I'm thinking we could either focus on the communal aspect of Bay 12, with maybe a sea creature of some kind, or something related to (more or less) receptive harbours, and trade, interaction between distant shores, or we could focus more on Dwarf Fortressy side of things. I'm thinking a primal of artifice, a statue that accepts offerings of blood and bones, flesh, alcohol, precious stones, weapons... primal things that we fought for, that we made for killing, that we created. The blood of creation. I would also quote something to set the mood for what I thought, from Tibullus:
WHO was the first that forg'd the deadly blade?
Of rugged steel his savage soul was made:
By him, his bloody flag ambition wav'd;
And grisly carnage through the battle rav'd.
Yet wherefore blame him? we're ourselves to blame;
Arms first were forg'd to kill t he savage game:
Death-dealing battles were unknown of old;
Death-dealing battles took their rise from gold
The (Fallen?) Primal of Artifice
Image: A tall, dark, foreboding statue before whom sacrifices are strewn about, bowls of blood, swords, bones, gold, et cetera.
Power: With great industry and sacrifice, its power can be used to craft horrifying weapons. It will also increase industry at the cost of some increased unrest.
Campaign effects:
Alliance's aims: A sufficiently desperate or brave/foolhardy hero gains a weapon. The alliance strives to create a powerful yet relatively safe weapon, and ideally (I don't know the limits of this campaign) the agent can try and interfere with this process, either corrupting it to a degree or another, or...
Agent's overwhelming victory: The newly crafted weapon is taken by the now-animate primal, who will become an asset for evil forces.