Ah sorry, should've updated - we're rolling in this contest into the DevLog. So we're going to check the results Friday evening, then I'm going to make a video of me making the Event on Saturday, and then I'm going to get a bunch of me playing footage skipping around until I finally encounter the event (I may artificially up its chance to occur so we can see it). To compensate for the videos being adjusted we've been setting up Agent Reveals with specific Challenges and Events to roll out.
We're thinking of a similar concept for the Military DevLog, but we're still figuring out the specifics.
Sorry about the confusion - we're pretty hectic over here but I do want to make sure I keep communicating expectations properly. Based on how well the KS is going we've begun approaching artists for the graphical overhaul so we can stay on track for our Beta release, and we've had a lot of interest from industry contacts. Trust me when I say that all of these distractions are actually looking really positive, and there's been some developments that will really benefit the game in the long run.
I do wish I had Video Editing minions, that would be amazing - or really any minions at this point. Marketing drives me nuts, but it's looking like this effort is paying off.
I doubt we'll have Spanish in the demo, we had two professionals working on the core strings to the game which is complete but we won't be re-engaging for the Scenario until it's all locked in (which would be for the beta). However, the beta will absolutely let you switch languages and we will definitely put out a Spanish language demo once the scenario is finalized in Spanish.