From ze diary of Gradbul ze Snak Eter:
Yestuday Bolugd searchd through da outskirtz and stumbld across yet more drow gruntz. Come on, dose knife-earz just don't kno' when to stop!
That wuz clerarly deir mistake. Ah mean, ya don't wanna stand in front of an angry swordguy, do ya?
Da foolz, they keep comin'
It's gnomez! We should be like re-e-eally careful 'round 'tis lil' guyz... They might look small, but hey, they kick azz anyway. AND THEY CAUT UZ WIT PANTZ DOWN!
Well, dat wuz ugly. About 5 orkz gщt killd, among them two warriorz, a katana guy and a brawler named Burrz... He did not even have any sharp thingz wit him. But we slayed most of de little fighterz.
Went out for a clean-up. Somebody left a pair of old sneakerz on the bridge.
Uh, zir, is that yerz?... Ehm, could Ah ask you why... Okay, ah see.
Some guy passed away a while ago... We found hiz body in da mess hall. Oh, and an old squig kicked the buckit.
One of da folkz told me there were sum people who flippd shit and such. It seemd to be fine at first, cuz ya kno', we orkz surly luv a good brawl, but 'tis one wuz no good.
Sometin' iz approachin' our gatez! Gotta take a look at it.
Oh, shit, that thing iz huge!
And... It'z a lass!?
I say, that wuz a nice spectacle! She wuz all like "come 're ya dirty green goonz ah'm gonna bash ye so hard ya nippiez", and a warrior from our side wuz all like "come closer". And then they smacked her to da ground wit one hit. Man, dose guyz and galz are hardcore.
Update! Sorry for delay, I've been quite busy recently. This one's kinda shorter then usual.
By the way, here's the dead list. I checked everyone with deathcause, just to be sure. It seems that 130 and 131 were bloody years.
Krimbur Latghakha, blowgunner, thirst
Duul Latugsrishuul, lumberjack, gnomish skrewdriver
"Burrz" Bolfimblat, wrestler, gnomish hatchet
Ama Talatkha, bone carver, old age
Ashduuk Malbaibagrogu, ork, gnomish sabre
Ashduuk Thashumkrima, dragon warrior, gnomish hatchet
Hoshnazg Pushgorbalatab, butcher, thirst