VERY important.
  If you don't update the raws in the save, not everything will work properly (particularly the graphics), and you could encounter some strange bugs...

Update the save raws by copying the 3 folders under the "Raw" folder of the latest version of DF+Ironhand into the save file for the community game, overwriting the ones that were previously there (or, like I do, just delete the identically-named folders first...)

There once was a dream that was Rome...

Dathateyo, SDQR- (for the) Senate Dwarves Quo Romanus!


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Re: Dathateyo: 'The Ageless World' (0.40.16 Succession Game) - Still Going Strong
« Reply #277 on: November 26, 2014, 04:55:41 pm »

See bottom.


You've got the save now, right?

It REALLY helps being PM'd, sorry missed it partly for that reason. Had been following but had some nasty days at work as my cars very very recently broke, so had to get the bus, which changes my travel time from 20 mins to 1 hour 40 mins each way.

I have now located it and downloading now.


Also, one thing to be aware of that I forgot to mention- you need to update the save to 0.40.16 again (or better yet, to 0.40.18).  I updated to 0.40.16 when I DL'd the Doctor's save- but since you were going off *his* last save instead of mine (which I didn't upload, as I did nothing but update the DF version), you need to update it or some of the graphics will be messed up a bit...

The way to do this is to go to the Ironhand graphics page and download the latest version of DF+Ironhand (you're supposed to be using it anyways in this community game- switch to it if you're not), and then update the raws for the save.

The last part is VERY important.
  If you don't update the raws in the save, not everything will work properly (particularly the graphics), and you could encounter some strange bugs...

Update the save raws by copying the 3 folders under the "Raw" folder of the latest version of DF+Ironhand into the save file for the community game, overwriting the ones that were previously there (or, like I do, just delete the identically-named folders first...)


Sounds a little complex, will have a look and if i get any problems, will query, but sounds easy enough.

Will change to .18, as that's the version i have.

Hadn't expected to be chucked at the front of the queue, looks like i got work to do, and i have an empty weekend to play with! excellent.

Running right now, thanks for being very clear on how to do that, i managed it in about 2 minutes flat if not less due to clear instructions. Big thunbs up!
« Last Edit: November 26, 2014, 05:12:15 pm by Bigheaded »
Dear Urist McStockpileDrone
I just found a barrel which contained a wheelbarrow. Inside the wheelbarrow was another barrel. I don't even understand how that is possible.


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Re: Dathateyo: 'The Ageless World' (0.40.16 Succession Game) - Still Going Strong
« Reply #278 on: November 26, 2014, 06:55:40 pm »

Suddenly shaken out of my cozy bed

"what's this nonsense?" i ask drowsilly.
"You Sir Bigheaded are the new Mayor" replies some fancy looking dwarf, "You seem to somehow have not bothered with the last mayors crazy idea of a vortex, even though you are a miner and were set to work on it, which shows more sense than the rest of them!"

It made no sense, i had barely been here a month, mostly hiding out of the way with a pick whilst i picked up what was going on here. Now Mayor? What happened to the last one? Why now?

"So where is the *ex-mayor* now? And why the heck do YOU have the authority to make me Mayor?!" I demanded.
"the *good doctor*, or should i say bad, seems to have somehow used the vortex device he was mining to completely dissapear! Seemed to slowly fade somehow distantly. And I am Sodel the Splendid, Baron of this fort, and any more tantrumming from you and i'll have you hammered!"

Oh crap. Today was not going to be a good day, well, make the most of it and hope things can only get better. Or so i hoped.

"Oh, well then Baron Sodel... if that's the case, how about a quick tour? As i'm still unfamiliar with this fort"
"I shall assign Timeless Bob to do that for you, i am off to stare at my cabinet!" sodel replied as he sauntered off

Who the heck is Timeless Bob? I knew most of the dwarven idiots running around the fort by now, except those even better at hiding than i was! But i'm sure i counted 50, now 51 after meeting the mayor.
In my reflective moments, A woman with a newborn came upto me she was drinking from a massive barrel of ale as well as holding a baby at the same time, which i thought rather impressive.

"Hi there, i've been told to give you the tour, we would have got round to it sooner but... the last mayor was.... well the less said about him the better, ALL will be better now you're in charge" she said imploringly.
"You're Bob?! but that's a mans name... not even a dwarven name, what in living heck was wrong with your parents?!"
"No, i'm not Bob, this is Bob" Pointing at the child.

And that was how things began to get worse.

"WHAT IN BLEEDING STUFF IS WRONG WITH THIS FORT?" I notice this upset the poor woman, and whilst it felt good releasing my anger on the poor soul, it wasn't getting anywhere. Thinking quickly i add "Nevermind about that, can you lead me to the surface? I wish to see our defenses"
"but.. but.. the Baron was very very implicit that BOB MUST GUIDE THE STRANGER" she starts crying
"BOB IS FREAKING TWO MONTHS OLD AND WILL BE OF NO HELP WHATSOEVER! WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU" I was furious, what on earth was wrong with people here?
She screamed and ran.

Well i was probably better off alone anyway. I decide that the surface and defenses must be higher up, so i went to the stairs, why someone had decided to put the housing under 20 sets of stairs i don't think i'll ever know.

I reached the surface:

I find the trade warehouse, which seems in order, and 3 layabouts
"WHAT DO YOU THINK YOUR DOING UP HERE?!" Still needing to vent some frustration, although this was short lived as they shrieked as one and also ran off.
Freaking wonderful.

I decide to have a look round, the dining room and the Food stockpile looked in order, although i did wonder why they kept seeds up here, i'll have to do something about that i thought.
As i inspected the butchers, i realised i had much bigger problems.

Why on living heck, do we have a dead dwarf waiting to be butchered?!!!
Seriously, the place was insane.
I check down the other path, a miner, of all things, was feeding CRUNDLES!
I was speechless.
1. Why do we have crundles.
2. Why arn't they tearing us apart, i heard they were savage creatures of the underground
3. Why are we feeding the crundles.
4. Why of all things is a freaking miner doing it?!
5. Why was there a turkey hen with them?
6. Why had the turkey had it's lung torn out?

I gave up and decided that enough was enough and that i'd deal with it later and went back to bed.
« Last Edit: November 26, 2014, 06:59:05 pm by Bigheaded »
Dear Urist McStockpileDrone
I just found a barrel which contained a wheelbarrow. Inside the wheelbarrow was another barrel. I don't even understand how that is possible.


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Re: Dathateyo: 'The Ageless World' (0.40.16 Succession Game) - Still Going Strong
« Reply #279 on: November 26, 2014, 10:32:23 pm »

Bigheaded turns and tosses in his sleep.  Strange images of death, fire, and destruction flash through his head before he wakes up in a sweat.

Unfortunately, the scene that greets his eyes when he wakes up makes him wish he was still asleep.  A strange ghost stands before his eyes, strangely reminiscent of some of the statues of the Fortress' founding lying about...

"Greetings, Mayor Bigheaded" the ghost says in an unexpectedly warm and comforting voice.  "I am the ghost of Northstar the First, the original mayor of the Mint Pillar.  And I am here to guide you about the fortress as it currently stands, lest you and this fortress disappear into the oblivion of Dathateyo's long and stormy history..."

Bigheaded slaps himself several times, hoping to wake up, but to no avail- for he is already awake...

"Bigheaded, follow me" the ghost says- and without another word it floats towards to door of the bedroom, stopping to gesture impatiently for Bigheaded to follow.  Slowly, reluctantly, Bigheaded straps on his trousers, and follows the ghost out (or rather, though) the door...

OOC:  Due to the amount of information that follows, the fort tour will be broken into several additional posts...


P.S.  I don't address it below- but the dead Dwarf waiting to be butchered probably corresponds to some sort of failed Strange Mood in the recent past.  A few of the moods that can only be assigned when Dwarves are extremely unhappy lead Dwarves to abandon glass and steel, and make artifacts out of more... sinister materials.
« Last Edit: November 27, 2014, 01:30:13 am by Northstar1989 »
There once was a dream that was Rome...

Dathateyo, SDQR- (for the) Senate Dwarves Quo Romanus!


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Re: Dathateyo: 'The Ageless World' (0.40.16 Succession Game) - Still Going Strong
« Reply #280 on: November 26, 2014, 11:02:09 pm »

Northstar's Ghost leads Bigheaded up many stairs, around a corner, and presents him with the Tree Farms.

"This.  This is the first thing I wanted to show you, Bigheaded.  This is the beating, growing heart of our entire fortress.  Without underground greenhouses like this, the entire fortress would quickly grind to a halt of dehydration and starvation.  The greatest of miracles is a single blade of cave-grass, and this place is no exception.  Earlier overseers have been neglecting my legacy in this regard- except for Northstar the Second (who ordered the digging out of the tree farms).  From the very first days of the fortress, I prioritized digging out underground pastures where the Dwarves could collect wild-growing blueberries and cranberries in peace, without the threat of Goblins, and set flocks of sheep to graze.  These green and blue moss pastures are no different- and Plump Helmets grow wild here.  The trees that occasionally grow (if incompetent overseers don't allow Pigs to trample their saplings) are also necessary for the long-term health and safety of the fort.  Don't forget that without trees, we don't have beds, and without beds, Dwarves will kill each other in tantrums..."

Bigheaded begins to say something, but Northstar cuts him off...

"Save your comments, we have a lot more of the fort I need to introduce you to..."

OOC:  Here, and elsewhere, I will try and post pictures if they are readily-available.  If not, try and find the places I refer to on your own perusal of the fortress...

« Last Edit: November 27, 2014, 01:22:27 am by Northstar1989 »
There once was a dream that was Rome...

Dathateyo, SDQR- (for the) Senate Dwarves Quo Romanus!


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Re: Dathateyo: 'The Ageless World' (0.40.16 Succession Game) - Still Going Strong
« Reply #281 on: November 26, 2014, 11:32:48 pm »

Northstar's ghost leads Bigheaded up several flights of stairs, and to the top floors of the fortress.  The ghost leads Bigheaded through a room where he has to hold his nose and retches from the smell, before leading him to a room overlooking the lava at the top of the volcano shaft...

"What you see here is both the future, the past, and the greatest threat to the fortress.  The volcano.  It fueled our Magma Kilns to bake the bricks for our Fortress' walls.  It provides us with cheap earthenware trinkets for the trade caravans.  And it spews forth foul, fire-breathing creatures that will incinerate a dwarf for looking at them funny.  It is IMPERATIVE that this breach, this gap you see in the defenses..."

Northstar pauses for a moment to gesture at the exposed opening to the lava, where Bigheaded could step out and jump into the lava if he so choose.  Rather than face the Fortress' insanity, he briefly considers doing just that...

"be closed at the first opportunity" Northstar continues, shooting a strangely sympathetic glance at Bigheaded as if he could read his thoughts.  "If we fail to do so, foul Magma Crabs and other denizens of the volcano will climb up the magma shaft and incinerate our fortress' inhabitants.  I have foreseen it" Northstar says, with a strange, far-off look on his face.

"Please make sure to wall back off this opening into the fortress at the FIRST opportunity."

Northstar pauses, then begins to walk away again, with Bigheaded reluctantly following in tow...

There once was a dream that was Rome...

Dathateyo, SDQR- (for the) Senate Dwarves Quo Romanus!


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Re: Dathateyo: 'The Ageless World' (0.40.16 Succession Game) - Still Going Strong
« Reply #282 on: November 26, 2014, 11:58:34 pm »

Northstar leads Bigheaded to a small Arena, fetid with the smell of sweat, blood, vomit. and the overpowering stench of death and Crundle.  Aged bloodstains cover the floor and walls, and Northstar walks into the center of the space, before gesturing for Bigheaded to stop and look around him...  A goblin prisoner rattles his cage in the corner, but the ghost ignores him.

"The Crundles." begins Northstar, staring directly into Bigheaded's eyes "I know you have been troubled and puzzled by their very existence as pets here in the fortress..." This sentence leads Bigheaded to wonder what other thoughts of his the ghost might be aware of...

"They began in this fortress as accidental captives of our cage-traps.  Ones that the cavern rangers developed a strange affection for, despite their ferocious nature..."  Northstar pauses to clear his throat, and sniffles a little as if congested.  Do ghosts suffer from allergies, Bigheaded wonders?

"Our more insightful leaders, however, quickly realized their potential as livestock.  Not only do they live nearly twice as long as Turkeys, there are also MUCH more capable of defending themselves from fortress-invaders or tantrumming Dwarves..." with this last look, the ghost's face seems to become even paler, if that were even possible, as if Northstar were remembering horrors he would rather not speak of.  Murder and fratricide come to Bigheaded's mind, aware of the history of many other fortresses, but he dares not to ask...

"HOWEVER," Northstar says, with particular emphasis "the Crundles began to breed out of control.  What was initially seen as a major advantage- their incredible fecundity, soon became unmanageable as the fortress tore itself apart in the wake of major battles with the Goblins; and the population of half-tame Crundles soon began to revert to its wild state..."

Northstar pauses again, to gesture to the space around them.

"This is where this place came into relevance.  Later Dwarven overseers wisely choose to slaughter the Crundles in this arena when their population began to become unmanageable.  Tantruming soldiers took care of most of the rest.  Now, all that remains is a few of the originally most tame individuals, and a miner or two left who once acted as a cavern ranger (before other demands on the fort forced them to take up the pick and the sword to meet outside threats) and still has the willingness to feed them while attempting to complete their domestication."

Northstar pauses again, taking a moment to stare directly at Bigheaded again, as if to emphasize the importance of what he is about to say...

"What to do with the Crundles next is your decision.  It is still possible to finish taming them, by the end of which process the 4th and 5th generation Crundles should be just as docile as sheep towards Dwarves, if a bit more dangerous-looking..."

Northstar pauses again, this time as if carefully considering what he is about to say...

"All you have to do is to ensure there are a handful of Animal Trainers available who aren't too busy with other tasks to feed and tame the Crundles.  And food.  There must be plenty of food around to finish their domestication.  Not that it should be a major concern- the mad 'doctor' who ran this fort last seems to have at least done one thing correctly- there are piles and piles of meat and eggs stored in the fortress stockpiles..."

Northstar pauses one last time.

"If you should continue to tame the Crundles, you shall be honoring the investment of your predecessors.  Only, remember this- the Crundles are ferocious, wild-natured creatures, and these traits cannot be bred out of them in a single generation.  You must CULL the older generations of Crundles so as to make room for the younger ones- and ensure that training progresses at a sufficient rate such that each generation is more tame than the last.  Then, and only then, will you fully tame these vicious creatures into the egg-laying factories that Moldath willed them to be...  Be thankful that at least they're not Cave Crocodiles- a Crundle may bite a Dwarf's arm if he forgets his training, or tear a Turkey's lung out, but he shall never rip a Dwarf's limb off.  Any half-witted Marksdwarf could smash a dozen of their skulls with the blunt end of his crossbow in his sleep, if he so desired- and in fact many have done so while on sprees of murder and destruction in the past..."

Northstar pauses to look at Bigheaded again, before gesturing that he must continue to follow him.  Bigheaded silently prays that this is the last time, rapidly losing patience with the long-winded ghost...

« Last Edit: November 27, 2014, 12:02:31 am by Northstar1989 »
There once was a dream that was Rome...

Dathateyo, SDQR- (for the) Senate Dwarves Quo Romanus!


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Re: Dathateyo: 'The Ageless World' (0.40.16 Succession Game) - Still Going Strong
« Reply #283 on: November 27, 2014, 12:17:30 am »

Northstar's ghost leads Bigheaded down a long set of stairs.  The poor dwarf feels like he is about to collapse from exhaustion, but Northstar keeps gesturing for him to continue.  Bigheaded silently wonders if the ghost doesn't mean for him to join him in the afterlife...  But eventually, they reach their destination, deep underground...

"Take a look here, Bigheaded" the ghost says, gesturing down a well-hole.  "What do you see?"

"A bit of water, some mud, and a few stray gold-ore boulders" Bigheaded replies matter-of-factly, wondering why the ghost asked him this question...

"EXACTLY" says Northstar, placing great emphasis on the word "and this, THIS is supposed to be the fortress cistern, where hospital nurses draw all the fortress' water for the sick and wounded, and haulers cart off water for the baths and ice-farms further up." Northstar stops to look at Bigheaded "and HOW, exactly, do you think the surviving nurses (there aren't many of them) are supposed to draw clean water when this muddy stuff is all there is left, and they have to scrape their buckets along the murk bottom?"

Bigheaded realizes Northstar's point in taking him down here, but the ghost continues his monologue just to make the point clear...

"It is ESSENTIAL that you task Dwarves to draw more water from the flooded cavern-layer near here, or else future patients will die of thirst of infection.  It's a simple task, easy really, and quite safe.  The pump-stack has been designed so as to not expose the workers to any danger from the caverns below.  All you have to do is ensure that both pumps are operational at the same time.  Do that, and the cistern will quickly fill back up with water...  I'm sure there's a simpler way to do this, perhaps one that somehow mechanically couples a single dwarf-powered pump to a waterwheel, and uses that to drive this pump-stack, but this will do for now.  Just make sure you assign Dwarves to pump operation duties, and all will go well down here..."

Northstar then begins to walk (float?) off again, but pauses to say one more thing to Bigheaded before leading him out of the room...

"Also, there is an emergency food-source down here.  A grate through which the Fisherdwarves can make catches.  That industry- aye, it's a bit more complicated than simple pump-operation: but if you have half a brain in that rock-hard head of yours, I'm sure you'll be up to the task..."

Bigheaded seems unsure of whether it really could be as simple as the ghost describes, but follows the ghost up the stairs to what he hopes is their final destination...

There once was a dream that was Rome...

Dathateyo, SDQR- (for the) Senate Dwarves Quo Romanus!


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Re: Dathateyo: 'The Ageless World' (0.40.16 Succession Game) - Still Going Strong
« Reply #284 on: November 27, 2014, 01:15:41 am »

The ghost of Northstar the First, the founder and earliest leader of the fortress of the Mint Pillar at The Southern Rage leads Bigheaded down one final hallway, and through a set of double-doors.  The young new mayor immediately recognizes where they are- the Catacombs- and hope the ghost doesn't have some darker purpose in mind for him here, mentally shuddering a little at the thought of the dark rituals of the Necromancers far to the north...

"Relax.  Be not afraid- I've only brought you here to bid you farewell" announces Northstar's ghost, in a calm and reassuring voice...  "I leave you with one last piece of advice..."

The ghost pauses dramatically before continuing...

"Look around you.  Here you see the resting place of every dwarf to ever come before you in this fortress- and a few pets.  Even my own skeleton rests in one of these coffins, since the late 'doctor' or some other overseer decided to clear it out of its dedicated tomb.  Here your own bones shall someday lay as well- but hopefully not soon..." Northstar pauses, noticing an involuntary shudder by Bigheaded as he says this last line.

"As I said- be not afraid.  There is no threat facing this fortress that you shouldn't know how to deal with.  Death, madness, murder, starvation, even vengeful ghosts faced overseers prior to yourself.  But all you have to deal with is some logistical problems, a few holes in the wall near the side of the volcano that you can easily deal with by enlisting the help of a some amateur masons, and rebuilding the 'fortifications' at ground-level back into smooth wall before Goblins use them to their advantage.  If you do these things, the fortress may have a long and abiding future, and you might not meet the grave until you are old and ripe in years.  If not- well, there are still a few coffins left empty in these overcrowded Catacombs that would be more than able to hold your corpse..."

Northstar's ghost gives one more, stern glance at Bigheaded, who is by this point trembling in his boots, before continuing.

"I told you not to be afraid.  I mean you no harm.  This fortress is my legacy, and I built it to last.  I have no desire to see it descend into anarchy and chaos once more, and even less to see its flame of life and hope extinguished altogether.  A stern and noble responsibility has been placed on your shoulders.  Lead well, place the welfare of the other Dwarves first before yourself, seek constant improvement of their circumstances, and statues will be erected in your likeness as well.  Remember, we Dwarves are craftsmen first, and warriors second.  Trust the walls to keep us safe, but have a well-drilled military in place should disaster strike or some Goblins manage to scale the tall and smooth walls by Armok-knows what means.  And, should all else fail, remember that the Cyclops and half-wild Crundles we have in cages are perfectly capable weapons against Goblins.  The fate of the fortress now rests in you hands, young one..."

And with that, the ghost of Northstar the First turned around, walked into an unlabeled coffin that Bigheaded could only assume held his remains, and disappeared into nothingness.  Bigheaded was left only with his own thoughts, and the weight of the responsibilities placed upon his sturdy Dwarven shoulders...

« Last Edit: November 27, 2014, 01:18:34 am by Northstar1989 »
There once was a dream that was Rome...

Dathateyo, SDQR- (for the) Senate Dwarves Quo Romanus!
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