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Author Topic: Dathateyo: 'The Ageless World' (0.40.16 Succession Game) - More Players Welcome!  (Read 46563 times)


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Some called them crazy, some called them brilliant.  But the Dwarves of the Aqua Treaties decided to crawl out of the captured Kobold Caves they had been hiding in (from the Goblin menace), and establish a new fort on The Southern Rage- an enormous volcano deep in the southern polar regions of the world.


This is a brand-new succession game, looking for players!

That's right, you can sign up right now for a 2-year turn in this new 0.40.09 succession game, even now that the game's begun.  However, we will only be accepting 2 more players (for a total of 12), and be vetting them somewhat to make sure they are reasonably competent.

The basics:

-  This game will take place in a "Age of Heroes" world I genned (there are a number of Megabeasts left alive, and exactly 4 necromancers).  The settings are Medium History, Savagery, Minerals, Beasts, # of Civs, and # of Sites; Small world size (for faster FPS), and a smallish embark area (I'm going to try and keep it no larger than 4x4, preferably 3x3 or 3x4, again for faster FPS).

-  I genned the world in a fresh install of Dwarf Fortress 0.40.08 with nothing but Ironhand Graphics and Soundsense (release r43) installed.  I don't *believe* Soundsense should affect the raws in any way- so you're free to play without it if you desire (not recommended- Soundsense makes Dwarf Fortress MUCH more playable).  However I would respectfully request that all players use the latest version of Ironhand Graphics (, even if it's not normally your favorite graphics set (if you play with one), so we can all work off some sort of common aesthetic.

-  The turns will each be two years (not one) as I already mentioned.  If a player has given at least one other player a turn in-between, he can return for additional turns later on, however.  This should make the succession game something each player invests more deeply into (and is thus less likely to screw the fort), and also make it viable with a much smaller number of players than most succession games.

- Turns will be starting with the current list of players from the 0.40.07 thread (migrated here).  Additional players will have their names added to the end of the list on a first-come, first-serve basis, including once the game has already been launched.  New players will tend to bump players going in for a repeat turn off the list if they request a turn early enough.

-  Each player should post a *detailed* summary of their turn (with as little or as much roleplay as desired- personally I'll be trying to cut to the meat of matters rather than doing excessive storytelling) as well as the save file at the end of their turn.  Players will have 48 hours to claim their turn (by making a short placeholder post stating they've downloaded the file), and 72-120 hours to complete their turn (depending on how long it took them to download the file- 120 hours if they claimed it instantly after the last player).  If this starts too appear to be too slow or too fast, this will be up for further adjustment- the turn lengths were originally 24/72 hours, and have already been extended twice.

- I have decided to model the administration of this thread off the Roman Republic.  Myself and DoctorMcTaalik (who choose to help co-host this thread instead of his own succession game) will act as "consuls"- two individuals holding equal amounts of executive power (much like the Roman Consuls, we will sometimes alternate who is taking primary responsibility) with one or the other of us filling in as a temporary "Dictator" (a position holding *limited* executive power for set periods of time in the Roman Republic) in the event of the other's absence or lack of involvement from time to time (things will revert to having tow Consuls when the other returns).  The rest of you guys will be like "Senators"- holding legislative power over some issues (such as the location of the Embark), and the capability to collaboratively decide any issue myself and DoctorMcTaalik are not in agreement on.  Some of you may be given positions of increased responsibility if you prove yourselves (using Roman names, like "Censor" for a player given responsibility of monitoring that each player upload their saves on time, with power to skip a delinquent player; or "Aedile" for a player taking responsibility for keeping tabs of the state of fortress supplies, and making sure no player sends the fortress on a path towards starvation, or needlessly wastes materials...)

Lastly, until this succession fort officially starts, I will be wandering around the world in Adventure Mode, or spawning small outposts in Fortress Mode.  Don't worry, I won't be causing any permanent harm to the world (I won't be trying to depose the rulers of any civs, for instance), mostly just wandering around and getting a sense of this world we're about to all play in.

IF, for any reason, this fort fails, this will not be the end of this world file.  I expect the last player to upload his/her save file (if this is not provided, I will go from the last one available), and I will continue the world file, likely starting another succession fort in the same world soon after this one has had a little time to cool down... (I anticipate if the fort comes to an abrupt end, it will be due to violence and slaughter...)

Last, but not least, have fun!  And let's TRY our VERY BEST to make sure this fort succeeds- I do NOT want another Failcannon or Boatmurdered here- my goal is to create the rare fortress, one that actually SURVIVES (I'll outline some strategies for that in my next posts).

« Last Edit: December 13, 2014, 10:18:55 pm by Northstar1989 »
There once was a dream that was Rome...

Dathateyo, SDQR- (for the) Senate Dwarves Quo Romanus!


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Re: Dathateyo: 'The Agless World' (0.40.08 Succession Game)
« Reply #1 on: August 12, 2014, 12:09:31 am »

Player Turn-Order

Northstar1989 (Embark Turn Complete)
DoctorMcTaalik (Skipped/Dream)
InfiniteCastor (6 months- Complete)
Deus Asmoth (Complete)
Peregarrett (Skipped)
Edmus (Delayed)
Shadow Of Fate (Delayed, warned ahead of time)
Meme (Skipped)
Askarn (Complete)
Meme (Gave up turn)
Taupe (Complete)
DoctorMcTaalik (Delayed)
Edmus (Delayed)
Shadow of Fate (Delayed)
Northstar1989 (second turn - Complete)
InfiniteCastor (second turn, first full turn- skipped)
Deus Armoth (second turn - Complete)
Peregarrett (skipped)
Meme (skipped)
Edmus (second turn- Skipped)
DoctorMcTaalik (Complete, no logs)
Shadow of Fate (Skipped)
Bigheaded (Complete)

Subject to change- new players can bump older players going in for repeat turns, and players can give up their spot to other players to go later in the turn order.

« Last Edit: December 13, 2014, 10:18:09 pm by Northstar1989 »
There once was a dream that was Rome...

Dathateyo, SDQR- (for the) Senate Dwarves Quo Romanus!


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Re: Dathateyo: 'The Agless World' (0.40.08 Succession Game)
« Reply #2 on: August 12, 2014, 12:36:42 am »

A little background on the world, to aid in fortress site-selection:

'Dathateyo' ("The Ageless World") is a 250-year worldgen on a Small map.  The world, first of all, is in "The Age of Heroes"- meaning there are still SOME Megabeasts and other such powers (including Necromancers- of which there are 3 slabs and 4 practioners alive according to Legends) left alive, but only a fraction of those created at world-gen.

Dathateyo is a world with a fairly small amount of ocean, several discrete islands, and a substantial southern icecap- meaning a large variety of potential sites for a Fortress are available.  There are only two mountain ranges in the world- a large one in the north, and an extremely small one (appearing on the Region map as only a single tile) in the south.  The southern part of the main continent is also home to a LARGE population of Goblins- although the majority of the Goblin population actually ended up on a large island (9 region tiles) in the western Ocean.

Near the southern end of the northern mountain range is located two small pockets of unusual terrain- one small 'Terrifying' biome just beyond the southern foothills (where the land levels out) that takes up only a small portion of a single region tile (despite the Region tile showing purple on the map), and a much larger "Joyous Wilds" good-aligned biome along a brook the leads directly into the heart of the mountain range.

Further to the south lie the Dark Goblin Fortresses of Obngotutes and Strodnouspum directly along the southern edge of the southern mountain range...  A brook runs just to the north of them along the very edge of the mountains (such that it runs along the divider between the mountains and forests to the south), and several interesting potential Fortress sites can be found here despite the extreme proximity to Goblins.

Further to the south, the forests give way to cold and temperate swamps, and then to barren tundra.  Well to the west of the southern mountain range, on one of the most extremely southernly (and deeply Freezing) portions of the tundra can be found a very tall solitary volcano- "The South Rage"- with EXTREMELY steep slopes ascending to it out of the otherwise flat tundra terrain.

On the other hand, quite a ways due east of the southern mountain range can be found a strangely-empty peninsula (remember that civs will only attack or trade over up to 30 tiles in 0.40.08- this location is close enough to the Goblins to suffer attacks, but too far from the remaining Elves or Humans to receive any extra trade caravans).  Lush and fertile forests dominate this terrain, which is mainly composed of Untamed Wilds, but also plays host a large pocket of Joyous Wilds (good-aligned terrain) along the eastern and southern coasts of the penninsula.

The oceans also hold two interesting locales:

First, to the south-southeast of the empty penninsula can be found a substantial island (11 tiles on the Region view) that contains a wooded Cold "Temperated Shrubland" in its northern region, as well as a brook that grows into a stream and splits in two, Freezing saltwater marshes in the center, and a large expanse of barren (and Freezing) Tundra further to the south.  Throughout the island can be found deposits of Shallow Clay (as well as plenty of trees in the north to use for fuel), and there are no other civs anywhere on the island (including elves to harass the fort for exploiting those trees for survival).

The other interesting island lies a short distance to the north of the heavily goblin-infested island playing host to the majority of the world's Goblin population (which also happens to be Sinister Saltwater Marshes thoughout much of it).  Similar to Gobbo Island, much of this island's terrain is comprised of flat, low-lying Saltwater (and occasionally Freshwater) Marshes.  However UNLIKE Gobbo Island, several regions of Warm Shrubland and Conifer Forest can be found along the northern coast (the combination of slightly sloped terrain and higher temperatures makes the ground much less water-logged).  And, of course, there are new Goblins.  Building a Fortress on this island only a short distance from their homeland would be an appropriate spit-in-the-eye at the Goblins for wiping out most other civilized life over the past two centuries.

Finally, far to the northwest, lie Hot and SCORCHING Shrubland terrain, and the world's only two Necromancer towers.  Nestled between these Two Towers, in a forested river-valley that feeds towards the more northern of these towers along the coast, lie a large number of abandoned (likely wiped out by the Necromancers) former Human cities (so thoroughly have the Humans region been wiped out that absolutely no Human presence any longer shows on the Embark Screen under 'Neighbors').  Closer to the coast (and the towers), where the forests of the valley begin to expand over a wider swathe of terrain, lies the one last bastion of civilized life against the Goblin menace (Humans and Dwarves both still exist, but cling tenuously to life by a single thread in a pair of minor Hamlets and occupied Cave sites, respectively), a number of large and populous Elven Forest Retreats...

Now, it is time for Dwarves to rise again!  We must venture forth from our caves (yes, that's right- it appears Dwarves have reverted to becoming cave-dwellers in order to survive) and build great fortresses once more!  We, the last remaining Dwarves civilization, the Aqua Hills, must show the world what it means to hold Dwarven faith and Dwarven pride!

By the way, surprisingly, despite the long and storied history of violent struggle by Dwarves against the Goblin menace in this world, there is only one site available for Reclaim- the ruin of Shootshands- the former Dwarven capital of the Aqua Hills, destroyed in the year 149 by the Forgotten Beast Anu Siltyquids "the Eagle of Thrones".  This site would be EXTREMELY difficult to settle, however, even without a Forgotten Beast that's likely been lurking deep in the ruins for the past 101 years- the site, which lies in an isolated area along the northern edge of The Slow Barbs (the northern mountain range- the other significant range has a mixture of names due to being slightly broken-up) is a mixture of *HOT* Mountain terrain with some rather steep slopes, and the edge of a Hot Tropical Freshwater Marsh (hello Alligators and Hippos!) with absolutely no other sources of water than Murky pools (which would dry up rapidly in the Mountain biome, and be full of dangerous critters in the marsh) anywhere within the Embark area...  There are also no shallow (only deep) Metals in either biome, clay, or evidence of Flux Stone.  At least there are Elves to trade with (a single Forest Retreat lies somewhere in range, although I can't find it).  I don't recommend trying to reclaim it, unless getting brutally murdered by swamp wildlife and the sick/injured dying of thirst or infection (from the Stagnant Water) before the fort even has a chance to get off the ground is your idea of a good time...

I look forward to feedback on preferred Fortress sites.

NEW: Potential Fortress Sites

OK, so I've narrowed it down to 5 reasonable (in a *very* generous sense of the word- one of the sites is within range of a Necromancer Tower) sites that are relatively flat according to the slope map (except the volcano), are at the intersection of multiple biomes (important for metal/wildlife diversity), and in most cases have Clay and some source of fuel (I am a VERY big fan of establishing a porcelain industry- especially at some of the sites with deeper soil or an aquifer where stone might be difficult to obtain).

Site #1:  The Island Site
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

CHOSEN SITE (Site #2): The Volcano Site
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Site #3: The Reclaim Site
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Site #4: The Necromancer Site
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Site #5: The Isolated Site
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Also, I thought I should let you guys know I'm considering trying to build a small outpost and retiring it (somewhere isolated from the Goblins and Necromancers, so it won't succumb to an invasion) so that when we start the main fort for the succession game, we can still (hopefully) get Outpost Liaisons due to the presence of another dwarf-occupied Dwarven (rather than Cave) site on the map; and so the King/Queen doesn't arrive at our main fort in one of the first wave of migrants (assuming I can find time to settle him/her down in the outpost first)...

Doing so should also GREATLY increase the number of different types of goods we have access to through the Dwarven Caravan, since aside from some defaults, the accessible goods are calculated based on the local resources that can be found in the biomes of each occupied Dwarven (or Elven/Human for their caravans) site on the map.

« Last Edit: September 03, 2014, 11:41:40 pm by Northstar1989 »
There once was a dream that was Rome...

Dathateyo, SDQR- (for the) Senate Dwarves Quo Romanus!


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Re: Dathateyo: 'The Agless World' (0.40.08 Succession Game)
« Reply #3 on: August 12, 2014, 04:04:51 am »

The goblins encroached upon our territory, I say we do likewise. With your consent, I'll have the dwarfed catch some fluffy wamblers; we can inflate them as makeshift pontoons. It should take us a mere two weeks (exacty two weeks) to hit that northmost island.

Imagine: Seven dwarves sailing the seas in a tiny wagon, two beasts of burden aboard, in the hopes of establishing a fortress on some remote marshy isle otherwise inhabited by goblins. That is the kind of awesome stubborness that we need if we are to revive the dwarven empire.


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Re: Dathateyo: 'The Agless World' (0.40.08 Succession Game)
« Reply #4 on: August 12, 2014, 04:51:27 am »

The South Rage sounds dwarfy enough!
But posting maps would be nice.
Did you know that the Russian word for "sock" is "no sock"?
I just saw a guy with two broken legs push a minecart with a corpse in it. Yeah.


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Re: Dathateyo: 'The Agless World' (0.40.08 Succession Game)
« Reply #5 on: August 12, 2014, 05:07:06 am »

A reclaim succession fort sounds interesting. I'm not too busy atm, sign me up please.


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Re: Dathateyo: 'The Agless World' (0.40.08 Succession Game)
« Reply #6 on: August 12, 2014, 08:03:43 am »

I suppose what we bring will have to depend on the embark. Personally, I wouldn't have a problem bringing a fighting dwarf along if we end up in a biome with some less-than-hospitable inhabitants, for example.


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Re: Dathateyo: 'The Agless World' (0.40.08 Succession Game)
« Reply #7 on: August 12, 2014, 10:21:14 am »

The goblins encroached upon our territory, I say we do likewise. With your consent, I'll have the dwarfed catch some fluffy wamblers; we can inflate them as makeshift pontoons. It should take us a mere two weeks (exacty two weeks) to hit that northmost island.

Imagine: Seven dwarves sailing the seas in a tiny wagon, two beasts of burden aboard, in the hopes of establishing a fortress on some remote marshy isle otherwise inhabited by goblins. That is the kind of awesome stubborness that we need if we are to revive the dwarven empire.

Haha, a fluffly wambler raft.  That made me chuckle.  :)

I like the imagery as well.  I should remind you, though- the northern island doesn't actually hold any Goblins or evil terrain.  It's the island just to the south of that that is jam-packed with Gobbo's (and when I say jam-packed, I mean all but 3 of the island's 72 Region tiles are purple with Gobbos or Sinister terrain)

I was leaning strongly towards one of the islands though, purely on the logic that an island fort is much more likely to survive (building on the mainland isn't going to provide any advantage other than trade routes with Elves- I can't seem to find the last two occupied Human hamlets visible through Legends) due to the lack of Goblins.  However, there are also broad swathes of land in the north that are too distant from any Goblins to receive attacks (the two Necromancer towers are located in the northwest, but they have a much more limited range of attack).  This includes, on more careful perusal, the abandoned Dwarven capital I mentioned in a spoiler.

Come to think of it, maybe the reclaim site wouldn't be too bad- due to its extreme isolation (it doesn't even have Kobolds...) But I'm still rather worried about that Forgotten Beast.

« Last Edit: August 12, 2014, 10:25:23 am by Northstar1989 »
There once was a dream that was Rome...

Dathateyo, SDQR- (for the) Senate Dwarves Quo Romanus!


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Re: Dathateyo: 'The Agless World' (0.40.08 Succession Game)
« Reply #8 on: August 12, 2014, 10:29:49 am »

The South Rage sounds dwarfy enough!
But posting maps would be nice.

The Southern Rage sounds like suicide to me.  Freezing temperatures, no trees, tons of Goblins (their mainland civ is EXTREMELY close by), extremely steep slopes (most 11+ with asterisks on the Local Map) to challenge perimeter construction, and who knows what horrors might crawl out of that volcano...

I also promised preference to  DoctorMcTaalik on many things as he abandoned setting up his own Succession Game to help co-host this one.  So in the event of a tie (if at least two other people can't agree on a different location), I'll definitely be going with the northern island.

I'd love to post a map (or several, with Region-level views of several different locales), but I have no idea how to do it.  Believe it or not, I've never actually posted screenshots of Dwarf Fortress before... (I was planning on using text to summarize my first turn, and maybe a couple Paint files with important locations circled produced using the Snipping Tool)

« Last Edit: August 12, 2014, 10:33:43 am by Northstar1989 »
There once was a dream that was Rome...

Dathateyo, SDQR- (for the) Senate Dwarves Quo Romanus!


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Re: Dathateyo: 'The Agless World' (0.40.08 Succession Game)
« Reply #9 on: August 12, 2014, 10:48:58 am »

If I had to give some advice on that, you could either use PrintScreen on your keyboard (which can prove a bit impractical) or grab some sort of screencap software. I personally use MSI Afterburner.

As for taking a picture of the whole map, it's possible to export the whole thing during generation, but in our case there's no way to do this besides World Viewer (which might not be compatible with our version) or with some strange means to zoom out the game view in order to screencap the whole map. I'm not an expert on the subject, but this is as much as I can provide.


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Re: Dathateyo: 'The Agless World' (0.40.08 Succession Game)
« Reply #10 on: August 12, 2014, 11:30:00 am »

Unless there's an aquifer, I think the reclaim site is doable. I'm changing my vote in favor of it.

That being said, we probably should probably not squat in the goblin ruins. I would seal them immediately, in case the forgotten beast is inside, and only explore them once we have a disposable yet well trained military squad.
« Last Edit: August 12, 2014, 11:59:27 am by DoctorMcTaalik »


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Re: Dathateyo: 'The Agless World' (0.40.08 Succession Game)
« Reply #11 on: August 12, 2014, 11:51:46 am »

I'd love to post a map (or several, with Region-level views of several different locales), but I have no idea how to do it.  Believe it or not, I've never actually posted screenshots of Dwarf Fortress before... (I was planning on using text to summarize my first turn, and maybe a couple Paint files with important locations circled produced using the Snipping Tool)
You can export whole world map from legends mode, with various features like elevation or savagery.

At fortress mode you can export pictured for each separate z-level using ESC - Export local image - mark floors to export - pick the screenes at your DF folder. Run compress_bitmaps to convert them into png - that's much lighter than bmp it initially is.

But people (and me) usually just do Alt-PrScr at DF window and then paste into Paint. Or use "scrissors" utility. Then edit as necessary and save.

After you have a file, you should upload it on some picture hosting - tinypic or anything, get a link and put into your post ising IMG bbcode tag. Most hostings can provide you with right tag automatically.

That's simple  :D

Did you know that the Russian word for "sock" is "no sock"?
I just saw a guy with two broken legs push a minecart with a corpse in it. Yeah.

Deus Asmoth

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Re: Dathateyo: 'The Agless World' (0.40.08 Succession Game)
« Reply #12 on: August 12, 2014, 12:02:45 pm »

I don't really have a preference about the starting site, though I have heard of reclaims occasionally having the HFS open when you arrive.
Look elsewhere, reader. There is nothing for you here.


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Re: Dathateyo: 'The Agless World' (0.40.08 Succession Game)
« Reply #13 on: August 12, 2014, 02:56:21 pm »

I don't really have a preference about the starting site, though I have heard of reclaims occasionally having the HFS open when you arrive.

I'll keep that in mind as one more potential point against the Reclaim site.

By the way, EVERYBODY NEEDS TO KNOW, I've gone and edited five potential fortress sites into the third post (the one detailing the world we'll be living in).  Please take a look at them, and select one of the five to vote on.  I want to get this fortress going soon- I've already spent too much time pondering over things like rules and site selection.

There once was a dream that was Rome...

Dathateyo, SDQR- (for the) Senate Dwarves Quo Romanus!


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Re: Dathateyo: 'The Agless World' (0.40.08 Succession Game)
« Reply #14 on: August 12, 2014, 03:06:07 pm »

I don't really have a preference about the starting site, though I have heard of reclaims occasionally having the HFS open when you arrive.

I'll keep that in mind as one more potential point against the Reclaim site.

By the way, EVERYBODY NEEDS TO KNOW, I've gone and edited five potential fortress sites into the third post (the one detailing the world we'll be living in).  Please take a look at them, and select one of the five to vote on.  I want to get this fortress going soon- I've already spent too much time pondering over things like rules and site selection.


I vote #5. If you need any help with rules and such, message me.
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